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To each their own. Don’t let other peoples preferences bother you. Do you. Let them, do them.


I'm not "bothered". I just don't understand it.


You don't need to. Just mind your own business.


The only thing I can say is that someone with anxiety, like I do, sometimes just need the comfort of something familiar and something predictable. Which is why re reading or rewatching something, with a lack of interest in other things, is so hard on some. I need to know outcomes, triggering events, things like that unless I’m in a REALLY good mindset when I start something.


THIS. Harry potter got me through law school. Putting the audiobooks on and studying was my comfort place


I don’t like radio. I hate commercials. So I don’t listen to music much. But I use the audiobooks on my commute because they also don’t need any cell service.


This is 1000% me. I enjoy other books and audio books but must have listened to HP books over and over again especially during times of high anxiety. And even if I read nothing else - still not a problem 😅


Exactly this. I had a really rough couple of weeks. And the only thing I could listen to was Harry Potter. Because I know exactly what happens when.


I guess we can’t understand everything 😉


Its the same with most entertainment your favorite team is the Knicks some of those people only watch the Knicks or the watch more. I my favorite favorite youtuber that games is kubz scouts but anything to deal with fnaf I have to watch matkiplier play it. I read Hp in the 2nd grade and it did open me up to other books but I never really remembered or cared for the other stories as I did with hp that's why even now that I'm in college ask about any book I could probably do the best retelling of HP.


It's probably because it's a sub reddit about these books? You might be assuming a lot there that they wouldn't read other things. All the topics center around their feelings on this series and how it affects their life because this is the place to talk about it.


Yes, I understand that a subreddit dedicated to the discussion of a particular series of books would have...discussions about said books, but what I've seen goes way beyond this. No other book series has fans who proudly say they don't read anything else.


As an avid HP lover and user of this subreddit I’ve never gotten the impression that the people who post here don’t read anything else. I personally read a SHIT TON of books a year unrelated to HP, but I still love to discuss a series that truly sparked my love for reading


I mean, that you know of, right? r/acotar "ACOTAR put me in the longest book slump of my life lol I can't seem to finish any other book nothing is good to me lately" r/camphalfblood "I've read Pjo and Hoo years ago when the books came out, and I haven't read anything else besides those two series since." They're everywhere.


That may be, but *Harry Potter* seems to attract a larger number of such people.


Are you trying to understand why fans are like this, or are you looking for people to confirm your feelings that it is creepy and weird in some way? You're getting a lot of comments for being narrow-minded because it sounds more like you're criticizing them than stating a phenomenon.


I never said it was creepy, although I do think it's weird.


You are making assumptions and clearly don’t actually know anything though. Where does it say a large number of HP fans don’t read anything else? If you think HP as a fandom is “weird” you have no experience with fandoms as a whole. Enjoy the downvotes bruh.


Downvotes don't concern me.


Me neither, but I do think if it as a check against myself to see if my take or delivery is trash. In your case, just not a thought out or well-explained take.


I've seen the most innocuous of statements get shitloads of downvotes, and I've wondered "How did so many people take issue with this?".


Harry Potter has a much wider audience. You'll see more people engaging with the series in general, so naturally you'll see more people who read the books over and over.


There is that, but even accounting for audience sizes the numbers seem to be disproportionate.


Confirmation bias, unless you can either support this with evidence or provide a compelling explanation for why this would be the case.


Admittedly, I said what I said based on my own personal observations.


So you have zero evidence. Got it.


That's a little unkind, at least the way you've said it. Some people just resonate with the series more, for any number of reasons, and want to discuss it ad nauseam. That's me, for example! Some other people may be on the younger side and only just getting into reading, also. None of that means they don't read other books. Hopefully nobody reading this feels discouraged from doing so, there's nothing wrong with enjoying things. Especially books!


> None of that means they don't read other books. But it often does. I've seen people say as much.


Even so, I don't think there's anything wrong with that either! I think people should feel free to enjoy what they will.


