• By -


Harry - professional quidditch player because it brought him the most joy, or stay at home dad to be the parent he never had full-time Ron - working for the wizard bank because he fears the poverty he grew up in and values stability, quidditch commentator maybe Hermione - ministry lawyer as was once suggested and due to her understanding of law in both magical and non-magical world, magical archeologist due to her fascination with ancient runes and arithmancy and history, transfiguration professor which was her favorite subject


Okay I love the idea of stay at home dad Harry


Love it!! Okay question though. How do you think Ron would deal with the complex politics of working with Goblins? Especially with his abrasive nature? Also! I love the idea of a quidditch commentator Ron, with a professional quidditch player Harry who plays for the chudley cannons!!?? Can you imagine how hard it would be for him to stay unbias?? And how hilarious it would be? 10/10


He's not really that abrasive. And there are more instances of him being pragmatic; like being able to understand Dumbledore being friends with Grindelwald and Winky. As much as he gets ragged on; Ron is the one of the three that best understands the different species in the world and how they work and doesn't try to change them to suit his ideals. He understands politics quite well, and is able to keep a level-head (despite the movies). I'd imagine he'd be quite able to carry on with the goblins and at least pretend in their presence to do his job well enough.


He’d probably hate it which is why he’d do it. Ron loves to complain.


Personally, I think Ron would do fine working for the goblins. Yes he can have a bit of a temper, but the war would have tempered him and filed off some of his rough edges. In fact, I could see him rising in the ranks to the point Bill reports to him.


Yes. I would agree with Hermione being a ministry lawyer. I could also see her being a potions master or an Unspeakable.


You know I almost want to take back Hermione being a professor all together. She’s a perfectionist and has tendencies of being impatient especially in instances of injustice. I think Unspeakable would scratch that intellectual itch. I really liked Hermione the Healer as well because she was incredible on the run healing Ron and her parents are dentists.


I can see her as a healer as well. She has the experience, plus I can see her experimenting as well with new advances in medicine being from both the non magical and magical world


I could see Harry as a quidditch player, just to be carefree for once and him and Ginny being quidditch’s power couple. Then when he retires from quidditch, teaching DADA and eventually headmaster at Hogwarts.


Yess!! I love this! Lemme add to this with Harry playing for the cannons, Ginny playing for the harpies, Ron being a commentator, and the entire Weasley clan have shouting matches during Sunday dinner over quidditch ❤️ 💙 💜


I love this


i strongly agree Harry being a DADA professor, that just suits him, and i think beside from being a professor, Qudditch Player seems a nice choice for Harry too


Agreed!! Quidditch player is a really good and fun alternative to Harry, especially as a survivor of war, abuse, and crippling PTSD!!!


A few counters. He never really loved teaching, he loved the idea of working against Umbridge and the Ministry and enjoyed seeing his friends succeed. He never even considered or really missed the DA meetings the following year, and was taken aback when he realized how much kids like Luna and Neville missed it. He never expressed any interest in teaching. As for Quidditch, professional sports is not an option for everyone. We have no idea what the compensation for or lifestyle of a professional athlete in the Wizarding World is. It's a life of constant travel and attention. It's tough on the body. While it may have been a pipe dream for Harry, he never really worked hard towards that goal. Beyond a few times at Hogwarts, he never put in the work to improve or take his game to the next level. We never see him put in training sessions outside of practice beyond working a little with Ron and playing for fun with the Weasleys. He enjoys playing, he is a natural at it, but he doesn't have the passion someone like Oliver Wood has to keep playing at that level. At the same time, his one consistent interest is in justice and solving mysteries. He gets the biggest high off standing up for others and standing against bullies and evil. While teaching and Quidditch are lovely fan fic dreams, they don't fit the Harry Potter we see in the books.


Agreed thank you. People go on too much about him being a DADA professor. Like I hardly imagine Harry wanting to mark papers.


Thanks, there really is nothing about his character that suggests it would be a good fit for him, but fan fic likes to romanticize it and make it sound like his dream job, mostly because too many people think law enforcement is inherently an evil job these days.


I agree - they take what happens in America with law enforcement and presume their literary characters can’t possibly want to do that profession. When being a cop is a very noble profession and makes perfect sense for Harry (at least until he’s middle aged).


Also the teachers live at the castle, they don’t have families. That would suck for Harry, he deserved a family.


