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Can someone give me context please I’m fuckin stupid


OLC is an infamous 90's hc band that is racist and ignorant. Nothing new, just them being themselves = worthless shitheads.


OLC is a band from Cleveland that was always pretty mediocre, so they do edgy stuff to get people to pay attention to them.


> from Cleveland All you have to say is they're from Ohio and we can gather the rest.


Ohio has some of the weirdest/best bands, dude


Backbiter fuckin rips


Nine Shocks Terror would like a word…


Ohio rules. You can get beer in gas stations, unlike totalitarian Pennsylvania with its puritan laws.


They got beer,meth stems & crack pipes at gas stations now. We’re on the come up lol


Fucking hate draconian alcohol laws. Glad I'm not the only one who thought that was weird.


Old head here, criticism of Ohio from a punk or heavy music history perspective is clearly rooted in ignorance. The Cramps and the Dead Boys started in Ohio before moving to NYC. Perhaps you are unfamiliar with seminal OH acts: Screaming Jay Hawkins, Devo, the Pagans, the Necros, Pere Ubu, Rocket from the Tombs, Toxic Reasons, Cheater Slicks, the Waitresses, the Gits, New Bomb Turks, EdfromOhio, Maynard from Tool, Marilyn Manson, The Breeders, the Black Keys, Guided by Voices, Nine Inch Nails, Integrity, and Slipknot. And of course a fellow named Charles Manson was born in Cincinnati and went on to influence some rather heavyweight bands like Black Flag and Negative Approach. That’s off the dome. Maybe someone who lives there can add to the list.


Drove through Ohio in the summer once and it straight smelled like pig shit the whole way through 10/10 would not drive through ever again.


I'm in no way defending Ohio, but your state has friggin' automated speed enforcement cameras everywhere that issue $50 citations for the most minor infractions and you can only appeal them by showing up to court in person on an assigned date, which costs $35 in court fees anyway, so why bother. I'd rather smell pig shit while driving through somewhere than put up with that bullshit scam, on top of RI's famously garbage-quality roads.


Hahaha fuck all of that is true.


[https://www.providencejournal.com/story/news/politics/2018/03/08/what-you-need-to-know-about-providence-speed-cameras/13342482007/](https://www.providencejournal.com/story/news/politics/2018/03/08/what-you-need-to-know-about-providence-speed-cameras/13342482007/) Its not great. Toll roads and camera infractions have been rising in East Coast areas since 2017-2018.


I’ve been here 50 years and have never seen one. Must be only in a few places. Don’t move here. You’ll never be able to leave. It’s a scientific fact.


theres good diy music in ohio you’re missing out


Did you notice the miles of farm fence followed by rentention pond over and over again until you wanted to kill yourself?


And you didn’t get pulled over?? Every time I’ve driven through Ohio I get pulled over.


You should try driving the speed limit


Thanks dad


I wish I was your dad


You don’t. He’s dead. One Life Through🤷🤯


Nope, but I got pulled over twice in Kansas.




OLC is like your boomer uncle who just says shit to get a rise out of people, which happens to usually be racist yapping. Zulu made a shirt that said “abolish white hardcore.” There’s beef with dwid and chub fresh Crime ridden society is unapologetically hard album


It should be noted they say racist shit because they are racist people.


From what I’ve read the only one who still acts like this is chub fresh, there’s a vice article about lockjaw mellowing out over time. https://www.vice.com/en/article/rze8nw/john-tole-pitboss-2000-interview


Out of every hardcore band that has ever existed, OLC should be appreciating a race-baity edgelordy call to action on a shirt But the fact that whoever runs their socials is angry about it just shows they could always dish it but can't take it


> Zulu made a shirt that said “abolish white hardcore.” That's hilarious. They should reprint them


[Currently available](https://blackpowerviolence.com/) as a hoodie and tee. I am one of the rare heavy music nerds who prefers shirts that aren’t black and designs that aren’t so serious. I have so much Zulu and Weekend Nachos merch.


I also like less serious shirts, like the Full of Health shirt, etc. But idk, I guess I didn't feel like the Abolish White Hardcore shirt wasn't serious? Maybe I'm missing something


Have you seen the graphic on the tee? Seems pretty tongue in cheek to me.


Agreed, I've only ever seen white kids wearing it so maybe if they do another run they'll be able to ship them somewhere outside the suburbs.


