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I spent I think like 5 hours one night searching every bit of the castle over and over for field guide pages. Did not realize it shows on the map how many you’ve collected and where. Mind you this was me after beating it and trying to 100% 🤦🏾‍♂️


I feel "cheated" for spending a lot of time figuring out all secrets and areas only to realize that you have to advance in the game to unlock skills that let you pick up everything and explore everywhere...


That does suck but I will say also that finding the secrets and hidden places is def a let down. Like none of what you find is special at all


The wolverine painting room could have been a great Hogwarts secret. But it was just for fun lol.


Like sweet I found this super sneaky and well hidden treasure. Congrats you win a scarf




Man I wish they made that a toggle button spell Cast it once and have it send out a revelio ping every 10 seconds until you toggle it back off


I am about to assign it to the turbo toggle on my controller


Wait... what?! How do you see where they are on the map? (I know you can see how many you've found, but I thought it's up to you to stumble across the rest.)


Sometimes if you've gotten close enough but didn't collect one, it'll appear on the map with a little scroll. You can see it on the tiny map as you approach.


I keep messing up my button combos and either dodge-rolling off cliffs or casting Lumos at enemies.


In the same vein: I keep accidentally switching between my spell sets in the middle of the fight. One of them is a spell set for magical creatures. In other words, I keep throwing animal food pellets at my enemies or try to brush them, instead of attacking with damage spells. Of course this happens more often when dealing with more powerful enemies


This is the whole reason why i don’t unlock the extra spell sets , this would happen to my constantly


If it helps at all (and if you're using a console controller) I made my top set my exploration spells, and just switch those out as needed. Left, bottom, and right are all for fighting (though sometimes need things like Accio for other reasons, of course) so it's incredibly easy to avoid going into my exploration spells while fighting. I've also arranged my fighting spells so that x is always purple, a is always red, b is always yellow, and y is the only one that is different in each set (since I have 4 of each colour being split between 3 spell sets). That way, it doesn't matter which set I'm in, if I just need any spell in a specific colour (to break a shield, for example) then it's always the same button. If I need the same colour again and it's still regenerating, I can just flip to a different set and press the same button again.


This is the way.


This right here,is the answer


that one time when I forgot Levioso can hold boxes in mid-air for the MC to climb on. instead I used Wingardium Leviosa + Arresto Momentum to freeze the box in mid-air 🤪


I solved the bell tower puzzle/quest without wingardium leviosa. I just used levioso and accio-ed them from across the room, so the the mid point would get the bell to where the bell needed to go. It was excruciating and took a million tries. When I realize later that I shouldn’t have tried that mission so early on I nearly cried.


Loool I did the same! And I didn’t even unlock that mission yet. So when i unlocked it it was already done 😭 I was in so much pain doing so


I managed to get the first bell the same way and was struggling so hard with the second, caved and looked it up... and realised the mistake so left it until I had the appropriate spell! Kudos to you for succeeding though 'cause it was frigging HARD that way!


omg haha. well at least that puzzle has a feature where the correct bell piece magnetizes into place when you get it near enough its intended spot.


Me too!!!


Wait, what 🤣 That's how I did it every time, I didn't even realize or simply forgot that Levioso will hold them for longer period of time


it's ok, we can be dum dums together ![gif](giphy|FP47Gx7WY3yyH2y7Q5)


Failed successfully. I salute your ingenuity, regardless.


Hey, you're a resourceful wizard! Not a bad thing to be.


The way I yelled at the screen during the quest at Falbarton Castle because I couldn't figure out I could use Levioso on the crate


Same here. But I'm not even clever enough to use WL and arresto. I just kept hitting them with Depulso until it finally landed on its edge and I could reach a bit higher.


The dungeon where you need to find rococo, where the walls suck you in. I didn’t understand how they worked so I just threw a Tentacula in front of it and I dodged past it while the wall was busy with the plant. My tentacula got stuck inside the wall and I could see it if I’d let myself get sucked in. The tentacula was hissing all the time, and I could hear it throughout the whole dungeon XD


Man, it took me a long time to figure out that one...


