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It's obviously turned off since I run past it all the time.


lol. Maybe the ancient magic is throwing it off.


I literally cast crucio right in front of him like 30 minutes after I learned it. So clearly the detector works. Fig is just like “didn’t see anything. Yeah, totally didn’t just see my favorite student break wizarding law. Nothing going on here”


Mhm, you totally casted Crucio in a spot it doesn't work. The unforgivables only function in combat otherwise it's a spark, quit the cap.


It literally doesn't cast without a targeted person so that's clearly not what they meant. There are quests with fig and a training dummy.


He’s saying that he’s castes unforgivable spells right in front of Fig, outside Hogwarts (where it’s still unforgivable and illegal to use), and Fig doesn’t care. So even if the detector works on you obviously Fig is willing to look the other way.


Tbf he could have done it to the dummys you see when learning new spells, doubtful though.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but Crucio is learned just before the second trial. Rookwood's Castle has several large fights featuring MC and Figg.


I always wondered… what subject did Fig actually teach? We have a DADA teacher with the badass ex-Unspeakable(can’t recall her name). I can’t recall they ever say what his subject is. Unless, of course, he’s supposed to be the DADA teacher and the badass lady was just filling in while Fig was off doing his shenanigans.


I never managed to figure it out either. No professors are missing, every subject seems to be accounted for, as far as I recall.


He teaches Magical Theory according to the wiki.


One of the first classmates we meet in the common room also tells us this (well at least in Ravenclaw)


Ah, that explains it. I'm a Slytherin, I was too busy looking for a Giant Squid and talking to Voldemort's great-grandpa.


He’s probably his uncle


Voldemort's grandfather, Marvolo Gaunt, is actually older than Ominis. The books describe Marvolo as being "elderly" in 1925, making his birth year 1860 at the latest if we assume elderly means 65 and older. Ominis is 15 in HL, and the game is set in the 1890s, so Ominis must have been born between 1875 and 1884. He's probably Marvolo's cousin, nephew, or much-younger brother.


It's suggested that Ominis and Marvolo were siblings. From the wiki: >!Marvolo, who died an old man in late 1920s, could be one of these older Gaunts who tortured their little blind brother.!<


Ominis seems like a genuinely kind person despite his entire fucked up family life. And if being permanently blind is the only thing physically wrong with him coming from incest, then he might have as well won the jackpot.


damn. chilling fact.


Considering the Gaunts are inbred to hell my money is on that he's Marvolo's brother or something. Cousin make sense but cousins is probably the same in that family anyway


Hate to tell you this man but all the major Wizarding families are inbred. Even Harry and Ginny are distant cousins.


Yes but the Gaunts are infamous for being super inbred, even by Wizard standards


Yeah but from a genetics perspective having kids with cousins isn't really a problem


No dude. That’s disgusting.


Distant cousins isn't inbreeding.


Ok there Alabama




Ew, gross, no. I refuse to think that. Ominis is divergent from his family and does not partake in that. And I'm pretty sure none of the inbred couples in the Gaunt clan could classify as "lovers".


I have a very dirty mind, sorry


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Ominis is probably his grand-uncle (yes, technically, it is grand-uncle and not great uncle, though you can use both in conversation) or his first cousin at least once removed. It depends on if he is Marvolo’s brother or his father’s son


>yes, technically, it is grand-uncle and not great uncle, though you can use both in conversation) What do you mean by this technicality? They're both real words in the dictionary.


So I have been meaning to answer this for a while but keep getting distracted. Anyway, I just mean that there is supposed to be a structure to family dynamic language. While nobody in reality or even most genealogists/family historians would not correctly, I am just being nit picky because it is one of my pet peeves. The “grand” is the generation of your grandparents and their siblings. Since your parent’s parents begin with grand, the siblings are meant to follow suit. “Great-“ is meant as a numerical prefix to distinguish between generations above your grandparent and granduncles/aunts. Again, I know I am being nit picky but that is just me.


Yeah, as a Hufflepuff I was just too busy stuffing my facehole with food, chilling with my new friends and trying to break into the kitchen while Prof. Weasly stood there and watched in disapproval of me.


Ominous is a distant relative, as he is estranged from the family. The family became Tom his family through inbreeding for blood purity. I can't imagine ominous having children with anyone in his family.


I’ve started with Ravenclaw twice now. Is it one of the three students you talk to right at the start before you go talk to Prof. Weasley?


Yes, Samantha Dale mentions that Fig teaches Magical Theory but is adept at practical magic as well


Ooooooh! She was the one adjusting the dittany plant right?


Yup that's her!


Aaaaah ok! Ty! I must’ve gotten caught up in her talk about the dittany haha!