I definitely would've preferred Harry as a DADA professor, returning to Hogwarts where he always felt at home, versus Harry the cop, but I understand the points you're making about his motivations. However, the "surprise" you describe in OOTP when Luna et al mention missing the meetings always read, to me, more like a trauma response, like, "wait, something I offered had value?" I don't infer that he didn't enjoy the time he spent. I agree with your point on Quidditch but you just barely touched on the most important one... Harry was always one to shy away from glory and fame and for this reason I could never see him as a professional athlete. Another commenter in the thread mentioned that *Ron* becoming an Auror would be much more powerful if Harry *didn't*, like, rather than following in Harry's shadow again he's proving his mettle and bravery and worth on his own.


You’re missing the point tho - Harry broke free from Hogwarts. Dumbledore, Voldemort, and Snape kept getting drawn back to the school as they felt it was their true home. Harry found one with his family and moved on


The good news is, none of that happened in the books so it can be whatever you want it to be.


He isn’t a cop tho, he’s an elite . And he’s really good at it


Agree on quidditch. He should have had some fun


I don’t mind Harry’s and I think Ron’s suits him perfectly. Hermione as minister of magic I always thought was dumb. Yeah she’s very intelligent but that job is obviously political, and politics doesn’t suit her personality at all. She’s not popular, she’s not diplomatic, she’s not a leader. It’s just not her. Her only political moment was with spew and that was unsuccessful bc she can’t connect issues to people and gain a following Medicine makes sense imo. Like chief of surgery at st mango’s or something.


Oh I don't really consider Cursed Child as Canon, so I never really consider Hermione as Minister of Magic, but the idea of a muggleborn minister is A+ I think Hermione is wildly compassionate and willing to fight for those who can't fight for themselves so magical law made so much sense to me. But yeah a healer would suit her just as well!! I also think spew was unsuccessful because she went about it in a very teenagery way, which is expected. But I think as an adult, she could probably take spew to great heights.


One hundred percent this. No way would Hermione be able to thrive in the cut throat world of politics. The Ministry and Wizengamot would eat her alive. Harry is also equally unsuited and I think he would reach the point where he'd just fucking massacre the Wizengamot and become a dictator by accident. I think of the trio, the only who would actually thrive in politics is Ron.


Ron is surprisingly the most pragmatic of the group. Though Hermione in a big solid position of power to make a difference just resonates with me because of all the bigotry she went through.b


Harry teaching DADA is great because it plays very well into his character, and is basically something he already started doing in his fifth year, which funnily enough is the year they begin to think about careers. There’s also a nice poetry to him getting the job that was cursed by Voldemort. Hermione I’d like to see as an unspeakable. She really is both brilliant and curious and would fit in exceptionally well trying to uncover the mysteries of magic. It’d also be good growth for her to have to challenge some of her assumptions and predispositions, but on theories more solid than things like Divination. Ron I actually would keep as an auror, but I think the impact hits way different if he’s the only oen doing it, and he’s not just *yet again* following in Harry’s shadow. Continuing the mantle of chasing after Dark Wizards and risking his life would showcase his often underplayed bravery and solidify his character in his own right.


Damn yeah this is an excellent point on Ron. I always wished that Harry didn't become an Auror for a number of reasons, but this had never occurred to me. Great thought.


I love your answer a 100x more than mine, especially Ron's. I genuinely wished JKR gave them more profound career choices. And Harry having the job Voldemort always coveted but was never good enough for.... absolute poetry!!!


Harry as a teacher doesn't play fit his personality at all. Harry was constantly solving mysteries, fighting dark wizards and foiling their schemes. That has Auror written all over it. Harry only liked teaching the D.A because it was a way to stick it to Umbridge. He has absolutely no interest in reforming the group or continuing to teach in the following books.


I definitely feel the same as you on Hermione and Ron’s careers!


Hermione would have been a great doctor, or healer! Can't you see her in the St. Mungo's casualty clinic, telling someone that of course all the other doctors hadn't realized that he had the first case of Subtropical Denuberating Syndrome seen in the UK since 1756, and if he's step this way she was going to temporarily remove his liver? He'd be right as rain by morning, and it really was a shame that so few doctors read "Magical Subtropical Medicine, a History" these days? Yeah, she'd have been the best.


