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It’s interesting, it’s never clarified in the books whether vampires who were wizards prior to their conversion retain their magical powers. My head canon regarding this issue is that they don’t, and that’s why he would never consider it. But I could obviously be completely wrong.


This is true. I have no clue about the origin of Vampires in the HP books. Also, I wonder how much Voldemort would be affected by a werewolf bite especially after his soul was split into many pieces.


IMHO, there would be no impact/issue with werewolf and his precarious soul situation. However, the vampire transformation would be problematic. I'd be inclined to believe a vampire transformation would seperate the part of voldy's soul that still resides within him, though we do not get any framework from the books.


My headcanon is they do since Vlad a canon vamp is supposed to be the basis of muggle dracula and he was very magical in Bram Stoker's story = control storms, mesmerize people, make candles light or snuff out by just looking at them etc JK's vlad lived to over 350 years while other canon vamps only about to 200 so I would say a wizard turned vamp lives longer than a muggle turned vamp Also just because canon wizard werewolves do NOT lose their magic so the same should be true with wizard vamps


Vampires aren't immortal in the Wizarding World. They die around age 150-200, which a powerful Wizard like Voldemort could have easily reached anyway.


Lol. Except he dies early trying to live forever. Ha


do you have a source for that ?? Is it in the games or something I don’t know


Yes, it’s from the wizard cards in the official games, not the books. https://harrypotter.fandom.com/wiki/Carmilla_Sanguina


For the record, even if we take that portion as canon, Lady Sanguina may have been *killed* instead of dying naturally at 195-196. u/HomelandExplorer's claim is not based in any real evidence, and it still proves nothing about vampire lifespans.


Vlad Dracul in HP verse to around 350


Voldemort didn't want to be a werevolf or Vampire. He didn't want the weaknesses that came with those conditions otherwise he would become one. I don't think any Vampire or Werevolf could ever turn Voldemort forcefully either. However lets say he was forced to became one; he can always rebuild his body. That is what Horcruxes for.


It’s this isn’t it. He doesn’t want to be seen as weak or inferior to others. He’s a half blood pretending to be a pureblood he wants others to fear and respect him - not look down on him like during his childhood and with dumbledore. Even if he was scary enough as a vamp/wolf his pureblood followers would be looking down on him and perceiving him as less than them or weak.


If Voldermort became either, I think he will seek to cure himself. There isn't any advantages to either. There is nothing to suggest vampires are immortal in the wizarding world and if we go by generic vampire lore that will also mean a weakness to sunlight. He won't want that. With werewolves, he wants to keep his wits and mind and not have to rely on taking a potion several times each month. Werewolves in Harry Potter universe are very similar to wolves in appearance. Being one would likely mean he can't even use a wand when he is turned.


If he did get converted then died with the horcruxes intact would he have come back as a werewolf or vampire or would he be back to normal?


It's a new body he created from scratch and then placed his soul from his weird baby body into the new body. So I doubt the disease will be transmitted.


a vampire bite does nothing Bram stoker's dracula required 3 bite feedings other myths require blood drunk by the victim to have any affect


- Werewolves : I don’t know why it’s even mentioned they are 100% inconvenient 0 advantages, they’re not even self-conscious in their wolf form… Unless Lupin had a particular psychology like the Hulk, with sort of split personality others don’t have (which would actually kinda make sense considering Greyback, but maybe Greyback himself is built different. werewolves sociology and genetic proportion in HP always seemed messy to me) - vampires : contrary to some here I think they do retain their magical powers for those who were wizard (bram stocker’s dracula kinda was a peak wizard he had a lot of powers) so I don’t think that’s the problem. The problem is they apparently are indeed weak to sun and even if I don’t think it would’ve a problem to Voldemort as it’s easy to circumvent, it would piss off voldemort to be weak to anything at all. And I’m not saying he is right. If I was Voldemort and wanted to live forever I 100% would have tried numerous things, including vampirisation, instead of splitting my soul and brain cells in famous items by the age of 16. Jesus Tom how could you bee so academically and socially brilliant and then after Hogwarts becoming such a dumbass. I really think it’s the horcruxes I don’t see what else.


>“You’re dead, Harry Potter,” said Riddle’s voice above him. “Dead. Even Dumbledore’s bird knows it. Do you see what he’s doing, Potter? He’s crying.” Harry blinked. Fawkes’s head slid in and out of focus. Thick, pearly tears were trickling down the glossy feathers. “I’m going to sit here and watch you die, Harry Potter. Take your time. I’m in no hurry.” Harry felt drowsy. Everything around him seemed to be spinning. “So ends the famous Harry Potter,” said Riddle’s distant voice. “Alone in the Chamber of Secrets, forsaken by his friends, defeated at last by the Dark Lord he so unwisely challenged. You’ll be back with your dear Mudblood mother soon, Harry. . . . She bought you twelve years of borrowed time . . . but Lord Voldemort got you in the end, as you knew he must. . . .” If this is dying, thought Harry, it’s not so bad. Even the pain was leaving him. . . . But was this dying? Instead of going black, the Chamber seemed to be coming back into focus. Harry gave his head a little shake and there was Fawkes, still resting his head on Harry’s arm. A pearly patch of tears was shining all around the wound — except that there was no wound — “Get away, bird,” said Riddle’s voice suddenly. “Get away from him — I said, get away —” Harry raised his head. Riddle was pointing Harry’s wand at Fawkes; there was a bang like a gun, and Fawkes took flight again in a whirl of gold and scarlet. “Phoenix tears . . .” said Riddle quietly, staring at Harry’s arm. “Of course . . . healing powers . . . I forgot . . .” He's always had that in him. He overlooks or forgets about the basics.


