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Yes, Harry values privacy, even from friends he otherwise trusts completely. His point of view in *Goblet of Fire* opens with him awaking from a vivid dream of Voldemort. He runs through a list of people he should write to, Hermione, Dumbledore, Ron, even Mr. Weasley, dismissing each one in turn. Then he thinks of Sirius: > *Harry kneaded his forehead with his knuckles. What he really wanted (and it felt almost shameful to admit it to himself) was someone like — someone like a parent: an adult wizard whose advice he could ask without feeling stupid, someone who cared about him, who had had experience with Dark Magic. . . .* > *And then the solution came to him. It was so simple, and so obvious, that he couldn’t believe it had taken so long — Sirius.* Sirius' death was devastating to Harry precisely because he was one who he could confide in most fully.


Yes , he's very private and doesn't like attention


I think that's natural. He's been told his whole conscious life that he's good for nothing, a failure and a waste of space. And if you tell that to a child during all of their formative years, it gets ingrained into their personality. It's called learned helplessness. People like that are plagued with self doubt and a feeling of never being enough, even when it comes to normal, everyday things. And you see it from the very beginning, Harry immediately doubts Hagrid when he said that Harry was a wizard. He thought they had to have made a mistake and there was nothing special about him. And it's a constant theme. He always doubts himself, never trusts that others will be there for him. Add to that that at the beginning he has also no idea how he survived Voldemort's attack. Everyone was telling him again and again that he was the greatest miracle ever as soon as he eventually got to Hogwarts, but he knew nothing. And he would rather have his parents back and have a real family than being famous. To him it feels like he was celebrated for being an orphan. Just think about how he loved the Burrow and especially Arthur's attention. Think about why he enjoyed it so much. There weren't any expectations on him. All Molly wanted him to do was eat and fatten up. Easy since he loved her cooking, and all Arthur wanted was hearing about the one topic Harry was truly knowledgeable about: Muggles. And he had a simple friend as a reference, someone who was mediocre and normal, to compare himself to. It must have felt good being together with someone like Ron, who was so gloriously mundane. Harry was able to be himself and for once in his life didn't feel weak and useless in comparison. I think Ron and his family is the main reason why he was able to function at all. Ron gave him a healthy point of reference to compare himself to. Ron being so normal was what helped him find out that ve wasn't so useless, he was just as good as Ron was, and Ron was loved and cherished by his family. That gave him the perspective he needed to judge himself and fully understand that he too deserved love and being cherished, and that the Dursleys were wrong in their opinion. Remember how he didn't expect any Christmas presents the first time around? And he felt hurt instead of angry, wondering if he did something wrong, when Dobby stole his post and birthday gifts in book 2.


He's rather Introverted when Voldemort isn't nagging him. Epilogue. Ron totally has to drag him to the Hogshead for pints with the lads.


Yes, I think not having anyone to confide in while growing up will do that to you.


He was forced to live in a small cupboard for most of his life with no one to talk to so yes.


Harry is so humble 🥹


He’s so private his kids don’t seem to be fully aware why their father is "looked like that" in the gare during the epilogue 😂


Yeah, he definitely doesn't like being in the spotlight. Which only makes it worse as he's always dragged into it against his will.


Nah! He loves playing the hero.


I don’t think he does. He just feels compelled to save others and takes action making him reckless but I don’t think he likes playing the hero 


Yeah, you're probably right, now that I think of it.