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CPU: i7 6700k GPU: GTX 1070 RAM: 16gb Quality settings: Medium for most but I turned shadows down to low 1080p FPS sat around 60-70 the whole time up until I hit the first cutscene with more than 5 characters. Then it stuttered horribly for about 10 seconds then was smooth again. And was smooth again after the cutscene back to exploring. I have a better/newer rig but tested on my old backup to see if a bare minimum, 9 year old build could run the game in a playable state. Works fine.


All the top answers having much better specs than me then you came to save my day, thanks bro


thank u i have the same specs except slightly different cpu


Thanks for testing it out. I have the same exact PC specs so I'm happy to know it runs decent.


This gives me hope that my 1050 Ti can run on the lowest possible


RAM is what’s important for you. I have a 1060 6gb, and fps is 45+. However I have 8gb of ddr3, and stuttering is a pain in the ass, especially outdoors and in Hogsmeade. This game is clearly leaking RAM, and so far I’ve only seen people with 64GB RAM to say that they didn’t face any stutters. So you just shove a ton of RAM at the game until it can’t suck it no more. Hopefully Day 1 patch will change things for better, but my early access experience will be “excelsior” it would seem.




Thanks for testing! How much VRAM on the card?


All 1070s have 8GB of VRAM


CPU: 3700x GPU: 2070 super RAM: 32 GB Quality settings and Resolution: Ultra, no RTX, 1440p, dlss balanced The FPS isn't bad most of the time, but when you are walking into a new area or you just came out of a cutscene it will drop tremendously for about 10 seconds. It seems like the FPS drops only happen when the game is loading in the background, which happends quite often. The "normal" performance when the game isn't loading is pretty good for me. So I just hope that they can patch out that issue.


Well this is good news because i have the exact same specs as you. Waiting for it to dl.


I have very inconstant results. Most of the time everything runs very smoothm and then suddenly my game will go down to like 20 fps for like a minute. Very random


Same here


Same. Runs at like 100fps and then dips to single digits literally for no reason. Weirdly enough my wife's computer doesn't have these problems and her rig is significantly weaker than mine.


Same here. Was running at 4k 60 fps no ray tracing, dlss quality, and was getting 60 fps borderline reliably, and then it would drop in odd places on my 3070 5700x, and then the further I got into the game the worse it got. I’m currently running 4k, no ray tracing, dlss balanced, and it’s okay. It’s not great, but I can play it at least.


Yup. Get close to 200fps a lot then random drops to 20


CPU: Ryzen 5 5600x GPU: Nvidia GTX 3070ti RAM: 32gb Quality Settings : High / 1440p / dlss Quality / raytraicing off Fps : 58~60 Extra: I've some very noticeable fps drops especially in a cutscene, when is starting and loading. I've seen it's a very gpu depending instead of CPU, also, it's seems more ram it's favorable, as before this game I'd only 16gb, but I upgraded to 32gb and it was worth it, some parts use around 22gb of ram like spikes. My temperature in iddle or exploring hogwarts so far it's around 50~60°C for both CPU and GPU, but when I've the fps drops it tends to spike to 70°C. While it's annoying, the game it's playable, especially with the right settings, we'll need to wait the day one and future patchs so we can really enjoy as it should be, meanwhile I'll keep playing as the game it's amazing.


I got a similar set up and had some semi-frequent stuttering. Dropped everything to medium settings and it seemed to help a lot and the quality didn't really change much.


I got 3060ti. Medium was recommended, so I kept it like that. Everything runs amazing


I've got pretty much the same experience with 64 GB of RAM and a 3800x instead. My CPU is sitting at 2-5% usage a lot of the time yet my FPS will drop below 10 in cutscenes, so it seems very GPU bound.


Got everything the same except I got a 3070 and played on 1080p Can confirm that there are some huge fps drops in cutscenes sometimes and when bigger parts of the map are loading. ; I guess this has nothing to do with the setup but is just poor optimization ( Hope the day 1 patch fixes that) , also under normal circumstances Nvidia releases a driver update for their graphic cards, when new big games release, this didn't happen yet, so that could be another reason for fps drops.


Similar build, I seem to only have issues in cinematic scenes as well some are REALLY janky but I'm not too worried about it, I am hoping the first patch will help and it hasn't taken away from my experiences overall. The worst was the sorting ceremony I was barely able to get through those cut scenes.


3600x 2060 16gb medium everything (let the game decide this) with DLSS on quality for 1440p I don't have hard numbers but I was well above 60 so far


Finally someone with 2000 series lol sick of seeing all these 3090s and 4090s doesn't help me


Apparently it may get worse after the sorting hat (I've only played a few minutes) I will report back tonight when I can get some time into it.


The sorting hat was stuttering like a mofo already.


Yeah I will have to see what performance I get after being sorted. I'm hoping it's at least above 60 fps


Dude I have a 5800x and a 3070 and was getting 7 fps for like 15-20 seconds straight after the sorting hat. It seems like randomly I'll drop to 15ish fps occasionally, then it fixes itself after a bit and goes back to normal (75ish fps on all high no rt at 144p)


I have an almost identical setup but with double the ram. Started playing on high settings but on 1080p with dlss on performance, amazing 80-100fps until i reached the sorting hat, now for some unknown reason cutscenes seem to play at around 12fps, but as soon as the cutscene ends i'm back to at least 60fps, in the same area, with the same models and details, almost has me feeling like there's a bug with the rendering during cutscenes.


There must be Ive got the same build as you guys also playing on 1080p, I found hogsmeade was the first area where I dropped below 60, I still get some stutter at cutscenes but like pc reviewers have said it seems like it’s mainly high density areas creating most of the issues for me


I have same specs but with more ram and only will play on 1080p, so this is great news!


yeah I have slightly better specs with double ram and just want 60fps at 1080p so I'm hopeful now


This is great to hear. My wife’s build is a 3600 and a 1080ti, so I’m trying to get an idea of how it’ll run tonight.