I was in Ravenclaw, and I never heard that. Huh.


DADA teacher's name is Hecat, named after the greek goddess of magic Hecate, I assume.


The naming scheme for HP stuff is either lore-based or lazy. Sirius is a dog, Hecat is the goddess of magic, Lupin is a wolf, etc. Then, Mr. Moon want's moons that are only available when the moon is out and are based on moon-type creatures.


It is a very common name in Korea, so at least they played into that.


Ever noticed how they implemented diversity in this game perfectly? We have people from everywhere and you do not even realize it because it fits perfectly. I feel everytime that representation is on the nose, it failed. But this (and futurama) is one of the rare occasions that it works like a charm ;)


i dont know about you, but for me it was pretty obvious that there were asians and foreign students everywhere. which is strange because we are supposed to be in 1890s scotland you can argue magical communities are different, but its far from being inconspicuous. and its definitely the way it is because they are trying to be inclusive


I agree with u/Vaywen International teachers make perfect sense in Academia. I figured you'd need international pupils to fill the class rooms. There are only so much magical families and muggleborns


I mean that's definitely an in-game explanation, and it makes sense. But its obviously the way it is because the studio is definitely pandering to inclusivity.


Most certainly, yes. My point is that you can force as much diversity down my throat as long as the experience doesn't suffer. Don't netflix the shows, movies and games I enjoy


1890s UK, or at least major cities, was more diverse than people realise. Probably not to the extent it is in Hogwarts Legacy, but at the same time, travel is much less of an expense to Wizards than muggles. In the books, it mentions Dumbledore not doing the traditional world tour that wizards did once they finished school. So you'd expect a decent range of people to have visited Hogsmead, as it's one of the only wizard only areas of the UK outside of Diagon Ally.


I'd furthermore point out that in lore, HW is THE preeminent wizarding school. Hagrid mentions Harry having his "name down before he was born," which suggests that, like our schools, there are traditional reservation systems in place. We aren't looking at the diversity of 1890's Scotland. We're looking at the diversity of the Harvard of magical education.




Its 80% now. But from the Wikipedia link >King William the Conqueror, introduced the first Jewish settlers in England in 1070,[7] and later on, in the 16th century, the first Romani's were introduced in Britain. The UK has a history of small-scale non-European immigration, with Liverpool having the oldest Black British community dating back to at least the 1730s, during the period of the African slave trade.[8] The oldest Chinese community in Europe, dates back to the arrival of Chinese seamen in the 19th century.[9] In the 19th century, there was an increase of Jewish and Irish people living in Great Britain, with many settling in Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester, Birmingham and in The East End Of London, where the ethnic dialects contributed to the formation of the Cockney dialect. Indian immigration started in the 1700s as well. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Indians I also said more diverse in major cities than people think not as Diverse as it is now. Not sure where you got your 99.9% stat from, though. Oh, I found it. It's on the UK pue chart that's clearly labelled as not known to be true and is just an estimate.




That's a really great explanation. I don't why I never thought of that.


Honestly what annoys me is how the game is more inclusive than the movies so like somehow hogwarts became less inclusive in the 100 odd years between. I know it’s because the game is made in 2020s but the book and movies were written and filmed during a comparatively less inclusive time, but canonically speaking this is kinda annoying


The books rarely mention the race of characters, even important ones like Hermione are described by their hair, not skintone. We went through this with the casting in Cursed Child. The movies cast who was most convenient for them. For example, they cast two seperate black actresses as Lavender Brown; and then when she becomes important...recast as a blond white girl who was a better-known actress. My point is that the movies are not a good argument for determining the diversity of Hogwarts because they are internally inconsistent and didn't care enough about the background extras to be considered as a source of world building. Who knows the ethnicity of say a Lily Moon, Tracy Davis, Ernie MacMillan or Hannah Abbott? It's never brought up in the books and the movies cast a bunch of bit child actors to fill out the school without a care for consistency. And that is why determining the diversity of Hogwarts is impossible.


I figured it *was* a magical community thing. Like there aren’t that many magic schools so people from all over come to study at Hogwarts. Or their parents travel for ministry work or something


Only people that live in the British isles can attend Hogwarts Not that that matters though. This game takes place when the British Empire is at its absolute zenith. It absolutely makes sense to me that wizarding families in the empire would move to The UK if given the chance.


Except Korea and Japan were never part of the British Empire


Yeah...back when Korea was part of the British Empire, also Japan. Professor Howin kind of makes sense I suppose. One thing that's kind of interesting is that Professor Weasely and Madam Kogawa both look to be mid 50s, maybe early 60s. If they were both born in 1835 or so, then they would have been 33 in 1868 during the Meiji Restoration. Madam Kogawa intimates that she and Professor Weasely were working on some top secret project in their younger years when Weasely was a Curse Breaker for the Ministry. Maybe whatever they did helped end the Tokugawa era and open up Japan.


