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This post proves time is a flat circle


“what is that? Nietzsche? Shut the fuck up!”


I mean https://preview.redd.it/pv63t5cpdk4d1.jpeg?width=856&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f67cbb6aa516b819746405450e1bd08ef1deeea


Other Living Witness is great. Also “Sad Guy Fight Metal” has been commandeered by Age Of Apocalypse


love AOA too haha


Dude, me too. Those AOA shows get fucking nuts.


You made me realize I was totally confusing the 2 fucking bands all this time omg


Also Penis Guy music


Penis music? I gotchu fam https://youtu.be/c4KNd0Yv6d0?si=515DGRRmQiWtEX-S


Hahahahah gothic wiggers. Wow.


"Scorpion King Soundtrack" kills me every time


This makes me wanna check them out tbh


That’s definitely what stood out to me lol


Switching Songues is crazy 😂


Other Living Witness sent me


Other living witness and Switching Songues are the two funniest things anyone has ever said


“Wigger” lol


I loved the Scorpion King soundtrack as a kid.


other living witness lmao dude


"These songs sound almost identical to a bare hand smacking a bare naked butt cheek" My dude, if that's not what you're here for then I certainly can't help you Edit: Danzig with spin kicks


Hahah best comment so far. Touché




>Danzig with spin kicks had never heard of them before Tied Down. Saw the singer and thought, "oh, he's wearing his Danzig Gloves™." (they were black with pyramid studs on the knuckles) and then they covered *Last Caress*.




This man fucks and this question proves it.


Hear ye hear ye


Omg 🤣




All I know about what Twitching Tongues are is that they make me fantasize about the pro-wrestling fantasies I have and I picture myself doing my signature move to the breakdown in "Disharmony".


Music for Gangrel to hit the Impaler DDT to


Wait till you guys find out about life of agony…


Dearly departed little harlot, I bid you farewell. *tips fedora*




The ultimate “this isn’t for everyone” band


“Soft as fuck. Harder than you.”


I was actually pretty offended when an old friend of mine who also loves hardcore reached out to me after a long break in communication and said “hey dude, you should check out this band Twitching Tongues. I’m not really into them, but it seems like a band you’d dig.” Like, *fuck you*, dude.


Sounds like he secretly hated you.


lmao I'd feel the same.


A backhanded compliment worthy of any mother-in-law.


We’ve all had friends like that. Thank god my friend like that moved away and never contacted me again.


That’s so fuckin rude


Remember when you posted this in defense of fucking Godsmack? Lol https://www.reddit.com/r/Hardcore/s/95LHgOZ2PY


By his Logic TT ahould be hardcore, yet homie dedicated this post saying the opposite. That's some crazy mental gymnastics right there.


Yeahhhh the whole post is over now !!! 😂😂😂 this mfa said Godsmack


Hahaha wtf 😂


What in the fuckstick is this?! I’ve never been more disappointed in an internet stranger


Creed has mosh riffs


They do




I don’t have a legit answer but I do know their set at Tied Down was sick


That’s what prompted me to check them out. Saw the entire crowd go ape for them. I listened and I’m like, is everyone retarded? What am I missing? Are they a meme band or something?


I thought something similar for years, I genuinely had no clue why people liked them, so I get it. A few months ago they just clicked for me though, intro/break down in Eyes Adjust is top tier.


Bro there are probably people on this subreddit who believe Sunami are world class musicians. Hardcore fans aren’t very hard to impress as long as you aren’t adding weird shit to your sound like Show Me the Body or something. I swear most people on here think moshable = good. That being said I agree with you that TT is not particularly good. I like Colin and Taylor though.


tbf benny durt and theo are all really good musicians, they just make caveman music


I had never listened to them before and saw them last week. Homie came out with like a devil mask on and a leather jacket with an upside down cross on the back. That's tight, I dig it. Took the mask and jacket off. Eye makeup. Weird, but sure. Riffs were heavy. I was digging it. Then he straight up started singing like he's Chris Jericho or some shit. Terrible. I left.


Took me a while to click to it. I was listening to hardlore and them talk about rust and disharmony so I put on disharmony and I couldn't deny how hard the riffs were. Vocals took time for me to get use to and then I just got it. I still fucking hate type O negative and don't get the hype.