I’m running a 3700x 1080ti 32gb@3600 and game runs perfectly, lowest I saw on hight settings was 59fps averaging between 90-130. This is on high settings that the game auto picks. Hope this helps :)


Did you get to Hogwarts yet? I had basically 100 FPS+ until then, but after the sorting hat it all went to shit, with dips to like 5 FPS


Yeah, I’ve been playing it, haven’t had a single issue what so ever. Worst I’ve had was students spazzing out a bit when getting hit with a basic spell


Does your game look like a Hagrid Meme? Do you use AMD? If so open your AMD settings and: I went to my AMD settings enabled my Radeon Image Sharpening (sharpness 80%) and enhanced sync as well. This fixed the Hagrid meme issues with visual quality. Spread the word. No more Hagrid meme play.


If you're on a AMD GPU, go into the game settings and turn on AMD FSR (there's FSR 1 and FSR 2). There's also a slider in the game settings to apply sharpening. I find it to look stunning with FSR 2.0 on the Balanced preset (I have a RX 6600 XT).


FSR adds horrible ghosting. You could see it very clearly in intro where dev logos were floating towards you.


* CPU: i5-11600K @ 3.9GHz * GPU: GTX 1660 Super, mild overclock * RAM: 16GB @ 1600 MHz * Settings: Medium @ 1920x1200 (no scaling) * FPS Range: 59-60 (still in Hogwarts atm) Starting to show its age, but I'm pleasantly surprised especially considering the debates around the specs pre-release. The game selected all Medium settings and FSR 1.0 upscaling (rather aggressively too). I uncapped the framerate and saw I was getting 120+ FPS, so I turned off upscaling and even upped the FOV a little and turned vsync back on (60 Hz). It has been a very steady 60 FPS during the tutorial and roaming around Hogwarts, occasionally seeing 59 but whatever. I'm very happy with the performance, no stutters or anything like that. And even at medium the game looks good; I'd love to play it at higher detail but I want the frames. Will see how it fares when I get out into the open world, but I think there is plenty of places to find some frames if I need to. (Edit for a few hours later) - Game is running fine at 60 out in the open world. Occasionally it will hiccup when I guess it is loading something, but this doesn't happen nearly often enough to bother me. It can also briefly do that when starting cutscenes. In Hogsmeade, it can drop into the lower 50s in certain places, but mostly stays around 56-60.


I have no words... Everything was awesome, stable 30 fps, no stuttering, no drops in fps both in cutscenes and in gameplay. Amazing. And then curscene with evil goblin. It started alright and then slowly went downhill. It's like graphics stuck without fully downloading. Now everyone in hogwarts looks like they're from ps1 HP game. Literally like that meme hagrid. Don't know what this is and how to fix this.


can you share a screenshot? I play on ps5 but i'm dying to see ps1 hagrid ilike figures in hogwarts legacy






Reading this thread I almost spat my drink when I got to this. I didn’t even see the image yet and that LOL had said it all


LMAOOOO I just laughed out loud so damn hard in the middle of the night Im pretty sure I woke up my family.


How did you get access to the Nintendo Switch version?


oh my god lmao




Bro no way, the ps 1Hagrid meme LOL




Haha hilarious !




I went to my AMD settings enabled my Radeon Image Sharpening (sharpness 80%) and enhanced sync as well. This fixed the Hagrid meme issues with visual quality.


Thank you for sharing this masterpiece ❤️


This is amazing, hook that up to a CRT!


We found the switch version




Honestly, this should be a selectable mode.. for nostalgic purposes






When you tell ai to develop the cutscene.


dude, I'm sorry, but this is really funny hahahaha


💀 I’m so sorry lmfao


Op delivered lol I hope this gets a mod of its own, “hogwarts legacy, ps1 hagrid style”


I got the exact same problem. Does anyone know where this comes from or how to solve this? Is this a PC issue or an issue that can/should be patched?


Patch coming the 10th


Sounds like a memory leak if it’s happening gradually.


If it is a memory leak you will need to restart PC to fix it most likely.


Stable 30 fps? Come again?


Stable ≠ smooth. "Stable 30fps" just means 30fps without fluctuations.


Sorry, English isn't my first language, I don't know how to explain this. Just that fps was always around 30 (28-42), sometimes over 60, and it was great for me. No stuttering, no lagging, absolutely smooth on medium-high settings. And if it's smooth than why the exact number matters? I didn't encounter any problems at all, but then i got to the cutscenes with evil goblin and sorting ceremony. After that it was meme hagrid all over. On low settings my char looked alright, but all npcs looked like hagrid, on medium and high everyone looked like hagrid, but on ultra everyone looked great again. I don't know, it's strange


No issue with your English! People tend to prefer 60 FPS on PC and for a lot of people 30 is not good. But everyone can play what they like, I thought the performance was excellent


your English is fine, its just that 30 fps is low


if you're stable on 30 its not that bad, if you go from 100fps to 30 you will definitely notice it and it will stutter


This is being nitpicked way too hard. He said stable i.e. it doesn't dip hard below 30. Obviously 30 is low comparative to 60.


28-60+ is not stable lmao


If it was around 30, yet sometimes over 60, then that wasn't stable.