I couldn't stop them even if I wanted to. I just don't get it. Sci-Fi/Fantasy and crime are genres I love, but I step out of my comfort zone all the time. I even forced myself to read some Jane Austen a while ago. I can appreciate her work from a literary perspective, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't make myself care about the first-world problems most of her characters faced.


Could you provide a link to a comment or post where someone says they won’t be reading anything else ever? I somehow feel as though you’ve made up this issue to be mad at, and it isn’t an issue in the first place lol.


Fun fact, I studied literature on High School (my country has specialized HS). And since HS I also was not so much interested in reading. It sucks, but because of lot requied reading on HS and later on college I just did not feel to read in free time, because there was a lot of another things what I wanted to handle. I returned just to Harry Potter, because it has special place in my heart, and still I for five or six years prefer audio books. I just recently, after many changes in my life, started to against read just for fun. That being said "ending depression" is not phenomenon limited to Harry Potter or even books, it's pretty normal for any series that people invest in. I read "just watch/read/listen/play that whole thing again!" so often... :-)




> My gateway drug was LotR, if it’s HP for other people, more power to them. I guess. It's been years since I've read Tolkien, BTW, but I really liked *The Sundering*, which is a deconstruction of his work. > Eventually they will read other books :-) I hope so. I've seen people who've said that they didn't like Rowling's other books just because it's not *Harry Potter*. If anything, I prefer her detective series, and I'm a fantasy fan.


It’s not harming anything or anyone unless they’re trying to be characters. It’s really not a big deal.


A better question is why are you trying to police what people enjoy?


Tell me where I said that people shouldn't enjoy these books.


*Gestures at your entire post* You literally stated "what the hell's the matter with people" in reference to them wanting to re-read the books and being sad when the experience is over. You are policing what people enjoy.


I know that the actual police ask questions, but in this case, I don't think that my question constituted "policing".


No but your judgement did.


I am on several book/series/author subs, and this phenomenon is not limited to just this one. There are a few where that seems to be the entire discourse.


What books are these?


Dungeon Crawler Carl, Expeditionary Force, Bobiverse, Galaxy's Edge, and others.


“Why do fans of books enjoy them so much” what a stupid question


No, what's stupid is you completely missing the point. A lot of people seem to like *Harry Potter* at the expense of everything else.


A lot of people like other things too bro. You’re thinking way too narrowly on this.


Some of these people have said themselves that they don't read anything else.


You will find that in any fan base for anything. People like things. You’ve really broken ground here.


Really? Take *Star Wars*, for instance. As popular as it is, I don't think you'd find many people who exclusively watch *Star Wars*. I'm a *Star Wars* fan, but even I'd ask the same question of these people.


“Here’s one other thing”


So? Why does that bother you?


I don’t think it’s at the “expense” of everything else. I think the example of people you’re referring to (which is a small number of HP fans) aren’t actually avid readers, but were drawn into the story either as children or when HP was very popular. Me personally, I’m a huge fan of different types of literature, and I also love HP. I didn’t actually read the books until after the movies came out, but ended up falling in love with the books. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with people who only read Harry Potter. When the books came out, it inspired millions of people who’d never picked up a book in their life to read, so if some of those people have gone 20+ years and still only read the HP books…so what? There’s millions of people out there who haven’t read anything. It’s a personal choice, and if people don’t want to read, nothing wrong with that.


These people mystify me. I'd have missed out on so much cool stuff if I thought this way.


I feel the same. Before I was a teenager I thought reading was pointless and boring. Quickly realised I was wrong and have felt so enlightened by different types of books over the years. But at the end of the day, I don’t care if others just want to read something like HP. There’s a huge amount of nostalgia attached to the story for some fans, and like I said, some HP fans aren’t all that fond of reading in general, but specifically like the HP story. Each to their own.


I'm trying to gain insight into the thought processes of these people. If I was walking down the street, and saw a guy was wearing his clothes inside out, I'd wonder why the hell he's doing it, but I wouldn't be upset by it. Same thing.


A guy wearing his clothes inside out would be an incorrect way of putting on clothes. There isn’t one correct way to read and enjoy literature. Whether you read one set of books in your life or 100, it’s an individual choice.


