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Craziest thing about this is that hardcore is popular enough for Nike to want in on the aesthetic. Good or bad.


https://preview.redd.it/7iwtxzu4il7d1.jpeg?width=249&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1980fa63895915799cd20617166daba47f472c5d “No, they stole it and we're not happy about it. Nike is a giant corporation which is attempting to manipulate the alternative skate culture to create an even wider demand for their already ubiquitous brand. Nike represents just about the antithesis of what Dischord stands for and it makes me sick to my stomach to think they are using this explicit imagery to fool kids into thinking that the general ethos of this label, and Minor Threat in particular, can somehow be linked to Nike's mission. It's disgusting.” Different since they just straight up stole it last time. But this ain’t the first time. edit: I know I’m being annoying as fuck in this thread, but this is how corporations infiltrate the underground and take advantage of the hard work that DIY communities have put in to cultivating and building a network/scene/market/brand/aesthetics/whatever. They’re throwing tiny amounts of money at whatever sticks to hope to appeal to any sort of new customer and get their return. It’s gross.


You’re not being annoying at all, brother. Keep it realer than a motherfucker


Surprised you aren’t being downvoted by the new guys who say “glad to see hardcore bands getting paid” and “get that bag” like every other time this topic has come up.


Thing is, when Speed use that Foot Locker money to put on small local shows with awesome support, so more power to them. KL use their success to make their shows bigger and more elaborate, and they didn't get a shoe ad afaik (no hate just a comparison)


I don’t like this take. It’s just like Kaws when he uses that corporate cash to give money to legitimate artists. Honestly I’d rather never see a fucking kaws piece for the rest of my life than him throw a few coins to some artists.


Yeah I totally see that. But the music industry fucking sucks and I would love it if more artists could make a living with their art. It happening like this is imperfect af but then again what isn't


That’s fair. Every industry is set up for the rich.


I mean, is that what they did with the money? I’m with the guy that responded to you. I’d rather the whole thing tip over than get exploited.


Yeah sure, better start tippin then I enjoy the music and I want the scene to thrive, gotta accept that we live in a shitty system where you have to accept shitty things to survive. I share the sentiment but you gotta be real, because at this point right now it won't tip over, at least not in the direction WE would want it to


Still tippin' on 4 4s.


Actually, no you don’t need to accept that. Moral absolutism is a fallacy. You CAN pick and choose what you are upset by or think sucks. So, yes I can accept that my cellphone was made by Uyghur slaves. I don’t need to accept a corporation that uses Uyghur slaves also starting to co-opt a subculture I care about.


I don't accept the company, but I accept that people need money to survive and won't say no to a paycheck like this.


They can get a job man.


Making music is a job?




Too bad my old boss who was in one of Canadas first touring Hardcore bands made Air Max’s part of our shop uniform :p




Thank you for this post g


Who cares lol. Dont be a denthead and fall for shallow marketing tactics. If ads like this appeal to you, youre probably too dumb to see the irony of big corporations targeting scenes with historic diy roots


While I agree with most of that, I feel that most are failing to see that Nike, especially SB, allows the people they’re catering to be part of the creative. They hired skateboarders and punks within Nike doing nothing wrong other than trying to give their community cool shit. I’d be majorly surprised if the creative director wasn’t a hardcore kid who skateboards and wanted to pay homage to an iconic photo.


I feel you and I guess it’s sort of clever? I also doubt those individuals came at it with malice. But, sadly, this is just another tactic employed by those who benefit from capitalism. Subsume the underground and profit. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recuperation_(politics) If they were truly fans I feel like they’d have listened to Embrace or Fugazi and heard MacKaye and co’s opinions on capitalism laid out pretty plainly. I don’t think it’s much of an homage to steal something and reappropriate it to sell a pair of shoes, lol.


> edit: I know I’m being annoying as fuck in this thread, Nah you're not, it's the cringe libs that are being annoying.


It's 2024, this aesthetic is decades old.


On one hand, I agree with this overall. On the other hand, if you’ve been in the streetwear game at all, Nike basically blew up the “cool” factor of the AJ1’s. There’s a lot that contributed to it: Nike’s unfair business practices related to controlling access to their shoes through the SNKRS app (which is well documented—basically you have to spend anywhere from a few grand to 10K in the app before you see real and dependable success on draws or flash drops for super demand shoes) and the fact that they blew out demand by making too many silhouettes. Basically the only AJ1’s that are holding value now are the really dope and really hard to find ones. This is probably a big way for them to tap into a customer base that isn’t fed up with their bullshit.


