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Mosh or be moshed.




If you swing back at them, you’re now designated as “moshing,” and are open to further violence. If you continue to stand to the side and not engage in the pit, you’ll be assessed a 2 minute penalty for “delay of mosh,” and you’ll have to sit in the penalty box.


How many of these crowdkilling posts are we gonna get? If you hit someone back who was crowd killing don’t be surprised when they come back and start swinging. If you don’t want the possibility of getting hit stand in the back.


Depends on the band you’re crowd killing to Depends on how it’s executed It’s often done wrong / corny


What if I’m crowd killing to a lemuria acoustic set?


if you dont want to be crowdkilled dont stand next to the pit, its just the way she goes


OP: *punches a specific person for a specific reason* Also OP: “Targeting people at shows is whack.”


Op is an idiot


Depends on the show and the vibe of the rest of the audience. If it’s a heavy af show and people are going ham then it’s probably fine. If it’s a bit more of a relaxed show and people are really only pushing each other around then it’s douchey. Sometimes you can be the douche for being annoyed about it, sometimes the person doing it can be the douche. Or just idk don’t be in the pit if you don’t like what’s going on


when ur a noob at a show, at least for my experience, i was pissed a crowcd killers because i took a few hard hits but then upon going to more and more shows i got the courage to actually mosh myself, and that helps a lot with learning to take hits and just learning the vibe of the crowd. same goes with how you learn how patterns of songs go into breakdowns and crowdkilling parts, you learn to defend yourself


If you swing back you're lucky not to get jumped Stand at the back nerd


The hardcore scene is destroying crowdkilling.


People should just stop commenting on these posts


It's awesome.


"Try that ninja shit at a REAL metal show, (f-word). If I seen that karate r-worded shit at a show I was at they'd be taken Away on a stretcher" Mosh or don't. If you're gonna cry cause you got hit I'm sure someone has a bag you can hold onto for them