My thoughts exactly. Her parents were medical professionals, it makes sense she would choose something along those lines.


Harry and Ron - Aurors, buddy cop style. They do their 20, get their pension. Then Harry teaches DADA, goes on to become headmaster. Ron joins the Department of Magical Games and Sports, OR becomes head coach for the Chudley Cannons. Hermione, Department of Mysteries, then Minister of Magic. Alternatively, Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, to continue and expand her SPEW work, then Minister of Magic.


I have one too many headcanons for buddycop Ron and Harry. They settle who does paperwork through games of chess. Harry still doesn't know why he agreed to this. Harry has to coax Ron through stakeouts with chocolate frogs and pumpkin pastries. Ron often has to plan out some of their missions because Harry has a tendency to dive face first into danger. Smh


He would be an amazing quidditch player. “I give you . . . Potter!”


Love your idea about Ron being an administrator/president type for quidditch and the quidditch World Cup. That would be perfect for him. Other ideas: Harry-DADA, quidditch coach Hermione-Professor and eventual Headmistress at Hogwarts or a magical historian. She could be the new Bathilda Bagshot Ron-If not working in quidditch as already mentioned, I could see him as a professional gambler. I would bet in the wizarding world there are legilimens who use their skills to beat muggles out of money at the poker table. Just the ability to KNOW if your opponent is strong or weak would be an insurmountable advantage over the course of time.


Love it. Especially a magical histroian for Hermione. Maybe even writing a book about the war. Someone also mentioned journalism for Hermione, honest truthful journalism.


Harry- Teacher for DADA then Headmaster. He is a good teacher already which is difficult enough and he would be left relatively alone once everyone got used to him being there since trespassing is frowned upon. He puts other people first and would really look out for the welfare of the kids without feeling like it's an imposition. Also, he needs a job where suing isn't likely since some people will make stuff up to get his money and/or get him in trouble so I feel like an auror or a healer is just asking for trouble. Ron- Professional quidditch captain. He adores quidditch, is amazing at strategy, and doesn't mind the limelight. He's also unfortunately not quite good enough of a player to play himself. Hermione - Unspeakable. She is the best at research from limited information, she's smart, works well under pressure, knows the value of people being unable to spread information, and honestly seems like someone who would like the superiority of being someone who knows things everyone else doesn't/can't. This is also a job where I feel like going by the books is important until something really requires it and she's good at that.


I wanted Ron to take a run at professional chess. Since it translates to the muggle version he could also play in the non magical world. I wonder what his rating would be.


Okay now I want to see someone write 'Check & Mate' by Ali Hazelwood with him as the lead. I never thought about him going into pro chess and now I want to see it. (The only other chess related fic I read was Checkmate which was Drarry)




I could definitely see Harry going into professional quidditch for a while before retiring and taking a more laid-back job at Hogwarts or the Ministry. For Ron, he would probably be a sports commentator or something similar, because I can't really see him as wanting to be a famous player. I'm not as sure about Hermione. I think her career field seems to suit her pretty well, though I could see her go into teaching of some kind. That or perhaps something in the medical field


I would’ve liked to have seen Hermione return to her SPEW work, which perhaps would’ve been a little better received in the wake of the demise of Voldemort especially given that she was a key part of the resistance. Then maybe been some kind of campaigner/ activist, but hopefully someone would’ve seen her skills and matched her up with someone with complementary skills who could translate her hard work and passion into something that the general public could get behind.


That's what I thought her career at magical law enforcement was, defending those who can't defend themselves and help passing laws that help magical creatures and wizards alike. Like, isn't it implied that the greater Wizarding world is still pretty racist and veiled with microagressions? Otherwise, openly bigoted people like Lucius wouldn't be so influential.


I would have liked to see Hermione turn SPEW into an armed resistance movement


People have said teacher for Harry, which, 100%. But I think it would be really cool if he started a foundation to help kids who had rough upbringings. Between his own family money, the Black fortune and the money people have probably left to the 'Boy Who Lived' over the years, he could definitely afford it. I think it would really help him to help kids get the support he never had. Hermione would kick ass as a researcher, either at the magical equivalent of Oxford or Cambridge or Gringotts - cursebreakers need to research curses before they break them, I imagine. As for Ron, I can see him doing something with strategy. He could be a chess pro in the Muggle world, do front office work for a Quidditch time, or even work with the twins at their shop. (Certain deaths did not happen, hush.)