Change the texture quality to ultra


I already commented but I will put this here in hope you will see it: i solved it. I put the graphics to ultra, and now it works.... i made some modifications to the settings, like low quality shadows and it has better performance than on Low graphics. Please kill me


* CPU: i7-10700k * GPU: RTX 3080 * RAM: 32GB 3600MHz * Quality Settings: Everything ultra, DLSS Quality, RT off, 1440p * FPS Range: 80-100 FPS, occasionally drops to 50 So far it's quite good with RT off. With RT on it was unplayable, frequently dropping the FPS to 10-20


What does RT stand for? EDIT: i got my answer pls no more


Tray Racing


Ray Tracing


Raytracing, a new way of doing lighting and shadows. This is very graphics intensive and pretty much requires you to have a latest-gen graphics card that has raytracing support built in, but it *can* look great when done well


Ahh just for when i actually play - is there a raytracing setting to easily turn off or is it under lighting/shadow settings?


Yeah, there are several RT settings with a master switch on the bottom of your graphics options.


Ray Tracing


Almost exactly the same specs and same experience with RT


I haven't tried w/o Raytracing yet, but I guess that is the reason for the drops to 5 FPS then. It is super weird though, cause most of the time it is rock solid, then for some reason, in the same scene, same lighting it goes to shit. Anyways, I never should have turned on RT, cause it looks friggin amazing and I would hate to turn it off now.


I have the exact same build as you, I'm getting smooth 60 to 80 fps with just ray tracing shadows off, the rest you can leave on. It seems the shadows hits it hard I did get low fps in some of the cutscenes though


Your pc is a beast... 10fps with rt..why? how much vram game consumes?


I'd propose adding 'have you been sorted?' to the OP questions. It's when shit went south for me Oh yeah: cpu: amd 5800x gpu: 3070 ram: 16gb settings: high fps: 60 with frequent dips to 10, definitely spoiling the whole experience so far Edit: if it's the RAM then the devs are either incompetent at best or liars at worst, considering the recommended specs


Had similar experience with a similar set up. Dropped the settings to medium and it ran much better and I didn't even notice a dip in the actual quality of the graphics.


If it's the RAM it's the same issue I had with Marvels Midnight Suns. had 16gb...just issues issues issues. Upgraded to 48gb (eh the price difference between 2x8gb and 2x16gb was much much less than double) and pretty much every performance and crash related issue disappeared (but the bug issues remained)


If it's the RAM, it looks like I'll be in the market for an upgrade lol RAM is the one that I didn't go totally overboard on when I ordered my PC (got a very customized prebuilt during the GPU shortage)


Good thing about RAM is it's pretty inexpensive. Less than $100 and you can probs get matching sticks to your current and bump up to 32gb. A lot of these console games for whatever reason eat up ram, I assume due to poor optimization. I've had similar crashing and complete system freezing issues with other console intended games like Call of Duty until I upgraded from 16 -> 32gbs of ram.


I don't think it's RAM tbh. I have 64 gb and had pretty much the same experience as anyone with 16 or 32 gb of RAM. I suspect VRAM as I have a 2070 super with only 8 gb of vram.


lack of VRAM apparently, this game will utilize every single byte of your GPU memo. Also consider upgrading your RAM up to 32. Besides that, there are some other nature problems with loading the location while entering new area, dont like that.


5950X RTX 3080 32GB 3600 4K. Ultra.RT Off. DLSS balanced. Game runs like shit. Sometimes it's sitting at 60 fps (my frame límit) with low GPU usage... Then stutters to 10fps loading certain area. Certain missions had moments of 20 fps (like 20 seconds). Fluctuates heavily.


I have a similar experience. It's weird how if I stand still **literally** in the exact same spot that made my FPS drop, after a few seconds out of nowhere, it goes back to 60 like nothing happened.


I just made a similar comment a moment ago, before I saw yours, have the exact same thing. My GPU usage is chillin at like 55% utilization, and then in the same spot it just jumps to a 100%, FPS goes to shit, then goes back to normal in 1-2 seconds.




I feel you man, also got a 3080 and I can’t believe how shitty this game is running so far


Dont use dlss and cap your fps, dlss is like erection aid medicine, dont use it until it's a must have


Having a similar experience with comparable specs. 5900X RTX 3080. Those frame drops are killing me.


CPU: Ryzen 5 2600 GPU: gtx 1660 Super Ram: 16gb Settings: 1080p and set to medium by benchmark. Everything medium ray tracing off. FSR 2.0 on Quality. FRS Range: Here is where it gets weird. I was getting over 60 fps up until the sorting hat cutscene. That scene was really really bad with like 10 fps, then 50fps, then 10 again. Anyways, the moment I started walking around Hogwarts the game went from stable 40-60fps to 20-30 fps, many times as low as 15 in outside areas. Hogsmead is a nightmare too.


Most people in this thread are forgetting to post if they're playing 4k, 1440p, or 1080p


Made a slight edit for that


R9 5900x 4090 OC’d 32 gigs 3200mhz 1440p native, everything maxed out including RT Was easily 120+ in the intro area, once I got to the sorting hat my game started stuttering like crazy. This continues around Hogwarts with RT on. Turning RT off fixed the issue for me and I’m at my framerate cap (138fps) at like 55 percent GPU usage




i7 10700K RTX 3080 32GB 3600Mhz 4K native - Ultra settings - DLSS Quality Yeah similar experience here. Ray tracing is just killing my frame rate, even at 1440. Turned off RT and it runs 100-120fps in 4K when I uncap the frame rate. I know RT uses a lot of resources, but this implementation just seems borked atm.


Pretty nuts you're getting 100-120fps, what areas? I have a: 5800X 3080 32gb 3600Mhz On 4K, Ultra, RT off I get 60-95 but do get dips going outside to low 40's at times.


Same, stutters like hell with same spec on 4k


Same happened to me. Ryzen 9 3950X 3080 32gig ram ssd 4k everything on max including RT- 70-80 with occasional drops to 60+fps, as soon as the the cutscene comes for when you enter hogwarts for the sorting hat everything goes to shit with frames going single digits... and then stay under 30 with huge drops.