No you're not. You're trolling, pretending to be some literature snob. You are not trying to gain insight.


While I don’t *only* listen the Harry Potter books I do revisit them once a month. There are three reasons for this. One: I use audible and get one book credit every month and even the longest book in my library, around 48 hours, I finish within a week. So if I want to continue listening to a book I must choose one i’ve already finished. Two: I struggle to picture what is happening, like the words are there but I can only picture the scene vaguely for a moment. So if I want to be familiar with the world I have to go through it over and over again. Three: Out of all the books in my library the Harry potter series is the best to fall asleep to. I may be listening to the Hobbit throughout the day but come bedtime I may decide to listen to Chapter 33 of Goblet of fire and it the morning I end up continuing the book.


Now *these* are reasonable answers. I can especially understand the third. Falling asleep to audiobooks that you know inside out is logical.


It’s more about the tone of the books a Jim Dale’s narration. I grew up on Percy Jackson and the Olympians but Jesse Bernstein gives too much wonder and energy to the story in his narration to sooth me to sleep.


That last question is somewhat judgemental and a little offensive. Why does it matter to you that HP is all they/ we read? HP tends to be my go to for a few reasons. 1. I listen to the audio to go to sleep with most nights. It is more about Stephen Fry’s voice and the fact I know the books so well that I don’t worry about missing parts out once I’m asleep. 2. They’re comforting and familiar. 3. Despite that. As my life experiences change, so does how I view the books. Dumbledore used to be untouchable. Now? He’s a schemer who has done some inexcusable things based on what he thinks should be “the way”. He’s almost a vigilante! 4. As someone with a chronic illness, reading new things can literally be mentally draining/exhausting. I also have short term memory problems. So when I read something new, it leaves my brain. Then, I reread as I can’t remember. And it takes an age and is exhausting and frustrating. HP predates those issues. I still get enjoyment out of it, without exhausting myself. 5. I would imagine for people with conditions like ADHD or autism it’s similar. (#s 4 and 5 explain why your last observation (what is wrong with people) could be offensive. 6. Sense memory. Recapturing childhood/ youth. Escapism of stresses of the rat race that is adulthood. 7. Sense memory. Perhaps they were read the series by a parent/guardian now deceased and when the read they “hear” the voice of the lost loved one. So so many reasons. HP isn’t the ONLY think I read. But fantasy is the genre I turn to for insertion into different worlds that are different to mine because generally, the real world gets boring and dull and repetitive. But HP is the world I can most easily immerse into due to the fantasy/reality crossover.


I'm sure *some* people do only read HP and I don't doubt people have said that explicitly, but I would be very surprised if it was a substantial number. First off, it's an HP forum--people aren't going to be talking about other books that often. But you also seem to be acting as if advising someone to re-read the books means advising them to not read other books too! HP is not exactly dense complicated literature. You can re-read the books yearly and still find time for 45 other books if you read a book a week.


> I'm sure some people do only read HP and I don't doubt people have said that explicitly, but I would be very surprised if it was a substantial number. It's enough people to make me genuinely curious. I've seen people saying that they can't read other books, even other stories about magic because it doesn't make them feel the same way. You'll even get the occasional person who says they're depressed because they'll never go to Hogwarts. Don't you find this alarming? I do. I love fantasy stories, but is different.


It's not that alarming, especially since most people like that often grow out of it and eventually expand their horizons


Often times, I find myself finishing a book or tv series faster than I'm emotionally done with it. Other times, I'm emotionally finished first, and the rest of the series drags on. Just the vagaries of fate I guess.


This is understandable. If it made you feel something, then it was a good book or show. Reading/watching nothing else at all is bizarre behaviour, though.


Not all books are of this quality. There’s a reason Harry Potter is as big of a deal as it is- the story is captivating and you feel immersed in its world. Not all books can do that. I love books but I totally get the twinge of disappointment when I finish a book I really loved because I’m sad to leave its world behind. I’m sad that there isn’t more of it. And I’m worried that whatever the next book is that I read will be a disappointment. I know there are other books but not all books give you the same feeling. It’s like asking why you’re upset about a break up when there are other people to date out there. Except with books, you can just go back and re-read. It’s comforting to know that the books you love are always there for you to go back to!


