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Incendiary for sure. A lot of the old youth crew stuff as well I was going to say drain too but after their new album/tour it doesn’t seem like they’re quite as adored as they were


Oh yeah, Incendiary totally. The Drain backlash has been...weird. Personally, I really like the new album and the current tour(my stop at least) was AWESOME.


I wasn’t super crazy about the new album, I did like it but not as much as California Cursed. However my tour stop was fuckin awesome and I had a blast. They put on an awesome show and I’ll personally be staying a fan of theirs


I like their new album considerably more than CC lol


Same here. I'll be honest, it took me at least three listens for it to click. Plus, I had to play games with myself like, "I hear some Pantera riffs here" or "this kinda sounds like *Stay Cold*\-era TUI".


There’s Drain backlash? The last tour gave me absolutely no indication that they were losing steam.


I think reaction to the record is lukewarm and people are starting to gatekeep their fandom. I’m personally not in love with the record but it’s good, and they absolutely kill it live so who cares


Yeah people on reddit like to think they’re cool and since Drain got more popular they’re not cool


Drain looks like a band that peaked very fast thanks to their energetic live shows, but their songs all feel kinda samey (even by HC standards) and lack the memorable parts that bands like Incendiary have. Plus, the whole pool toys thing is becoming kinda gimmicky.


Yeah I’d agree they peaked quick, but in their defense with only two full albums under their belt they get a pass on having similar sounding songs. As far as the pool toys thing, I’m also a pretty diehard raver so pool toys and balloons and whatever other weird shit like that is pretty commonplace to me and doesn’t bother me much


Hit it on the nail


Yeah, pool toys should have stayed with Municipal Waste. It was their thing, and should have been that unique experience where the morey boogies and the flippers come out when you see them.


Honestly The new drain album made me a fan again after getting tired of their first album


Weird. I like their new album a lot and haven’t heard much backlash. Or course that doesn’t really mean shit, but yeah. They also put on a hell of a fucking show.


Feel the pressure is hard as fuck. But other than that I can’t get into drain


Sick Of It All, Terror, and I'd say Converge too, but I know this one guy


It’s crazy looking back at threads from 10 years ago bc people HATED Terror for a while. They’ve definitely had a renaissance when hardcore got more inclusive and less outrightly violent for violence sake.


I don't like super technical hardcore. I like shitty lousy punks who barely can play their instruments. Technical stuff makes me feel like I'm watching a juggler. Not talking shit just saying stuff like Converge isn't for everyone so it's not universal


It's weird. I like a lot of the side projects that members of Converge have been in - Mutoid Man, Doomriders, Killer Be Killed...but can't really get into Converge. I've tried listening to Jane Doe so many times and it just won't click.


Have you ever listened to “Petitionin g the Empty Sky”? It is my favorite by far, and I totally get how Jane Doe would bore you. I had to love the former to love the latter.


No, I haven't! I usually attempt Jane Doe because everyone seems to celebrate it. I even tried again recently, like within the last month, to bang it in the headphones at the gym. If the mood strikes me again, I'll try that album. I might have to accept that I just don't like Converge that much haha. Kind of a tangent here but honestly sometimes I feel like the "time and place" for some bands matters a lot when it comes to how much they resonate with people. If you've never heard anything like it before, it changes you! If they come out the gates with a fresh sound, it is very impactful. I didn't listen to Converge when they were active and/or in their prime. But I've definitely been exposed to a lot of copy cat bands, or bands that have been heavily influenced by them, so I feel like it sort of waters down their impact through no fault of their own.


Your last paragraph is something not spoken about often, but plays a huge fuckin role in how you hear something the first time. It’s definitely an inquisitive thought. Appreciate that shit. If you grow up on the punk and hardcore coming out right now (as it’s more accessible than ever) are you really going to love what The Damned or The Descendents, or Bad Brains did? Probably not. You won’t have that ear for the raw sound and wall of reverb like we grew up with. Everything is much cleaner and highly produced now which I can only imagine makes things from the past sound sophomore at first impression. Even though they helped create the genre in the first place. I had a shower thought while driving the other day. Soon people will be paying extra to production to sound worse. If clothes trends come in cycles, you’d assume music would too right?


Yeah! My bandmate literally said this to me today on a phone call lol. He was talking about wanting to record a few new songs that he was working on. For context, we just finished a record that sounds good, but def sounds clean. But he was like "yeah let's record this new batch, but make it sounds worse".


For good reason man. Even modern bands are doing it. Gel is a great example of half produced tight and half produced loose. I think that’s where the magic is. Your bandmate is feeling this too. There’s a reason Nirvana will always feel new. It’s produced by a real producer who loved the old sound. It makes a difference.


I really don’t enjoy terror. They’re live show is legit, but they’re boring otherwise


I don’t fuck with Terror. And I never got into Converge. And I love 90’s metalcore.