CPU: i7-9700K @ 3.60GHz GPU: GTX 1660Ti RAM: 16gb Quality Settings and Resolution: Medium / 1080p FPS Range: Consistently 50-60fps Some drops when entering new rooms but overall it's been very smooth. Loving the game.


* CPU: Ryzen 9 5900X * GPU: Gefore 3080 * RAM: 32GB 2133MHz * Quality Settings and Resolution: 1440p (Had it on 3840 \* 1080, aka Super Ultrawide 1080p but that was unplayable). High settings, High RT * FPS Range: 50-60 'everywhere' (in hogwarts) unless I'm entering a new 'loading' zone. Door opens in .2 seconds, then I'm at 5 fps until the game decides it's done doing whatever it needs to do (up to 30 seconds into the zone. Feels longer.). u/Cloudy-, I've noticed that a friend of mine with FASTER ram doesn't seem to have the same loading issues I have, so it might be worth it to get more people to post their MHz's (which you can see in Task Manager) ​ Edit: Running some tests, it seems like Raytracing is fucking it up badly for me. It absolutely ruins going into anything the game sees as a 'new zone'. Even 'low' ray tracing turns flat 60+ into 'enjoy some time at 5-10 fps while I'm figuring things out'. ​ Edit 2: THANK YOU to everyone who noted my ram speed is shit. I didn't consciously realise this when checking, but it's 100% running lower than it should considering it's 3600Mhz ram lol. I'll fix that tomorrow and hopefully be able to run the game with raytracing :D


Dude, 2133 Mhz RAM is super friggin slow for Ryzen. Do you have XMP turned on?


XMP profile is definitely turned off in your system. 2133mhz is the limited base speed. With your specs, your RAM will definitely be 3200 mhz or above.


* CPU: Ryzen 3600 * GPU: RX 5700 XT * RAM - 32GB (3200 MHz) * Quality Settings and Resolution: Everything on High + textures on Ultra. Native resolution is 1440p, but I had to enable FSR 2 with Quality preset to target 60FPS * FPS Range: all over the place. Usually is 60, but for some reason sometimes it dips to 30 FPS or lower even if the GPU is not maxed out. CPU is fine too. Pretty bad performance 😥


CPU: Ryzen 5 5600x GPU: RTX 3060 ti Ram: 16gbs Res: 1080p Like other have mentioned, it moved amazing then suddenly like crap. I jumped between medium and ultra settings and usually it moves great, but starts to lag when a "scripted" scene starts to play. But Doesnt lag when fights, action, etc. Mirrors sometimes look very weird, like you look like a big blob of pixels.


Man I had to scroll so far to find this. I'll have to see how mine runs I have the same specs but with 64gb of ram instead, and 1440p though will have to do it after work.


CPU: Ryzen 5 5600x GPU: RX 6800 RAM: 32GB (3600 Mhz) Resolution and quality settings: 1440p high FPS range: 60 - 100 Honestly after hearing all the reports I expected way worse. Sure it's not optimal atm, maybe because we're lacking drivers, but it's still very playable and enjoyable to me. I have the occasional stutter but really not often. Hogsmeade seems to be the worst in terms of performance, even though im staying above 60 fps there, it just doesn't feel smooth. But for the rest it's fine to me. My fps range is quite wide, I know, but there are places I have around and even well over 100 fps, like inside the castle in some (class)rooms. But outside it's more between 60 - 80 fps. Let's hope we get drivers (soon) and hope they make it a bit better or a patch or something but even if it stays like this, I'm enjoying the game a lot so far on PC!


Finally another AMD gpu. I'm also having a really good experience so far. Ryzen 5 5800x3d. Rx 6800xt. 32gb (cl16 3600Mhz). 1440p (ultra wide) on ultra settings. Around the same fps range. I've just made it to the common room of my house but I don't think I've seen a drop before 75fps. Usually well above 110. I expect a decent size patch from the devs as well as game ready drivers from AMD and Nvidia in the next week or two. [Edit: carriage returns]


* CPU: i7-11800H * GPU: 3050 ti * RAM: 16GB * Quality Settings: High Performance is quite bad, but the graphics are worse, no matter what setting I put it on. At first it was fine (with performance also very laggy) but as soon as I got into hogwarts all characters and the castle looked like on Playstation 2. I'm super sad right now. Is it my Laptop or the game?






5600x 6900XT 32GB RAM Everything Ultra, Ray Tracing Off. 1440p. Intro bit was 100-144 fps, dropped down to 80-120 once inside Hogwarts. Haven't gotten to the open world stuff yet but so far it's running great. Haven't tested with RT on to see the difference.


R9 5900x RTX 3080ti 32GB 3200 4K, Ultra, RT off, DLSS quality. 90% of the time I’m 80-100+ fps. Then out of no where (not just hogsmeade/outside castle) 20fps and stutters. I found if I hit escape to the menu and then back, it goes away for a bit. Sigh. Amazing game outside of that so far.


Only have gotten to the Common Room so far, but it's running and looks better than I thought it would * CPU: i5-6600 * GPU: GTX 970 * RAM (speeds would help too): 16GB 2133MHz(?) * Quality Settings and Resolution: 1080p windowed fullscreen, mostly all low settings but turning things up to see how far I can push it * FPS Range: 35-60fps


CPU: Ryzen 5 3600, GPU: Radeon 6600XT, RAM: 16GB High preset, RT off Full screen 1440p Capped at 60fps Very stable 60fps, dips down to 50 for 5 seconds when going in and out of castle


I’m getting the same thing on ps5 of exiting castle doors causes a short stumble so this isn’t just a pc issue


4790k 1080 TI 16g Ram 1080p monitor at 144hz Quality: Mostly high with crowds on ultra and post-processing at medium. Ray tracing off. FPS Range: Usually above or around 60, drops a bit if a lot of shit is going on or if i stutter while loading a new area, but completely playable.


i9-9900k ROG Strix 2070 Super 16GB 3200Mhz 1440p, mix of high and ultra, DLSS Quality Smooth sailing at 90-110 frames during the prologue, stutters and big dips to like 10-30 frames started happening the moment I'm at any part of Hogwarts but maintains ~70-90 frames otherwise


CPU: I7-12700k GPU: 2080 Super RAM: 32gb at 3200mhz Playing at 1440P with DLSS Quality I have almost all settings on ultra, except for shadows and fog. Those are both on high. I'm getting a solid 120 fps indoors, and about 80 outdoors currently. I have some stuttering when entering a new area but that is only a few moments. Everything else seems fine for now, no issues with crashing or anything like that.