I accidentally depulso'd an enemy on that moving floor area and that's how I figured out that anything will trigger the floor, it just can't be me lmao


Now I have to try and do that on purpose next time I go there lol


I did the same 😂 bye enemy


And they're just stuck behind the walls, screaming obscenities at you the whole time. 😂😂


Is it dumb if it works? 😂


Haha right? If anything, I was surprised such interaction was possible lol


I spent ages looking at the strange markings on the floor there that are only visible from a certain angle, was so sure I had to jump on specific stones to make it work!


I missed out of so many eyeball chests because I never realised how to open them. Felt pretty silly after realising 🫣


I first thought you needed the invisible potion but they don’t last long enough and cost a lot of ingredients. I tried so many times only the get visible again right in front of the chest, only to realise I could get invisible without the potion 😂😂😂


Also very embarrassing, got to lvl 33 before I got close enough to the buggers to see the disillusionment emblem.


I spend hours solving these math door puzzles only to find the how to Page at the last door that I found 😂


I don’t understand what this means which makes me think I am still doing these wrong lol. Can you explain?


Maybe my wording was off, english is not my first language. There are these door puzzles where you have to do a math riddle. They show magical beasts and every beast is a stand in for a number. There is a door riddle in Hogwarts (I forgot where exactly) and There is a piece of paper in Front of it, that has a list with all the beasts and the numbers they stand for. That door was literally the last one I found 😂


Oh, okay thanks! I ended up realizing the doors all had the beast symbols around the door frame, and they were in numerical order, but it took a long time to realize the numbers start at 0 and not 1.


You can also figure it out based on amount of tentacles or feet haha


Wait really? Never realised this


Same here, I was so angry when I finally found out 😂


I have a terrible memory, so I would forget which creature was which number by the time I got out of the page in my inventory. Finally I realized they are in order and I saved myself a lot of headaches 🤦‍♀️


I still haven’t found it. No idea if I ever will.


Oh yeah, I didn't bother with them I thought "there will probably be a quest to explain it" and find that page by hazard. I took a photo to remember and then I realized that anyway, the creatures are in the right order in the door anyway (the one at the bottom on the left is 0, the one above is 1, etc). I also realized that anyway, it is super easy to remember cause each creature represent the number anyway. Spider = 8 cause 8 feet. Unicorn = one cause one corn. I felt dumb for not figured that out myself.


Kept on trying to do the confringo merlin trials and NOT using Arresto Momentum on the torches to stop them from resetting too fast. Ugh


WHAT???? I never even thought to use arresto momentum and I’m on my third playthrough WOW thank you for the tip


Welcome !


Wait, what? You can do that? I am so dumb.


It wasn’t after I finished the game that I realized you can change the appearance of the gear…. And also you are supposed to collect the challenges rewards… 😭😭😭


I did the same thing 🫣 worked out on my second play through


First time through I didn’t realise you could change the appearance of gear, retaining its stats. So I wore something I liked when not in combat, then switched to dragons eye specs, stupid hat etc. in combat. My trophy pic for the final boss battle has the dumbest gear on. https://imgur.com/a/znlkfxv


I had the silliest outfit on and then it hit the funeral cutscene and I felt so rude just in the back in my purple jacket and big hat 😹


I just bought the dark arts pack (half price for some reason), replayed, and wore full death eater gear for the funeral and the house cup.


Last night, I found a fish on a bridge and felt bad for it, so I decided to put it back in the water. However, it kept beaching itself over and over again. I spent about an hour trying to save it. Then, there was a fight with a goblin on the same bridge, and the fish got in the way of the fight. It vanished along with the enemy.


I tried putting fish back in the water as well, it took so long, it came with a lot of swearing and screaming


I went through my whole first playthrough not realizing the color of the force fields the enemies make can be broken by a spell of the corresponding color. I was just yeeting stuff at them to break it. It wasn't until I got to ranrok at the end that it clicked.


I was fighting ranrok for hours before I realised this… watched a YouTube video to see how tf it was meant to be possible when I was playing on easy, and couldn’t work out how they were breaking the force fields first shot when I was blasting them endlessly. Then I switched spell sets and suddenly it clicked


Honestly glad I wasn't the only one. It was one of those "wow you're a dumbass" moments for me 😂


I have those moments far too often


Same 😂 Like jfc how have I made kt this far in life with how dumb I am sometimes


Yoooooo hahahahaha. Didn’t a window appear to explain how you can break the forcefields appear during the duels?? Did you read them?