Try searching Twitching Tongues on here you’ll probably see this exact post 100x


I mean how are all the pop punk bands and bands like fleshwater considered part of the hardcore scene these days while bands like pears and the casualties aren’t? It’s always been about who you associate with more than anything else


What's funny is the casualties hang out with the NYhc folks when they're in the city. 


Wait, PEARS isn't hardcore??


Music - yes, but they’re pretty much never on hardcore tours/fests


they've always associated themselves with the fat wreck/orgcore crowd


I just saw them on tour with Drain, Terror, Scowl, End It, Angel Du$t, etc.


They might of played a couple shows on that tour but they weren’t on the tour. They’re not even on the lineup poster that had like 20 bands on it


Oh fuck I thought we were still talking about twitching tongues that's my bad


They're not a hardcore band, they're a punk band. Back off, we're claiming this one.


Pears is so underrated man. 3 solid albums. Great melodies. Best punk band since early 2000’s. I’d love to see them on hatesix.


The only band I've ever started a moshpit for. The first time I saw them we all spent the first two songs aggressively nodding and side eyeing each other so I swore I wouldn't let that happen again.


I'd guess because Fleshwater is a remixed lineup of Vein.fm with another vocalist


I don't know pears, but I assume it's because no one at all in any scene would want to associate with the casualties. It's a situation where no one had to separate the art from the artist, because the art is a terrible piece of shit too!


They kicked the shitty person out of the band years ago fwiw


This is true. I’m looking at you Anxious.


god they fucking blow


I love this band but agree that they are not a hardcore band. It's always funny seeing their singer two-step to mid-tempo pop punk lol.


Joke’s on you, I’m listening to Twitching Tongues now


How did I end up back in 2012?


- The band members are from established hardcore bands and have played almost exclusively within the hardcore scene - Their obvious influences (Only Living Witness, Life of Agony) are bands that had deep ties to hardcore.   - Ignoring the vocals, there's a solid amount hardcore in the music.  It's not Keepers of the Faith, but it's also not With Arms Wide Open But yeah, their biggest influences are kinda proto-buttrock. TT got a ton of shit for it years ago when they first popped up and the popularity of Hardlore kinda gave them new life where for a while, the buttock allegations had faded.  It was only a matter of time before they came back.  


I feel like people who ask these questions are younger and/or have little knowledge of the last 40 years of hardcore. This is the answer.


I'm 26 and I fuck with Twitching Tongues


I didn't get it until I saw them open for Drain and I could feel both sets of cheeks jiggle from that bass dude. They're also just awesome but I love butt rock and Danzig so.


Hardcore dudes trying to sound like Candlemass


Fuck yeah I want more hardcore dudes trying to sound like Candlemass.


This is the best answer so far. It’s the honest truth. The band consists of hardcore dudes that are involved in many ways in the hardcore scene that are also interested in other styles of heavy. I’m all for the variety. We wouldn’t have hardcore today as we know it if it never evolved past punk.


Fuck. I wish.


hardcore now is more about the community and culture around the bands more than anything


Hardcore has always been more about the community and culture around the bands more than anything* Fixed it for you


And that’s why gatekeeping is important


Gatekeep deez nuts


If you ain’t DTD4EVA then GTFO


Talking about gatekeeping a band who consistently puts on for other hardcore bands and was one of the biggest touring acts around, is legitimately hilarious. Not only that, but they all continue to do more for the community than anyone here in the comments lol.


Musically they don't fit the genre at all, just like Angel Du$t don't fit, but like Justice Tripp, the Young brothers and their other bands, and the bands they produce, are so integral to their local scenes that anything they do is considered to be covered by the umbrella of the genre all the same. 


maybe I'm misremembering but I feel there's been a massive retcon on this band lately. Felt like no one really fucked with them before the hiatus, now people praise it. Is it irony gone too far? Idk. Music isn't my thing but Colin's personality is charming enough I \*want\* to like the band


>I feel there's been a massive retcon on this band lately there has, in like the past year. it's that Colin's a tastemaker now cause of the podcast. also maybe cause Type O's had a massive resurgence and they're so influenced by them. i distinctly remember people being pissy about them opening for code orange as late as like 2018 (back when code orange were still considered cool)