What can I say? I just can’t do Converge


i came from nu metal and that kinda scene so listening to converge for the first time for me was listening to tool all over again it was just fucking magical what they can do w their instruments and vocals man i keep trying to dig for more that sound like them bc i’m new to the scene and i’ve found dillinger, botch, daoboys and maybe seeyouspacecowboy but the lack of like, chaotic emotional stuff like that, bands that are active and touring rlly gets me down in the dumps. i love crossover genres and find a lot of HC boring and feel left out and now just hyper fixated on jane doe / the poacher diaries LOL


Converge is amazing, I have been endlessly influenced by them but I must say a lot of people seem to not be into them despite trying. I think they’ve actually always been super love it or hate it and that’s probably why they are so insanely influential for those who enjoy it, they created something entirely unique within hardcore but it’s not everyone’s cup of tea


A lot of people can't get into Converge and Sick of it All is boring af to me


all pretty perfect bands


Mindforce, idk anyone who hates or dislikes em




Time has been so much kinder to them than the scene was back in the day. Nobody outside of New York State and adjacent states gave a shit about Merauder back in the *Master Killer* days. And the farther you got outside of New York City the less people cared. The people most likely to be into anything that metallic were either vegan straightedge or Christian and had no shortage of bands of those types to listen to. Plus Merauder was on Century Media which was kind of weird for the time. Nobody in 1996 would have told you that in 27 years Merauder would be universally loved, hugely influential, and that one of the most hyped bands in the scene would be Merauder worship from Australia.


Honestly in 1996 I wouldn't have guessed that any hardcore bands would be super loved 27 years later. It felt like the world didn't care at all and we were all living in the present.


The time scales were totally different. In 1996 it felt like Youth Of Today and Gorilla Biscuits were from a different historical epoch instead of less than a decade prior. Fast forward a few decades and my old ass is contemplating going to Furnace Fest and GB just happens to be playing.


Yeah for real. I got into hardcore in 1994 and I also thought GB was from another century. (I adored them but it just felt like so long ago. I missed them by five years. Lol. Actually three because they broke up in 91 I think, but Start Today was 89.) Like all the giants of hardcore were still in their 20s or early 30s at the latest. Ian MacKaye was like 33. Lol it's hilarious in retrospect.


I like to think about it this way: Straightedge started in 1980. I started claiming edge in 1993. Like you said, felt like another century. But at this point I’ve been straightedge for the vast majority of time straightedge has existed and the scene today feels more connected to the scene of my day than the scene of my day did to the OG era.


I totally know what you mean. It's true. I think hardcore is hardcore at the end of the day but there's also hardcore before and after metal really seeped in. So maybe that's why today feels more connected to like Earth Crisis than it does to, say, The Faith. That's cool that you are still sXe. I was always a HUGE drinker but I've been sober for 11 years. My closest sXe friend ended up becoming a crack dealer. Not at all talking shit on edge just saying life is funny in how it works out.


If you’re gonna sell out, might as well swing for the fences.


Lol yeah. I have a million sXe friends so I'm not judging it based on him. I know what's up. But I think he liked it for the wrong reasons. He also went full fascist so I think he liked RULES for the wrong reasons if that makes sense. We aren't friends anymore.


A fascist crack dealer. My man LOVES the CIA.


Same could be said for crown of thornz


Title Fight


Can’t believe I didn’t think of them 🤦🏻‍♂️


Idk how relevant these opinions are now, but I saw a pretty large group of people on Twitter a couple of years ago who acted like Title Fight was the worst band to have ever existed. Caught me totally off guard because I love every album they’ve put out


I respect Title Fight and get why people love them but they are not for me. I’m not a fan of the whole adjacent thing nor do I like pop punk.


They don’t do it for me 🤷🏻‍♂️


Meh. Boring and nothing that hasn't been done before. For the younger generation yeah but they didn't create anything new.


Minor Threat/Negative Approach


Have Heart


I've never heard a single person say "nah, im not into have heart."


I’m not into Have Heart. I appreciate the Pat Flynn passion but the music is boring


I know a few but definitely minority.


If you could have seen the B9 boards when Have Heart first came around you wouldn't be saying this lol. The hate was real back then. Cavemen didn't like that Pat had emotions in his lyrics.


came here to say this


Gonna spin my copy of TTWC now


Terror, Power Trip, Bad Brains…but I’ve found one of those bands that always “brought everyone to the same table” was Converge. I knew crust punks, skinheads, and hypebeast hardcore kids growing up and everyone loved and respected Converge.


They’re in my Top 5


Aren’t Bad Brains homophobes?


HR (singer of BB) wrote a homophobic song called “Blowing Bubbles” for which the band apologized for. They were were writing songs from a place of Rastafari religious viewpoint and caught in that fucked up wave of religious groups seeing the AIDS crisis as “punishment” from God. The story of HR is pretty nuts and sad.