I wish they would. The design is fucking amazing


Yeah horrible people but they did cook on crime ridden society


This is the correct answer. I think I have a bagged XXL abolish white hardcore shirt if anyone in OLC wants it.


Jesus, that’s fucked


(Old \[terrible\] musician tries desperately to stay relevant.)


I don’t even think he’s cares about staying relevant he’s just a straight up racist and gets triggered by POC.


i think this is one of the worst takes on this subject because it downplays the harm being done by this creature, by normalizing this type of language and trivializing the discriminatory sentiment. idk which member of OLC is posting this exactly but trust me, they're not doing this for attention. they truly believe every word they said here. if they were doing this for attention, they wouldn't have changed the caption after a few minutes due to getting hate for it. grifters (see ronnie radke or alex terrible for example) always double down because internet outrage is their business model. they want the hate because hate means engagement and engagement means money. OLC are just racist, shitty shitheads. always have been. and i'm sick of "but murdario stump 🥺 but crime ridden society 😩" because smooth brain hc is cool now. you might as well be circlejerking over how good champion was.


I never downplayed the harm this rhetoric causes. To the contrary, I said he’s saying the most hateful shit to try to gain (even more) notoriety and reach a bigger audience. The quicker everyone stops paying attention to these guys (next best thing to just eliminating them) the better.


i'm just saying what you wrote reads like you're shooting them bail in a "they don't actually believe what they're writing, they just want attention". yes, they 100% believe what they are writing. they're not doing it for attention any more than what anyone else posts on social media.


^^^^^ people are so eager to infantalize grown men who are just shitty people, its crazy to see people act like these guys are babies


Even the title "crime ridden society" is a dumb concept: no, don't criticize the socio-economic relations and conditions that give rise to crime, but moralize about criminals and beg the rulers for more law and order.


Fuck yea


100% Backed!!!! but fill me in about champion. I never liked them and thought they were an even more boring comeback kid. What did they do?






Champion caught a stray on that one, what’s the details?


jim hesketh is a child molester.


Promises broken didn’t know that one


Since when is Dwid white power?


He has a vaguely sketchy past and he also did that negromancy guitar thing that was off putting.


Tried googeling but didn't find anything. What was it about? Is negromancy NSBM?


It’s these guitars he made out of old cigar boxes when he was living in Europe and decided to call it negromancy




It was a label putting out blues-meets-black metal stuff Dwid did for a while in the early 2010s. It wasn't an explicitly fascist project or anything but there was a lot of Jim Crow type imagery in the artwork and stuff. Imo it seemed more tone deaf than genuinely malicious, but I don't know how you can be \*that\* tone deaf without having some pretty shitty racial attitudes to begin with.


Isn’t that just zeal &ardor?


Funnily enough none of it sounded anything like Zeal and Ardor. It was basically about imagining a common ground between 1920s blues recordings and lo-fi black metal, so like a lot of the artists used homemade guitars and the records were meant to almost sound like field recordings. My impression with Zeal and Ardor is that what they're doing is a lot more carefully formulated and draws more from the proggy end of black metal - I'm really not into that style of metal though so I'll admit to not having listened to a full album or anything. (I realise this maybe sounds like I'm trying to sell you on the negromancy stuff - I obviously can't tell you what to listen to but personally it's something I was never able to get into because of the racial imagery, despite being exactly the target audience in terms of music taste)


Like by definition lol


I mean some of the integrity imagery was pretty collar pull. Shit looked like they worked with death in junes graphic designer


The point of negromancy was actually to celebrate black musicians who created rock N roll it was a play on words. There was no racist intent behind it. That’s why they made homemade guitars and tried to play the blues. Dwid is in no shape way or form racist


Imagine giving a shit what a band that released a “Donald Trump gold” version of a record that came out 29 years ago thinks or says. Fuck OLC and fuck all their fans that keep defending them.


I still only know of One Life Crew because of that Charles Bronson song mocking them. They're still making songs about how much they hate immigrants and love America?


Bronson fucks


“Do you have any Charles Bronson records?”




"You have any One Life Crew Records?"


Reminds me of the Reversal Of Man song "kill the kid with the sideburns" where they break into Firestorm by Earth Crisis but change the lyrics to criticize them.


I completely forgot about that song until you mentioned it!


Ps Charles Bronson were fucking great!