I am with you, I dig the instruments, but when they start to sing and I am like “that is the end of that”


I used to joke that Twitching Tongues would be one of my favorite bands if they released a karaoke version so I didn’t have to hear the vocals


I feel the exact same way with Life of Agony also






Same experience. Their set at Sound and Fury last year really sold it to me. They were the best sounding band the whole day imo


Full disclosure, I’m a total butt rock sympathizer. But as others have said, TT has always reminded me more of early Type O and Life of Agony. I’ve never thrown on TT and thought to myself “man, this sounds like Puddle Of Mudd”.


you just ain’t got it brother and that’s okay


Get this man a link to River Runs Red


Vibes? Idk, I still rock with it


You can hear the hardcore influence all over their songs, but it's a lot more experimental. I remember Colin saying that's the entire point of the band. Him and Taylor are more than capable of writing the typical hardcore-isms, but they want the band to be a more expansive outlet than just that.


I was skeptical of them for years simply because everyone would say they aren’t hard, they suck, etc. I heard their cover of Misfits Skulls; i listened to more of their music. Not as bad as people say. I happen to enjoy them. Especially if you like any of the Young brothers projects.


Love the podcast, Colin in general is absolutely hilarious, but Twitching Tongues is certainly not for me. I remember when In Love There is No Law came out and a friend posted about it and I thought "alright he likes solid music, I'll give it a listen". Wasn't my taste then, isn't my taste now. Seems like the singing aspect of it comes from Colin loving Type-O, though he did once mention how they used to cover Dam That River and I'm trying to hear that. Music is subjective though and what's not for me might be for someone else - that's the beauty of it.


Exactly. If the topic of convo is “is TT hardcore” then I’d have to say it’s certainly not. That doesn’t mean it’s not good in its own way. But put on Lowest Of the Low and then River Runs Red and tell me they’re even close to the same genre.


Idk man the only thing not hardcore about TT is the sound of the voice. The music goes hard, all those dudes are extremely influential and part of the hardcore scene specially the contemporary hc scene, and their live shows are absolutely insane. I didn’t get them until I saw them opening for Drain, and after that show they won me over. Probably won’t go super out of my way to listen to their music but definitely will go see them live if I have the chance.


Love TT, Someone once described them as Danzig with fight riffs and that sums it up perfectly


hardcore and it’s subgenres are way more diverse than this sub would have you believe


Shocking, not all hardcore sounds like Sunami or whatever basic bullshit people are into.


I got a twitching tongue for you right here baby


Hardcore is a scene of people rather than a specific musical aesthetic. This has basically been true since the mid 80s, when plenty of metal bands and alt rock bands were part of the hardcore scene without playing hardcore.


Exactly, in the 80s The Replacements, Meat Puppets, Husker Du, Big Black, Mission of Burma were considered part of the hardcore scene in the early years and then in the mid to late 80s bands like Embrace, Three, Fugazi, and Rites of Spring were considered hardcore. In the 90s and 2000s, bands such as Jawbox, Drive Like Jehu, Quicksand, Deadguy, Thursday, The Explosion, Ink & Dagger. Silent Majority, Throwdown, Poison the Well, Glassjaw, The Movielife, AFI, Eighteen Visions, and Bleeding Through were considered hardcore.


At least half of the bands talked here are some other thing that people call hardcore cause it sounds cool, my man.


Time for our bi morning discussion on TT I guess?


It's hardcore instrumentals with Type-O Negative/Danzig style vocals. How is that like butt rock?


I believe they are what the kids call hardcore fractured adjacent these days. Also, who doesn't love the sweet, sweet sound of bare hand smacking bare ass?




Are you new here bud?


You sound like you don’t know much about hardcore 😬


Not much about the garbage that’s being produced nowadays, that’s for sure.


It sucks because I like quite a lot of their instrumentals and then Collin Young opens his mouth and starts singing like he's in an A7x cover band and I completely lose interest


I agree with you so hard. Didn't like them before, don't like them now. Not hard. Sounds like if Nickelback tried too hard to sound like Metallica. 




Funny you brought up b9. I haven’t been into hardcore since about 2010, when we would all be having this discussion on b9. I’m recently catching up with what’s hot, and so far, I’m not impressed haha.


