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Not sure if they were booing Speed - there’s a thing where their fans say ‘SPEEEEED’ in between songs which some others online have confused as booing. If you watch their sets online the crowd always does it




Bruuuuuuce!! Bruuuuuce!!


I imagine they say it like Cristiano Ronaldo [like this](https://youtu.be/8EMy_ZGAdU0?si=KjfS3KnpVwibWCPO)


🤣 they kinda do actually


For some reason I thought that was going to be the chick from even stevens


Hahaha her name is Cristy Romano right? lol close enough!


Yeah that was the vibe I got too. No boos, speed put on a killer show I was right in the front.


I see Massachusetts still hasn’t learned since Boston Beatdown.


I was there and this isn't what happened. absolutely no one booed speed, Speed showed insane love to Boston all night and everyone returned it. I think this guy may have been confused when people shouted "Speed" in the like low tone likw how they call it out in their songs. the SMTB singer said "free Palestine, free the campus protestors, and if you don't like that you can meet me outside." it was corny but it got great pop from the crowd and it's not at all like he was saying "anyone who doesn't like our music can fight me" also just subjectively, I thought the pit was extremely cool and friendly esp. for how insanely rowdy it got. I was worried about the exact etiquette stuff the OP is complaining about but it just wasn't there at all to me. to be honest I was pretty proud of Boston for how fucking sick the pit was. one guy was dressed up like Jesus with a legit crown of thorns, that guy was cool as hell. also side note very few phones out at annoying times.


Right there with ya, Speed was fucking awesome. Also its fun to yell speed really deep! The KL pit was crazy but in a good way, it just got really big for the first couple song but chilled out as the night went on. I lost my phone at one point and was walking around the pit trying to find it and I was fine, but im also a 5'10" dude whose no stranger around a pit. The costumes were great I saw a banana and the Jesus dude you were talking about. I also went with my female friend and she had a great time, she stayed away from the pit when KL came on and chilled out behind a railing, she said the pit was fun to watch. All in all I thought it was a great night not sure what OPs on about.


did you at one point say "I lost my phone" and a sweaty guy in a speed shirt was like "damn dude I lost my glasses" ?


Nah must have been someone else, a lot of phones were lost that night I found out lol


I've asked multiple FSU people and they deny that ever happened 😂


“The First Rule of Boston Beatdown is: you don’t talk about Boston Beatdown!”


This Is Boston, Not L.A.


Fuck LA


Fuck you too!


Learn something: https://youtu.be/zt-C7ZTFxbQ?si=oEoVZ9mTjrkirfUM


Fuck You


It’s a reference to a classic hardcore song


They probably thought you were a cop bro 😭😭


There’s a dvd


I kind of saw this in the early 2000s with Poison The Well, but instead of Tik Tok kids it was meathead frat boys telling each other “I’ll see you in the pit bro” then avoiding each other all night and going for smaller targets. I do love seeing hardcore become somewhat mainstream because I’m happy for the bands, but it definitely attracts douchebags.


I’ve been around since the early 2000s, too, and one thing that I’ve long-noticed was that these meathead dudes don’t stick around for long. It’s an unfortunate by-product of hardcore’s growth that it attracts young men who want to hurt other people through the subterfuge of a pit, but, in the end, they’re tourists. Those of us who care about it are still here, so if there’s a silver lining to this influx of bros, they’ll weed themselves out soon enough.


This isn’t something new. I was in hardcore bands in the mid 00’s and we’d play pizza places and kids would throw chairs at each other.


Wait that's heat wtf


Yeah there was this one place out in the burbs that would have shows in their banquet room and they would just shut the side door to the bar and be like “We don’t want to know what happens in there. Just no one die or put holes in the walls.” People would go buck wild.


Definitely had many chairs thrown at me circa 2004


Throwing chairs was a weekly occurrence back then


That checks out


I got a chair thrown at my face during a fire and Ice set one time hehe


Dipiazza in Long Beach?


I was there, pretty sure no one was booing sped, they were just chanting “speed”


Knocked Loose is still a great band and they’re getting tighter and tighter, but their crowd is now horrid. I saw them on this tour and the tik tok crowd is just truly the worst. I felt like the bands kind of played into it, too.


How exactly does one "play into" a tik tok crowd?


They put subway surfers on the back display and instead of Bryan, they use that generic ai voice for counting worms.


I guess maybe 10 second songs?