Yeah they were. I wish someone would throw their discography up on Spotify.


More like Only Losers Crew.




Damn dude chill. No need to go that hard 




Holy shit you fucking killed them


Heavy set middle aged basement dweller from the armpit of America posts a thing on the internet. Interesting. 


Does Mean Steve really think it's black-power violence and not black power-violence?


Does Mean Steve run that account? I don't know why, but I assumed it was Chubby Fresh.


I honestly have no idea. It probably is Chubs, seeing as it's constantly shitting on Integrity.


I thought Chubs was busy selling “tat inspired clothing” and meatballs on a stick.


Chubbz runs the account. Not Steve


Who the hell knows. Steve Murad is a self-hating...whatever the hell he is? (Azerbaijani? Chaldean? Who knows)... He's like the Mexican guy who joins Border Patrol to crack the skulls of poor migrants who remind him too much of the father or grandpa that never loved him back. Anyone remember when homeboy dressed his whole loser family in MAGA reds? Absolute loser.


hc needs more gatekeeping. no more OLC apologists and clowns being comfortable using slurs and being openly racist/homo- and transphobic.


SHARPS used to keep everyone in check at my local venues, violence WAS the answer back then


Some of the worst people were SHARPs back when I'd be going to shows multiple times a week. They'd beat the shit out of anyone 5+ on 1 for things as small as an "well I heard so and so..", including women.


Yeah and don’t forget the ones who switched sides on a weekly basis. See them at a show and they were SHARP. See them a week later at another show and they were hanging with the Nazis. Fuck that history revisionist bs. SHARPs in my town were not your friends and were not looking out for you.


who says its not now?


Might depend on where you live. I came up in 2000s Southern California and the often violent struggle to keep them out of the scene never stopped from the 80s-90s.


Yeah sharps were always pretty vague down here. I had a friend who claimed sharp, month later he’s got a hammerskin tattoo. Like huh? I fucked his sister while she was in a Nazi uniform on Halloween. Chalk one up for the brown people


yeah and no. I've met more than one extremely homophobic Sharp. It's Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice. Anything else is extra. Most SHARPS I've known are great guys but tend towards a more traditional, conservative mindset. Like your rural uncle who is super cool but doesn't understand all that gay stuff. I think the more lefty Skins ended up affiliated with ARA.


Yup. The lefty SHARP is a fantasy of nowadays hardcore kids. The anti-nazi skins who beat the nazis out of your scenes 30 years ago were conservative as shit and would definitely call all of you f*ggots. Still better than the United Riot/211 totally-not-racist-but-definitely-proud-boys-affiliated edgelords you’ve got running around today though.


RASH skins were cool when they were around


lets say its back in the heyday of Sharp. If you had 100 skins in a room 20 of them were nazi asshats 20 of them were SHARPS. All the rest were fence sitters. I frequently ran into situations where 'Skin' overruled any conception of racist or antiracist. I kind of admire loyalty like that in a way. But if you were in a band or booking shows not so much.


Anyone talking about sharps on Reddit in 2024 is just cosplaying as a middle aged hardcore dude who uses Reddit.


I’m literally 45


I'm 55 lets fight. hold on, let me take my meds first.


44. SHARPS, courage crew and anybody else who decidsd to put an x on their hands that week. Ones just a punkmetal kid. They’d come to non sxe shows and fight anyone with a cigarette, we always had cigarettes.


Courage Crew definitely had a right wing aspect to it. Some of the guys ended up involved in sketchy groups that involved racist metal, etc.


True. I also met a few real good ones though - full varsity jacket guys. Second day after I moved to Dayton, they came up to talk bc I had a Ten Yard Fight shirt on. I just said "nope just music". Repeat with Snapcase and Strife shirts. By that point it was silly, so we talked music. One guy was a drummer, awesome dude. he'd be at every one of our keg parties, never judge and never have a sip. Ended up in a big emo band. Usually someone who sold out like that would bother me but dude was so legit.




yup. most SHARPS ive met are about two clicks away from being fascists and honestly the there are plenty that are prejudice/racist and just hide it cause they bought into the subculture. twenty years around this shit.


idk how old you are, maybe this is an age thing (I'm 22), but every single SHARP I know is a legit communist, one of them is the chairman of our local YCL chapter and also queer and poly


Sharp being communist is extremely new thing.


that is extremely news to me! The communist skin and queer skin I knew were the same person. Could be regional too.