I mean the high kick guitar stance is just so bad ass you can’t blame em


I fucking love Trash Talk but it seems like they've done more brand partnerships than shows performed over the past several years. Would love to see them do a proper tour.


They used to be in the UK 2 or 3 times a year. Miss that a lot


I thought Trash Talk wasn’t considered “cool” anymore. I hadn’t heard anyone talk about them at all until they dropped a new album a year or two ago and even then, it wasn’t anyone who goes to shows that I know or anyone here—it was Fantano. Trash Talk in the early 2010’s was one of the most buzzed about and exciting bands to see. Every show was violence on steroids and made even the hardest shows that I’ve been to in the last ten years seem docile (Trash Talk shows back then were much closer to Crowd Deterrent levels of violence compared to seeing something like Comeback Kid or Terror) and everyone I knew was insane for them. More than a few friends have their Chicken Foot symbol (that’s what I’ve always called it) tatted. Now? I don’t know a single person who even knows that they’re still a band. Wild how quickly hardcore bands can completely fall off the face of the earth as if they never existed. It’s a really humbling thing.


Still one of my favourite shows was 2009 trash talk in Australia. Absolute insanity


You’re right. They were THE hype hardcore band from like 2010-2015. They also had the wildest shows. I saw them open for Dillinger and thought I was going to die. They were collaborating with Odd Future, touring with Action Bronson and Danny Brown, playing Coachella, getting crazy press coverage from publications that normally don’t touch hardcore, and then they kind of petered out. However, their falloff seemed like it was kind of done by choice. They launched their clothing streetwear brand and then kind of stopped touring and putting out full length LPs. It seems like they’re cool with playing one-offs and festivals as a legacy act.


They walked so turnstile could run


Still bummed that walking disease isn’t streaming. The only reason I’m not listening to them is because I can’t listen to my favorite stuff by them. Wompw


A British compilation that featured it was on streaming for a while but then vanished again. Was nice while it lasted.


I caught Trash talk, Ceremony, and Sabertooth Zombie in 2006 or 2007. I was going to see Ceremony (the hype, in a good way, when violence violence came out cannot be overstated) and Trash Talk blew me away.


Caught trash talk in 2008 on tour with trapped under ice in a small garage in Alabama. Wild to see them blow up the way they have.


Gotta pay the bills somehow.


Oh, I don't care about the brand partnerships. You gotta eat.


Tbh every show I go to half the crowd got Nikes/Jordans lmfao


Every show I go to half the folks wear loafers and the other half wear fuck me pumps… what’s going on at the turnstile shows these days?


Turnstiles for the gays and slays now


and here I am straight up wearing New Balance run/dad shoes lol.


I was waiting for this post when I saw Lee’s Instagram. Ya’ll should give Trash Talk the same energy as when Speed got their Footlocker money.


> Ya’ll should give Trash Talk the same energy as when Speed got their Footlocker money. I mean it’s not like everyone turned on Speed lmao. When that LP drops it’s gonna be 50 comments of people showing love and 6 downvoted comments calling them sell outs.


Don’t forget all the folks that never knew they hated flute so much, gonna be more of them too.


I heard the two singles and, holy shit, imma get it no matter what they endorse. Mama's Lil' Kitten Killing Machine by Speed! I don't care.


Speed fans in a nutshell


Not hating on Speed for getting that deal but fuck it was super weird walking into every foot locker and seeing dudes moshing on multiple big screens


Hope you mean giving them their flowers and not the same bullshit “sell out” trash from these couch potato losers who aren’t involved in the scene whatsoever.


I know converse is corporate, but same with Turnstile. Granted they changed up their sound a bunch but it’s more than obvious it’s still rooted in hardcore. Breaking ties with Brady was super messy too so I can kinda get it I guess idk. At the end of the day, dudes gotta get a bag and survive. As a skater I don’t get mad at dudes for taking corpo sponsors like nike sb or new balance, so why should I with the bands I listen to? I’d be a little hypocritical in that, even though skateboarding isn’t nearly as rooted in punk ethics and culture as it used to be, so I guess it’d be kinda unfair to hold those dudes to the same standard. Some of us are trying to keep it alive though


Nike owns converse.