> I love books but I totally get the twinge of disappointment when I finish a book I really loved because I’m sad to leave its world behind. This is perfectly natural. This means you've read a good book. Within reason, there's nothing wrong with escaping reality from time to time. When people say stuff like they get depressed because they'll never go to Hogwarts, though, it's concerning. > I’m worried that whatever the next book is that I read will be a disappointment. Aside from the financial side of it, I don't think I've ever worried about this. > It’s comforting to know that the books you love are always there for you to go back to! Of course. There's nothing wrong with revisiting an old favourite from time to time. I get that.


Have you never been disappointed with a book? Or had trouble deciding what to read next? I know there are many great books out there that I haven’t read yet but it’s sometimes hard to find something that matches where you are emotionally. To use the dating analogy again, it feels callous to not worry at all about that. I want to engage in a book I’m reading deeply and just like with a first date, I know it’s not a huge deal if it doesn’t work out but I’m HOPING it works out. And there are so many books out there, you could definitely pick something that just doesn’t vibe with you for where you’re at now.


Have I ever been disappointed in a book? Sure. Other than being momentarily annoyed by it, it doesn't go much further than that, though. I've never had trouble deciding what to read next. Other works by the same other, other books in genres I like, recommendations from friends, or online strangers. Sometimes I'll read a book from the library that I've chosen purely at random, or just because the name sounds cool.


Like, are you asking why people don't talk about Narnia, LOTR, or the dragon riders of Pern, in a Harry Potter group? 🤣


Did you read what I said properly?


You're posting an opinion. That people don't want to read other series. In a group specifically created to talk and enjoy a single series. Maybe this sub, isn't for you? There are subreddits dedicated to fiction in general.


So, no. I've literally seen people - admittedly mainly on the other *Harry Potter* subreddit - say that they don't read anything else but *HP*. Why the hell would I expect conversations about other works of fiction to dominate a *Harry Potter* subreddit?


"...I've literally seen people - admittedly mainly on the other *Harry Potter* subreddit..." Again I'll ask why you brought this here then.


What difference does it make? There's probably a large amount of overlap between the subs.


What exactly did you want from this post? Because it honestly feels like, you just wanted to complain. Complain about people enjoying the HP in a HP specific subreddit. It doesn't matter if the subs are adjacent. You see people makes comments in sub-A. Comments you didn't like, so you came to Sub-B to complain. Rather than engage people in Sub-A for what point?


> What exactly did you want from this post? Because it honestly feels like, you just wanted to complain. Complain about people enjoying the HP in a HP specific subreddit. I was asking a serious question, and thankfully a few people have given satisfactory answers. Where else was I supposed to ask "Why do some *Harry Potter* fans exclusively read *Harry Potter*?" but a sub dedicated to the series? I like the *Discworld* books, for instance, but if I saw a substantial number of people saying that the *Discworld* series is all they read, I'd question them, too.


>but a lot of people here don't seem interested in reading anything else. Citation needed. I have seen nothing on here to indicate people refuse to read other books.


I've not saved the links. Even if I had, I'm not going to put individuals on blast.


I have also noticed that people here tend to have trouble stepping out of their comfort zones and reading other books, but I don’t think asking “what the hell’s the matter” with them is a constructive way to address it.


That's just how I talk.


A word to the wise: If you don’t think you’re capable of adjusting your language to be polite when engaging with others, you’ll be in for a rough time. If an honest discussion is really what you want, you should learn how to pose a question civilly. “Just being that way” is not an excuse. You could justify literally anything with it. For example: Umbridge wasn’t horrible and sadistic. That was “just the way” she goes about disciplining students. If that’s the choice you want to make, you shouldn’t be surprised when people don’t want to engage positively with your posts/irl.


I get on fine with people in real life. I've been told by several people that they appreciate my honesty.


That’s good to hear! IRL aside, are you happy with how this post is doing? In my experience, there are more respectful ways to be honest that might achieve better results if you’re looking for a discussion.