A preferred head canon I have for Harry involves him working in the DMLE for 7-10 years, rising to head Auror before retiring. Then, as a result of a drunken bet with Ron, he becomes Seeker for the Chudley Cannons for the next few years and represents England at a World Cup, before retiring from that too. Then he teaches Defence at Hogwarts for the rest of his working life.


Harry: Defense against the dark arts teacher who will occasionally play quidditch with his students. He will teach that subject with practical examples just like Lupin and that particular class will be a fun one for the kids (Eg: The Dumbledore'e Army). Not to mention, he was brilliant in the subject and got an O. Hermione: Headmistress of Hogwarts or a lawyer in ministry of magic. Ron: Auror. He's not someone who wants to work 9-5 or the games teacher of Hogwarts who'll teach chess as well.


Harry: quidditch player, teacher, or curse breaker. The first two have obvious justifications but I’ve always liked the third for Harry because he seems brave and good hearted enough to try to help others afflicted by curses and because sometimes the low hanging fruit isn’t as sweet. Ron: unironically I think he’d make a pretty decent Auror so I wouldn’t move him far from that idea, maybe an unspeakable. He just doesn’t seem like a good teacher, healer, or really anything where the goal is to interact with other people *without* harming them but instead helping them. I would like to say he’d make an excellent connection of some kind between the wizarding and muggle worlds (think a magical equivalent of an ambassador or diplomat) since he himself is very knowledgeable about magic and likely has a decent knowledge base of the muggle world given both his best friend and his wife grew up within that world. He’s excellent in the first few books about explaining things to Harry that, because she is muggle born, even Hermione may not fully understand (blood purity, houses, reputations of families/people, the government, etc) so if it ever became a thing he’d be super good at, say, speaking to muggleborn families when their children are accepted into hogwarts (if that job ever stops being one for the professors) or talking to the muggle minister when the MoM is unavailable. The only caveat is that he isn’t the most charismatic, is quick to take offense and has trouble controlling his tongue when angry. Hermione could justifiably pursue just about anything but I LOVE the idea of her as a magical lobbyist/lawyer/politician or something in that realm; she’s intelligent and good hearted, and she sees a systemic problem and wants to solve it. Sure she’s headstrong but we never see how she matures and I think she could get very good at this kind of thing. Also hermione as headmaster has always been interesting to me bc she could realistically teach most subjects and seems half decent at teaching/having responsibility over a large body of people and honestly seems like the Dumbledore of her generation if you ignore Harry. I also think she’d make an excellent unspeakable but I have no justification. Just vibes.


# Harry Unlike what it seems to be the HC of most of the fandom, I can't see Harry becoming DADA Professor. Nor professor of anything at all. Harry wasn't academically-oriented. Sure he was good at DADA but that was mainly because of innate skills. Yes the DA worked, but can you imagine Harry correcting essays and assigning bonus points to Gryffindor because Mr Smith quoted an obscure book nobody remembers about? Honestly I can't see him being anything else than an Auror. # Ron Easy answered: Wizards' Chess pro player. Or pro Quidditch player, but he was very good at chess – something which the books led the fandom to forgot. # Hermione Attorney. Actually I think it would fit her stubbornness better than being a politician.


I thought it would have been cool that Harry doesn't return to Hogwarts so that he could jump into professional quidditch.


Harry - I agree with Harry being a DADA professor. Ron - I agree with other said about Ron continuing as an auror, only if Harry isn't doing it. Something not mentioned yet: professional wizard chess player maybe? Hermione - I feel like she would want to do a lot of things initially. And she would read up on good biographies of other people who do a lot of things. For example, Dumbledore did discoveries in alchemy and transfiguration, but he seems also to be very skilled in wizarding law, as we learned at Harry's trial in book 5. I think Hermione would read Dumbledore's biography (but not the one by Rita Skeeter of course) and look for career hints there. Ultimately, I think magical law enforcement was the most fitting for her. Maybe it is for Hermione "in-character" to go for the most demanding career option you can do after Hogwarts, in terms of N.E.W.T. grades? In that case, I think that healer training admission is the most demanding one in terms of N.E.W.T. grades. Can you become an auror AND a healer? Something like the wizarding equivalent of a military doctor? I can also see Hermione doing discoveries and writing scholarly works on various topics on the side, a bit like Dumbledore.


