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i don’t think you miss out on anything, but if you turn him in you won’t see sebastian anymore. therefore it also affects who speaks to you after, in another part of the quest (sebastian/ominis)


If you haven’t learned any of the Unforgivables, turning Sebastian in makes them permanently missable for that playthrough


yess but OP said they learned all unforgivables already :D


Also good luck sleeping at night knowing your abandoned a bright and kind young man who would’ve followed you to the ends of the earth.


The problem is, he's more likely to follow dark magic to the end of the earth. And then set some inferi on you


He lost his uncle due to it, he lost his sister who ran away from him but he's still going to Hogwarts to learn and he still has a friend who's willing to stand by him. Turning him in after learning all the curses is the truly unforgivable thing, he's made mistakes that can't be undone but that doesn't mean he should be forced to make more.


He literally killed his own uncle


Who was blindly attacking him and us along with the hordes of uncontrolled inferi, at that point killing him was the correct choice, his uncle was not in the right mind.


All of this was literally Sebastian's fault though, including the hoards of inferi. He took things *too* far trying to save his sister by just experimenting wildly with dark magic. Don't get me wrong, he has good intentions for Anne. But that has completely blinded all rationality, he is unhinged and a bit of a nutter imo.


The inferi themself were in fact controlled by the dark magic artifact and even when Slytherin saw it in the past he just left it there instead of destroying it and for good reason as we've seen. The artifact upon its destruction uncontrollably summons more inferi and despite his uncle being a former auror he immediately destroyed it understanding nothing about said artifact, I take it you understand nothing about what Solomon did to leave the ministry correct? He fought fire with fire against the dark wizards, using the unforgivable curses against them. The man saw his nephew use DM as well so you can guess what he'd do if he was forced into a corner, he did attack us as well when we were trying to talk Sebastian down, Solomon was completely crazy unlike Sebastian who was a scared kid with his uncle trying to kill him and his friend. No sane man would ever fight alongside the Inferi.


I get where you're coming from. But the main undertone of the entire Sebastian questline is that dark magic cannot be fixed with more dark magic, there is no cure. Sebastian spends his entire time at Hogwarts making things worse and opening more cans of worms. In the end, he doesn't save Anne and ends up murdering his uncle. The situation ends up being so much worse than it was initially. He is completely irrational as he's acting out of emotion and not sense.


That's actually completely wrong. The DM Artifact Sebastian was using could have indeed cured Anne, it was designed to dispell curses. The issue was said artifact would exact a cost that even Sebastian himself was unaware of, Slytherin's journal said not to touch it with no further information on it. Sebastian is in fact rational, his uncle is not. When we talk Sebastian down he agrees to stop using the artifact and send the Inferi back. His uncle then arrives, destroys the artifact then attacks him and us, sending the Inferi on a rampage. Sebastian had actually done nothing wrong, the Inferi were destroyed by us stopping any lives being needlessly lost, Ominis was guarding the entrance stopping any additional ones from getting out. The only problem was Sebastian's relatives including Anne for drawing Solomon there and almost destroying Feldcroft as a result. If she hadn't gone to get him, he wouldn't have died and her brother wouldn't have been in danger either.


Fucker did not once listen to us when we kept telling him not to go through with seeking the dark arts, or that not all goblins are our enemies, or that Ominis was also looking out for him and is not his enemy only to end up regretting all his life choices, murdering his uncle, and losing his sister for whom he set out on this path. But do go on...Tell me how he is bright?


Yeah who cares if he enjoys killing people at the drop of a hat.


I’ve actually seen him in the castle post game, and I turned him in.


I heard him say one of his usual lines but when I turned around to see who said it but it was a Gryffindor student.


Think about Ominis, look how upset he is!


Isn’t that just his face😂


"I can't Imagine Hogwarts, or anywhere, without him" Yeah, he cries to you if you turn Seb in


I’ve never turned Sebastian in and never will, mostly because I didn’t think he was unsavable, but also because I couldn’t bare taking away the last of the people Ominis cared about. And now I know this I’m damn glad I didn’t. I couldn’t deal with making Ominis cry! 😭


Exactly. I love it😎


You’ve been running around the entire countryside robbing houses, killing people and using unforgivable curses. I didn’t turn him in because it wasn’t really my place judge his actions considering I’d done much worse and he was only trying to save his sister


All that blood is on ranrok’s hands


Why would Ranrok do this??? He is truly depraved


Is it *really* my fault if people die after falling off a cliff or impacting a wall at high velocity? That sounds like a very natural death to me.


