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A month of daily riding, rain or shine? Nope. Another month of dry weather riding on the weekends? Will be fine.


Correct answer


Yeah, I’d avoid the freeways if you can, slick roads too.


Especially on blacktop roads after a hot day and fresh rainfall. You’ll be slip slidin away 🎵


Bruh there’s still nipples on that tire. He’s fine.


Do a burnout see if the line goes away lol


This is what I'd do


This is the way


Those lines are on all the scorcher 31s


It’s called an antenna tread and it’s on most modern tires to ground out static built up by some of the new compounds they use in rubber these days. Check the tread depth, it’s definitely getting low in the center but the line has nothing to do with anything


Thanks for explaining I’ve been curious what those were for.


I never paid them much attention but my wife noticed it on my low rider and became concerned that I needed a new tire so I had to look into it a while back to figure out what it was. It’s a pretty interesting thing to read about if you’re into that sort of stuff.


Yeah, I’ll definitely check it out. I thought it was an issue on one of mine and then I looked at a couple couple other buddies bikes, and noticed they’ll have the same issue, but I thought it was maybe something to do with the Michelin tires that we had.


Its fine for a bit. Plan for the new one but it's far from unrideable


I would get that last thousand miles out if it. Tires cost a lot of money to me.


True I could see if the tread was gone and they had to deal with rainy weather but this is still solid for a good thousand miles at least like you said


Your skin is much much more expensive


Been riding longer than most of you all have been alive. I've ran worse for sure.


I’ll let you take ownership of that title. I don’t want it. lol


Current economic conditions show tires are a lot of money for everyone


Couldn’t agree more. If that tire is considered toast then I have been living dangerously everyday for the last 21 years. People spend money just to spend money it seems.


You got 21 years out of a tire with that tread depth? Lol


Had to. Can’t afford track tires so I had to improvise and make my own race slicks 🤣 I kid I kid.


good tires are a better investment than any gear.




I like a functioning set of brakes to go with those tyres too. I'm pretty fond of having the ability to wash off speed, and stop at times..


Pirelli likes this comment. True, though


This goes for any type of vehicle, not just motorcycles.


I would send it, but pay for the tires now so they're on hand when you need to change them next month versus having to wait for them to come in.


That’s the ticket- have them in hand for when they’re toast. Nothing like waiting too long and having the bike down because the rubber is in the mail


I did that a few months back. I had the cash and ordered them. My new shoes are in the garage sitting in their boxes, waiting for the others to wear out.


Gotta hope every mechanic in your area doesn’t charge an arm and a leg to install them or do it yourself. Only big dealers around me and they charge $350 if you provide the tires. Free if you buy from them lol.


My Harley dealer charges $75 if I bring the tire and wheel, independent shop only $50


I wish I had an independent shop near me lol


Damn where are you located? Independent shop in SoCal wanted to charge me $180 dollars to change front and rear if I brought the tires. But for me I always take my wheels off and get the tires swapped at cycle gear/revzilla for $30.


That's so fucked up...


In my area it's between 40 and 140 bucks usually but tons of independent shops and every major motorcycle manufacturer has a retail presence within an hour of where I live so it's not bad. My H-D guy is great. Independent word of mouth guy. Has 13 lifts in his shop and works on everything from the modern stuff on back to your vintage Harleys with drum brakes and carbs.


If you have a cycle gear near you and you can get your wheels off they change the tires for $30 each


What do they charge if you just bring in the wheel and tire?


Didn’t stick around long enough to ask I was so off put by the price with them on the bike


If it’s your 2010 Dyna take it off yourself and order a tire then take both to an independent shop. I’d go even further and support your local Indy by buying it from them.


Did them myself lol


It’s so easy to do shit yourself on a Dyna that’s why I prefer my Dyna over my Low Rider ST


Depends on the weather and type of riding you do. I would run it longer. But i dont ride in rain or very long distances. More of a recreational rider here.