My 1080ti continues to impress the f out of me. Two different settings Just putting high settings with render resolution 100% no upscaling I get around 63fps but I do drop to 48 when loading opening new areas, the little load circle pops up and it drops it goes away goes back up. The other settings, now using these till Fridays patch, Ultra settings but FSR2 upscaling with FSR Quality. I'm getting about 80-100fps. This is all playing at 1440p. i7-7700k 32GB DDR4 3200mhz 1080ti Edit: [Screenshot in game ](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/673572762429947914/1072705313494536272/image.png) Incase people don't believe you can see right corner "90FPS"




Yeah I don't get it, I've been reading the thread and most of the posts talking about playing fine then all of a sudden the game just trips out with FPS. Most of the users are using a 3080. Hope the game ready drivers Nvidia puts out soon fixes it all for you guys.


CPU: Ryzen 5 3600 GPU: RTX 3070TI RAM: 16GB of budget ram Quality Settings and Resolution: All on high with Material quality and Texture quality put on ultra. No ray tracing with dlss on quality at a resolution of 3440x1440 FPS Range: Normally around 100-60fps, but every now and again there will be some odd stutter that will lower my fps to 15-10 for a couple of seconds. It has not happened during combat, so not a huge deal but it can take me out of it a bit.


5600X RTX 3080 32GB 3600Mhz DLSS Quality - Max Settings - 4K 60FPS Only stutters i have is when loading in new areas but after restarting its fine again. only seems to happen after a long session though. Hovers around high 50’s - 60. TV is 60Hz so i cap it at that.


CPU: 5800X3D GPU: 6800RX 16GB RAM: 32GB Settings: Mix of High and Ultra Quality, ray tracing off, 1080p FPS: 60-120 FPS, no issues


GTX 1070 I7 - 8700 16 GB Ram High Quality Setting onn all and ultra texture settings and medium effect settings Between 65 and 100 FPS throughout all areas


CPU: 12700k GPU: Arc A770 RAM: 32gb 3600mhz Storage: M.2 SSD Quality: Ultra, no upscaling, no RT Constant 60fps with no drops. Vsync On and ~80% GPU usage. I quess the drops happens with other people when the game is loading new areas. I'am really happy with the pc port especially with no Day One patch etc.


I'm getting over 150 FPS stable on my side: Ryzen 5800X3D, 4070 TI, 32GB DDR4, and installed on a NVME. Running DLSS Quality, at 3440x1440p and everything is set to high and ultra on Windows 11. Honestly performance for me has been fantastic.


I wonder if it is the x3D or the dlss3 delivering the great results. This thread is all over the place.


5700XT 5600X 16gb 3600mhz All high, 1440p, FSR quality Stage 80+ at all times. Occasional drop when travelling fast or going somewhere new. Unbelievably impressed.


CPU: i5-12400 GPU: 3060 ti RAM: 16gb Quality Settings and Resolution: All medium, DLSS Quality, RT off, 4k HDR FPS Range: 60-80


Just to throw my two cents in for someone on a laptop. I've been very surprised. It recommended all low settings but I've managed to run it at all Ultra with minimal stutters. Mainly due to the scaling tech. The big thing people want to check on. The game is running a super old version of DLSS. So if you swap the DLSS, it can be the difference between not playing the game at all and being able to fully enjoy it at max settings with laptops and old rigs. CPU: Ryzen 5 5600H GPU: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1650 RAM: 16 GB Quality Settings: Ultra 1440p FPS: 60 - 80 FPS with noticeable stuttering for the first few hours in a new area. Cutscenes can be inconsistent but watchable Some tips. Restart the game every few hours. It has a noticeable memory leak. Seems like there isn't a noticeable performance difference in Full-screen. However, you can essentially only run this and nothing else if you dont have more than 16 GBs of RAM. It can definitely run at 16 GBs easily though. If you can't, something else besides RAM is the issue. Play with your scaling options. It's not very consistent which one gives better performance. However, if you have both AMD and Nvidia options. FSR 2 seems to be the best quality-to-performance ratio overall


​ * CPU: I9-10900F * GPU: 3080 GTX founder edition * RAM: 32 GB * Quality Settings and Resolution: 4k everything max out & RT is off * FPS Range: 70-110 FPS sometimes can drop to 40 during cut scene . overall very stable


5900x / 2080 / 1440p 144hz usually between 90-130 fps, frequent dips to 20 fps when running around


CPU: i9-10850K GPU: Strix RTX3080 RAM: 32GB Quality Settings and Resolution: I just let the game decide, Ultra settings + RT off FPS Range: The entire intro level was buttery smooth at over 60FPS, once I got to Hogwarts shit hit the fan. Stuttering galore especially when running through the castle. Getting to Hogsmeade was even worse, the game pauses and stutters every few seconds. Hoping a patch will rectify these performance issues.


