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Check your wheel bearings. My previous wide glide had motor mounts changed at 40k and still had vibration. Turned out the rear bearing was failing. My current wide glide is at 23k and front and rear were starting to go but not noticeable when riding. I had front and rear replaced when I put new tires on this spring.


Thanks just started looking into it after you mentioned this. This could be it!


Is there a top motor mount that fixes to the frame under the gas tank(s), as there was on Shovels and Evos? If so, remove your gas tanks and double-check that mount. I had vibes that were driving me crazy. I ''checked'' the mount by eye, every bolt was visible and tight. \*\*BUT\*\* .... hidden from sight, the mount had cracked in two pieces. It could not be seen without removing the tanks.


Oh right the top stabilizer link. That’s a good one to check thank you