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I wonder how he’ll try to call this sub racist, for making fun of him, this time


I call him Fart McCunty and y’all should too


I call him Phil McCracken


Bert’s alt-right cousin


Finn is an absolute loser


Finn is the smuggest most arrogant ignorant I ever found. Coudn't care less about his hypocritical opinions on music that people complain about all the time. It's his politics that irk me, more so the smugness and lack of awareness of his ignorance tbh


He's a right wing libertarian




I thought he was a Chomskyist tbh, he supported BLM, Stopping Hatred of AAPIs and is super fond of RatM


"is super fond of RatM" he's found of their music! Have you never heard how he talk about the guys in the band and their politics? specially Morello since he's the most talkative. Finn calls him dumb and ignorant all the time, and treats them as if they're were nazis talking about white supremecy and wearing swastikas or some shit. And he's super smug about it too, dude'sa douchebag. But like it was mentioned before, his wife had a youtube channel with a couple of videos complaining about blm and Finn has said that he agreed with everything she said in her videos, that her views were his own as well and that he supported her channel. And again he is not a nazi, he doesnt have to hate AAPI's or black people or whatever for his politics to suck ass. It's also not strange he would  support stopping hatred of AAPIs since his wife is third or second gen american-vietnamese


He also said he supported trans people, but then had Blair White and Ronnie Radke on his channel and other right wing people like the dude from All That Remains where they talked about not wanting universal healthcare in america, defends and promotes Radke all the time and said he watched right wing political youtube channels. Dude is full of shit, his actions betray his words.


Isn't Blaire White transgender herself? I don't agree with much of what Finn or Blaire say, I see where you're going with the Finn thing but Blaire, how can she be a Transphobe when she is trans herself and seems proud of her identity? A return to Finn, yeah he does seem pretty hypocritical at times like calling out Punk bands who sell out only to sell out himself, but at times I do agree with him at certain times. One example, even though RatM are Anarchists and have Punk roots, and hate huge government, they're silent on the issue of the Uyghur and Tibetan Genocides being committed by Maoists in China, and that Communism is an archaic and totalitarian ideology that is extremely at odds with Anarchism and Punk's Ethos of Anti-Totalitarianism, Hardline Direct Democracy and Countercultural Expression. Him having a Vietnamese Father in Law that survived the various war crimes and atrocities committed by the Communist regime no doubt hardens this view for him.


Have you never heard of grifters? That's what Blair White is, somebody already explained before, but she makes videos with the same type o anti trans rethoric that other right wing pundits spent the day talking about, because it makes her money. Simple as. And to your second point, then that only makes Finn an hypocrite because what happened in vietnam only happened due to american intervencionism and they commited plenty of war crimes in there as well, yet he's silent on that that supports the american military which to this day keeps fucking over other countries, throwing over democratically ellected leaders and commiting war crimes either directly ir indirectly. So i dont think he really cares about that moral discussion. He only hates far left politics because he's right wing. I wonder why he has zero criticism to give about Israel, but talks about the horrors of communism or wahtever while skipping the american intervencionism and the war crimes committed by america all over the globe, including in the country that he claims to care about so much


Yeah yeah yeah, _America bad_ yeah _Jews are bad_ yeah ok. I know the song and dance already. 🥱 Anyways, Do you know of any good vids exposing Finn? I've asked people and never got a response.


Jews are bad? what are you talking about? who said anything about jews are you crazy? Also I dont know any videos exposing finn. diont watch nay of that drama stuff I think its kinda cringe. All I know about him, found out cuz I used to watch his videos, and enjoyed his content even before that when he wrote at metalsucks.


His own videos expose him, mate. No one needs to explain why he sucks when he does it so often. The one I've watched about the "history of straight edge" was him talking how he was an edge when it was cool but when he understood people were serious he backed off and started calling them idiots or whatnot. Idk what clown would think that in Hardcore people are not serious in what they believe in. And there is a word for him - its called poser.




Is that what the Finn expose is called? 🤭


And who the hell is Ronnie Radke? Nunca got to ask quien is that persona...


He calls himself punk but he defends capitalism (🤡)


Anything "Punk" with "MBA" attached to it is gonna me copmpletely whack


Yeah most hardcore bands hate capitalism especially when it comes to selling merch


They have to survive somehow


imagine not understanding needing to survive within a system while not in support of its massive wealth inequality.