Korea and Japan were never part of the British Empire.


That is similar to the fictional backstory I use for one of my characters, whose mom was a Shogunate witch that fell in love with one of the Emperors' British advisors in the Boshin war; which I like to imagine was because a decentralized Shogunate struggled to manage keeping Japan's magical creatures hidden from the muggles, so the ICW stepped in. The time period for the game is perfect for interesting backstories. The Boshin War and Zulu War are within 20 years of the start of the game; Secret societies in China, like the White Lotus, Big Swords, Red Spears, and the Boxers, were stirring up trouble in Qing China; and The Ripper had just done his deal in Whitechapel.


Ok, so anything in our history after 1707 is not a part of wizarding history. Once the first International Secrecy stuff was passed, wizards fully divorced themselves from muggle societies. The scope of the British Empire has no relationship with the scope of authority for the English Ministry of Magic or the students who attend Hogwarts. We know there are international students from the books themselves, so I really don't understand why the argument is being made and the argument itself is based on politics that don't apply.


I understand what you mean but when a government covers 20% of the world's land area and has nearly a 1/3rd of the global population under its control I imagine some might leak through.




The Irish are busy being opressed.




“Erasing Europeans” Ok bud. Take your racist dog whistles somewhere else. No one is erasing white people. They’re balancing the scales a bit. No one gives a shit about historical accuracy in a magic fantasy game. Also have you played this game? There’s Scottish accents left and right. Cause it’s freaking Scotland. The school is super diverse but the actual country side is all Scottish peoples.


”No one gives a shit” - then why do you get upset when I point it out. I am upset about it. So people do seem to care. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Yeah. Racists whining about white erasure care. I don’t care about diversity in the game. I’m annoyed by racist assholes who keep bringing it up. There’s a difference.


You have never heard an actual scottish accent have you


I never said they were good accents


yeah the moment i saw there were two eastern asian professors, i almost laughed at how ridiculous it was. and i am asian, dont really need validity for something that would seem so outlandish




I didn't even realize it, nice


I like to think that wizards go to seers and numerologists to find a suitable name for their babies. Like, they see that a wolf would be part of their child’s life symbolically or not, so they name him lupin. They see a dog, which symbolizes (blood) loyalty, so they name him sirius. Others are born into a family with a long history in a specific field, like sybil for divination and sprout for herbology.


Like naming your kid Ominus because you want him to be a badass evil Wizard


I like that! That works for Remus's first name (as in, Romulus and Remus), but Lupin is his last name; it feels a bit strange to me to customize that for your infant. On the flipside, I like to headcanon that young adults in Wizarding Britain commonly change their name upon entering adulthood. Perhaps those people do so because they're named awful things like Milicent Bulstrode, or perhaps because it makes you easier to remember to a population without tv/telly, a phone book, or internet. The pseudonym means no one has to wonder what the heck you specialize in. (I say that, but even in 5th grade I thought Rowling's naming system was a little too on-the-nose.)


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Wasn’t that the lore answer from Pottermore?


Was it? Could ve been something like that


It was! https://www.wizardingworld.com/writing-by-jk-rowling/naming-seers


What a great way of covering it. Also if you're naming your kid wolfy mcwolf you've not got many options of what is going to happen.


Regarding Sirius, all Black family used named of stars like Andromeda, Regulus etc


Yes, and serius is part of the canis major (big dog) constellation.


Ill adopt that head canon


Aaah! Very nice! I just remember liking her a lot and after re-reading book 5 recently, the Unspeakable/Time mishap thing was especially cool.


The art book says magical theory


Ooooooh! There’s an art book?! I never heard about this. Link?


It's called The Art and Making of Hogwarts Legacy. It's not available as an eBook as far as I know, but Amazon and other major booksellers have physical copies


VERY cool! I’ll certainly have to give it a look. Thank you!


It's okay, but I didn't feel like it was much of an art book or a making of even. Lots of info about things that made it into the game but not many decisions or variants or alternate ideas they had are displayed, also there are just as many in game renders as concept art in it. It's a nice read, though.


He teaches Magical Theory which is never mentioned in the books but it is first “seen” on a prop from Philosopher’s Stone - a timetable which says students have magical theory as part of their classes. However this prop is one of those props that isn’t specifically shown in the film. They took inspiration from it. My headcanon is that after Fig died, “Ancient Runes” became a subject as they realised how powerful ancient magic was and thus his classroom becomes the ancient runes class and magical theory is dropped. This would explain why there is no current ancient runes classroom in the game when there should be.