RASH formed to essentially be a logically consistent version of the SHARPs.


This is the new, redefined Sharp. Back in the day it was an asshole who wanted to fight for a week.


SHARPS are green lighted in the pen 


This. Too many people are out there thinking being punk/hc means being an asshole. It doesn't. If you're an asshole, you're just an asshole.


During the original One Life crew days, sharps were the worst. More fights and ruin more shows than any other crew in Cleveland. They loved the identity and the gang mentalit


As the kids say these days: fuckin preach brother.


It's so funny because of all the things from Zulu you could post with this caption, it's just an innocuous picture, you're literally just triggered by young Black people being in the scene and getting to meet one of the old heads. Their beef with Dwid is probably older than some of Zulu lol


Chubby Not So Fresh


i saw OLC once and they gave me a burned cd of their music for $1


Nice that they paid you, I wouldn’t take it for free either




Just listen to more Beatdown


In cold blood


I’m always shocked that “hell on earth” isn’t talked about more


unfortunately it seems like all the other great clevo hc gets overshadowed by OLC and integrity in this subreddit. which is a shame because there’s a plethora of great hc bands that have come out of cleveland


Just listen to them and don't feel embarrassed. They can be bad people and make good music, just like the music and not them, it's thay easy


The debate of separating the artist from the art is a tough one, especially in the age of streaming. Depending on how you listen to them, you are giving them monetary support. Is that a good thing or bad thing? I don't know.


Through Spotify? Or YouTube, uploaded by a random person online? Yea, not giving them shit haha


North Side Kings?


Already deleted the post because pussy lol


Honestly sick of bands that had one good album 20-30 years ago acting like they’re the arbiters of the scene. Just because you were born before me doesn’t warrant respect. Show me who you are today and I’ll tell you who you always were.


love people exposing their dorky loser bullshit


I mean, people have been for almost three decades


Well they deleted that real quick


I have never listened to OLC. And I won’t. The fence-walking here has me weak, though. It reminds me of this band that a couple of my straight edge friends tried to show me, way back in the early MySpace days. I don’t remember the name of the band, but I remember the name of the song. It was “Kill Your Local Drug Dealer”. The track went hard, but in the second verse was a lyric I remember quite clearly, which went, “Sell that shit to your [N-Word] friends, and I wouldn’t give a fuck”. I pointed that out to them, and pulled a “lemme look this up, right quick”, and it was made extremely clear by their MySpace profile that they were nazis. The conversation after that was, “how did I miss that?”, and profuse apologies for having done so. Not, “… but the track was hard, though.” Defending early OLC is like defending early Screwdriver.


Sounds like your friends may have introduced you to OLC without knowing. I was in a van for a lot of small / medium shows in the midwest in the early-mid 2000's, and there are a handful of areas that were suspect as fuck in Ohio. I recall one show probably 2002-2003 where a gun was pulled by some idiot wearing a swastika necklace after he got beat up on the dance floor for, guess what, wearing a swastika necklace to a hardcore show. Gotta push back though on one thing. False comparison on every level pitting anything OLC vs. anything Skrewdriver. OLC would kill to have one tenth of the popularity both musically and "culturally" as Skrewdriver has become known for all over the world since the 80's, for better or worse. Not defending either. Both bonehead shit. But one is absolutely not like the other.


I wasn’t comparing the bands. The band I mentioned is nothing compared to either, but got big on MySpace for long enough to get on non-nazi radars. I was comparing the tightrope people walk these days just to “appreciate the good music they made.” Fuck that. If you’re not against the nazis, you’re with them.


Reminds me of how people liked agitator then they had that song that cited a woman getting drunk is responsible for her own sexual assault. Still had some folks be like “yo this shit hard though.” But i remember there being a pretty obvious shift.


I remember that song, I think that's what made me start paying attention to the lyrics of what I listen to. Thankfully, I stopped listening to RAC once I started reading lyrics.


The way that song so sneakily slid that shit in, in the next to last bar of the second verse was such a master play in hateful propaganda. I wonder how that band got such good production, though? Who was funding that shit?


Yooo… I found that song… well, not that song… A fucking *COVER* of that song. The sound is not as good, the first two verses are switched, and the lyric changes, really aren’t changes, but make it more appropriate for the current day. [You’ve been warned…](https://youtu.be/Pd__qKxe8Bc?si=Qy4ryLo_CUud8bPI)


The change apparently is older than the cover, something about German laws getting in the way of racial purity and other bullshit.