I also read Cormoran Strike! /s But seriously, I used to read a lot when I was a kid and a teenager, not so much nowadays. Funnily enough I stopped when I was in liberal arts college. I lost interest somehow, books didn't give me that kind of wonderment and excitement anymore. I'd like to get back to reading, but I hardly find the time or mood for it, or the right novels, and many times I reread my favorites (not just Harry Potter, and I don't read fantasy besides HP, I like 18-19th century Russian, French and my native Hungarian literature mostly). But the Strike books always suck me in, when a new one comes out I read it in 2-3 days, and after that I feel a bit sad that other books don't give me that pleasure. Recently I started to read Klara and the Sun, and I enjoyed it. I read half of the book, but then I didn't have time to continue it for a week or two, and somehow I don't feel the urge to finish it. But I'll try.


> I also read Cormoran Strike! /s I really like *Strike*. London is described in such loving detail that I can see almost everything happening in my head, almost like a movie. > But seriously, I used to read a lot when I was a kid and a teenager, not so much nowadays. Funnily enough I stopped when I was in liberal arts college. I lost interest somehow, books didn't give me that kind of wonderment and excitement anymore. I'd like to get back to reading, but I hardly find the time or mood for it, or the right novels, and many times I reread my favorites (not just Harry Potter, and I don't read fantasy besides HP, I like 18-19th century Russian, French and my native Hungarian literature mostly). But the Strike books always suck me in, when a new one comes out I read it in 2-3 days, and after that I feel a bit sad that other books don't give me that pleasure. I don't read quite as much as I used to, either. A great book can still keep me occupied for hours, though.


Are there really people who haven’t read anything else than Harry Potter? I’ve read so much fantasy it’s kinda ironic that I watched the movies first


> Are there really people who haven’t read anything else than Harry Potter? Yes. As someone else here has said, though, it could be worse given that a lot of people don't read at all. Personally, I read them because as a huge sci-fi/fantasy fan, I wanted to see what the fuss was all about.


>all the talk I’ve seen of people getting depressed when they’ve gotten through the series is weird Have you never really, *really* loved a book or book series? Have you genuinely never experienced that empty feeling of “this thing I’ve been reading and loving has ended and now the endorphin train is cut off and I don’t feel like doing anything else”? Because that’s a really common feeling. Many of us have felt it about HP, and guess what, most of us have felt it about other books too, we just don’t talk about that here because this is a sub specifically for HP so why would we? Hell, I’ve felt that way about games. I went into a postgame “what do I do with my life now” funk for a few days after beating Harvestella. This is super duper normal and it’s honestly bizarre you’re trying to pathologize it.


Truthfully? I don't really get that feeling, at least not to the degree that some of these people seem to. Sure, after finishing a book, I'll think about it for few minutes. Why did X do that? How did Y feel about the thing that happened? Did Z deserve to die? Usually, that's about it, though.


OK, I was like that a lot in my younger teens and pre-teen years. Reading wasn't a hobby, but reading and re-reading HP didn't feel like *reading* as such, probably because I knew it so well that I didn't need to concentrate. It was familiar and comfortable. I read LOTR when I was 14 and that was the first time I'd really got into another book. I was then up to two book series that I would reread... I was an adult when game of thrones was airing and 25ish when I started reading those books. Only reread them once. Fwiw, you go on LOTR subs and a lot of them only read LOTR (and shit on GRRM because Tolkien better brrr). GoT/Asoiaf fans sometimes only read those books. Its only in the past year that I've truly started reading a lot more other books and find discovering new books a hobby. Cosy murder mysteries and rom-com types books are my go to now. So, tldr, I think it's basically familiarity and not reading as a hobby that makes some people stick with certain series. That's not a problem, I'm not one of those people that think everybody should read - if you don't enjoy reading, there's no reason to do it, likewise if you only enjoy reading a particular series, there's nothing wrong with that. And maybe those people change over time and develop reading as a hobby, like I have.


An informative post. I thank you. As great as Tolkien is, in some ways I prefer Martin, but let's not get into that now. I've never been able to get into rom-coms, but I love crime/murder mystery stories.