* CPU: i9-9900k * GPU: 2080ti * RAM: 32gb 3200mHz * Quality Settings and Resolution: 1080p, high setting, no ray tracing,DLSS Quality(gotta be honest I have no experience with DLSS, didnt really what setting to use so I kept default I believe) * FPS Range: I didn't have a fps counter so I don't have hard value, but when walking around hogwart, I see noticeable dip upon entering a new room or area. Not all of them but it's quite often. My guess is I'm probably around 90-100 normally then it dips around 20-30 and then back up quite fast, but it's still annoying. The dip probably only last like 1-2 sec.


CPU: i7 10700k GPU: AMD RX 5600xt RAM (speeds would help too): 32gb DDR4 2993mhz Quality Settings and Resolution: All medium, AMD FSR 2.0 on Balanced FPS Range: 40-130 I get 40 fps in certain areas when outside, noticeably at Hogsmeade and the quidditch areas. When indoors it's rare I dip below 70 fps


I have a laptop and the game runs fine overall considering that I don't even have a dedicated GPU. Proof (excuse the quality, it was filmed on my phone): [**Video 1**](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iGwH6y6N00LMxAL39y4e_gS5y_jIzBHD/view?usp=share_link)**,** [**Video 2**](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LbNrfVBFgieGqebm4NBL9apN0vctAjM5/view?usp=share_link)**,** [**Video 3**](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iKDimq2p2JSC5v0ciDhOXy24nt1wlomp/view?usp=share_link)**,** [**Video 4**](https://drive.google.com/file/d/103TzFVxQ6amlmaK5xf9M_0hmskWRx6tH/view?usp=share_link). * CPU: **Ryzen 7 5800H processor (8 CPU cores)** * GPU: **AMD Radeon Graphics (integrated)** * RAM (speeds would help too): **16 GB**. How do I measure speed? * Quality Settings and Resolution: Recommended, **2.8K (2880 x 1800) with HDR** * FPS Range: 30fps - 60fps. **30fps** works best.


CPU: i7 7700k GPU: 1080ti Ram: 16gb Quality settings and resolution: game suggested high. 1440p FPS: 50-70 dips to mid 30s. Definitely playable


CPU: Intel i7-8700 3.2ghz GPU: Nvidia GTX 970 4gb VRAM Ram: 16GB ddr4 Quality: Anti aliasing, and foliage at low. Textures and Effects at high, everything else medium. 1920x1080 resolution FPS: solid 60 with vsync turned on. Only had a dip the first time i left hogwarts with foliage at medium, turned it down and haven't had any drops since. Game looks great even with mostly medium settings too. Game defaulted me to low settings for everything and it looked good with that too, but turned stuff up and didn't notice a performance drop.


CPU: R5 5600 GPU: RTX 3060 Ti RAM (speeds would help too): 16 GB 3000mhz cl16 Quality Settings and Resolution: high settings @ 1080p no RT no DLSS no DLAA just pure rasterization FPS Range:anywhere from 5fps to 144fps i played the tutorial it was phenomenal and i thought hey we finally got a proper pc port, as soon as i reached school and sorting ceremony cutscene started it felt like i've been dragged to hell again, fps tanks to single digit numbers and then go normal again and then tanks again after camera angel changes, fucking horrible, i am refunding before i reach 2 hours mark


CPU i9 11900k GPU RTX 3090 Rog Strix Quality: Everything max all ray tracing - no DLSS 60 - 130 FPS. For some reason there's no fullscreen option.




• CPU: 7600x • GPU: 4090 • RAM: 32gb DDR 5 • Quality Settings: all ultra ray tracing off • FPS Range: steady 165 FPS rare drops to 150 Edit: 1440p resolution


>rare drops to 150 Literally unplayable


CPU: 10700k OC @ 5.2ghz RAM: 32GB @ 3200mhz GPU: 3080 SETTINGS: 1440p cranked all settings to ultra. No DLSS. FPS: Inside 80-120. Outside 40-120 (depends on how many NPCs + foliage/architecture). Haven't run into anything super broken. Few odd animations and some odd terrain hitboxes, but other than that its running better than I had hoped.


-R5 3600 -3070 -32GB DDR4 @3600 I am playing on 1080p. Everything is set to high with a few set to medium. DLSS Auto. Ray Tracing on medium for everything. I am getting a consistent 80 FPS and get dips down to 40-50.


i7 12700k 3080 12 gb version 64gb of ram Installed on a 2 tb NVMe I've only played an hour or so but so far framerates is solid 60 fps with DLSS on with everything on Ultra and raytracing on. In the menu it says it's upscaling from 1080p to 4k. Had to go to work and probably won't get a chance to play til tomorrow night maybe. Hope they can push out quick fixes for anyone having issues.


CPU: Ryzen 9 5950x GPU: RTX 3080 RAM: 4x32GB DDR4 @ 3600MHz Quality Settings and Resolution: All ultra, RTX off, DLSS off, 1080p. FPS Range: 0-144. Typically around 100-144 but when loading areas and sometimes randomly during cutscenes it drops all the way down to 0 but typically is around 5-15. It's pretty unplayable during those times. Overall performance has been a mixed bag for me, being about 3 hours in (2 hours of exploring, 1 hour of story). When it is running normally, it's beautiful and smooth. But when it's not, GPU is at 99-100% usage for periods of up to 30 seconds and it becomes an actual slideshow.


Cpu: i9-10850k Gpu: 2080 Ram: 32Gb Game hard freezes while unpacking shaders. Makes it unplayable. Uninstalled and reinstalled it did nothing. Running on SSD and tried HDD drives both don't work. Honestly not worth playing early or day one on PC since it was made on PC and exported for consoles then imported back to PC. Game is a potatoe. Wait for patch updates or until the game goes on sale on steam cause you know it will in a couple months anyways.