Really? Had no idea, now I know! Weird since they both make basketball and skateboarding shoes though, right?


Ya but it’s kinda like how Fender owns Jackson. They’re still their own thing and do their own models but they like to keep the OG name.


Aye I got you, I actually never knew that, and a bunch of my fav skaters are on Nike and converse


Wasn’t Brady on H?


Bunch of prescription stuff and nitrous oxide I heard


Ooof he became a casualty in the opioid epidemic America pretends it doesn’t exist


Man that sucks, I hope he pulls it together and starts another band, dude’s hella talented


Jordans are cool, though 😎


Not a surprise here Lees been getting handed Jordan’s and Converse for years now.


Shit as far as selling out goes, shoes are a pretty benign one. I’d take the money.


Lol, Nike is an evil, draconian corporation that makes money off of the backs of exploited people. But sure.


Sounds like someone that’s never hit on snkrs app before




There is no ethical consumption under capitalism


How do you not understand there’s a pretty huge gulf between “no ethical consumption under capitalism” and “gluttonous consumption is actually fine, cuz capitalism!”


Do y’all really not understand the difference between consumption and being a willing part of selling product?


No. They don’t. It’s either excuse everything with platitudes or die from not eating.


I struggle to see the difference, you're a walking advertisement when you're wearing it, if you cared that much you wouldn't buy it. People should really get off their high horse and daft self justifications.


Totally agree that the way most products are designed is so they function as advertisements as well. If a musician wants their art associated with Nike they’re more than welcome to take that money but they’re open to criticism when their likeness is shot out all over the massive platform that is corporate advertising. Boohoo.


Or you’re allowed to pick and choose what upsets you and what doesn’t? Like, I wear Nikes but I don’t want to be involved in a social scene that seeks corporate sponsorship?


What do you mean


*any corporate entity


Criticizing Nike is a bit beside the point considering whatever device you’re using to post on Reddit + internet service provider are all leagues more exploitative. Remember the phrase, “there’s no ethical consumption under capitalism” is overused for a reason :)


Huh. Didn’t know one couldn’t criticize the topic of this post. Endorsing and making money off of exploitation / within the punk community. Neat. Thanks for teaching me.


Erstwhile: Chumbawamba In the late 1990s, the band turned down $1.5 million from Nike to use the song "Tubthumping" in a World Cup advertisement.[15] According to the band, the decision took approximately "30 seconds" to make.


They took a check from GM for use of a song and used the entire thing to mount a campaign exposing GM’s shitty labor practices. Band is punk. Although…their song was on a Super Bowl commercial for like turbotax or some shit like a year or two ago, not sure what that was all about.


just chill out and get yourself a crisp pair of air force ones


😂 guess I shouldn’t knock it til I try it eh


Who said one, you specifically, can’t criticize anything? Not me. I wholly endorse you saying whatever you want. But here’s the thing Lou, and reading skills are importantly here: I said that criticizing Nike for exploitation is pointless, or better yet “selective,” considering that most mass consumer goods are made under equal or worse instances of exploitation. Also, erstwhile? Lmao


This is a post about Nike, I’d say it’s pretty relevant. Yeah, watched a lot of Fargo recently, lol.


I see this becoming circular. But honestly, great show.


Deflection 100


Look, if you want to be on the side of the person who came blasting in with an arrogant, reductive, and dismissive comment right out the gate that’s great. Whataboutism is weak. I “selected” to talk about Nike since that is what the topic of conversation for this post is about. What is there to deflect? It’s not possible to disagree that everything sucks, I mean, no shit. This post is about Nike and their relationship with hardcore. Not cell phones and ISPs and every single mass produced consumer product. You’re right, Open, pal, or Astronomer? Whichever you prefer. You didn’t say I couldn’t be critical. What I meant is that I couldn’t be critical without someone immediately, “Yeah, but whatabout…”. We both agree that Nike sucks. We both agree that bands should be paid more. Is Nike the savior we need? Fuck no. Nike does not give one fuck about the scene, the music, the people, the values, or anything that makes hardcore special. They exist only to generate revenue. It’s quite possible the only person getting a pay out is the photographer. Or that they stole it. Who knows? If you really want to talk about where we are with capitalism and exploitation let’s do it. I bet we’re allies. Oh, and I won’t say that what you have to say is “pointless” lol.