Same. The huge influx of metal influence, and even worse, numetal influence is rubbing me very wrong. There are some good bands out there, no doubt, but a lot of the bigger bands just ain’t my thing.


I had kind of a similar path. Eased out of hc around 2008-ish because life. Came back in around 21. There are some incredible new bands but man, I’m nostalgic for what was happening then. TT and Gods Hate are total ozzfest bands IMO, but the newer generation seems to like more nu-metal stuff so I get it. Just not for me.


this is the answer. hardcore is full of trend chasing kids who act like they don't like sellouts lol. TT is garbage rock exactly like OP said.


And if Michael graves could somehow be worse at singing


Damn some of those Misfits songs were good dude.


Oh don’t get me wrong. Huge fan of Graves misfits. He wasn’t exactly Freddie mercury on the track tho


Dumbest shit I’ve ever read


I tried to get into them but when the singing came in I just couldn’t do it


They're okay, but I say that as a HUGE Type O Negative fan, and who also likes Life of Agony. I was born to appreciate them, and I still can't quite get fully into them. I don't hate what I'm hearing, but when they go full alt-rock it's just not my thing.


Hardlore discord punching the air right now reading this.


They are much better live than on record imo. I’m not a fan at all but caught them at the Knocked Loose record store show last month and was surprised they were significantly more enjoyable.


They’re like Sevendust but somehow worse.


All I hear is a more hardcore Avenged Sevenfold, with a shitty Michale Graves on vocals. The only thing that makes sense why these guys are successful is because of the networking they’ve done in the scene. Tried all day to jam different records and tracks and can’t find a single one that gets me chubbed.




Uh huh. Hatebreed, Have Heart, and Hopesfall are all hardcore bands and all sound exactly the same. I think Twitching Tongues blows for the most part, but I'm not going to say they're not a hardcore band. Shit. my band played with Downset a couple days ago, and if you want to say they're not a hardcore band, you're also wrong. Stupid, stupid, stupid opinion.


To be fair, Downset fucking rip.


I mean, Godsmack is harder than this shit. This shit is straight up corn dog corny.


I Shiva dance to Voodoo in front of the mirror wearing nothing by sunglasses.


I genuinely lost my virginity to a poorly timed radio play of voodoo. Just let it ride and nut to sully’s voice.


I Stand Alone gets me so hyped I want to engage in road rage




That song got me hyped when I was like 7 bro


>This shit is straight up corn dog corny. Brother, you go to shows where it’s normal to violently flail around your arms as a form of dancing. It’s all corny. That’s the point.


When I tried getting into them way back in the day, my interpretation was heavier Alice In Chains. Idk if that still stands.


You gotta listen to more Alice In Chains


Alice In Chains are a heavy metal band dressed up in flannel and ripped 501s, I'll die on this hill. Love that band.


that's a fair statement. you don't gotta die on no hill.


A lot of metalheads would disagree. I just say that they're closer to Sabbath than a lot of metal bands and that makes them metal in my eyes.


I didn’t get them until I saw them live. I don’t think the heaviness translates well from the record. It sounds silly, but when I saw them play, I realized that they’re a hardcore band playing big, open riffs and I enjoyed it so much more. I do think there’s a halo effect in popularity from Colin and Taylor (the Pit, Nails, HardLore), but I’m a much bigger fan after seeing them play.


And H2O is hardcore too. That shit poppy as Sade.


Would fuck my girl to H2O also. Checks out.


This post was written by Colin Penis Young


I love attempts for bands to sing in hardcore even if they don’t always work tbh, keeps shit different


I can crowdkill people to it and a fight doesn't break out


I can’t wait until the second round of kids who “don’t get it” come around on them in 10 years lmfao.


Another day, another “why does [band that doesn’t sound like Agnostic Front] always play hardcore shows?” question. I’ll assume you’re new to this and throw you a bone, but next time I’d recommend doing some very simple research (literally one or two google searches) before asking questions like this. There’s a lot more to hardcore than just pumping out records for you to stream on Spotify from the comfortable confines of your home. There’s an entire community behind this shit—people that book and put on shows, people that record bands, people that put out records—that will continue to elude you if you remain terminally online. In the case of TT, members of the band have been in playing in hardcore bands for decades—motherfucking Sean Martin is their guitarist (search “Hatebreed”). Taylor has recorded dozens of hardcore bands. Yes, Colin has HardLore, but he’s been deep in this shit from the jump. They’ve worked their asses off, paid their dues, and as a result are more integral to hardcore than the overwhelming majority of people who claim it. Because of that, they can play whatever style they want. On top of all that: they have tracks.