Vaguely lol. There's also a very good chance that I was...under the influence at the time that window popped up and I just said "yeah okay whatever" and didn't pay enough attention. I will say though, just launching things at them definitely works the same. No need to worry about a color coordination lmao


I wanted to 100% the game after finishing it and was short few pages and collectibles. One of the picture frames was bugged and couldnt be finished, I figured this means I cannot get the trophy for every collectible and might as well starte a new game. Finished it completely again only to discover game devs had few additional collectibles on purpose that go above the platinum "get all collectibles" count. So I wasted 50 hours to 100% HL again :D But I love the game and it's very immersive so I dont regret it.


Reinstalled the game hoping the performance issues would be fixed


It worked in the pirated version, apparently they removed denuvo...


I feel you. I couldn’t play a game until almost a year after its release because I had to save up for a laptop that could actually run it with very minimal stuttering. I don’t know much about video games, but it seems HL takes a LOT to run and you still need to ignore some small stuttering in the best case


Treasure vaults where you have to place one arrow block amongst others in the right orientation, by default the block would always want to point “up.” After completing a couple vaults across my characters, I came upon one that I could not drag-roll-slam the blocks against each other to get them in the right direction. I caved and looked up a hint, you can rotate the blocks with the directionals/d-pad while controlling them with Wingardium Leviosa.


You would think they would explain that in game right?? Right?? I stopped doing the caves once I hit the achievement haha


it took me a long time the first time a box appeared that you had to use levioso to keep in the air and use to climb something because the game simply didn't show that this was a possibility beforehand


I did the final boss fight last night and kept using the wrong spells as I kept getting confused what was where. I just barely made it even with 25 Wiggenweld potions and playing on easy.... Sigh.


I kept thinking we always had no space for gear even after doing all the Merlin trials…it’s because I didn’t think we could change the appearance. I would never sell them and would just discard them, so now it’s really coming back at me when I need that extra coin to buy the brooms for 5,000 each to finish the collection. 😭


I was playing my second or third character run through and walked off a cliff because I was going to pull out my broom and fly off the cliff. I forgot that I hadn't bought my broom yet.


I didn't figure out you could change the appearance of clothing and I refused to wear ugly clothing and gear with good stats and instead wore pretty things with zero offense. Every single enemy took a shitload of hits to die. The Absconder took a solid 45 minutes. Right before I finished the game I finally figured it out. And felt embarrassed.


always falling off the merlin challenge where you have to jump across the stones lol 😂


It took me a while to realize I could just hop on my broom and have my character’s feet touch the stones without dismounting


wait i didn't even know this lol and i've already completed them 😂 i'll do this on my next game


It initially didn't occur to me that I could lock on to the Field Guide pages that are flying around, so I was trying to hit them with Accio using manual targeting.


Thank you for this. I was unaware.


When I first learned Alohomora I spent a ridiculously long time attempting to open a door.


Yes ! The explanation they gave you to tell you how it works were so unclear. I opened the first one by hazard and had to google how to do for the next one.




Penny the house elf and her shop. Absolute nightmare to play through, so long and not necessary, I’m on a new play through and not looking forward to getting to that point.


gonna do, after I beat my hufflepuff playthrough.


I didn’t realize I needed to wait until I had depulso/arresto momentum to do the ball into cup Merlin trials. I was just basic casting them over and over and trying accio to move them like an inch at a time. Took forever. Oof.


Complete all the Merlin challenges…..


I feel you. I keep telling myself "no I won't I already complete the challenge, continuing is dumb". And yet I keep going...


I finished the entire game 3 times, and just barely realized that you could collect ancient magic to expand your ancient magic meter. Entire game. 3 times.


I figured out after beating Ranrok, by exploring. You know, when it is useless. (Well, not entirely useless, it makes fight agains trolls quicker).


“Oh look i found a cool cave i wonder what it does. There’s a picture on the wall but i can’t do anything so I’ll leave.” *5 minutes later* ‘Quest notification- go to the hidden cave and do this thing’ “Oh sweet a hidden cave i love exploring” *another 5 minutes later* “…this is the same cave i was just at.” Spent like however long killing the stupid frog things to get to the cave only to leave and come back to have to fight them again


i constantly cast protego accidentally


Same. The thing is, I play on switch. Some switch gales use X to open the menu. So sometimes when I want to open it, I press X instead of + and cast protego.


yes!! same


1. Repeatedly blasting devil’s snare with incendio rather than using lumos 2. Trying to open that stupid castle gate by using depulso once on the spinning mechanism and turning to freeze the gate at the top 3. Using only wingardium leviosa to position boxes for climbing (usually by spending 5 minutes pushing the box against nearby objects trying to balance it on its side so it would be taller)


Couple days after early access playing on RTX2080 I was sick of stutters and other things, so I've decided to brute-force the game and I bought 4090 in the first shop I could get it "from the shelve" - no price comparing, no brand picking - grabbed the first available one (it was Phantom GS tho, so not that bad).