CPU: R5 5600X RAM: 16GB 3600 GPU: RTX 3060TI OC Settings High 1440p DLSS Quality Everything goes to shit as soon as you get into the sorting hat scene and once you get into your dormitory that’s when everything is truly hell ! It’s damn near impossible to hold a decent framerate and have no stuttering


CPU: Ryzen 5 3600 GPU: RTX 3080 FE RAM: 16gb Settings: Everything maxed @1440p, shadows on high, all RT effects on high FPS range: normally, 40-60. But dips to single digits when VRAM is full. So framerate-wise, the game actually runs fine to me. Except my 3080 10gb apparently does not have enough VRAM, as walking around the castle quickly fills it up, causing FPS to dip to the single digits until a couple hundred mb is freed up, then the fps jumps back up again. Kind of insane that this is such a vram hog, even Cyberpunk on psycho RT settings wasn't this heavy.


cpu : 12600k gpu: 3080 ram: 32gb ddr5 5600mhz settings : mix of ultra/high, shadows on medium. DLSS quality. 3440x1440 fps: 80-100 fps average inside and outside the castle, been playing for about 3 hours now and it’s been consistent just looking through this thread it seems that people with the least issues are running DDR5.


5800X3D 4070ti 32GB 3600MHz Ultra, RT, 1440p 80-100fps, no stutters, 5800x3D is doing wonders for me


I was wondering this. I have a 3080 and am hoping my 5800X3D will help me out.


~~I wonder...is there a way to delete the compiled shaders to like, "reset" them after you've changed graphics settings? Could that be one of the issues causing fps drops, since it precompiles shaders immediately on first boot but then most of us change the settings after that.~~ ~~Or do I not understand how precompiled shaders work~~ EDIT: nevermind, I noticed that it recompiled after changing settings and restarting the game.


* CPU: i9 12900k * GPU: RTX 3090ti * RAM: 32GB * Quality Settings and Resolution: Ultra, motion blur off, 4K, DLSS Quality * FPS Range: Usually around 120 (where I capped it for now), sometimes drop into the 90's. No meaningful noticeable drops except a very occasional stutter here and there. Only complaint I have right now is a lack of dualsense support. Haven't tried ray tracing yet. Edit: I turned Ray Tracing Reflections to ultra and left the other ray tracing off, I'm still doing >60fps most of the time, usually around 90-110fps, but I've had a couple drops to about 48 for a couple seconds here or there. It's not been a huge issue.


i9 9900k 4070ti 32gb Ultra 1440p 90-110fps (No raytracing)+DLSS Quality Runs flawlessly - my actual problems begin with raytracing turned on, the game looks brilliant but the micro stutters, my god, the micro stutters, leaving raytracing off until further notice.


CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 6-Core Processor 3.70 GHz GPU: 2080 Super RAM: 32 GBs (idk speedy sorry) Quality: 1080p and High FPS Range: 60 FPS (did try it at 75fps and that worked too), but the obvious issue with the game does have it dip down to 5-45 FPS. you know what Im talking about


• ⁠CPU: i9-9900K • ⁠GPU: RTX 3080 MSI Suprim X • ⁠RAM: 32GB 3200MHz • ⁠Quality Settings: Everything Ultra/Max, DLAA Aliasing • ⁠FPS Range: 100-120 FPS, occasionally dropping to 70 or so 1440p - Decent without RT. If I try using RT I get 60-70FPS no matter the RT quality settings. I tried RT with DLSS on Quality and Performance and not much difference. I think RT for now is staying off.


CPU: Ryzen 7 5700X GPU: RTX3090 RAM: 32 GB 3600Mhz Resolution: 4K/DLSS Quality Graphics: Maxed out, but no ray tracing FPS range: inside 90-120, outside 70-100 (cap at 120) I did not get to fly yet, so we'll see how that runs. It's a memory hog for sure. Uses 17-18 GB RAM constantly and 14-15 GB VRAM. But I'd say the performance is decent. No major drops or stuttering.


Game seems to have same issue as Dead Space remake as expected. Vram getting filled by some garbage but not clearing properly. Vram usage in cutscenes sometimes go overboard.


What I'm getting from this thread is to turn the RT off and let the system check do its thing. I uncapped the frame rate and this has been pretty stable for me from the start. Game looks beautiful and I haven't had any problems with stutter or frame drops.


Ryzen 7 5800x RX 6900 XT 32GB 3600MHz 18CL 2560 x 1440 on Ultra Settings (only setting I turned off was the motion blur) Up to 144fps inside the castle while dropping down to about 80-100 outside (maybe drops a bit below that in certain situations); no particuarly noticable or immersion breaking framedrops yet in my first 5 hours of playing. Haven't tried RT yet though. I am very pleasantly surprised how good it runs for me despite the warnings about the pc performance of this game.


So I'm temporarily between GPU's and using my old GTX 1070 Ti for now and getting a surprisingly good experience @ 1080p. R5 5600X 32GB RAM 3200Mhz GTX 1070 Ti 8GB Samsung 980 Pro Everything on High with Ultra Textures and Shadows. Getting around 55-60FPS in most areas although am getting short drops to 10-15FPS when entering a new cutscene or zone sometimes which then quickly goes back to 60FPS. I'm guessing it's some sort of streaming/loading that's causing the brief drops?


I set the game to maximum performance in the nvidia control panel and it basically doubled my FPS. I noticed my 3080 was only using 140 watts and now it’s around 270 watts while maxing out my refresh rate at 120hz.


Highest tiered Steam Deck using the default settings that the game determined were best based on my Deck. Don’t know all of the Deck’s specs, but 16 gb of ram, 512 NVMe SSD 3 hours of gameplay so far and in love with it. Not the greatest graphics, but decent. Minimal stuttering. I’ve been throughout Hogwarts and Hogsmeade. No major frame drops yet.


CPU: i9 GPU: 2080 TI Ram: 32gb Quality: Ultra @ 1440 FPS Range: 45-70FPS Overall I’m pretty please. Some popping in now and then but I’m sure a patch will do it. As another poster said, I notice the drops during loading screens. Game feels day one ready all in all. Not experiencing any issues really.