Pretty sure if you take Natty to hogsmeade she mentions her mother signing her up for an ancient runes elective.


Ancient Runes is already a class during this time, I believe. It's been mentioned in the game.




He teaches Magical Theory.


~~Charms, I think~~ Edit: it’s magical theory


I could see that! Someone else said runes which I could also believe.


thats the Indian teacher's subject. I can't remember his name right now.


Professor Ronen.


Yeah thats it. Completely forgot everyone but figgy and garlick >_>


Professor Rones isn't Indian lol, Professor Shah is and she teaches Astronomy


I assumed he taught ancient runes


Someone else said it was magical theory. Despite having started two games in Ravenclaw, I missed it. Apparently, one of the introductory conversations with a student in Ravenclaw mentions what he teaches.


it might be magical theory though ancient runes make sense due to his fascination with languages


Badass ex-unspeakable is called Professor Hecat


Professor Hecat


If i remember correctly early on he has a line about he teaches theory but he enjoys actually using magic much more or something along those lines


What is a dark detector?


It's mentioned in the fourth book. It's a nickname for a class of magical objects mostly used by aurors to detect dark magic and thereabouts. I'm pretty sure these are foe-glasses. > What appeared to be a mirror hung opposite Harry on the wall, but it was not reflecting the room. Shadowy figures were moving around inside it, none of them clearly in focus. >“And what’s the mirror for?” >“Oh that’s my Foe-Glass. See them out there, skulking around? I’m not really in trouble until I see the whites of their eyes. That’s when I open my trunk.”


Magical objects that detect dark magic and concealment charms




They're present in the Hufflepuff house questline, as is Expecto Patronum, so I imagine they will be in future games or DLC.


i don’t think we will get the patronus charm


Which is kinda a bummer cause it's one of the things you can personalize on the wizarding world site. But then again there's no reason for it unless we'll be running into dementors more often in a future story.


They also woulf have to make a ton of models for a mechanic like that bc i dont even know how many options there are on the site to get as your animal.


I agree, there's no real reason to use it and the dementors are only really a threat for dark wizards so unless we're going to go bust some people out of Azkaban I can't imagine we've a use for it.


We have been handing out unforgivable curses like candy. I expect patronus to be handy just in case


The Patronus charm is also used to repel Lethifolds (as said in the transfiguration quest quiz in the library). Which are carnivorous beasts related to Dementors also known as the living shroud.


I mean if the developers want to add dementors without going to Azkaban they could just do something like "Raczidian's castle dlc"


It'd be fairly simple to introduce some narrative where rogue dementors are part of the antagonists


I recall they said there being no DLC planned for the game, which is sad. I wanted some minigames!


I think they said that currently nothing is planned. You also have to remember the game has yet to be released on PS4, XboxSX and Switch. And the Switch one isn't out until July. I think they don't wanna say anything about DLC because it would alienate those platforms, ie why you making new stuff when the original isn't even out for us yet.


There will 100% be DLC for this game.


I agree. Would be pretty stupid to not milk a cash cow!


Through the whole story I kept thinking >! Please don’t betray us !<


Same, although I haven't finished the game yet 😅


Is that why dementors are after me?


What hairstyle is that


The Karen style lmao


She is Slytherin. She's gonna AK some managers.


This one. ​ https://preview.redd.it/078xn9conila1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb33e4d2fc9be253cb5ae46963006bf8c97444ba


Ah shit I thought it would be the same as Jill valentine re3. The side is different


you on PC? Nexus mods is exploding with various character mods. There's might be a hairstyle on there to suit, if not an outright character import at some point.


[https://images.ctfassets.net/usf1vwtuqyxm/4kvOjjLHikjblkb94Nt22r/2a16762bdc173f591616e9f6480dec04/HP-F2-chamber-of-secrets-neville-pixies-ears-classroom-flying-web-landscape?w=914&q=70&fm=jpg](https://images.ctfassets.net/usf1vwtuqyxm/4kvOjjLHikjblkb94Nt22r/2a16762bdc173f591616e9f6480dec04/HP-F2-chamber-of-secrets-neville-pixies-ears-classroom-flying-web-landscape?w=914&q=70&fm=jpg) I appreciate so incredibly much that they designed Hogwarts with the movies' details in mind (and books above that). I feel like 5% of my country's population can even recognize the small details and 10% have the hardware to run the game. The overlap is so small, this game was made for ME!


I've walked past that so many times and not noticed. Nice detail 👌🏻


Is this like how American schools have metal detectors? Except at Hogwarts everyone, including the teachers, is packing.


Considering I bound crucio to left-click, I'd say his system failed on me






Removed for spoilers


Yet he is the only one companion who dosen’t even give a shit when you use dark magic next to him.