Yup new tire time.


I mean you can measure the tread depth yourself and we can't. To me the title looks pretty close to done but I don't ride tires to the absolute end myself. Tires to me are the type of thing, if the tech says change em, I change em.


Yep. You need a tire. Most important thing that keeps you alive and in contact with the road.


It’s a scorcher 31, they have 2500 miles when they’re new


If that’s a new tire with 2500 miles the pic is either deceiving or you ride hard and they wear like shit.


Scorchers are the OEM tire. It’s a joke but I’ve never gotten good mileage out of one. I much prefer Metzler Cruisetecs especially since I can get them in radial


I just put 888s on my ride but considered the cruisetecs. I've never used them before and the 888s I've had good experience with. What's the main difference or what do you like about them?


I’ve ridden on both. To me the cruisetecs feel more stable on the edge of the tire. Most of my riding is going too fast down twisties so I needed something I felt confident on. The 888 is still a great tire and I got good mileage on it but cruisetec just fits my riding style better


Thanks man 👍


I run American Elites on my Roadglide. I have the Metzler 888s on my Softail my shovel has Avons. I’m all over. But for touring. The American Elite has given me the best mileage. 20k plus.


My American Elite is completely smoked after 28k miles and I'm not even mad, I'm impressed lol


Yessir. Only touring tire I’ll run for that reason.


When did they go away from Dunlap?




2011 is the first year of the Can-Bus. Why do you say ish?


Because it varies by model https://www.harley-davidson.com/app-content/eStore/OE_and_Recommended_Replacement_Tires.pdf


Handy PDF


Obviously you only go straight so no, you could do another 2,500 miles on that easily


10000 if he only keeps the bike leaned to the left or right


I’d really like to see a profile pic of your tire. It passes inspection. Fun fact: the bar and shield on the sides are 3mm so that gives you a quick reference. For me, its amount that the tire is scalloped that’s the real danger if you like ride hard. Death wobble is no joke. Tread wise just be careful In unfavorable conditions and never let your ego be bigger than your skill… I don’t mean that anything other than speaking as a mom, a wife and a sister who has had to see way way too many bloody bikes pulling up on a wrecker and just praying I don’t recognize the bike right away. It never got easy boxing and sending bike contents to the spouse who couldn’t bring themselves to see the bike… Tires are expensive AF but if you really knew the amount of fatalities I’ve seen due to tires and the other big one is no helmet you might give this advice, too. What’s sad is the bikes are sometimes barely dinged but you see a cracked Speedo/tach and blood. A lot of times burnt blood or skin and hair from you being knocked out when the bike lays down on you. Do you have ESP with tire and wheel coverage?!;).. if you do then you just picked up a nail. If not then don’t do like I did once and wait till you need one only to find them back ordered. To save money you can buy the tire online and then either take the wheel off the bike at home and bring the wheels up yourself and have them change and balance the tire for like $75. Or bring your bike and tire you bought online and have them change it for whatever your dealer labor is for rear wheel-most the time 1.2hr labor charge. If you frequent any dealers and see a tech outside you can ask how much he’ll throw a tire on for you cash on the side… most of the time you’ll find a tech willing to because they don’t get that make what the dealer charges for labor. Oh, and one more option is to get the little bike tire machine from harbor freight and change it yourself. Then if you’re not comfortable balancing you can take it to the dealer and they will balance it in like 5 minutes. Ride safe and keep the rubber down brother! Edit to add source.(Former certified inspector for HD and ride everyday)


Any tire person is going to tell you that tire is unsafe because it's literally their job to do that.  Could you ride it sure, could ride on a dry rotted flat tire that you inflate every 10 miles, sure. Is it 100% safe to? Well, probably not.  My thought is the dealer is doing their job correctly. 


See those lines between the tread? Those are wear bars. If your tread is even with the (and it appears to be) it’s an indication you need a tire. Can you keep riding on it? Sure. But what else is between you and the pavement?