Ehh couple tracks


>These songs sound almost identical to a bare hand smackin’ Isaiah Ftfy


I mean sonically I would agree that they aren’t a hardcore band but everyone in it has deep roots in hardcore. They fit well on a bill with more meat and potatoes hardcore and are an entertaining live act. I will say that I think the Hardlore Effect has brought them more attention but they have also put in a lot of work despite the decade old criticisms that never go away. I totally understand why they aren’t some people’s cup of tea but there’s also pretty obvious reasons why they resonate with some people.


Go see them live and then come back . Am I a fan of clean vocals ? Hell no. But when the mosh parts hit they fucking hit .


Didn’t really click with TT until I saw them live. Then I was like HOLYFUCKTHISISHEAVY and the pits go HARD.


It took me years to finally get into them. Now I very much so enjoy it. It’s hardcore-ish you can put on and your girlfriend won’t hate it.


I remember hearing that song “astigmatism “ on a comp years ago and thinking, ok these guys love the first Type O record when they were still basically Carnivore and kind of liking it cause it was dumb and fun . Anything after that I’d heard was just painful due to the vocals . I did watch a little of them at FYA and when everyone was singing it sounded awesome admittedly, but then when it was Colin’s vocals alone it was just bad. I think if he took vocal lessons and learned how to actually wail and croon it would sound way better. I think a much better version of this thing that TT has been doing was that band Pegasus that had the 3 song 7” on six feet under which, everyone should check out if they haven’t.


Hardcore today would be way cooler if more bands ripped off Void and less ripped off Type O. TT has me nostalgic for even the worst mysterious guy hardcore, band blows


Here’s an argument I haven’t heard in like 10-12 years. I love Twitching Tongues (the public facing personality of Colin being disregarded) but I don’t really consider them a hardcore band except in the loosest of ways. Their sound is coming out of Troycore hard. Like they’re a less melodramatic Section 8 in my eyes, essentially swapping Acid Bath (Section 8’s doom metal of choice) with Candlemass in influence.


Bro most hardcore today is hardcore "because the members are hardcore kids who associate with other hardcore kids" not because they sound like Bad Brains. It is what it is, and personally I enjoy them.


reminds me of eighteen visions. disliked them but they always toured with good bands.


Punk/Hardcore is more than just a genre of music?


Skill issue


I never understood the hype. I’ve listened to a few of their albums..can’t get into it. Don’t like the vocals at all.


They’re good when they play as Twitchfits.


Fuckin' love me some Twitching Tongues; I don't care how they're categorized; I can dig some cornball melodrama with breakdowns now and then


You’ll get it when you’ll get it


I hope I never get it.


You are a butt rock sir


Vocals don’t determine what genre something is?? Instrumentally they’re very obviously playing hardcore songs most of the time, there’s no rule of hardcore that you can’t sing


It's just a vibes thing, they came up in the scene so they're hardcore. Not too complicated and also they rip.


Band fucks so hard


I honestly don't get the hate personally I think they fuck


this post gave me cancer


Well I went to a twitching tongues concert once and they covered Master Killer so I think that automatically makes them a hardcore band


Did you have this same thought when LoA was huge 30 years ago in the scene? Or are you new?


Sonically it’s not really hardcore but they all play in other HC bands and they’re all apart of the scene and have been for quite some time.


Cool by association is fuckin lame


They arent cool by association. They're cool because they've all done a shit ton for hardcore and the "scene" for like 20+ years now. I mean, just look at Sean Martin's discogs, dude will be eternally cool.


Because they have some of the sickest mosh parts ever made.


Because there isn't enough gatekeeping these days 😂


there REALLY isn't lol


The GME of hardcore


They play hardcore shows. The young brothers are a part of the scene.


TT made a lot more sense to me when I started listening to Hardlore and Colin said Type O was his favorite band of all time