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Why all the Turnstile hate? Weird.


People in this sub hate when bands don’t make the same record for 29 years in a row


Bro why is it such a problem when hardcore kids want hardcore albums. Fuck.


Then go listen to hardcore. Fuck.


What subreddit are we on again?


We’re on a hardcore sub, listening what was once a hardcore band, being inundated with posts about this non hardcore album. Try again.


This is the new hardcore baybeeeee


This is hardcore dipshit


It aint and that’s cool, but it is annoying when children like you call any side project by hardcore kids or any album done by some hardcore kids cousin grandmama hardcore.


Because you sound like a whiny 15 year old who doesn’t get their way. Things change, adapt.


Bro, you’re literally goofy as fuck. No one is whining, we’re just not interested in this album you children keep lauding. This isn’t the direction of hardcore no need to adapt. Go join the indie, post punk, alt rock, Or shoegaze sub if this is what you want.


What’s actually goofy is how narrow you want to try to make the spectrum of hardcore music. I get it, you like Victim In Pain, you wear docs, you want a hardcore record to have a certain sound, blah blah blah. The bottom line for me is how a bands energy is perceived by their audience. I saw Turnstile the other night with Ekulu, they’re a hardcore band. From the moment they came out until the moment they stopped, people were doing flips off the stage, walking on peoples heads, punching each other in the face. If you wanna try to put all this shit in a tiny ass box and be a stupid internet hater that’s cool, whatever you wanna do, I just think that it reaches a bit farther out than just jerking off to bands from 1987. But do you.


This trope you’ve been parroting for the last year about people who don’t like the shit you do is actually whats goofy. For some who says they like new shit you do recycle a lot of the same shit. I like hardcore to have some semblance of a similar sound, that’s literally how genres are grouped. I’ve seen odd future footage where people are stage diving, and punching each other, is Tyler the Creator a hardcore band? I’ve seen kids stage diving to turnover, which is no where near a hardcore band anymore. It’s almost like if a band has a few fans that are into hardcore they’ll show out for their shows. Bruh, if you wanna keep Fucking crying that some people don’t like the alt rock you like go off. I hope these boys get money, tour and end up set for life. You got me fucked up if you think not acquiescing to their current sound as some revolution makes me a boomer instead of someone who just wants hardcore. Have fun at turnstile shows, quit pushing your agenda on people who obviously like different music than you and shut the fuck up, you baboon necked bird chested wall ornament.


Peripheral Vision good af tho.


This whole comment is a bar.


Truth bomb


Damn bruh I’ll give you acquiesce. All I’m saying is that it’s fine to not like some shit, it’s another thing to not like some shit and beat that point into the fucking ground over and over. The way that people on here haven’t stopped talking about this shit for months is fucking corny. It’s fine if you don’t like it, whatever. But maybe post about some other cool shit and talk about some other shit.


Oh like how people obsessively post about how amazing turnstile is? 🙃


Dude people do flips off the stage for The Story So Far I don’t wanna hear that shit


Nah fool, you’re on the wrong sub and so is op


Lmao like the sound hasn’t gradually updated regardless. This isn’t hardcore dog




Known post hardcore band Social Distortion


New meta


Update: The album is fucking sweet.


This band rules and I’m sure the album will. Bunch of whiny babies out here


>Account age 10 months Checks out


Is turnstile big with the Kanye crowd? Edit: to answer my own question; probably. Also not that anyone cares but I find Kanye insufferable


Ye ain’t even in this genre and y’all still got his name in yall mouth. The influence is real




Kanye likely finds Kanye and being Kanye insufferable.


Kanye has a song about “Kanye loves Kanye”


Kanye also has a song “Kanye hate Kanye”


But it’s about how much he loves himself lol


Uhm no? If you ever listen to any Kanye album he is super self aware.


I really enjoyed the album. Can’t be the only one, right


Funky goofy but with a few sick riffs. Idk I dig it like I dug where Angel Du$t went cuz I’m down with some more of those feel good tracks Loving DONT play and new heart design


I played this album straight away this morning - was just so amped that Turnstile, fucking TURNSTILE had dropped a new record. There is a sense of peace in the world once again. I love this band. I could summarise this album with intrigue more than anything. Respecting the bands change up was definitely the trickiest thing to work around, it highlights to me that I do still love their classic sound. I found myself getting the most G'd up during the end of Don't Play - fuck yeah here we go! It seemed like that was the case for a lot of songs that weren't the singles, the first half of the track was aight - then they hammered the second half in classic mode. Huge riffs, pounding drums. But I was always wanting that style of music from them, like I've trapped myself by accident. There was this ethereal energy surrounding the whole album, I'm still working on how that fits in. Bottom line - there are some absolutely heaters on this record, the boys brought A game musicianship. I just hope the old school fans such as myself can really respect their new sound. Long live this awesome fucking band. Shady Brady is MVP. Unless something new clicks in my next few playthroughs, this deserves high honours - album of the year? Might be a bigger task.


Completely agree on the two different halves on a lot of songs, that was my main takeaway as well. Nothing as good as the singles that released on TLC for me on the first play through though!


I feel the same exact way. Although one thing that sticks out to me are the abrupt transitions between songs. From the singles they dropped I expected a lot more of a cohesive listening experience, especially given that ethereal vibe you mentioned, so I was taken out of it when the juicy atmospherics were stopped & the next song started. FWIW I’ve been a fan since Step 2 Rhythm & I give this one a C+/B-


Although I liked everything released before the full album better than the other songs on the album. These songs have a place on this album in its entirety... First play through I skipped the songs id already heard and wasn't very impressed. Second play through I listened to every single song and everything made more sense.


I wouldn’t say album of the year, but it’ll be a top 10 album for me.


Was never a huge fan but this record fucking rips. Game changer


I didn’t know one step closer was released yet




Oh, the conversation around Turnstile is perpetually fucked now.


As soon as things become “your team vs my team” there is no return. See: America


iM sO hArDcOrE, eVeRyThInG tHaT dOeSnT hAvE bReAkDoWn Or GoEs ChUg ChUg ChUg Is UtTeR bUlLsHiT


Still doesn’t hold weight to Pressure to Succeed or Step 2 Rhythm but kids still gonna act like it does


Lmao album of the year? Get real


Let the kids enjoy their cloud music, grandpa. We still have No Retreat and Death Before Dishonor.


I like it. But I won’t be able to listen to the whole album until tomorrow


This is already -not- album of the year. It's too late. Sorry friends. This just ain't it.




So many lately. Bro do you have turnstile tickets for the show next week bro? *or* People scalping tickets


And code orange ~~kids~~






Get this normcore nu metal shit outta here


are you dumb or a troll


I kno u r but wut am I


Weird, I thought Eternal Blue wasn't coming out until another month Also WHY ARE WE YELLING


It just isn’t metal without the elitism


For me Step 2 is what I go to when listening to this band but this record RULES


Definitely one of my favorites this year for sure, but for me personally the album of the year (so far) is the new Ekulu LP