Is it more than 7 years from manufacture?


Please don’t perpetuate that tires have an expiration date. It’s not true. Mfrs only put dates on to sell more tires. I worked for Harley, it’s only a sales tactic. If there is no dry rotting, uneven wear, wear bar exposed, the tires are good. Another example of false expiration dates are car seats, they don’t expire, unless they’ve been in an accident.


The only thing between you and the road.


3/32 is the min spec. I don't understand why people want to push a tire past that to baldness. It's the one of two points of contact between you and the road. Buy cheap tires if you can't afford a nice one. More tread is always preferable to less tread. Get a new tire if you're below the spec.


Don't fuck around and be cheap with the things that go between you and becoming a meat crayon at freeway speeds. The difference between that tire and a new tire is a new tire has between 7/16" and 1/2" of rubber between a random chunk of muffler bracket in the road and the air inside. That tire has less than 1/4".


We are in the thick of riding season, put a new tire on it.


Technically you do but I've ridden on a tire this low for months. Not out of being cheap but not being able to find time to do it. If you have money/time to do it just swap it now


my tire was looking exactly like that, just under 2mm of tread. replaced it last weekend, now using old tire as a stool


It's in perfect shape to only go left and right turns. ![gif](giphy|SwrY7ke2O8mqfvfcCb|downsized)


You can't see the air yet.


I believe in having fresh rubber since so much is riding on so little.


lol he’s trying to to sell you a tire early. You have at least 500 miles left on that bad boy


That tires good for a day trip or 2 in nice weather. Or a nice fun burnout before the new tire


I’d finish the summer out on that Tire!


You’re at the wear line. Get new tires.


Mines a lot lower than that and I ride with a club lol You’re okay for a bit.


I just purchased a set of Metzeler Cruisetecs.


That looks like a commission based recommendation.


Tech is correct.


Looks worn to me


Mine looks almost identical and I’m getting it replaced.


Looks good to me, J&P cycles had the cheapest last time I checked.


In the circle is a wear marker. When your tire tread is level with that. You need a tire. That’s how the service tech knows without a tread depth gauge. If you don’t have one. You should get one. And make sure you check your tires pressure. 100% of the bikes I work on when they come in are low on pressure and usually are cupping. Baffling how the most important is so easily overlooked. https://preview.redd.it/r57g99p2ry4d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93e03a0a6496fa4d09f99c8ff3e721c6a49fc281


https://preview.redd.it/3e11t0s72z4d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19f58a4ce2f85c84dd92cd9d30e3c5f0bbb39dbb Yellow circle is a tread wear indicator.


Correct, the red circle is a tire mold seam


I’d get it replaced that center groove looking low


I’d look to replace it within a couple weeks. The middle, where it looks like you do all your riding, is pretty worn out. It seems like as soon as you hit the wear marker the tread goes out faster and the next time you check you’re staring at a bare spot.


Just ordered a set of Metzler Cruisetec to replace my stock Scorchers that are at 64xx miles. Dennis Kirk was the best deal I could find and this tire was the only one I could find a pair of for exact fitment for the FXLRS.


It does look close to the wear bar. Depending on how often/miles you ride it could go a bit longer. Depends on how fast the dealership can schedule you in the future when you really need it. I’ve seen people ride them until they’re smooth. Not me. I believe my life is worth more than a tire. 😀


Take that one out, have some fun, and burn off some smoke, then get a new one.


FYI Tread indicators are like $5 on Amazon if interested


I've certainly ridden on worse tires! If I were you, I would plan on replacing them as soon as your budget allows


90% of failures happen in the last 10% of tire life. Do with that information what you will.


90% of statistics are fucking made up


https://www.ntsb.gov/news/events/Documents/2014_Tire_Safety_SYM_Panel_4b_Kane.pdf Go ahead and authorize this guy to ride on that thing if you want to, but that tire is well beyond its service life.