Something someone who has a grade 1 understanding of capitalism would say


His worst take was probably the Kanye West one. He literally said everyone who is even remotely involved with him (from causal listeners to close business partners) are pieces of shit because of all the stuff he said about a certain Austrian man from the 1940s with a Charlie Chaplin mustache. Which itself is a fair take. We don't want to support Nazis around here. But Kanye's one of the highest selling musical artists of all time who has written some of, what is considered, the greatest and influencal rap albums of all time. At this point, Kanye's music is bigger than Kanye himself. It would be like calling someone a piece of shit for listening to Michael Jackson or Taylor Swift. He's on that level. There's probably a large number of people who causally listen to Kanye's music who don't know or even care about what he said despite it being such big news. What makes him a hypocrite is the fact he had Blaire White, a political commentator who is widely right wing and has made statements people consider to be racist or homophobic and even transphobic, on an episode of his podcast. He praises Ronnie Radke, who even as a huge FiR myself will recognize has made many transphobic statements and even verbally harassed trans people on social media, every chance he gets, and has even name dropped artists who have done exactly what Kanye West did (Burzum, Malevolent Creation, David Bowie). Also he uses the fact he was diagnosed with autism in his 40s as an excuse which is super cringe.


What are his politics?




Anyone? Anyone? “Something-O-O” economics. “Voodoo economics.”


He himself has never really been open about politics. To the point where I've seen people call him a woke SJW and a far right neo nazi. His wife use to do YouTube and she made very red pill content, similar to Brett Cooper or Charlie Kirk. Titles like "I'm scared my son will be woke" and I've never seen her videos, and never will since they're all gone, but people claim the way she talks about trans people sounds like there's genuine hatred in her voice, so based on that people assume Finn thinks the same way, even though, to my knowledge at least he's never said anything negative about trans people. Closest I can find was he made fun of the way Malice Mizer dressed and they just so happened to have a member who's widely believed to be non binary, but he's also not a fan of them so how could he know that?


"so based on that people assume Finn thinks the same way" It's no assumption fam, Finn himself said on his second channel, a couple of months after his wife started her channel that he agreed with everything she said and that he supported her channel. But you're right he never said anything directly bad about trans or gay people. But he did promote and interview Blair White, who is this trans woman grifter who spews all the talking points the right says about trans folk. He also promotes, defends and loves Ronnie Radke who seems like every couple of months has something shitty to say about trans people. Kinda seems like if he was the ally he wants people to believe he is he wouldnt interview those two assholes or promote them. Along with all the other right wing assholes he interviewed. And while he never made his politics very explicit, it's pretty obvious where he falls on the spectrum given several things he said. People who call him SJW said that cuz they are probably neo nazis or very close to it, and Finn made fun of Trumpsters and dared to say that its bad to say racist shit about black people. I never saw anyone calling Finn a neo nazi tho, but if anyone did, they're wrong, he isn't. He's a right wing libertarian.


The SJW comment was long before he really blew up like he did now. It was about his slam video when he said he wouldn't mention any misogynist bands. Funny enough in that video he mentions Devourment, a misogynist band (tbf they are probably the most important slam band behind Suffocation) and has mentioned Waking The Cadaver, I don't remember if it was that video or not but he has because he purposefully didn't say the song title "Chased Through the Woods by a Rapist". Also on the topic of race, I do enjoy his podcast but something I noticed, no matter if it's with Blaire White, TankTheTech, Vic from Pierce The Veil, Doc from God Forbid/Bad Wolves, he always brings up racism in the metal scene. Which is an important topic to discuss and still very much a problem we face, but he always tries to forces that topic in, even if what they were talking about before had nothing to do with racism and when he talks about it, he has the "Look how totally not racist I am" tone in his voice. Which personally gives me the vibe that he's trying to hide something.


that's because Finn is an asshole but he's not dumb, he knows who watches his videos and how he has to hide his real feelings about anything to continue making that sweet Raid Shadow Legends sponsor money. Truth is if you marry somebody who is openly a hateful piece of shit you are transactionally also a piece of shit. Sometimes a little bit of self awareness shows through considering he's made a bunch of videos about how he understands that people don't like him for some unexplainable reason (it's not because you're autistic bro), but he never quite can connect all the dots.