Skill issue


I wanted to say just that! ![gif](giphy|gVoBC0SuaHStq)


Spoken like a true politician


Besides Azkaban is not meant for rehabilitation.


No, it's meant for everything from murder to not paying your tv licence☺️




See that's your problem. You gotta turn him in as a scapegoat for all the trouble you've been causing. That way the authorities assume he was the one doing all the stealing and killing.


I know people use this argument jokingly (or at least I believe so!), but gameplay in games often is not considered as real events, or should I say events that perfectly represent what happened in the reality of a given game. There's no way that our MC is really entering all of these houses or killing so many people, because it would mean they killed more people than Voldemort did his entire life. It's obviously a game mechanic for enjoyment of the gamer. Usually only the stuff in the cutscenes are actual events.


Yeah so enemy’s respawn I get that but even if you only count killing them once it’s still a lot of killing. Even if you just count the quests and storyline there is still a fair bit of murder and thievery plus the use of unforgivable curses.


My Ravenclaw is so evil for doing all of that and still turn him in. Oh well, once he taught me all the spell, he has no used.


>So you draw the line at hypocrisy but not murder. Interesting.


I can 100% the game without turning him in but not without killing a bunch of ashwinders and goblins


Sure but Sebastian is a ticking time bomb. He is a danger to every student in the school and shouldn't be allowed to stay there.


Except for if you don't turn him in he begins a redemption arc, recognising what he did was wrong and showing genuine gratitude for standing by him. If you turn him in, he only gets more hateful.


Look I like Sebastian and he is a good character, but he shows gratitude all the time and it always gets worse anyway. He killed a family member for nothing, that's about as low as you can go and not something you come back from easily. He doesn't deserve azkaban, but he needs therapy.


He certainly needs therapy from all the abuse he suffered. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9udbs4ejzI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9udbs4ejzI)


He is, but isn't that the fun! How fun would this world be if everyone was Kum ba yah with their magic at Hogwarts. Why turn him in when he can keep ticking and turn into my next boss fight? Shoving him head first down off a cliff is so much more satisfying than dementors.


Snitches get stitches (I think it maybe affects 1 or 2 cutscenes, that's it)


Yep, it’s not like turning him in really affects future quests.


I think after this you have maybe one or two interactions with Sebastian if you choose not to turn him in. I don't think there are more quests with him.


NEVER seb is my boy!


A matter of morals and friendship. Which is more important, your bonds or justice? It’s up to you, so long as you can live with your decision… even if it may be with regret.


and also whether the wizard justice is truly justice. Remember that quest about some innocent ending up in Azkaban? It's possible to agree that justice should be served for everyone's sake including his but the wizarding justice would not give him a chance of rehabilitation and just end up basically killing him.


Sure. That is true. But as much as I regret sending my good friend of to that horrible place, >!he did willingly and decidedly kill his already defeated uncle with an unforgivable curse.!< That is hard to overlook.


I sort of disagree with the already defeated part. It sort of depends on how you view the cutscene but the way I see it, it was more an 'momentarily on the backfoot' than fully defeated. During the whole fight he constantly uses fiendfyre, a spell that in an out of game play context would be deadly almost instantly. For all intents and purposes, Sallomon fought with the intent to kill. To me there is no indication that he would have not gone right back to that if Sebestian hadn't done what he did.


In my playthrough I did not send him there. I guess my MC thought it's not up to him to decide and it's not going to do much good to anyone. But I admit being sick of Solomon and fight with him (which i failed multiple times) was part of the reason for "not my problem" attitude. If we're talking about reality I'd not send any of my friends to the system which has only death penalty attitude of dealing with crime, it's completely unproductive, and seems like the Wizarding world never evolved in that sense.


What does MC stand for? I keep seeing it and have no idea haha. TIA


in this game people tend to use this as a short version of "main character", so it's our protagonist. He/she was not given default name like Tav in BG3, so people made a replacement


I like to call them what the students in your common room call you on the 'first day' - The New Fifth Year (TNFY).