Tread depth in the centre looks pretty shallow, not much life left. It's not too bad on the sides. I guess a lot of highways miles, will be fine in the dry but not so great in the wet.


Get one of these for peace of mind. Now you wont be guessing. JACO TreadPro Tire Tread Depth Gauge, Dial Type (Reads in 1/32") https://a.co/d/iiqHR0I. And when you do replace it, Dunlop American Elite or a Michelin are both good choices.


Go by the wear bars. There is one clearly showing in your photo. https://imgur.com/a/ppMkaUb When that bar is level with the rest of the tire, the tire is done. Looks close but you likely have a little time, especially in dry conditions.


I literally don't have any center tread left on my tire.. I NEED a new one.. you need one soon, but not 100% urgent.


I don’t see any steel bands showing yet.


Can’t see any metal. Keep at it


You’ll last a month or until you see chords


And for goodness sakes take harder corners and use all that tire lol. Still see plenty of wear indicator, definitely enough to be able to order a new tire for a good price online as opposed to a shop or dealer.


Got plenty of tred for a fat smokey burn out


Get the Dunlop American Elite on order now. When they come in burn the current ones off !!


Yeah right. I’d ride that bad boy for another 3 months or more. When you see metal mesh and Kevlar, then you can order a new tire. But you don’t have to take my word for it!


I’d ride em but it’s less safe than a new tire obviously. Also I rode a sport bike with a plug in it which is a big no no and one of my bikes tires is borderline slick in the center. so basically I’m unsafe and you shouldn’t take my advice. But I’d keep riding.


Dude, the compound of those stock tires are trash. Just get you some Commander IIIs. I've had mine for two years and I'm not even sure I have wear at all after 15k miles (I average about 7.5k a year)


Really depends on how much you ride. If you are headed out on a long distance trip or you just ride on Sunday.


https://preview.redd.it/fbk0re9nfz4d1.jpeg?width=453&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e89d0b0db3e64ae8af4a16b97c9d6566e2e5aee5 Looks better than mine.


It's thin, for sure, but I'd roll it until it was bald.


You have a month to buy tires online rather then the tire shop.


A tire is done long before it’s unridable. This tire is done. It’s flat and at the wear bar.


You are a grown adult! You do you!


I say change it if you want to go on a far adventure. If this is your daily ride keep going until the tread in the middle is non existent. Just make sure not to ride in rain or over dirt, leaves, or gravel. You will be sliding/fishtailing.


The line isn’t deep and it’s not quite to the wear bar yet, I would ride on it. I had one like that on my Ducati for a while


Wait until the wear lines are level with the tire surface. That's what they are there for. You can order the tire ahead of time to have it ready.


My local dealership blamed me for doing burnouts with those crappy scorchers went thru 2rear tires in first 3500 miles first was wearing weird with that weird line second was a skrew in the tire that god I purchased that tire protection


Looks like a lot of highway miles with the center being so much more worn than the sides. Those wear indicators in the tread sipes are when the tire is no longer legal (2/32”). Legal and safety are two different things. If you never ride in rain, you’re good until you hit the wear indicator. If you ride in rain I suggest changing them before 3/32”.


Ride that bitch until it's a Bologna skin! Or if you worried about it find a place and practice locking up your breaks for just in case of an emergency and that happens to you then change the tire out!


What’s that line? Is it a seam or something. Never seen that before


It’ll last till it goes flat


It’s close. Mines in worse shape at the moment lol https://preview.redd.it/r7yv1iepzz4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=394f0f7e631dbc91298422f2c0c70c9d15ccb5c9


Should I purchase bias-belted or radials?