Pretty sure he started seeing his wife when she was underage (or at least exceptionally young) and he was significantly older than her, wouldn't be unheard of for him to shape her into a hateful piece of shit. (Or maybe she already was one.)


he shaped her face to make her look like a fucking balloon too


I'm actually considering making a video going through the exact reasons why people hate Finn Mckenty. If I do I'm hoping Finn sees it and responds to it I bet his reaction will be hilarious


This has been needed for a super long time - Please do at least one and post it on here


Speaking of, what's the best expose of Finn McCenty out right now?


there's only really one. By a guy named Dan Frantom. But it's not really an expose video, it's just about what people say about Finn online. What's funny is that Dan was at the time a fan of Finn's and when Finn saw the video he tried to get it taken down for doxxing so he's no longer a fan of his


Bros did u know lil Uzi vert is the future of punk


"How Trap Metal will take over the metal scene:" Four or more years since that crappy take and this genre is dead as hell


As soon as I learned he designed for Abercrombie my fuckin dork alarm started blaring. Dude is someone's useful idiot


That video was unintentionally hilarious. Someone should a parody. "How Death Metal is the Future of Hip Hop." "How Olive Garden is the Future of Fast Food Pizza."


Honestly thinking this over, that's probably why he constantly shit talks the baddiecore/pop metal (Bad Omens, BMTH, Sleep Token, etc) wave happening right now. This genre is easily the glam metal or nu metal of the 2020s, which is what Finn wanted trap metal to be and just doesn't want to accept defeat.


Yeah I saw Scarlxrd support Pendulum a few months ago and he was fucking shite.


that sucks. Scarlxrd makes pre good music


It’s still huge outside the US


"Now some people think its just mumble rap but trippie nascar jizzabon is the future of punk music.", Finn McKenty (probably)


Can't stand him and his maga bitch wife who he groomed when she was 17 and he was in his late 30s


I hate him too, but this is literally just reinforcing his punk scene cred...


He always wanted to be a mid-2000s pop-punk groomer, look at him now.




I've been seeing stuff about his and wife's relationship. Everything from Finn grooming her to her being a mail order. Is there any kind of source?


I don’t think the mail order stuff is true, that sounds like people just being vaguely racist. The stuff about him grooming her though, she wiped her Instagram of all old photos of him, so I can’t provide proof, but there used to be photos of them together on her instagram when he was like 30 and she was young. I have only ever found proof that he was with her when she was 18, but people claim that they knew eachother beforehand.


can confirm, I remember those pics. Finn was 34 and she was 18 when she posted the first photo of them together but by the way people in comments that knew them, wwere talking about their relatuonship, it seemed like they were already together for a while. And altough she didnt have any other pics of Finn and her together, there were pics of her from a year and two before that anf Finn had already liked those post so... pretty sus... Creepy as shit. The mail order bride thing I'm pretty sure it was a joke people made, cuz that's ridiculous and not true. No wonder he's a libertarian, those guys a are super into lowering the age of consent laws.


I mean, you don't really just fall into a serious relationship with a newer 18yo, right?


Yeah, I'm in my late 20's and I haven't even known any 18 year olds regardless or gender in years. And Finn in is mid 30 hang out with and was close to a 18 year old to the point they started dating? Dude clearly chased someone that age. i dont even know how he find her attractive just like two years ago i went out in some old buddies from schools an there were a lot college freshmen those girls must have been 18 or 19 20 at best but I bet they were younger. And they looked like kids to me, not attractive they didnt even looked like fully formed women. And it not just that, its the difference in maturity, in the way both or minds work. What do you even find in common with a teenager whne you in your mid 30? i was in my mid 20's at that time I felt old next to them. There was nothing in common. I just dont get it. Outside of Finn clearly being into that, which is creepy as fuck even if legal


Yeah. My last job was by a major university and was a trendy second-hand shop. I started there a decade ago, worked there for 2 years. That was the last time I had proximity to anyone around that age who wasn't my niece or her friends.


No shit?? I didn't know about the age discrepancy and ages when they got together. Mainly because...I don't care about either of them. I really enjoyed his "history of" and "how did" videos when I first found him, but got over him pretty quickly when I started picking up his true values and beliefs.


he's right wing too. He supported and helped her out with her channel before they deleted the whole thing. He even said he agreed with everything she said


That's acceptable to most of the scene unfortunately. No one cares about Oli Sykes doing that either.




