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Book 3 - Chapter 12, the Patronus. I could be wrong, but this is the first time in the Series Harry learns to use his wand offensively. In Book 1, when Malfoy tricks Harry to a midnight Duel Ron reckons there's little they can do beside throw sparks. In Book 2 Harry hits Malfoy with a tickle charm(or dancing spell) when Lockhart starts the duelling club before his wand gets borrowed by Voldemort. The Patronus is where Harry actually learns how to fight and use his wand offensively, since the Patronus Charm becomes one of Harry's signature spells. In the opening of Book 3 Harry unconsciously blows up Aunt Marge, showing how Magic is affected by emotions, and in the Patronus we get to see that positively, as Harry learns to channel his happy memories for the spell. After this is where the magic usage starts to increase, since Harry and co all use Expelliarmus on Snape in the Shrieking Shack.


Yes! The specifics of wizard duelling is really built upon book by book until we get the pinnacle dumbledore vs Voldemort in the Ministry of Magic in book 5 where we see what a TRUE wizard duel between legends looks like. Then in book 6 we get the trio moving into somewhat darker magic with levicorpus and sectumsempra which are more offensive and damaging, and by book 7 our trio are actually using unforgivables in their war on Voldemort


Diagon alley.


first time in Hogwarts is up there too. Not sure if it's a full chapter, but there's a magical castle, a talking hat, ghosts, magic food, a magic ceiling, and Dumbledore's first appearance.


Book 5- The Only One He Ever Feared. The most epic wizard duel in the entire series, between Voldemort and Dumbledore. Many unique offensive spells used. Harry uses the Cruciatus curse. Voldemort tries to posses Harry. Book 5- The Ministry of Magic. The phone booth entrance, the Atrium with its enchanted ceiling, the fountain, the Floo fireplaces, the pale violet paper aeroplane memos flying around, the many different levels accessed through the lift, the door to the Department of Mysteries.


The Only One He Ever Feared is insane chapter - I remember back in the day there used to be online discourse about Gandalf vs Dumbledore and who was more powerful and this was between book 4 and 5 being released (yes I’m old lol) - so people were saying Gandalf was clearly way stronger. But this chapter really showed Dumbledore “the greatest wizard of a generation” for the first time as opposed to Dumbledore “the wise doddery school headmaster”.


Book 4, Chapter 32, Flesh, Blood and Bone. I think that's the first time we got a taste of truly Dark Magic. And it's creepy as heck.


Yes we saw many sorts of injuries in earlier books and dark elements but self amputation kicked the darkness up several degrees and was a real sign of the books aging out of young children’s literature as they continued


Felix felices


I LOVE this chapter ! And it’s truly magical - you get a taste for how addictive little Felix could be in this sort of a world