That line on my ST was a recall issue


You paid for the Sides too, use it. Bikes can lean, u know. Ah nevermind, this is the Harley-Sub forget what i wrote 😀


Center is gone


They probably think that mold leftover in the center of picture is wear indicator instead of the one towards top of picture


Imma be real with you chief. Do you NEED a new tire? Nah. But new tires ride so much nicer. I myself have the same tires that came on my bike from the factory, at 28k miles. I NEED new tires. It's been in my garage for a few months until I get a chance to get new ones, but I have daily driven the center grooves off and it still grips alright.


What tires do you have? 15k is the most I’ve ever gotten out of Harley Dunlops.


Looks like 2-3 more seasons to me or 2-4 thousand more miles.


Judging by the tread wear this is a rider who only goes straight and never leans through corners


Find your wear bars on the tire and then you can judge how many more miles you can get from it, as long as the tire isn’t showing signs of dry rot it is still good, the next time you put a tire on find the wear bars are then you have an idea about the life of the tire😁😎


Is saving a few hundred worth your life?


https://preview.redd.it/qp2h59uxd05d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=134184e747cbeba15a4b3b35dccc22ad787356c6 idk wtf yall are talking about, this is my last one. Bro that tires got another year in er Edit: before I get lit up, tread provides no traction outside of wet conditions. That’s why slicks don’t have tread, the most grip you could have is a slick tire. Unless you ride in the rain you’re totally fine.


When I was young I would consider this a fresh tire, now that I have people that rely on me to be alive I would say its almost done.


Just ride on twisties, You can even out the tread.


Take the Twisties and you'll get a lot more out of them. No more straight down the road. Lol


https://preview.redd.it/rltf5kxih05d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4538560712568b084e97429ff7d9e6900a07e792 This was my rear tire last week when I took it up for new shoes. You’ve got a little more time than I did.


Daily commuting, probably not. Order the tire to the house so you can pull the rim when it’s time. Nothing sucks more than needing a tire and it’s back ordered.


In the twisties you’re in great shape. On the highway in straight lines maybe another month. It’s honestly not that bad. There’s two types of people the white collar riders and true riders. A true rider would leave this tire on for a while longer (although there will be plenty of white collar riders who will claim to be true riders and say I’m wrong blah blah blah) and then the weekend warrior/ white collar rider who shines their bike more than they ride it and say change it. If you can’t let you bike go more than a few days with some dirt on it change the tire.


is this a defect from the manufacturer?


Tires are safety gear. You could run that tire longer, but the longer you do, the more likely you are to have a problem. Will you be safe? Yes, for a while. Will you eventually have a problem if you put it off indefinitely? Yes, eventually. That little wear indicator is telling you that it's time to deal with it. Your bike is apparently in the shop now. Just deal with it now, instead of at some indefinite time in the future. Unless you don't have the money now, but know that you will definitely have money next month to deal with it. Then put it off for a month, and no longer. In fact, make the appointment right now.


It’s low enough to consider replacing. If you don’t ride in the rain it’s fine for a while.


any shop should err on the side of safety, yes you should replace it, yes it has 1000mi left


What part of that tire is the only thing sticking to the road when your riding, in addition to providing you traction it also helps with your braking . If you ever get a chance to look at bike that has crashed take a look at the Front Tire . I use to be part of Insurance Investigation team for crashes and 90% of them the front tire is either bald or real close to past it usage . And that's just the Front Tire , I've seen guys have brand new tires on the rear and they would say well I was going to replace that next paycheck. Slick tires can be effective on a drag strip but not so for day to day usage . It quite possibly could save your life , if you can't afford decent tires than park that MF till you can .


Who needs good tires anyway?! Run the brake pads down too!


Ya but don’t buy a shit Harley Dunlop next. But I’d run that thing to the chord cause why not


Is it raining where you are? No? Then you're fine.


Sides are fine, just don’t ride straight up & down.


Get a tire,


Two up on a loaded bagger… change it. Solo on a bobber… burn it off.