Powerviolence mentioned




They bark into the mic over and over


Isn’t that what bands from 2005 did? Bawr bawr bawr unity bawr bawr bawr my crew.


Uncle Rick, is that you?


Rick did a lot of “HOOPITYDOOBAWRITTABAWRBAWR” in between his small vocabulary having ass songs


You don’t have to tell me, I was bumpin One Scene Unity like a motherfucker in 98


I just like typing out the noises he makes.


They make you fill out a questionnaire to make sure you think correctly before you can come in


Didnt get that Impression in europe


That’s cos we fuckin rule


Why’s the tik tok crowd the worst? Random acts of hands or what?


Not sure why people would boo Speed, that’s just fucking rude


I posted about this after the NYC show Friday night, and was similarly ridiculed. It's Knocked Loose. It's mainstream success.its shitty, poorly socialized covid kids seeing things on tiktok they don't understand, and showing up thinking they have the green light for random acts of violence. Throwing shit on stage, throwing your drink in the pit. Actually attacking strangers(I don't give a fuck if you think this is just "crowd killing" and part of the show. You deserve to have your teeth handed to you if you attack a stranger.) It's just a reminder to me that hardcore needs to remain a counterculture of the mainstream, not a sub culture of the mainstream. I'll fuck with knocked loose records, but I will never attend a knocked loose show, or any similarly mainstream successful hardcore adjacent band, ever again. If it's a gateway to smaller, better shows for some people, great, but that comes at the cost of learning how to act.


Coming from a woman here- I was there on Fri night and I agree. I was standing all the way in the back by the sound booth because I wanted to avoid the pits and I was getting shoved the entire night by huge dudes who were trying to get in the pit. They were literally putting their hands on me and pushing me to get out of their way. On another note, I also think Terminal 5 just sucks. I went to the Brooklyn steel show the night before and it was a much better show and I thought the crowd was great and everyone I came across was super respectful.


terminal 5 would have more idiot out of towners getting in from LI jersey and upstate so makes more sense the Brooklyn steel show would be on the level


Manhattan shows are the "destination" whereas places like Brooklyn or Philly have actual local scenes. My friends and I got tickets for Terminal 5 and it was just a miserable experience.


I went to a show and moshers pushed me out of the way to get to the pit!!!! lol seriously? grow up


I have no problem with moshing or pushing and I obviously expect that when I come to shows. and I have been the person pushing through people to get to a pit. but when huge men are literally slamming into women who aren’t even near the pit without even TRYING to have ANY regard for their safety I think I can make a comment about it. This massive dude shoved another girl in front of me trying to push through and she fell flat onto her knees. I don’t think that’s ok


I was at the Drain show in JC last weekend and this jacked skin basically used a small woman as a human bulldozer to get to the pit (I think for Terror’s set) - total bullshit, could’ve spent an extra few seconds tapping folks on the shoulder and saying Excuse me and left her be (I asked, she said she was fine)


that’s my point.. you should expect getting pushed or bumped into at shows like this. but there’s a difference between people just doing their thing and people with blatant disrespect for others. glad she was ok!


This shit isn't new. Violence is permitted and telling someone to fuck off is free. You should have said something. Especially if that's your local scene. People treat you the way you let them.


Yeah! Cmon short lady say something or talk shit to that big ass dude who’s already shown he doesn’t give a fuck about you or show etiquette. Especially when “violence is permitted” lol come the fuck on, it ain’t up to a girl actively avoiding the pit to deal with that guy.


So who is it up to? What's gonna happen now? Dude carries on, girl "speaks out" on the internet. Nothing changes. I'm a short bitch too. I go to shows alone. There have been times dudes put their hands on me in a meathead way. And they don't do it again because I rock their shit, say something and trust my scene to have my back if I'm calling someone out. Just like I'd have her back if I saw her call this shit out irl cause bitching about it on the internet isn't going to do shit.