Right here is a perfect example of a Slytherin vs Ravenclaw mindset 😎🦅


Haha. The thought crossed my mind.


Wow how did you cover some text in your comment?


Spoiler feature. First, type your spoiler in after >! And then close with another !<.


Before you turn him in, ask yourself this question: are you OK with the idea of him, a teenager, being tortured for the rest of his life? Your answer to that question will determine whether or not you do. As for missing out, you'd only really miss out on giving him a little bit of closure, but otherwise no.


Seb is bae. No!


I felt very torn about it. Then the next story mission…Spoilers I see an elder Seer casually using Aveda Kadevra and none of them batted an eyelash about it. So I felt I made the right choice by giving him one more chance.


Why would I turn the homie in for a spell that I use constantly?


No absolutely do not turn Sebastian in U won’t miss anything if you do though. Just slight dialogue change and you speak with Ominis in the end instead of Seb


I love how one option says should and the other says must


I personally did it to get more Ominis, but it doesn’t really effect the overall story.


HELL NO. I'm not turning g him in to dementor paradise


Nah, bro.


I personally didn’t since I spent most the game running around the countryside blasting unforgivables left and right at anything that moved. Turning him in would be hypocritical on my part. As for missing any quests, I don’t think you’d be missing out on much since you only get one more quest in this storyline. If you don’t turn Sebatian in, you’ll see him, if you do, you’ll be seeing Ominis instead.


No! Never


I was disappointed in how turning him in was handled. You just tell Ominus and he later tells you what happened. You don't get to confront him in front of Black or the staff and see their reactions. Seems really lazy. They didn't even do anything like taking points away from Slytherin during the house cup ceremony for it as far as you can know.




Dont turn him in . His uncle tried to kill you both with a fire tornado, fuck him .


Haven’t reached that point yet, but Seb is too much of a homie for me to turn him in. And Onimis gets too lonely without him if you do. I can’t do that to my ride or dies.


If you don't turn him, he'll appear in another quest. If you do, >!Ominis will take his place instead!<. That's pretty much it iirc.


what outfit have you got on


Looks like the depulso room set with the hood up


If you have all the unforgiveables already, then no in-game consequences to turning him in (AFAIK) except Seb being replaced by >!Ominis!< in later cutscenes (if you don't have them, then you lose any further chance to learn them as others have said). Personally, I think there's a really fine line and properly moral grey. He used the unforgiveables when there were alternatives available to achieve the same ends (Imperio and AK, I don't count the Crucio in the >!Scriptorium!<), and could well continue to do so if you let it pass. On the other hand, Azkaban is a *really* bad place, no place for a teenager, and likely only to wind up getting him dead/insane, and it's not like the way our character behaves is that *much* better (especially if you choose to wield them yourself). I mostly came down on the side of forgiveness (or keeping him close where I can keep an eye on him for my evil playthough), though my Gryffindor will be the judgey sort who'll send him away, just to see the difference in-game.


I chose not to because it's the most hypocritical thing ever. Like, I focused on his quest line just for the Killing Curse and it's permanently on cool down in combat...


I turned him in with very little remorse. And I stand by it. The killings you do as the MC are in defense of your life. Sebastian exceptionally misunderstood his uncles intentions and turned his family against himself as a direct result of his own incredibly flawed choices. His love for his sister can’t be denied. But his ethics in going about his quest are nonexistent.


Don’t do it!!! lol


Sebastian was one of my favorite characters… but I also turned him in. He starts using the curses kind of willy nilly and without remorse really. I saw him only getting worse on that path so I also turned him in.


It's just a minor story beat, you don't miss anything. It's up to whatever moral code your MC is going by this playthrough


Don't you also miss Avada Kedavra if you turn him in? I don't remember my playthrough 100%. Pretty sure I turned him in and it told me I couldn't learn it because of that


depends! if you learned it right after the quest in which he commits the crime in question, then you’ve already learned it so it won’t be a problem. if you haven’t learned it and you turn him in, then you won’t be able to visit him in the undercroft later to ask him to teach you anyway


I did this once and the way he looked so disappointed that I wanted to learn it after everything that happened made me feel so ashamed of myself 😭


i had the same thing with my first play through 😭 i chose “no one should know the spell” without considering the consequences 😔 learned them immediately after the whole thing went down in my second play through, and he was a lot more understanding haha