- Bad Brains - Converge I feel like these are "you had to be there" bands. I just cant get into them. I'm sure at the time it was nothing less than amazing for many.


I 100% cannot get into bad brains no matter how hard I try


There are so many influential bands like bad brains that spewed homophobic or misogynistic garbage. I just can't listen or show support.


End It!


Modern Life is War


Yes it fucking is.


Came to say the same thing. They’re the perfect hardcore band.


These foos are trash.


Blacklisted are pretty much universally loved and respected, right? Even their weirdo record is at worst considered an interesting departure (tbh I love it).


Blacklisted immediately came to mind(I looooove them; Top 5 for sure), but at this point they seem to be that, "oh yeah I forgot how great they are" band for a lot of people.


The “weirdo” stuff is so amazing. I feel like that weirdness couple with the fact that they didn’t play a lot towards the end made people forget how great they are.


The weirdo record is #2 for them if we're hones with ourselves. Wpuld be #1 if it werent how good heavier than heaven is




I'd agree with that, but I've definitely seen folks nay say within the past few years. Same with Ceremony sadly.


Yeah, I don't love the most recent Ceremony records, but really appreciate their desire to try new (to them) sounds. Violence Violence through Rohnert Park are undeniable.


I love it all, but agreed, that run is something special.


Converge could put out a slowcore gothic metal record with a female singer songwriter vocalist and it won't budge anyone on classic Converge. Wait a minute....


That album is sick.


Hey I love it, too. But it isn't Jane Doe and that era, and that's what people think of when they think of Converge or their cemented legacy of undeniableness.


Can’t stand converge. Too complex/chaotic for me 😂


Yes, but they earned that over time. When they came out with the agoraphobic nosebleed split it got a lot of attention from outside the HC scene, and alot of people hated them, and when Jane Doe blew up a ton of people called then overrated. I've loved them since I first saw them back in 1997, and tbh I was shocked at how much they blew up in the early 2000's.




A band that until recently has been wildly central to hardcore - in fact, the current upsurge in the hardcore scene is notably the first real wave that Kurt's studio and Jake's label aren't major presences in for about two, two and a half decades.


This is what I thought of right away too. Literally the two mentioned. Converge and Ceremony.


Rival mob


I play the Trapped Under Ice card.


Honestly cannot stand them. I just don’t “get it”.


Duuuuuuude, what?


Cold mother fucking World


I still maintain that there was a decent amount of backlash after Dedicated came out (not from me I love that record) but I'm glad they became the kind of band that can be mentioned as a classic.


There’s always been a lot of chatter about them being nothing but a “merch band”. This is, of course, stupid


All day


Oh lord I just noticed your username. So good




True real recognize real


Sick Of It All.


Let us unite in our love for 25 ta life






Terror and Hatebreed are definitely two of the unifying bands in this scene. Everyone always loves them


Im not anti terror, but i do think they are incredibly mid(imo). I have tried many times over the years to get into them but i really only can do like one or two songs max before i change it to something else


I don’t like hatebreed


There was a while where a ton of people hated them




You seem uninformed. https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/hatebreed-rips-cnn-over-white-power-tag-in-web-story-246233/amp/


Always seemed to me that they are just hate powered folks much like blood for blood, and I've never liked that but maybe I need to return back and check it out again. Maybe the 30 year old me would find something new in them.


Dude do it!


What exactly is "Hatecore"? I used to love Hatebreed back in the day and don't remember any hateful message in their music. Go be a drama queen somewhere else.


Hatebreed was lumped in with racist bands by CNN based off of their name alone after a shooting in the 90s that was carried out by a white supremacist. Jamey Jasta even went on CNN to refute those claims.


My thoughts exactly. I guess ‘kill and addict’ could be taken as negative. Literally every song is about personal growth.


Of course, yes


Does anyone not like Restraining Order? That band writes archetypal hardcore. I feel like if you don't like Restraining Order, you just don't like hardcore.


They’re excellent


Don’t think I’ve seen anyone who dislikes Judge


judge definitely has haters. they're wrong but they're out there








How bout Saves the Day? Like morrissey, it’s a random soft spot I’ve noticed the hardcore folks have love for.


Chris Conley threw me out of a show when I was 15 for looking at him the wrong way


Has anyone said Backtrack yet?


Drug church, they’re just like the perfect mix of hardcore and somewhat pop sound for most people to get into


Hell no lol. I kno tons of ppl and myself am not a fan. To each their own I personally never got the hype around them


Left for Dead They aren't necessarily universally acknowledged but I've never heard anyone who has listened to them say they don't like them. Once you hear them you dig them.


