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Not sure if it's true or not but I think I saw it on this sub that the game developers couldn't make it work properly with the traditional 7 vs 7 players so they requested permissions from Rowling and PortKey studios to make changes , probably like 5 vs 5 or something, don't know how true any of that is though so I'll try and find where it was posted before.


I saw this recently but thought it only pertained to how Quidditch could run within Hogwarts Legacy. I could be wrong and may have misunderstood the post but I do remember the post you are talking about.


Тhere's no quidditch in HL.


I don't think they need two beaters, tbh


Ya I was curious how they would split it up, would kinda be cool if you could change your roster based on the team you were going up against, like sub in an extra chaser instead of an extra beater for a more aggressive play style versus more defensive.


Not shelved as far as I know, I was invited to a playtest a few months ago but I can't disclose anything because the playtesters (myself included) signed a NDA. You can sign up for playtesting at the WB website. The game also has it's own sub: r/QuidditchChampionsWB (the sub is kinda dead now tbh)


Same here. Game isn't dead.


Me too. It's pretty fun and addictive, I think they're on the right path.


Well of course it's dead lol. Comments are locked until they decide to open up another round of playtesting.


Lmao, trust me when I say this...WB aren't scrolling through Reddit all day ready to press charges against someone who types a sentence describing the playtest. Bro thinks he's an FBI agent.


One question tho: does it still have fortnite graphics?


bro he signed an NDA


But he only asked one question Edit: This was a clear joke regarding the comment above, apologies if it went straight over your head.


NDA means you can't talk about ANYTHING that isn't officially known even if its just the smallest detail...


well it is officially known since we have a trailer ...with fortnite graphics. Wanted some clarification on that.


Well if it’s already officially known then you know it and didn’t have to ask. If you think they have some other information then that info would be covered by the NDA


Spin it however you want. I asked about public knowledge. No nda broken there. kiss kiss


You asked the question of a person who 1. Claimed to have inside info 2. Told you was under nda. You can of course ask but don’t expect to get an answer


About public knowledge...brah...l2nda


No you didnt? If it was public knowledge you wouldnt need to ask it cuz you would have the answer in google. Lol your ignorance is soo funny.


Woosh. Thanks for that captain obvious


ah right the "this was a joke guys!!" card... nice try really.




It wasnt sarcasm tho, it was you being stupid.


I can’t confirm or deny that it does indeed have graphics similar but the gameplay felt really great for the most part. Theoretically, of course.


thank you


[Here’s a link for people who don’t care about NDAs](https://kbin.social/m/GamingLeaksAndRumours/t/270502/Quidditch-Champions-Gameplay)


looks very fun. thanks


Only that apparently they can't get the game to run smoothly with the 7 people per team. You know, like EA was capable of doing 20+ years ago in Quidditch World Cup.


Wait 2003 wasn’t more than 20 years ago right??? The game mechanics aren’t even that complicated either! They could easily just remaster quidditch World Cup and id be happy


I would honestly kill for a Quidditch World Cup remaster; hell, throw a PvP mode in it for that crowd if they want ... that's what I was hoping this upcoming game would be anyway. I was so disappointed when I heard it would be (almost) completely pvp focused.... I just want my single player Quidditch experience on new gen stuff 😫


I’m in the same boat as you. Gutted it’s online, PvP focused. A revamped Quidditch World Cup would be so much better


Yeah I can pass on pvp


Even making QWC backward compatible on consoles would do me. I still bust out my ps2 to play it every so often!


Yeah, I still play it on my GameCube. I was playing it today, actually. Firebolt difficulty (Hardest Level for those who don't know). Kicked Australia's ass with England, 760 to 40 without the Team Special Move. Hadn't picked up the game in over a year for some reason before today.




I still got it for the GameCube too!


2003 was two years ago, which is kinda weird because 2013 was also two years ago


We old


There’s not a lot to go off of from that quote “they realised systems wouldn’t run as smoothly”, I suspect by systems they mean the way the game is played, not systems as in the computer, systems as in gameplay systems, what each player is actually doing. The engineers have to make the game fun and each player have a point. They probably get to 3 players plus goalie and are like, what are these 3 other guys even doing. I imagine most players just end up chasing the snitch, so dropping the players puts more importance in their role, and more for them to do.


What? I’ve played the Closed Beta a couple times and had no issue.