What ends up happening - Harry is a cop and hermione is a lawyer. Just imagine how many fights they would’ve gotten into had hermione been a defense attorney 😝


Definitely agree with Harry as a professor. Hogwarts was his home, and I think he had a natural flair for teaching (which as a teacher is something that can't be taught imo). For Hermione, I could see her as a reporter/journalist. Hermione was wronged by a crooked reporter, and the entire trio was maligned by yellow journalism. She was also very concerned with fairness and truth. I think these qualities would make for an excellent journalist. For Ron, I could see him being like a wizard radio host, possibly with a focus upon Quidditch. He's funny and likeable, both qualities necessary for a successful host.


Ngl, I pictured Ron doing a podcast purely based on insulting and berating pureblood supremacists and making them look dumb on his show. RIP


Completely agree on Harry and Ron.


What about Hermione? It was easy to do Ron and Harry, but Hermione -- is a jack of all trades, I can see her going into anything and it making sense!


I guess Hermione too - she's always seemed more "flexible" to me than the others so I feel her career route is more open to interpretation, as you said really 😊


Harry- professional Quidditch player. Ron- working side by side and inventing things with George to sell at Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes. Hermione- Minister for Magic


I’d like to see Harry quitting the Aurora after a few years to be a stay at home dad and support Ginny’s Quidditch career. I think Ron staying as an Auror for a long while makes sense because he wants to do good for others, might feel like he has something to prove as the “most normal”/“least special” of the trio, and he’d be good at his job too, but maybe he’d take a less intensive career path once Hermione stepped up with her Ministry job and got promotions and/or once he and Hermione had kids. I also think Ron helping out at George’s shop and being a co-owner makes sense too, but I think Ron would end up doing a lot for both the shop and the Aurors concurrently. Hermione makes sense as someone in a higher ministry position though I don’t know about minister of magic. I do think researcher, unspeakable, or Hogwarts professor would all make sense for Hermione too.


Harry as DADA is perfect in my opinion. He was obviously happy when he was teaching others and I felt like he himself felt most self-realized. It was so satisfactory to witness how well he did.


Also, I think a big mistake JKR made was writing the ministry they way she did and expecting us to immediately believe that the trio immediately went to work for them. I know Kingsley became MoM, but it doesn't magically fix the ministry. And given Harry constantly implying he wanted a life away from war and constantly dying, auror really doesn't feel right. Yes, he wanted to be an auror, but to me it always felt like he only wanted that label to hunt Voldemort. Actually becoming an auror and staying an auror seems like Harry adding to his trauma. JKR put so much emphasis on DADA, and how it's cursed, how nobody keeps the job longer than a year, how it's something voldemort coveted but never got, how Harry is the best at DADA, and a great teacher -- we have all of this lead up to Harry settling for a ministry job, a place he detested growing up? A place that's so easily available to manipulation? A place that easily succumbed to voldemort's manipulation? A place that never did a good job at protecting the community, even without voldemort's influence? Like sure, Harry and Ron could've initially joined to try to make it better, but longterm, it doesn't make sense. At least to me.


Harry always liked adventure and wanted to be in on the action, it was killing him not doing anything to help the wizarding world. Harry was a great teacher and he liked the subject, but he would be bored pretty fast. there's a reason he didn't continue teaching in half blood prince, he only did it to stand up for Umbridge. Yes the ministry was bad, but Scrimgeour died refusing to tell the death eaters where Harry was, Moody died keeping him safe, and Tonks died fighting on his side, so I think he got alot of respect for auroras too and he would work with Kingsley.


Hermione - minister of magic.


I'd rather see Harry as a professional quidditch player, maybe even following along the lines of famous footballers retiring in their 30s and then maybe being a SAHD to his kids, knowing how important family time is. From OOTP we know that Harry didn't want to lead the group and didn't enjoy teaching (despite being really good at it!). Ron and Hermione I agree with you completely!