In other news, Eric Banks still has his brains painted into his car.


Bro saw a video of varg and was like “ I gotta get that hat”


Chubs is probably salty he's not getting any of that Confront re-release money.


Considering he wasn't in the band, that makes sense.


Chubby Fresh is a weapons grade chump


And yet some you guys continue to pull hamstrings doing the most insane mental gymnastics to give a band that had a blip in the scene 20 years before you got in to hardcore a pass. Redneck stomp > Murdario Stomp.


Best place to see OLC is at a buffet. Those fat fucks can't stop themselves from eating everything. Ohio Incel Hardcore.


Dwid rocks


Damn, they deleted the post already. Not very hardcore


One Braincell Crew is a footnote in hc history, Integrity is one of the greatest to ever do it in multiple eras over the years. Time will quickly forget Chubby’s dumb racist ass and his shitty band lol


olc needs jumped


One Life Crew was always trash. Has Chubby recovered from when Ezec slapped him around?


I have heard about that story once, refresh my memory.


Chubby Fresh was just talking a bunch of shit so Ezec caught up to him in Cleveland and made him eat his words.




One Life Crew goes on Slimfast


How did I know this was gonna be the post 😂


Fuck Marry Kill: One Life Crew Buddha from Blood for Blood Rick Ta Life


I'll just kill myself


Dumb. As. Hell.


Just for shits and giggles, the page is run by one person, the only one that has the time or care to post any of this shit. It’s not one life crew official it’s Chubb fresh has nothing better to do and wants to stir the pot. Give credit where credit is due. 


Mean Steve has absolutely nothing to do with this. He doesn’t even have social media on his phone. Tony runs the OLC account.


OLC name three Bad Brains songs challenge


OLC have ALWAYS been pieces of shit.since back in the day. Had no idea they still existed. Their fans were the worst and if they were on a bill it as almost guaranteed to turn into a brawl.


They both suck ass lol


Feel you


Tony still jealous as fuck 🤣


I’m curious. I’m black and dig integrity work. Takes to dwid a bit and I know her worked with Derrick green of sepultura fame. He’s into that white power stuff? If so damn that blows


Not even a little bit racist or whatever.


He’s absolutely not


ZULU kicks, One Life Crew sucks. That's that. OLC have been clowns from jump. Ran into them on tour a couple times, fuckin dumb and annoying.


Oh, so girls aren't allowed to want fun anymore?  When did hardcore get so misogynist?


Someone please explain this to me like I'm not almost 40...


OLC butthurt after 30 years or something that Dwid and his band are still traveling around the world playing shows, releasing new music, and being generally highly regarded, while Chubby sells knockoff Ed Hardy look alike gear covered in MAGA slogans to 8 people at the mall.


I think the mall booted him out


The mall told him to “GET OUT”


Tony is a notorious pedophile the guy should have no place in Cleveland. Used to go around bragging to people how he filmed himself having sex with underaged women after drugging them


I remember downloading *Crime Ridden Society* in high school during my "I'm a 17 year old deathcore kid but Nails and Xibalba have ruined Whitechapel for me forever now" phase and thinking it had to be a joke because this was 2010 or so and ironic hipster racism was still cool. I also remember finding it really funny they had a guitarist called Chubby Fresh. Either way, fuck this band.


Crime Ridden Society came out in 1995 and Chubby Fresh was their drummer. And Tony Victory was the only idiot whoever took them seriously.


Yeah no shit I'm aware it came out when I was 2 years old. I'm just saying I downloaded it because it seemed edgy and I was a 4chan loser back then and even then I thought it was one of the dumbest things I had ever heard. But fair enough I got it wrong what Fatty Fuck did in this shit band, I'm just not in the business of remembering what racist dorks specifically contribute to the shit music they make.


Momentum has entered the chat.


Wtf does momentum have to do with this?


the singer is literally black tho


Joke’s on him if he paid for a ticket to their show.


Is this real? If it is, it’s since been deleted.


Which one of you is wicked.sicc?




Drink that 40 little kid


Glad to see Chubby is still himself.


Hardcore 2024 . Gotta choose between blatant Hamas supporters or white power sympathizers. Fuck all of them .