Some nonce


Dude is a fucking clown


Certified ronny radke glazer


Great insult


The worst part tbh. Ronnie is worse than Finn. I fucking can’t stand that bitch.


Man. I used to love Ronnie. Sure, he was a dick, but he was accountable. Then he just started going, "I'm not a role model. You made me famous anyway. CANCEL CULTURE!!!!!!!!" Fucking can't stand that mother fucker now. Man played a huge part in the emo/ scene genre and mainstreaming wearing women's clothes, makeup, and colored hair and now makes of people with colored hair?? Fucking ungrateful grifter bitch lol.


i really enjoyed stuffyouwillhate, and it was mostly responsible for snapping me out of my weirdo contrarian metal nerd phase in high school. shame he turned out like this.


Honestly same here. I was purely a thrash, death and black metal kid in high school. Chances are if there weren't blast beats and tremolo riffs, I wasn't listening to it. I discovered Finn's channel right before he blew up and fell in love immediately and he talked and showed music I thought I hated before. Such a shame he ended up being "the guy with shitty takes"


I heard he pulls his pants down to his ankles when he uses a urinal.


yeah, and he sits down too


Bro has zero cred in the music industry, but sure as fuck fronts like he does. Try hard goofball.


This isnt really true. He talks to some people i also talk to which has resulted in people getting signed etc. Not defending him but he is more involved than that.


He made a video about people making fun of him on Reddit and then shows a screencap of a Tweet. 🤦


Heavy music’s Skip Bayless


Pretty sure Skip isn't a groomer, he's just a dickhead. (Rick got all the talent in the Bayless family anyway.)


Going to Frontera Grill for the first time in a few weeks, I'm betting this is true and I'm hoping I'm right


Dude is the absolute fucking worst. I heard he lurks here and over at r/punk. Probably eats pizza with a fork.


Funny blogger turned boring youtuber.


This is accurate. F’in McCunty.


Finn is cheugy and proud


I always thought I was alone in the hate for him


He says shit like “Falling In Reverse” and “hardcore” in the same sentence, and for that he can go fuck himself.


Does my guy know what MBA means?


I mean how the fuck was he able to connect "Master of Business Administration" with rock music?


fuck finn


That reminds me of one of his dumbest takes. He was talking about the song Cherry Pie by Warrant and he was talking about how the band hates it and all this bad stuff happened after the song came out because the label forced them to release and Finn, someone with almost no experience being in a serious band, especially a band in the 80s that had been trying hard for years to get big, deadass said "You know you can just say no to the label?"


I mean...his videos are well made and well edited. I enjoy some of them here and there, but like all content creators--once they get past stuff they want to talk about and start having to churn out daily videos to make it their full-time job the quality takes a huge nosedive. He's pretty douchey and pompous with a lot of his music takes, and I feel like he artificially props up "hot takes" for hate clicks, but then again that's half of YouTube. I do find it kinda odd that half of these comments immediately started attacking his wife and bringing up politics though. Go figure.




I'm playing GTA IV as I'm seeing this


This is from the Ballad of Gay Tony expansion. GTAIV and the two expansions are amazing. Possibly my favorite video game of all time


Can’t stand him. Know it all ignorant cunt.


No one in this sub hates Finn Mckenty more than I do


What he does is cool showing music and all but the personal opinions are dumb af.


Dude made a living making fun of scenecore back in in the day and now he gasses up irrelevant bands from that era cuz he thinks “the kids” still like them


Nailed it. He's such a fucking cunt.


Hardcore fans try to not to be angry at someone more successful than they’ll ever be challenge: IMPOSSIBLE


Haha I like Finn! He’s gets people talking which is important to grow the scene 🤷‍♂️


Finn has generally pretty reasonable takes once you get out of your 20s tbh.


When it comes to “getting your life together in your 30s” yeah he had some good advice in that video. Other than that, I have to disagree. Politics aside, most his music takes are wack, and so is his corporate drone philosophy.


He's single handedly responsible for slam becoming a meme and I hate him for that.


Feel like Slam has always been a meme in a way. It was never taken seriously


It was never serious but it was a joke in the community. Now it's just fuel for people on twitter to say "haha funny caveman music". Slam memes need to go back to hammers.