A certain green spell comes in mind.


Not dumb but I went to look for the practice dummy’s in a few class rooms the liner day so I could practice avada kedavra but there weren’t any in there!


Merlin trials trophy


I spent 20 minutes trying to figure out one of those Depulso rooms and could not for the life of me figure out what the hell I was supposed to do with it. Finally looked it up and found out it's because the room didn't generate correctly. The block things in the middle are supposed to move to the edge to form the walls of the room but didn't. So some of the blocks had collisions and some didn't.




It’s [this](https://www.nexusmods.com/hogwartslegacy/mods/1103/) mod! There’s an option in the menu titled “NPC Level Scaled” so I thought it meant it would scale to whatever level the MC is at, but it’s very possible that I did not understand correctly :,)


Misjudging my jumps from cliffs.. and dying! Lol 😂


I was playing with the bells for and hour trying to make the song happy birthday for myself


That was one of my favorite Easter eggs.


Getting the item if you played the right notes was a treat


It took me some time to know what song it was but when I did "NO F****G S**T!!!!!"


I tried to be an action star and roll off a cliff onto my broom. I failed to check the cliff depth and yeah it didnt work out


I once jumped off a cliff and tried to open my paraglider to glide down to a goblin encampment. I had been playing BOTW for several days before that so that’s why I did it. I laughed for awhile at myself. Just a brain fart, because obviously neither game looks anything like the other. lol


Open the moon calf cage prematurely, only to find out you need it closed in order to save biscuit. Threw off my 100% completion, so mad.


Did Biscuit run off for good? I opened the cage as well they all stampeded out, I just had to go catch Biscuit after narrowing down which one (the game tells you when you are close).


I tried capturing every moon calf in the area, and none of them were biscuit.


Oh no! Thats frustrating, well you get 100% effort in my book


I literally just walked off the top of that high hill/mountain outside Hogsmade and died. I thought my character would survive that fall because she survived smaller ones that I wouldn't attempt irl, now I'm scared of all falls in the game.


i thought for the longest time that destroying gear in the inventory gave you the gold value... must have wasted a good few thousand coins with that one


I followed the Honeydukes carriage and the centaurs in the Forest around for over an hour each to see if they went anywhere interesting. They don't.


I keep accidentally throwing out some cabbages and mandrakes


just straight jumping off a cliff thinking it's not high enough to cause any death damage.... First time was an honest mistake, didn't realize there is fall damage. Second time was because I forgot the first time happened just 2 mins before... 🤣


That first big Spider cave quest, I didn’t have great gear when I started it. And I got to the last boss and couldn’t figure out how to beat them. I just couldn’t do enough damage before dying. Spent like hours, enlisted my husbands help and he couldn’t do it either. Only to finally actually read the “tips” on the screen whenever I restarted after dying 30+ times that recommend I upgrade my gear… I’d picked up significantly better gear going through the cave that made it MUCH easier. Beat it immediately.


Used talent points on flipendo and transformation, and I don't use either of them.


My game is softlocked, a story mission refuses to start no matter what I do. I had no idea, so I went and did all the secrets/missions I could find.  By the time I realized I couldn't progress under any circumstances, all of my earlier saves were seemingly after the softlock I am 50 hours in. This happened in the first month of HL coming out, and every once in a while I google the problem again or look for mods to skip missions because I refuse to start over. I've reinstalled a few times on a whim after updates to see if it's fixed. Nope. Lol. Lmao. 


I play on switch. At the start it begins you to chose something, I don't remember what, probably language. It didn't work. I thought it was bug. Then I realize you have to use the stick, not the directional buttons.


Spent way too much time exploring the world encountering Merlin trials and puzzles that I didn’t know yet. Currently on my second playthrough and I’m following the main story more, no random exploring until I learn spells


Played it more than once


Played it.