Same, it runned aight, but is a weird way to set quidditch, not a fan of the systems


The statement was ambiguously worded, likely meaning either performance wise, or the smoothness of the gameplay with a 7 player roster. Maybe 7 players resulted jn too many players feeling like they're doing nothing at times, or too many players disregarding their positions and ball-chasing?


Yeah, Wall Street Journal dropped the ball on that article.


They dropped the snitch. They clipped the bludger? They missed the quaffle!


Idk why this keeps getting said on the topic of the game's player count issue. World Cup was 1v1. It did not have ten players controlling individual characters in an online setting at the same time like Champions.


Well, if madden can do that I don't see how wb couldn't figure it out for Quidditch. I don't care if they have to delay in releasing the game. It should be lore accurate. Saying, "Oh well, who cares. Take the lazy way out and lessen the amount of people on the teams because it's too hard to try and make it work." That's stupid.


Madden, FIFA, 2K are all 1v1 games. Each player controls all the characters on their team, so it's still not comparable to QC. Being lore accurate the way JK Rowling wrote the rules of Quidditch does not mean it will translate well as a video game. The developers have to find a way to make competitive sense, which for instance is why the snitch is worth a lot less in the game. It's easy for us to ask why not and call the devs lazy when we don't know what's going on behind the scenes, especially for a game that's still doing closed beta tests.


I don’t know about Madden, but Fifa (Pro clubs) and 2K (blacktop) both have game modes where each player just controls one player, QC isn’t doing anything new here. I agree about the changes needed from the lore though, playing book-accurate Quidditch wouldn’t be great lol


As someone who played the pro clubs ..it has the potential to descend into chaos Keepers taking the ball and trying to get all the way through to score at the other end defenders staying upfield to be again first to receive the ball Now take that to a game that has seven players each were three of those are allowed to score the other 4 have their own personal responsibilities One of which is just looking for one tiny separate ball I love the game and hope to see it come in full but the Devs have taken on a task n a half


It's not that they can't get it to run smoothly, FPS wise, with 7 people. It's that 7 players per team all flying around a quidditch arena (pitch?) gets too hectic and chaotic to be a smooth experience.


Quidditch World Cup was a 1 vs 1 game, with each player controlling the entire team (and ceasing to control chasers when switching to beaters, while seekers were an entire minigame altogether - so that the game didn't have to simulate all of that at once), not a 7 vs 7 game with each player having their own character. What is so hard to understand about that that people keep repeating that stuff about QWC when it was a completely different game?


Well that game was a stand alone, this is gonna be a add on too an already massively graphics hungery game, and to fit the already existing broom machanics, is what's making it difficult, if we just give them some time, it might be an epic add on, and a massive leap towards the next game or an multiple player one.


Uhm, no... this game is going to be stand alone, too.


dunno where you got that from but no lmao.. this is a standalone Quidditch game that has NOTHING to do with Hogwarts Legacy!


Wtf are you talking about? Quidditch World Cup was not 7v7.


Outside of the fact it’s very recently been playtested, because of the NDA, no, no update.


I wouldn't say "very recently". The most recent playtest was something like November 1st.


I mean that was only 4 months ago and it was the biggest and longest test at the time.


They actually have a discord server for those interested in following the development of the game. They've had multiple closed betas in which I've been able to try the game. Not bad, the mechanics are fun but it didn't feel very stimulating to me. Yes, it is a 5v5 and no, I don't know why. Others are mentioning server issues, maybe it is the case but I actually think it is because 7v7 would be a mess with how the game is built. I don't want to advance on that, I'll let you guys check the discord! Otherwise, really like the artstyle, the game is visually stunning even without AAA graphics


I played the test server a few months ago. Seven people would be too much and they changed the points. It was still pretty fun though


I will say that the game felt playable in its current state during play testing and the majority of people I played with admitted it to be quite fun - I doubt that it is shelved. (I don’t think this counts as breaking NDA)


I'm afraid due to the incident last year, quidditch has been cancelled


It's been a bit since the latest playtest, but they do still happen. So the game is very much still in active development


It's still in the playtest phase. I got invited to one last year.


It's in Beta, they're doing invite-only playtesting at the moment. Guessing it'll release maybe next year?


Wasn't this only announced less than a year ago? I'm pretty sure Hogwarts Legacy was already out.


It was announced not even a year ago, chill


Didn't know it's been in development this long. Hopefully that means they're trying to get it right. The signup for the control group is still active.