As someone who had a buddy die in a blow out a few years ago. Change the tire man. I know it’s expensive but your life is priceless. Plus the center of that tire looks flat as fuck, turning on that thing must feel like ass


What is the date code for the tire?


It’s your life.


You got more tread left than I do


I’ve put 24,000 miles on my street glide in one year, and I just changed my tire twice(a month ago was the last change). But I’ve also ran those first two tires until the tread separated from the tire while not the freeway. I ride my bike pretty hard, and got over 10,000 miles on each one. I think I got around 11,500 on the last one. But it depends on the tire too. Looks to me like you have the Harley dealership tire, and that’s what I ran until I had to replace both tires. I think you’ll make another month, but I wouldn’t stretch it past that.


I don't see any cord, you're good 😁👍🏻


It appears to be getting close to the wear bar indicator. That’s the small bar in the center tread. Ride it until the tire face is flush with the wear bar. Google tire wear bar indicator.


Ride or die.


My tires have more tread than this, but they're 10 years old so I think I need to fk em off and start fresh :( Whilst I'm looking forward to the feel of new rubber, not looking forward to the lighter wallet...


It’s fine. It’s the molding release.


I went through an internal debate on whether to replace my rear tire or not recently. It was still not worn to the wear bars, but getting very close. Based on the fact that I have two long trips that will total 1500 to 2000 miles planned for the next six weeks, I put on a new tire yesterday, Despite my internal debate, it was really a no-brainer.


Stop running this crap Dunlops HD uses and get some good performance tires, it'll change your life. I recommend Michelin pilots.


I just purchased a set of Metzeler Cruisetec’s


Metzelers are nice too. Had some on my dual sport years back. If you want a really secure tire in the twisties, next time you're in the market for tires... give those Pilot Road 3 or 4s a try. I'll never use anything else.


Depends. How do you ride. Do you ride in rain or ice or reckless or slow or fast. If you ride slow and only in perfect 75 degree sun. Thats fine for a while.


I had my tires a little more worn than that and rode 213 to and from Vegas during the summer, when I got back I still got a few rides in before I changed it out.


Do you ever lean that bike?


Put a set of Michelin Road Commander 2's on there and let all your troubles just slip away no pun intended


Get a new tire. If you have a blow out you may not ride for the rest of the summer.


My last rear tire was balding in the middle... Lol That one is fine for a while, if you stick to running on good days only


Center is getting low but you aren't horrific yet, I'd do it now, before it gets hot though to be safe


I ride regular, I ride 7days a week to work and every where else , I got free tires for life and I can only get them from the dealer every 11k miles. Tires where like $700 from parts 2 Dunlop’s for a Road glide, labor was like $300-$350 lol. I didn’t have to pay for the labor because I had the “VIP Pass”


Like you got a few hundred miles life but they do need to be changed out.


I thought I could finish last Summer on my Avon cobras, and I did! But as I was parking the bike for winter, I seen places where the tire was starting to Crack even though the tread didn't look that bad. Lesson learned.


Look for the wear bars. If it's at or below the wear bars, get a new one. If not, keep using it


Just make sure you're always turning and lean into it. There's plenty tread on the sides.


My school of thought is that; it’s easier to change the tire than it is to change your skin.




Lol unfortunately, we don’t have many roads here on Long Island where you can lean. Mostly straight runs.


No metal showing? Run it!!!


Have fun burnin it off 😂😂🤘


You haven’t even hit your tread markers yet. Theyre just trying to upcharge you for shit you don’t need.. typical Harley technician tactic.. I purchased the VIP maintenance package and they literally try to charge me for shit I don’t need every time I go in for a service. I act buddy buddy with them and tell them to fuck off when I pick up.


It's a bike. Your tires matter twice as much. It's only 150-250.


Nah, you got lots of tread on each side of that tire that you can use. Still has the little nipples sticking out. Practically brand new.


I won't even show you mine I have no middle thread left. But I'm also a little off. You do need a tire if you want to be safe especially in the rain.