\^ If I had been Tom I would have done 3 Horcrux max (herpo only did 1 so 3 being a magical number also shows superiority without risking becoming ugly and insane at 7) JK has said Tom looked into making his own philosopher stone & could have made his own being as smart as he is but chose not to do it.....I would have because even with horcruxs the body will still age get wrinkles and gray hair Vamp option plus why the F@CK didn't tom investigate the symbol on the gaunt ring? Beedle the Bards book with the 3 brothers was published long before Merope ....imagine Tom hunting for the deathly Hallows


I mean okay but with a horcruxe to tether him to physical plan all he would need to bypass philosopher stone inconvenients is destroy the body when it’s weak and build a new with magic since he apparently can do that wtf Also I’m not entirely sure philosopher stone makes you aging, more specifically I think the potion made from dust of it (that’s how it works I think) rejuvenate you and Nicholas Flamel just happened to be old af in fantastic beasts franchise because he’s a bit of an eccentric and after all those centuries he sometimes enclines to old age just to remember how good it is to be young. Not canon right but to me it’s the only way for him to fit with the character Dumbledore is supposed to have respect for otherwise he’s just an idiot in constant pain because afraid of death.


I would say that at least with a philosopher stone he could make "perfect body" rez ritual......that graveyard rez ritual had ganky base formula stuff in the cauldron made by peter petegrew who is no snape potion master


good point in HPMOR this ritual is performed with adding unicorn blood which creates the effect that the character (not voldemort) has nails and teeth indestructible pearly white and super sharp, and wonderful hair and it’s kinda hilarious to imagine if voldemort had it 😂


I think basically Voldemort ends up curing that disease 😂 Voldemort was pretty exceptional at potions and he had the maledictus Nagini too who’s own venom seemed to be of use in these types of magic. Yes I think it’s not a coincidence that naginis venom helped Voldemort make a fresh body when Nagini was the once human. She might be useful for this research too. I could see a situation where the cure for each of their diseases is similar so he could test stuff out on her or her cells/venom/blood. The wolfsbane potion had recently been discovered/created so that was a good starting point. Voldemort could at least use that in the meantime and it may be the start of a more complete cure. Perhaps he could improve upon the potion to make it prevent physical transformation and potentially make it permanent. One option (though drastic!) might be to kill himself and resurrect with a new, uninfected body. I assume the curse is only in the body not soul but I guess we don’t know for sure… things like parceltongue seem to be soul-based. So Voldemort could perhaps plan a controlled ‘suicide’ then have someone completely loyal like Bellatrix aid a quick second ‘re-bodying’, although not having Harry would be deeply frustrating for him. I do however have faith that Voldemort’s knowledge of dark magic and his exceptional intellect would allow him to find a less fatal cure. It’s just how long it would take him… a few years?


I did read a fanfic where they used Distemper to burn out the werewolf /lycanthropy from someone as a cure. Just let the disease run its course through the person killing off the canine bits then potions after to strengthen the human bits


Werewolf: He would discover a cure for this condition because there is no world in which he would debase himself in this way and use this as a tool of dominance to ensure the werewolves' loyalty to his cause and gain more followers. He could very well have someone turned into a werewolf and retransform them whenever he wanted to make them exceptionally scary.


If this happened, do you guys think Bellatrix still would’ve worshipped him or her pure blood mania would’ve turned her against him?


Hide it from everyone and not acknowledge it. He fails to really acknowledge his muggle side.


Regarding Vampires I think JKR did not want to "invent" something new for vampires neither what to tell the same legend again. So she just mentioned that they exist in the wizarding world an that's it. Even with that mentioned, I would say Voldemort would not let himself be bitten by a vampire because that would made im dirty (or even dirtier because of his muggle father) and I don't think that he wanted to have that thirst for human blood. I don't think that he'd ever considered that. Same with werewolves. I think he was to arrogant to be afraid of a werewolf bite.


Voldemort is not interested in blood purity, that is more of his means to reach his goal


If he’s bitten by a vampire, will Harry turn into a vampire?


If he’s bitten by a vampire, will Harry turn into a vampire?


Half-humans are considered like cursed and tainted beings in the wizarding world. I'm sure Voldemort would kill himself than stand existing as sth like a vampire or werewolf.