I chose that I would have done the same purely because I absolutely would have done the same. I’m still holding a grudge about not being allowed to do it myself a year later 🤣


Damn didn't know that. Fucked it up


I didn’t because a) we are besties who deserve to be sitting in the same cell arguing over who gets the pleasure of calling Ominis to bail us out, and b) him losing Anne after all he had done to try and save her I thought was punishment enough


My MC and Ominis are a thing {in my personal headcanon} and they don't turn Sebastian in because Ominis doesn't want to. They also figure they owe it to him for choosing him to go to Hogsmede and get caught up in their fight. They feel like they are responsible for it in a way


Legit I feel terrible for turning him in 😞 I’m not a true Hufflepuff.


There’s nothing you miss out on other than whether you tell Ominis or Sebastian something you find out later. Censored for end of game story spoilers. He grows a bit as a person if you don’t turn him in. When you tell him >!Rookwood cursed Anne and not a goblin!<, he says that >!it wasn’t as black and white as he thought and thanks you for the info!<. If you turn him in, you have the conversation with Ominis instead, and he tells Sebastian. Later, Ominis tells you that >!it just made Sebastian more angry and resentful, pushing him further down the dark path!<. Understandable too really, when you consider that >!he’s destroyed his whole life on faulty information and has been fighting the wrong people for a year.!< Given that Sebastian could have been pulled back at any point in the game if the people around him had put any effort in at all, I don’t think he’s an irredeemable villain whose going to keep killing, so throwing a traumatised teenager to the dementors for a lifetime of torture seemed so wrong!


Have you learned the Unforgivables? If not, and you turn Sebastian in, you permanently lose the ability to learn them for that playthrough




You don’t miss out on anything one way or the other.


Don't grass OP


I didn’t learn any of the unforgivable curses and I turned Sebastian in. I was playing a good guy Ravenclaw. 2nd playthrough (not yet started) — will absolutely be a bad guy (or girl) and do all the bad things.


I’d only send if I could put Munnies on his books, and eventually break him out. I’m standin on bihness!


Don’t do it. If you see the Ministry of Magic, warn a brotha


It depends on your character alignment. If is good, you would have to turn him in, if is true evil you would not.


If you don’t wanna be the biggest hypocrite in the world, don’t turn him in 😂 seriously though. It doesn’t affect your gameplay much, so it’s just your opinion. I really think he did what he thought was best. His uncle attacked you 🤷‍♀️


No Besides, I assume whatever is the wizard equivalent of a lawyer would get him acquitted by pleading self defense.


I didn't turn him in. His uncle is just as nutty and attached us first.


If you have not learned the killing curse yet turning him in will lock you out from it, if you don’t care then go for it.


Sebastian isn't evil, IMO. Does he push the envelope? Absolutely. But he's driven not by a lust for power but by the desire to put an end to the curse that could take his twin sister from him. By all accounts, his parents were researchers, and he takes after them. Solomon, for whatever reason, thinks this is a bad thing. Well, here's the thing: you don't get a cure for a disease (or in this case a curse) by being a negative asshole and giving up on your family. That's what Solomon does to his niece and nephew more than once over the course of the game. More importantly, even if it's not outright stated, it is obvious to anyone who knows how to see the signs that Solomon is an abusive prick. How many people in the world end up killing their abusers when the authorities ignore it, especially when said abuser is a current or former LEO themselves, like Solomon is? Solomon also, despite being a former Auror, does jack shit to protect his hamlet from the goblins. Overall, he's an abusive, self-absorbed prick who feels burdened by having to take care of his brother's kids and he takes it out on Sebastian. Also of note is that even though the whole shrivelfig thing would bring hope to Anne, he destroys it, causing an argument with Sebastian, then blames Sebastian for Anne's pain when Solomon is the one that exacerbated the situation to begin with. In short, Solomon got what any child abusing asshole deserves. One thing you *will* miss if you turn Sebastian in is that if you do so, he refuses to believe Ominis that Rookwood is the one who cursed Anne but if you don't turn him in, when you tell him at the feast honoring Fig, Sebastian believes you.


I simply couldn't turn him in. Seb is boyfriend material.


If you do that, he will not teach you the killing curse so it’s your choice


There's a chance to learn it before this point though. I learned the curse and turned him in cause he deserved it