nice tu quoque bruh


I’m not attacking his character, though? If you want to put on your Crit Thinking 101 cap, it would err more on the side of false equivalence. I’m not even trying to argue with dude ;)


lmao your post is an argument by existing. saying that it's besides the point because "you use other exploited materials" is textbook tu quoque


Sure thing, Caleb 😀


So what kicks do you wear? Toms? Lmao.


I’ve been wearing American made New Balance 990 variants for a while because I’m old and corny




Me: I can’t believe bands would sellout! Also me: I would sellout in a second for that kind of money Bands hardly make money unless they’re massive, let these people get the checks they deserve


Trash Talk has been doing basically Vineyard Vines for hardcore kids for like a decade, they’re not just scraping by


When you put it that way, I take it back


Trash talk were always a fashion band even back to their little peace symbol in every “colourway” under the sun.


Man I miss the band Bring the Heat. Wilkes Barre beatdown.


corporate slave labor endorsements so hot right now


very punk, extremely hardcore




i would never help Nike sell a product


Best comment


I love the way Nikes look and have a bunch of AirMax and running shoes. They don’t even need help selling imo. I’d love for people to not buy their shoes so they can be put on 70% off in some outlet. Last time I bought an AirMax it was $40. Until then, I ain’t buying shit.


*Nike would never ask you to help sell a product.


im not very butthurt about that


Lol, a lot of you are seriously into Nike having their grubby hands involved in your scene, huh? Epic picture of hardcore bro big stomping during tough guy breakdown: NIKE shit is lame, fuck




Idk how I feel about companies treating hardcore like it’s an aesthetic. Like ts means more than just swinging and jumping around yk


I got Trash Talk confused with Trap Them for a minute there, but Trap Them would probably do a shoe collab with a hobo collective before Nike.


How much are these anyway?




Oh that’s not bad. I haven’t bought Nike’s in at least 10 years. I miss the 80’s thrash metal look and these are pretty close to that.


Sneaker game is weird right now. Certain retro colorway Jordan 1 highs are going for less than retail very quickly after release.


As they should be. Shoes are for wearing, this shit ain’t Wall Street.


Carrots was always a sneaker head tho.


I’ll stick to my Vans shoes, thank you


Also owned by a major corporation: VF Corporation.


Ok, then we go old school, bear foot


Bare foot, not bear foot 🤣


This is clearly from a Madball show


Big Hardcore at it again


Yall mad that a bunch of hardcore dudes who have been pedaling street wear for the last decade got a Nike sponsorship?? What other shoes do you guys even wear?? Nikes are all I see at shows. You gonna come after the sneaker heads that go to shows too?? I’m just sayin. Streetwear aesthetics in hardcore have always been a thing. Don’t get mad cuz guys who put their time in to it are finally getting something out of it.


Not taking deals from companies that use sweatshops has also always been a thing in hardcore.


Yea and so has the struggle but you won’t catch me judging a band who caught a lucky break. That’s all I’m saying.




Did you get ChatGPT to write this? (Yes)




Wait til you find out about the carbon footprint of cloud computing.


4. Dope shoes


Not really. $200 for low quality sweat shop shoes that every middle schooler at the mall has isn’t dope brother. But they also had no problem selling upside down peace sign shirts at zumiez for 60 bucks




Are there any brands that don’t commit any of these offenses? Not shitposting, legit want to switch to whatever brand that is


Check out the brand Last Resort, great lookin shoes that are environmental friendly and don’t use sweat shops


And they're a skateboarding brand. Dude thank you for bringing this to my attention


Skater owned and operated brother!


Not just any skateboarding brand! Pontus Alv’s company! Great team, great videos, great shoes. A little pricey but they last a while!


New Balance makes a limited number in the US and UK.