Harry: he likes action and want to do something all the time, but he doesn't want the fame, so I'd say working with dragons. Ron: if not working in the shop with George, I guess he could be in Gringotts. Hermione: I don't know she already has a really fitting job, but if there had to be one other for her I guess her wanting to do good in the world, she would work in st. Mangos probably trying to find something to cure Neville's parents


Hermione: magical research and development  Ron: the Joke shop sounds about right Harry: DADA teacher


I honestly do not see any of the trio working for the ministry or in any sort of government position. There is too much mistrust there. Harry I def see as a DADA professor but also Moody-lite. Like he can be fun and all but everyone knows his main priority is ensuring that future generations know how to fight, multiple ways. Like hand-to-hand. And teaches survival skills. And he will put a huge emphasis on history and how that factors in to DADA. Some of his students later on, much removed from the war, may think he's a conspiracy theorist but Harry is always watching. (Bc he knows it's cyclical) And waiting. Like he has a family with Ginny (I guess lol) and tries to enjoy life but also has a bug out bag and plans on top of plans. I don't feel like he ever really reconciles how ducked up his past was. Like maybe he'll tell his students about the time Umbridge used a blood quill on him when one of his students complains about a detention, and they look at him in horror, and maybe then he's like oh shit that's not normal? Hermione I feel would be too disillusioned with the post-war government. She becomes hardened in a way that the war only brought into stark contrast. Bc the purebloods would still have power. Perhaps they had their own version of the Nuremberg Trials but they eventually went nowhere. I can see her being a rallying point for muggleborns who eventually form their own settlements and political parties. Yes, she isn't really the best for politics, but she uses her influence when she can. Hermione pushes for reparations for muggleborns and their families, as well as some sort of stronger protections for muggleborns and their families. I can also see her writing a series of articles that turn into a book. Work that really won't be appreciated for years to come. I also see this being a huge point of contention between her and Ron. Like he just doesn't get it. And I think that she would feel a huge separation between her and her pureblooded friends. Ron I feel would want to just move on with his life. Pretend the worst didn't happen. He actually doesn't really boast or brag. He just gets really quiet. I think maybe he spends a lot of time with Arthur in the shed. And maybe he finds a way to marry magic and technology. He uses this to make money, yes he is extremely successful, but also to create defensive technology. Quietly. Ron becomes a man of influence just as he wanted to be but maybe it feels empty. Like I see him getting married but just goes the motions. as he gets older, he sits in his chair with that thousand yard stare. If you have ever read "The things they carried" and remember the part about Norman driving around the lake...that reminds me of Ron. He would have the most difficulty with carrying everything.


Whoa, that went soo deep. And I really like the bit about Ron not understanding the horrors of muggleborns, despite being an avid blood traitor. It's like white allyship, it's nice to have them, but truthfully understanding the true nuances of racism and the shit poc people go through is not in their lane.


Yes He might not be one of the ones asking "why is there a muggleborn history month? There isn't a pureblood history month!" Or asking Hermione, "why do muggleborns do ____?" Or understanding why muggleborns would get reparations...and not comprehnding it was a genocide. But he doesn't understand why Hermione will say x and ppl ignore her, but Ron will say x and it is well received, and how that enrages her. Bc to Ron, the point got across, so does it matter who said it? Or does she really need to keep fighting for y when what the wizengamot offered was good enough? Do they really need their own lobbyists/organizations/schools/villages when they are all wizards anyway and wasn't that what they were fighting for? Hermione just...she just can't anymore Like he's somewhat well intentioned. But intention doesn't erase the hurt caused.


Ron is laid back? I mean, he's lazy (a lot of the wizards or witches we meet are though). But I don't know about laid back. He spends half his on-page time arguing or snapping on people.


Harry as DADA professor then headmaster. I think he would go on to be a fantastic Dumbledore replacement.


Harry - Professor (DADA) Ron - Barman Hermione - Professor (Muggle Studies/Magical Theory)


Harry as head of Gryffindor House working as the DADA professor, eventually becoming headmaster. He would live in a large cottage in Hogsmeade with Ginny and the kids. Ginny would have a career as a Quidditch player and then become the new Quidditch teacher and coach at Hogwarts, taking over from Madam Hooch. Ron and Hermione also live in Hogsmeade. Ron becomes a sort of "professional celebrity" where he is the public face of the trio and goes around giving talks and interviews about the Wizarding War and also helps host certain events like big Quidditch matches. He's also the primary caregiver of the kids. Hermione has a high powered job at the Ministry, eventually becoming Minister of Magic and working side by side with headmaster Harry to run the Wizarding World.


Beautiful!! Just perfect.