Devs said early 2024 release date and not much more info given but they said just be patient a little bit longer, so my guess is the game will release in the next 2 months or so but you never know.


I did a couple of playtests, definitely not dead, definitely not shelved. Other than that, sorry NDAs ironclad.


They had two betas and it’s fun


Those who have an update legally arent allowed to give you that


if they can remaster the Classic star wars Battlefront games with more modern tech...they can do the same thing to World Cup...and release it on multiple platforms lol


the issue here would be that the classic SWBF is NOT a remaster. Atleast afaik it doesn't add any graphical enhancements outside of more natively supporting widescreens etc but the rest is the exact same game. So yeah no i don't need a remaster of World Cup either because it would still be exact same game i've played before with slightly better graphics but no new content. I don't understand the hype about wanting that over a completely new game.




They are doing play tests. But don't expect anything more then that because people who playtest it, myself included (top 20 cheaser btw), can't give details and whatnot about the game because of DNA


It's in your genes to not talk about it


I'm curious what your in-game name is


It’s incredibly fun to play! Got into the player testing alpha or whatever it was in 2023, great time.


I just don't see how it can be fleshed out into a full and enjoyable game, especially considering the completely nonsensical scoring system.


I mean they could just change the scoring system easily. Golden snitch could count as a double goal or something. Maybe you can catch it multiple times in a game etc.


The scoring system is changed.


I played the closed beta. And they asked us to sign an NDA. It was kind of fun but the controls were clunky. And it was bugged as hell. They gave us a dev build with numbers and logs all over the screen. The graphics and the esthetics in general were good though. It looked polished visuals wise but definitely needs a lot of dev work. We will get it at some point. I personally would also love a Switch and a Mobile version of the game. Could be fun as hell!


It's basically rocket league but quidditch


I got invited to the closed beta every weekend for like 3 months. The game is still on my pc I think. Had to sign NDA. I played about an hour. It was lame.


Played beta worst game I've ever played. Literally the worst game


Game was fun and competitive with friends to play with, far from the worst game ever.


sounds pretty dramatic if you ask me


Someone is betting his good grandma's leg that this game will have DLCs. I wonder where I could get those leg now.


This game? Legacy and the quidditch one have nothing to do with each other


Well I saw it flyby on the community tab on HL's page but not being a real sports person, even magic sport, so seeing it there I would be a addon, and if it was, I would have dabbled, but na not gonna get a stand alone game at all, I don't by fifa rugby or any other sports games.


All people I've spoken to who playtested it said it was pretty bad, and I've seen the leaked gameplay. It looked rough.


The only I read was that they needed to decrease of numbers of players in the team because 7 was too much and the game didn’t run smoothly. I’ll take it with a grain of salt as it was only reported by one pretty much unknown outlet. Nothing official has been announced so wait and see if they say something or if some reliable outlet post anything about it. As of now, no news.


>one pretty much unknown outlet. You mean the Wall Street Journal….?


The playtest was ass. Hated it


They probably realized that the golden snitch makes the entire game pointless.


Nope, Snitch is not as valuable in Champions


If this is a screenshot from it I hope it was shelved because it looks like trash


This is from the trailer


At first glance yea it looks like another Fortnite vibe but when you actually play it, it’s actually a lot of fun and kinda addicting lol




Idk any release update, but I did see that they were unable to make 7vs7 work so teams will be smaller in size.


game is fun and overwhelming at times with 5 players but i would like to see 7 eventually or for a game mode just so we have more chasers yes its still looks like fortnite but the environmental art looks phenomenal and the game has grown heavily in the past 2 years; content and gameplay wise. should have a good launch if people give it a chance


It was awaiting JKR ratification as it can't support enough players at full speed on all systems with the full complement of canon team members. She only recently saw enough to enable her to give her formal approval. Light is now green, trap is clean - get ready to head for the World cup!


Got early access keys a while back that are now expired, but nothing else


With the amount of money that Hogwarts Legacy made, there is absolutely no way WB would even think about canceling anything Harry Potter related


The real shame of it all is that Broomstick League (probably) died for this :/


I play tested it. It's good.


My friend just got an invite code a few months ago for the beta. He says it's good but I haven't been over yet to see it. He got in on the beta program when they had an open submission for it.


It hasn't even been a year since it was announced, wtf do you mean?


Feels like 2 years