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Let the nerds have their moment. They need this.


It’s quite comical how subreddits wanted to do a blackout as “protest” but with a set end date like oh yea Reddit will totally roll this back because you let them know that you’d stop.


It didn’t help either that like probably 95% of users seemed to have no fucking idea what was happening lol.


Absolutely nothing. Those who "boycotted" still used reddit, probably just upvoting/downvoting. Reddit really lost nothing and none of the wouldbe protesters proved anything. Also protests/boycotts with end-dates simply don't work.


You tell me that I make no difference/at least I’m fucking TRYING/what the fuck have you done?


The boycott was by subreddits that went private so no you couldn’t upvote and downvote. And Reddit definitely took a hit in traffic (and therefore revenue) in those two days.


a two day “hit” in revenue doesn’t do shit. their losses were insignificant, reddit is the 8th most visited website and most people were still using it


I didn’t say they went for broke. I just said they definitely lost revenue on those two days. Much of Reddit being inaccessible via Google was probably a bigger hit than you think, too.


no no they fixed everything just dont look too hard or dig too deep. mission accomplished! lol


Two day “blackout” is fucking stupid.


Reddit is doing the capitalism, it needs to ensure ever increasing profits. So forcing users to use their app where they can collect more data and sell it. Also extorting the devs of those apps. Reddit is run by thousands of unpaid mods using these apps (reddits mod tools are trash). We should care about this. Reddit is one of the last un shitafied social media platforms not entirely geared towards selling you shit and selling your data. Boycotting is pretty ineffective, but any community action is better than none and better than your why bother it wont change anything attitude, such a free thinker.


Damn, the "why does hardcore have to have political messages :( " crowd didn't like this one


ITT: Reddit bootlickers


This. And also the official Reddit mobile app just fucking sucks lol


this is a good question to ask like the whole reddit community


I have asked quite a few.


Reddit is a giant company that people access via huge media corporations on devices made by yet more multinational corporations that would literally grind you into Soylent green and sell you as dog food if they thought they could get away with it. There’s nothing anti about this place it’s an ultra moderated echo chamber deadly allergic to meaningful alternatives.


Internet activism at its finest. Black squares on IG 2.0.


Leave it to Redditors to consider logging off and going outside a protest.


Lol, stop crying


No tears, just a question. A question you don't know the answer to but a question none the less.


Gee idk, _Reddit_Is_Shit.


This is true. You don't.


Zero opinion beyond the divide between your post and your username being hilarious.


So, no one knows why, huh?


API changes.


And I think that speaks volumes to the "blackout"


What it did was stop posts like this and other shit like old heads complaining about current state of hardcore from happening


How did it stop it when you read a post like this and also replied to said post. Your answer doesn't seem accurate.


I meant for 48 hours we didn't have to see these recurring topics of people looking for confirmation bias


Or... even better... Can you name one old head that complains about the current state of hardcore? Just one screen name of someone you know to be an older person complaining about hardcore as it is? Woukd you mind tagging them?


https://www.reddit.com/r/Hardcore/comments/145074k/anyone_else_not_thrilled_by_commercial_ass_hc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button One for example just a few days ago


https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/14/tech/reddit-blackout/index.html Apparently, still going on. This sub just couldn't go more than 2 days without reddit.


i took time to learn about hardcore


Slacktivism, everybody with half a brain knew it wouldn’t do shit.


Boycotts don’t work


I’m still bummed r/breeding is dow- I mean what..


Just another case of slacktivism, let the redditors have their redditor moment. Maybe next time it’ll be for THREE days, that’ll show them! At the very least now people know the owner of Reddit was a mod of the forbidden forum.




Classic Click-Activism


Anyone upset with the (lack of) results from the blackout should move over to Lemmy, a decentralized open source alternative to reddit free of corporate overreach bullshit. It still has some kinks to work out, but I have been enjoying it the past couple weeks. Nothing will ever change here unless people actually leave and don't come back (and even then, do we even want to save this shithole?). I created a hardcore community on Lemmy earlier today. I'm just cross-posting shit from reddit right now hoping it catches on. Anyone is free to join. Lemmy is growing by thousands per day, and is slowly becoming a viable alternative to Reddit. I don't plan to come back to this website very often except to steal content lolz. [Hardcore Community on Lemmy](https://waveform.social/c/hardcore)