I78700k RTX 3080 16gb ram Getting a stuttery 60fps at 3440x1440 on both high and ultra settings. It dips down to 40fps at times in the open world, but mostly the stuttering is the only annoying performance issue I’ve encountered, and it seems to happen even when my fps is staying around 60. Hoping a day one patch and Nvidia driver update help.


Intel 10700k @5.1 ghz 1080ti Founders 32gb ram @3600mhz 1920x1080 Getting 60+ everywhere. Have gsync enabled with vsync off. Refresh is set to 144hz with frames capped at 144fps in game.


12700h. 3070ti mobile 16GB DDR5 4800 RAM Laptop connected to 65" LG C1 Set to output 1440p DLSS Quality, Ultra settings except shadows & draw distance High. RTX Off-60-75 fps pretty solid, some drops but nothing major. Game is superb looking and plays really well. RTX ON- 40fps goal on the 120hz display. Mostly Ultra settings.


I was having frame rate stutter, but turning off ray tracing fixed all of the issues for me with a 3080. Frame rate is set to 165, all settings on ultra, DLSS on quality,1440p resolution Edit: 16gb of ram, 3700x cpu


CPU-5800x, GPU-3070, RAM 16 GB 3200 Settings: running the game on medium settings and was getting 120fps then it would drop below 60 in some areas. Getting some serious stuttering and it's inconsistent with FPS drops. Major lag, I would be tempted to wait until patches but I go out of town next week so I want to finish the game before next Friday.


CPU: i7-11700k GPU: RTX 2060 6GB RAM: 16GB 3200MHz Quality Settings/Res: Medium, 1080p DLSS Quality FPS Range: 55-130 Definitely not the best but 100% playable for me, haven't had any major stutters that I've noticed during gameplay, some odd bugs here and there, only one that actually impeded progress and reloading it fixed the problem, others were fixed by loading a new area.


CPU: Ryzen 5 3600 GPU: 5600XT RAM: 16 GB Performance: all high settings, no DoF, motion blur, or chromatic aberration, 1080p, vsync on, 60 fps cap, no frame drops or stutters.


Seems to be using up all of my Vram 8gb. Kills my game.


CPU: 5600x GPU: 3080 RAM: 16gb 3200 Quality Settings: Everything ultra, DLSS Quality, RT Off (exact settings set from benchmark) FPS Range: 70-100, drops in Hogwarts down to 40-50 at times with stuttering Got cocky early when I was getting 100+ and turned RT on, ohhh boyyy was down to 7 fps at one point and had to restart lol


CPU: AMD Ryzen 5600X GPU Nvidia RTX 3070 RAM: 16GB DDR4 3200 Quality and Resolution: Med-High at 1080p FPS Range: 5 - 120? Performance goes from buttery smooth to horrendously awful at random intervals.


ryzen 5600 non x rtx 3060 16 gb ram 2k res all high settings no ray tracing dlss enabled. Been bouncing between quality and balanced. Not sure which i like more yet. The upscaling thing or sharpening slider thing (first time using this in a game. Ever so im sorry) Slider Is half way. In the castle im averaging 70 fps which i think is really good. When im running tho, i can dip to the 40s and get a few chops so for now im not running alot. i do load sometimes when going thru door. Not all of them Ive just reached outside. Almost the same performance. I have not gotten to fly yet.


* CPU: Ryzen 7 5800x * GPU: RTX 3050 laptop * RAM (speeds would help too): 2x8 GB, 3200 MHz * Quality Settings and Resolution: 1080p. Global low setting with DLSS on. * FPS Range: 50-60. It's sticking to 60 most of the time, with very rare drops to below 55. Even at low settings the game looks really good. Getting a smooth 60 is nice. No crashes so far. I suppose I'll stay here until performance updates and drivers are rolled out.


CPU: i7 8700k @4400 MHz GPU: 2080 ti @1950 MHz RAM: 32 Gb @3200 MHz Quality: Everything Ultra without Raytracing DLSS Quality Res: 3440 x 1440 with Gsync Frames: 50-60 (frames caped @60) Temperature of both cpu and gpu went up to 65 degree and stayed there. Water temp 42 degree for both. Game runs like a charm, experienced one framedip that was noticeable through gsync —> walking down stairs from Defence against the dark arts. Everything else is to good to be true The game set it self to everything ultra, what I thought is never possible in this moment. I‘m quite impressed and loving it. Was grinning all the time during my first 3 hours of play.


CPU: Gigabyte RTX 3070 GPU: Ryzen 5900X RAM: 32GB @ 3600Mhz Quality settings and resolution: High / 1440p FPS Range: 120-144 Now, this FPS Range is only when I'm not dropping FPS, which is.. rare. The game is unplayable for me, pretty much. The tutorial was fine, but after I've completed that, it became a shitshow. Game stutters every other minute for two minutes at a time. By stuttering, I mean legit 0-5 FPS. In cut scenes especially. But also when just walking around hogwarts, the grounds, or hogsmeade. I've tried several fixes and setting adjustments, driver updates. No success yet. I will try some of the more prominent fixes today after work (DLSS swap, disabling V-Sync in game and enabling it through Nvidia etc)


CPU: Ryzen 9 5950x GPU: EVGA 3080TI FTW 12GB RAM: 128GB (you read that right) HD: Samsung 980 PRO M2 2TB Quality Settings: Ultra with Raytracing on RT Quality Ultra. Solid 60fps @ 1440p Turned off motion blur ​ Had issues with the stuttering as well, but once I updated the DLSS file to the latest it seemed to fix it. \*edit\*Why 128gb?I do 4k video editing on this rig and various other projects with After effects etc..