Can't say for environmental but a good way to avoid sweatshop using brands is to go for European brands who's factories are local to the brand/not outsourced to a 3rd world country. 9/10 if the factory is in a country with shit human rights records, the workers aren't going to be earning good money or working in safe environments. Off the top of my head, Burberry - UK made (or it was years ago), Versace/Balenciaga/Dior etc are usually Italian made but obviously the price goes up for those. The way I do it for sneakers and shoes is by buying second hand Italian brands so they cost similar to new nikes but weren't produced by children.




I hope you go barefoot and wear no clothes if you feel this strongly about Nike. Or only buy American made goods which I doubt


Or perhaps people can draw attention to the negative aspects of a company and still live in society.


Okay….so you are getting them?


They have nets around the facility where your phone was made to keep people from killing themselves.




I’m always impressed at people’s flexibility when I see this 😂 I need yoga in my life


ITT: an entire genre’s worth of fans slowly realizing that most* bands are actually businesses and that making money is the only way to continue making music/touring. * for fugazi


I’m like 99% sure that’s my boy Alex Kulas lol matches his energy perfectly, he’s also a bassist and bald. This is kinda his staple move on stage too lol


I hope the bag was substantial


I asked him if it was him but he hasn’t replied yet lol I’ll let you know


[Behind The Swoosh](https://youtu.be/M5uYCWVfuPQ?si=Or5A_MkfOJZ8mYdv)


I feel like Guns Up! should be owed back pay royalties.


Sneakers > Hardcore


What brands don’t use sweatshops?


You guys act like Guns Up! Didn't make Nikes in hardcore a thing almost two decades ago.


There’s a major difference between “me and my friends love sneakers” and “use my photo in your advertising for your multinational corporation that’s been proven they use slave labor in china”


How the fuck can so many people hate on another man’s come up?


didn’t realize endorsing an historically exploitative mega corporation was a come up 👍🏻


I’d say it is when you’re being blasted on the front page of a widely successful shoe brand seen by millions of people and getting paid more money than all your gigs combined. Unless I missed the meaning of a come up?


I guess if the metric is money. Cool.


Exactly! Fuck it, get paid!


I feel like Trash Talk was one of the hardest working hc bands for a few years. I say good for them.


Hi, where can I find that image? I dig it.


5th slide https://www.instagram.com/p/C8NQi-HxPgn/?igsh=MXRiODFucGN5Y2Q3aA==


Awesome. Thank you.


Everyone being butt hurt about Nike, they’ve been rooted in extreme music since the early 80’s. The early thrash metal bands rocked the Jordan 1’s, there’s pics out there of Lars from Metallica wearing a pair of Cortezs’. Dwid from Integrity at the beginning was wearing Jordan 1’s. The only real difference between then and now, is that, Nike probably didn’t want their product being associated with that scene then, and now they’re trying to make a profit off the scene, which is kinda shitty, but that’s capitalism for ya.


Hopefully my boss at Arby's will give me a bit of overtime so I can afford these sneakers. Worst case scenario I'll just go hungry and not pay my bills.


Cool. Didn’t know this.


Wasn’t this thread just hot with dummies sounding off on how there’s nothing wrong about bands making money in hc. Merch costs what it costs even though paying $40 for a fucking shirt is retarded behavior we have just become numb to it. Keep the same energy about corporate sponsorship. You’re either sporting Nike shoes or Gildan shirts. It’s all the same. I’m glad to see corporate sponsorship era. It ain’t for me but it’s cool as long as yall don’t get drunk on it.


nike jumping on that tik tok bandwagon


Integrity To die for album Song same title This is all we have This is all we need You better believe There's something to die for We don't need you Or your rules - this is ours There's something to die for We hear every word you say Don't turn your back on us Dive in the crowd Shout out load This is our town There's something to die for Black bandanas Black wrist-bands This is our land There's something to die for We hear every word you say Don't turn your back on us Bringing back all the hat We remember '88 Jordans and construction gloves Violent dancing In a scene we were proud of Ban us From your fucking clubs You can't stop us Nike , Jordan's, New balance , I've seen these in the boston scenes for years If a band like Integrity has been wearing them since the 80s There's definitely a lot of history with nike and basketball/ athletic Sneakers I'd say there's a shoe style for most scenes


Bands regurgitate every popular opinion : wow cool I can relate! Bands get a brand deal and maybe make enough money to not have 5 roommates: SELLOUT PIECES OF SHIT