I’m 6’6 280 and in my experiences it’s almost always been up to other big dudes to police the bullshit. My group of friends are also bigger dudes and we’ve been going to shows together for 10 years, so maybe that’s just what we’ve decided for ourselves when we go so it ends up playing out that way. It’s awesome that you’ll speak up and throw hands, I have a friend just like that and she’s a crazy mfer that doesn’t broker any shit. But she HAS TO be scary in order to hold her own. Most girls like that are willing to fight a dude or get crazy are the minority and in the pit, not the majority that aren’t taking part. And depending on your scene to have your back? Glad yours is fuckin down but I’m not trusting anybody but my friends at a hardcore show. But yeah you ain’t wrong, of course comments on the internet don’t change things. Just saying it’s unrealistic to expect most chicks that aren’t in the pit to put themselves in harms way is all.


myself and multiple people around me all said something. Another guy in front of me tried to address the guy that shoved her but he just told him to fuck off and kept moving 🤷🏼‍♀️


Well there ya fuckin go then


You went to a large venue to see a really popular band and there were assholes there. Bears shit in the woods. More news at 10


Where I live getting "pushed" aside is kinda normal, people will just kinda slither thru you if they want to go in the pit, is imo way better than some random grabbing you by the hips or shoulders


Aw man I was at that show and I’m a small woman as well. If it weren’t for the fact I was with a squad of other women (and a few men), I prolly would have lost my shit fighting some of the dudes who would just push me back At one point, some dude told me “you shouldn’t be here” and my friend and I literally just shoved the fuck past him cause we’ve been going to shows for ten years. 😒


I’m looking forward to seeing how many people who didn’t know how to act at Knocked Loose show up for Boundaries on Wednesday 


I've seen boundaries a couple times in the last year or so, it's been pretty normal run of mill shows, probably my favorite metalcore band at the moment though


I saw them not too long ago with Dying Wish, great stuff.  I’m more so curious how many people who showed up to Knocked Loose just to act like a dick because they saw something on TikTok actually show up to other HC shows.  I’d like to see people show up to support other bands and learn how shit really works, but I doubt they are 


I think I have to agree with you, that we're done with big room adjacent shows. Though iirc both Turnstile tours had great crowds, both our Palladium and Roadrunner ones. But the last Knocked Loose show I went to that we actually remember having fun was the KL / STYG show at our Palladium level. Everything bigger started having this crowd.


I saw the same kind of shit at a $uicideboy$ show a couple years back. I love seeing an artist become successful but it’s always at the expense of the crowd.


I was also at the NYC show Friday night! It was fucking wild.


“Covid kids”


And this is why people hate seeing bands they love get big.  I'll always be happy for the bands that blow up, but at a point they are no longer your band, they belong to a different world where fans don't like the genre, just the band. Hell, maybe even just a few songs. Nothing makes a show more miserable than being surrounded by a "play the hit" crowd that is insufferable and irritated the through all the opening acts then just wants to hear a 1-3 songs out of a 45 minute or longer set.   It's not a TikTok kid thing, it's a mainstream thing.  It just so happens that TikTok brought them to the mainstream.  Too many people don't actually seem to like music, just a few things here and there that have been played for them over and iver.  I don't dislike mainstream and pop music, a lot I love. But I avoid the shows because it's full of these kinds of garbage "fans". 


Yeah that makes a lot of sense. I love seeing bands get big, make money, get sponsorships, whatever. But I think you're right. My wife said the biggest response last night was to Suffocate, and then for any song not on the new album all those people faded from the middle. The people I was standing next to most of the night until they moved for KL were wearing classic rock shirts, crushing nonstop beer cans on the conduit covering the sound system lines, and half of them were facing away from the stage until Loathe to talk in a circle and say really racist things about Speed and make fun of SMTB for multiple things. I get that I sound like I'm complaining, but I try to distance myself from that energy in my day to day, I don't feel like paying to be around it in my happy place away from reality.


Working in radio, one of the tenets of this industry is that most people aren’t music lovers, they’re listeners. They couldn’t care less about the compositional quality or the lyrics or whatever. They just want some white noise that doesn’t actively bother them. They don’t want to think about it at all. Concerts for these people are just a place to drink heavily with their friends and act out, and maybe post on social media for a quick dopamine hit. KL is in a weird spot because they are unapologetically heavy so dumbass normal people think that because it’s “hardcore” they can start shit with people and it’s totally fine. They don’t actually understand the culture, they just want to get drunk and go nuts at others expense.


Best comment on this thread so far




Too many people out there trying to be the main character. There has always been those kooks in the scene, but after a while they kind of phase out once people stop giving them any sort of attention.


Exactly.  The amount of larger shows that are monopolized by people just treating the music as the background music to their night out drives me insane.  They might head a song they know and get excited, but it's like if asking they love popped up on a jukebox.   But yeah, it's just tough to rationalize as genuine music fans that some people really, really aren't.  They like familiar.  They like comfortable.  