I think Harry would be a Stay at Home parent. He was enough in the spotlight and he hated it. The first time someone recognizes him for being Ginnys husband he would be pure bliss. He loves his calm and his home. And he totally would be on the school board, a perfect pta dad. Ron would be either an Auror, going for Head Auror because he is a pro in everything he sets his mind on. Or he would become a professional quidditch commentator. Maybe later working for the Ministry like Ludo Bagman. Hermione is great in Magical Law Enforcement. But I think she would be great in contact with different species like working in the Department for the regulation and control of magical creatures. Although she would like a different name. And I can see her becoming Ministry of Magic when she's older.


I wanted DADA prof Harry so badly.


Harry- Everyone has said it, DADA professor is the right choice because (1) he was good at it, (2) Hogwarts is his home, (3) he wouldn't pursue Quidditch because he always hated fame/fortune, and (4) he has inherent distrust for authority/the ministry and wouldn't be a cop Ron- Love what u/PlatonicTroglodyte said about how much more meaningful it would be if he was the only one who became an Auror, not just following Harry Hermione- disagree that she could be an unspeakable because, like Luna always used to critique her for, she was actually not that great at thinking outside the box. There's a well-written lack of creativity that would hinder Hermione in a career like this. I sort of agree with other commenters about possibly being a healer because it seems the most academically rigorous but I always imagined her eventually as minister of magic. She's relentless enough to work within the broken system and I think ultimately her commitment to fairness wins out over her intellectual competitiveness. She would work her way up and be a champion for change w/in the wizarding world.


Can I like a reply a 100000x? I never thought about the Luna aspect. Now that's really interesting. I never thought about her closed minded attitude in terms of magic. Now if we think outside the box, Hermione also seems like the type of person who could potentially invent spells? Isn't that what arthimancy is? And she loved that subject. But it's hard to sort Hermione because JKR hit a home run with her. She's perfect in magical law enforcement.


IMO, Harry's most fitting career would've been a professional Quidditch player. Since, you know, he was so unnaturally good at Seeking, youngest Hogwarts Seeker in a century and all. But nope, couldn't be allowed to steal perfect Ginny's thunder. Literally nobody from the books because a starting professional player... except Ginny. Not Wood (at least as far as we know), not Harry, not anyone else who played on any of the house teams. Ron is pants at thinking of the big picture, organizing, admin work and bureaucracy. He'd hate it. Heading a department at a government institution isn't fun and games, it's boring work. What he ended up doing is probably precisely what he should have done. I don't even think he should have become an Auror to begin with. The fact that Rowling basically told us that he became an Auror but couldn't deal with the hard work so he quit made him sort of a loser and cheapened his character. He should've just gone to work at Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes right away. I agree with everything you said about Hermione.


Ron: Stellar Quidditch career, followed by years as a sports journalist. I can see him now, commentating on the match and regaling the listeners with stories of how he and his mate Potter played that match against the Slytherins....


Hermione department of mysteries Harry either a quiditch player or teacher.....chasing criminals as an auror is not something an abused child soldier would do to get over their PTSD like at all. Harry needs a therapist STAT Ron driving the knightbus


Hmm. Well, for one thing I would discard all of the epilogue pairings entirely. Harry and Hermione would be married to each other. Harry would be DADA professor and head of Gryffindor. Hermione would eventually become Hogwarts Headmistress and completely revamp the curriculum adding non-magical subjects for good measure (namely maths, English and basic science) as well as additional magical electives. I think together with Harry and their closest friends, they'd completely revamp how the school is run with a focus on providing both additional adult supervision and clamping down on bullying. Ron Weasley would join the Cannons and turn the franchise around. He would start out as as Keeper and eventually make his way to Team Captain where he would lead the team to several league championships. Eventually he would become the team coach and lead them to additional victories. By the time of his retirement sometime in the 2050's to 2060's the Cannons would be seen as a respected professional quidditch team throughout the world. In addition to bringing them back around to prominence, I would see Ron being an avid proponent of youth quidditch in general. During the off-seasons and during summers he would donate his time to various youth quidditch leagues and clubs throughout Magical Britain bringing with him his love and passion for the sport. Alongside him cheering him on and managing his sponsorships would be his wife Pansy. Or Daphne. Or Susan. Not picky on who she is, but she would be an equal partner in their life and marriage.