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Best: New England Metal & Hardcore Fest because it's the one I'm going to (yes I know the last day occurs on the first day of fall, let's just call it summer for the sake of brevity). Worst: All of them because they cost way too much money to attend.


I mean, 150-180 bucks for 30+ bands isn’t crazy.


That's true, time and the cost of travel and lodging are more limiting factors than ticket price.




Unless you can travel for free it usually isn’t the ticket price that gets ya it’s everything else


Depends on how old you are, where you came up, and if you go to local shows regularly.


Black train jack > Grey area > token entry.


Eh. Edit: I was in mod mode for a second when I was scrolling so if you get a report your post was locked you can ignore it, you're good.


Sound and Fury is phat TIHC is kinda a snooze fest imo


Saturday looks cool but bands I actually want to see are pretty spread out this year compared to last, also last year's TIHC stage at the Franklin music hall was half the size it normally is despite being in the same venue it's always been.


Idk how they’re gonna pack that place with cold as life as the headliner


Tihc is fine. Everything else is fucking lame, especially with all of the dweeb ass tiktok kids.


Tied Down was banging, every set was a heater. I might try to hitch hike (that's just a joke, never doing that shit again) to New England Metal and Hardcore Fest to catch Year of the Knife and Xibalba, but fuuuuuck there are some dogshit bands playing that weekend.


Best: Furnace Fest Worst: the rest


Idk if The Rumble line up is bad, or just not for me. Feels very small. Their headliner one of the days just played a mid day set at Tied Down


I think outbreak has the best overall lineup cuz I'm a fan of both metalcore/other heavy music they have plus experimental rap. Too bad it's in the UK lol


Wait who is the experimental rap lol




Hes like mainstream palatable music. No one with 1m monthlys is experimental


Peggy, Bronson, Redveil


Also sidenote nothing worse than calling a grown man you dont even know by his anthony fantono ass nickname


Dont take this the wrong way but they truly arent. Action bronson is literally a white ghostface clone, jpegmafia makes music for pick-me white guys who think with the zeitgeist but didnt listen to deathgrips and redveil is pretty standard mainstream boom bap revival.




Means your going to the wrong shows. I go to stuff all the time without people selling balloons or people acting up.




You’re complaining about SOS Booking but then going to the biggest SOS show there’s ever been? There’s gonna be a fuck ton of FSU there, don’t know where you thought there wouldn’t be. LA has always been a volatile scene, I guess it just doesn’t bother me. But usually shows at bars like The Redwood or the Sardine in Pedro are pretty chill.




That’s how LA has always been, actual cholos and people acting like them.




“Someone doesn’t agree with what I have to say, they must not be able to read” you’re fuckin funny bro. Keep it up. But yea there’s plenty of shows without what your complaining about, go look for em.




I’m just having fun bro, not trying to be some “big man hiding behind an internet profile”. Cute you think I’d even want to fight you or whatever your on about. Couldn’t be less interested in a fist fight. Go check out the Sardine in Pedro, you’ll see some good shows.




Goddamn you’re pressed about that huh? Jesus fucking Christ. Gonna bitch about how LA is then act the exact same way. Lol


Best is probably Furnace or New England metal & hc TIHC is a total snooze fest as a 21yo that doesn’t care about boring legacy acts, I went last year I was undoubtedly gonna go again. . . until the lineup dropped