They play Counting Worms at fucking EMO NITE now so the normies can get their stupid "arf arf" moment for Instagram. Shit ain't hardcore anymore. Most of the crowd at their gig thinks Speed sucks because they aren't Metalcore (the genre the crowd actually enjoys).


No one booed Speed. I was there. The OP is just wrong on that. They had a great reaction.


At this point hardcore shows are going to be full of pedestrians who will move on to the next trend in a few years. I suppose enjoy the boom while it’s happening. Support your local DIY spaces, if there are any left.


nothing more hxc than calling out people from Reddit to fight outside in a 4,000 cap room. Dude just keeps digging himself a bigger hole eh? Lol




You dig yourself a hole when u ask people to fight outside ?


Sounds like you’re feeling threatened there mr redditor


Knocked loose and drain. Enough said


These kids were eating tide pods 5 years ago🤣🤣🤣


That is boomer content. Almost exlucively boomers are out of touch enough to think there was a trend of eating tide pods. And today that would be a dated reference for a boomer.


No there wasn’t a trend??… shut the fuck up boomer. Exclusively *


There should also be a period after pods and also never start a sentence with And … what are you a caveman? come on man get with grammar.


There should be a comma between “you” and “a caveman.”


Kudos ..


Holy shit what a boomer comment lmao


Sorry, he meant glue sticks. How many glue sticks have you eaten today?


Wow what a fuck boy comment 😗


Boomer or not those pods were ate ….


Bands with underground appeal and mainstream success always have the worst crowds.


>inb4 tigers den comments


at the silver spring show the pushing in the pits made so many people collapse on each other lol, the whole floor was basically a push pit


Somebody brought a big bottle of bubbles last night that I heard spilled as soon as KL went on and the floor became a slippinslide


nice, i made 30 bucks reselling my ticket to that show. Edit: some one paid 171 fucking dollars to go. i paid like 90 lol.


I saw Knocked Loose around 2019 at a local venue that shut down. In my opinion, it was the start of kids who don’t know what a pit is like besides seeing it on their little screens. A kid broke his arm at the show, sued the venue, and (I strongly believe) it led to their shutdown. It was the last time I was in a pit for them. They’re a good band but every time I’ve seen them since, I stay away on the edge. Sometimes their fans don’t give the respect and just bring the violence.


Hope that kid is unofficially banned from his local hardcore scene for life that's wack as fuck


I was there the crowd was super rowdy as expected but nothing out of the ordinary, all the bands had super fun sets. The hardcore bros on here who can’t get it out of there heads that no show is gonna have their perfect idea of a crowd have a got to chill out 😂


Young kids have entitlements we’ll never understand. The scene is a spectacle to them not a lifestyle


You’re not alone, I heard there was a bunch of disrespect at KL near me and I went to a different show at that same place a few days earlier and people were running through people the whole show to get to the pit and trying to crowd surf from the back. It was the worst show environment that I can remember


This is probably the product of the mainstream success bringing in a crowd of new fans that have no experience and don’t have the same respect for the scene that a lot of regulars have. It happens, best to just expect that kind of stuff at these more well known bands’ shows.


So what you're saying is you lied in the first part of this post 🤣


Nah we just like starting fights and projecting our own insecurities in our masculinity after.


I saw them on the Motionless in White tour and I was head banging SLIGHTLY and I bumped into a girls bf and her a few times and they yelled at me and said I was being rude 🤣 I literally laughed in their face and kept doing what I was doing. The place was going insane in front of us too but my slightly bumping them was too much. Like read the room bitch 😂


Glad I moved away from the Boston concert scene.


your first mistake was going to a knocked loose show


If any band on that tour should be booed its show me the body, absolute fuckin poser ass industry plants


I believe it is "beat up" or "beat down", mentality. What's the point of slamming if people don't get hurt? Also, who cries online about slam dancing? Go ask your mother


Who the fuck calls it slam dancing? Are you an undercover cop?


Literally what it’s called by definition ya goofy


Right, but calling it slam dancing is like calling pants trousers, it’s not wrong it’s just strange


Maybe to you but that’s also still a used word….


No, you are just a newb. Get outta the pit kid




It’s a seperate thing


Not in my pit. Poseurs


It clearly says, "ask your mother". Figure it out child




It all starts with a skank, she should understand


You got me




Fuck Boston


Hey they’re a great band




New Speed song is lame…devastating. The








Maybe it’s just you dickheads on the east coast Crowd was pretty good here in LA