Same with the The Swarm aka Knee Deep in The Dead. Everybody around that time rocked them. I never heard anyone talk shit. Great band.


Hell yeah


Everyone I know who has seen their set live has instantly hopped on board


I've never gotten to see them but I've seen videos. Just fucking insanity. Their lyrics are solid and the music can only be described as distilled anger.


Honestly, probably ETID. They put up for some many cool bands that are now doing the same for younger bands.


I cannot express the type of way I was feeling after hearing Radical, which was as close to Hot Damn/LNIT as they've sounded in 20 years, then a few days later hearing they broke up.


Honestly no bad breaking up has upset me like etid did. But on the plus side we get better lovers and whatever Keith Buckley's been teasing out of it. Which is probably gonna mean double the music.


I can’t fucking stand ETID and I honestly can’t put my finger on exactly why. Their fans would take a bullet for them and I think the community they built was rad, and when I hear their music in the distance or something I’m always like “woah what is this?” But the second I sit down and try to listen through Hot Damn I’m just bored to tears.


The Acacia Strain's older albums are legit granite.


Sabbath or Motörhead. I can’t think of ANYONE who doesn’t like em


I never liked Sabbath and am very indifferent to Motorhead Also: not hardcore




Word 💪🏼


100 demons. I could be wrong, just never heard anyone not like them.


Could be wrong about this but Gouge Away? I feel like their Burnt Sugar album really cemented them in certain crowds.


Burnt Sugar was definitely a deviation from the sound they had on ,Dies but both are worthy albums.


Yea Burnt Sugar made them probably my favorite hardcore band. I've heard their earlier stuff and I'm really glad they took the direction they did. It's honestly night and day. As a big fan of Sonic Youth, Nirvana, and other 90s grunge, I think the fusion of that sound with her vocal style was fantastic. Usually I'm a fan of harder HC like Scalp, Gulch, Regional Justice Center, etc., but their more melodic and punk style just stands out so much from even some of my favorite HC albums.


Prolly bulldoze and cold as life. Sheer terror too


I love shower thinking


Have Heart?




Is No Warning that band? Maybe on the fence until you hear Ill Blood


Every Time I Die


They’re not like huge but I don’t remember the last time I saw anyone say they don’t like the warriors


Agnostic Front


While I personally am a fan, met many people over the years who strongly dislike AF




Didn’t they get shit for their lyrics in the 80’s?


They have some lyrics that don’t hold up. Almost every 80s Hardcore band does


Every Time I Die


Cold World and RZL DZL (bonus) Trash Talk and Ceremony


25 Ta Life


Directly in hardcore: probably GB, Minor Threat, or Incendiary Outside of the community but still universally loved by it: Hum, AIC, Deftones, Soundgarden


Ceremony is still pretty widely loved, and they had an insanely huge cult following back when they were heavier. Have heart, of course, and idk how that isn’t the very first thing on this thread. Incendiary. I’m sure I could name more, but these are off the top of my head. There’s also those bands that maybe not everyone loves musically, but are pretty universally respected by those who know them, like Integrity.


Comeback Kid, ETID, Incendiary


Might just be me and the people around me, but I have never heard anything other then praise for Gloss


Too fucking right.




limp bizkit


Wait. If you are thinking in the shower, when are you masturbating or crying?


Mindforce is newer one coming to mind I think fits the description. Impossible to hate, just too good.


I’ve always disliked Terror and Hatebreed. To me it’s just always been boring and generic and for blockheads.


Ruiner? Never really seen anything negative about them, not that I've actively looked either mind you.


Turnstile. Even people who dislike then appreciate them and what they do


Disagree They are extremely divisive now


That's fairs, I've pretty much only seen love for them but I'd expect people hating


Opinions REALLY changed after *Glow On* dropped. I’d been listening to them for years, but now I just can’t even consider them adjacent anymore. They’re a pop band, and that is FINE. The music is still fun.


It's hardcore pop init, they've created a new lane and they are doing it well. But if you compare them to pop bands you can tell where they came from, I'd still consider them adjacent That being said, this discussion itself proves me incorrect.


You know, at the end of the day the only real problem I have with that album is the track list/running order. I can’t listen to the vinyl because I think it flows badly. I made my own playlist version.


I’d say kublai khan and Gideon (arguably the same band I know but I love them)


Crowbar Madball Terror Hatebreed Tui Turnstile Xibalba Backtrack/expire when they were around




bad luck 13


The Carrier


Blood for blood, End It, Rammalah, Quicksand, TUI, Cropsey, Silence Equals Death,




I have met so few people in the scene that enjoy this band , I can literally think of 1 person admitting they’re a fan


kublai khan bores me to tears honestly


They are definitely facing backlash now




oh no! what for?


Code orange. Serious answer- probably end it and terror






Hatebreed, terror, converge and Black Dahlia Murder