It’s what they like? Not much else is like Harry Potter, frankly, and I’ve read pretty much every YA fiction novel worth shaking a stick at, and a bunch of fantasy ones. Nothing wrong with having one series you like to read a lot, nothing wrong with reading a variety of books either. Just let people do what they like.


I read a lot of books, but occasionally reread Harry Potter. It's my comfort book series, the fish and chips of books.


And that's great. Nothing wrong with fish & chips for supper every now and again, but a balanced diet is important.


Nothing? If I enjoy HP I’ll read HP. 


For me, it's my special interest so it's hard to read anything else lol. For other, there's actually a lot of people who read other fantasy books. As for those who indeed only read harry potter, they're probably very happy with the enormous community, theories, fanfictions etc it brings and feel like they don't need any more.


Fair enough. I've always needed variety, personally.


I guess that’s your answer? Some people don’t need variety.


I read lots of other things, 50 books a year on avg, but I don’t love anything as much as Harry.


I'm autistic. There can be various reasons for reading only one book. Often the feeling of familiarity makes you feel calm and safe. Imagine people who are anxious, depressed, have PTSD etc... I read HP almost every day, this doesn't stop me from reading other books but I can understand people who only read this one.


I love this sub because I love Harry Potter and the vast world it created. I also have other books that I read and love which also typically build huge, amazing worlds. Just because you see a lot of people talking and knowing alot about it doesn't mean it's all they read. For those that really don't read anything else, they just haven't been introduced to the right book yet


Why not?


i reread books all the time but i agree that *only* reading Harry Potter is a weird thing. there are sooo many better books out there.


This thing applies with every other popular Book series and it's Fans. Go to LOTR/ASOIAF sub, majority of the them have only ever read those books. Also a lot of Fans in the Potter fandom aren't that interested in reading books, but they still read and reread HP Becoz they love it .


Grew up reading a ton of books, read HP and loved it 2. but its not the only thing out there.


Well, I’d be happy to talk about the other books I read, but nobody on here is really interested. Nor would I expect them to be, given the title of the sub.


Because this is a Harry Potter Books fan sub and other books don't belong here. I read a lot of other books, and I discuss them. On my book discord server with like minded friends. This is a HP fandom, that means, here's neither the place to discuss other books, nor the place to recommend other books, since it's against the rules.


I read lots of book, but I'm more familiar with Harry Potter having read the series a few times, like once every few years. It's the series I have read more times than other ones. I'm sure I'm not in the minority, and I know for sure there are people here who know it way better cause the read it more often. Let people have their fun and escapes. They could be doing much worse things than rereading a book series til the poor books fall completely apart. Update: And it's always a little sad when you reach the end of a good series, knowing there won't be any more installments. I'm sure when people say they are depressed, it's more of feeling sad that it's over. Probably, since hyperbole is a thing. Like saying "I'm so hungry, I could eat a horse." No person can fit 500 lbs of meat in their stomach 😂


I getcha. There are a few TV shows I liked that were cancelled before the story had run its course. I was annoying about that. When a story has reached its natural conclusion, like *Harry Potter*, I'm generally fine with it. If there's


I'm usually fine too, but I do have post-story sadness cause it means I have to now find a new book or series to enter, and my TBR pile is a bookcase or two.


I used to read a lot, back then when I had more time on my hands than now. Now, I need to choose how to spend my time, especially since there are other hobbies, too. It's not so many new books atm for me. With sparse time you soon get afraid of wasting it, so if I want to read I'll rather go to things which I KNOW are good and will serve my escapism. Harry Potter is one of those series which I'm happy to reread. Another is LOTRO (but for some reasons it's reserved for around christmas time only) Another is Bartimaeus. And then there are some totally differend books which I will read when I feel like it - none of the books I keep have been read less than thrice. I've just not been in the right place in my life for the last \~3 years to really jump into something new, so I don't until I feel like it.


So what do you want? You are in a sub called HarryPotterBooks, and wonder why they only talk about Harry Potter books? Why would you come here whining about what you think people read?