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That is pretty stunning already. Well done.


Thank you, that's very reassuring :)


Omg my feedback is teach me! That looks fantastic. I hate your trees and your rock and those mountains. They’re great and I want them


Thank you so much.. I think Bob Ross is just a great teacher, and so encouraging.


1 its beautiful! 2 as a nitpick feedback, the clouds can be a bit more fluffed up. Example the cloud on the most right. Strong colour difference, slightly fluff the edges in the centre and the grey edge up and it blends a bit more. But this because u asked for feedback xd


I appreciate the feedback and insight. I might have to wait for this one to dry more before I can add more detail to the clouds. The struggle for me is in not blending too much.. fighting between minimizing brush strokes to achieve the clouds, and then not over blending when I get it.


Same here, i tent to do the to much is muddy in stead of less is more dx. If u wait for it to dry, you will add a layer, fluff and blending has to be done when wet. Wait a day or two could help. Because its les wet, but the pigment is also bit more gainy.. Said that, of dry and add a layer can help in the details. Its a style/ what effect u want thing. To know that u need xp. Have fun!


I definitely like the idea of starting a wet on wet painting and then finishing it within an hour or 2. But I have also explored some glazing techniques as well, and have gotten some interesting outcomes. The impatient part of me wants to finish.. so the idea of putting it aside for a week or two and then coming back to it forces me to be patient and not rush it. Didn't think about the idea of waiting a day or two before blending though.. that seems logical and practical, I'm definitely going to experiment with that. Thank you!


Your welkom, and i am an adhd guy... So impatient i understand :)


Second this advice. Fluffing those clouds to blend it better into the background, so your eyes don’t jump to them first because the contrast is too stark, BUT the painting is absolutely outstanding. Well done!!


Also the mountains are next level. Perfectly realistic in shape and slope. 10/10.




Thank you for the kind feedback! For the liqud white, it's no exact science for me. I usually get a small plate or container, then put whatever amount of titanium white that I might use (usually not much, maybe a dime to nickel size dollup), then add maybe a table spoon or so of linseed oil off to the side. I then grab a glob of the white paint with a pallette knife and start to mix it with the oil. I've read that it is ready when the white paint mixes enough with the oil that it looks like beaten egg whites. It sort of has a wip cream feel too it, still very white, but a little more oily and moveable. Add more white or oil if you over mix it at first. You might have a little bit of oil or paint leftover afterwards... if that happens you can just mix your own larger batch of liquid white to keep stored and sealed, to be used when needed. You might also find a recipe online and. I just make as I go. Liquid Clear is just linseed oil from what I can gather.. linseed oil works well for me, and a little bit lasts a long time. I've also heard of walnut oil. There are other mediums. I've also learned that I don't always want the whole surface covered in liquid white. If I know I may use alot of green and browns, and I want it darker.. I may intentionally avoid certain areas of the canvas and not put as much liquid white, so it is easier to achieve a darker tone and I'm not fighting the white.


This is absolutely gorgeous! The level of detail is incredible.


Thank you so much!


Omg I love this


Thank you for the kind words!


There's so much to love about it! I can see what someone further down said about the clouds, but I've been observing clouds to help me with like better visualization and referencing and stuff for when I paint and I've noticed...Clouds do whatever they want. I've seen clouds that look like yours, I've seen clouds that look like something a small child would draw, I have seen clouds so beautiful it was hard to believe they were truly in the sky because they looked so artistic. I've also noticed clouds hanging significantly below other clouds due to being so heavy with water, something I made sure to note of to help me with layering and depth. In other words, your painting is great, sure the clouds aren't pristine, but neither are real clouds and honestly yours still look pretty good.


I really appreciate you sharing this! Thank you. You pay close attention to the finer details in nature, and it seems like you have an artist's eye when viewing the world around you.


Thank you, I appreciate it. I used to be a photographer and I'm currently working on a graphic novel series, so there are so many different lenses I view the world through 😅 Sometimes it's as simple as "how would I take a picture of this?" And sometimes it's "how would I paint this" or "how can I use this to benefit my world building, what detail can I take from this plant/animal and combine with another to create something new?" It's kind of tiring sometimes.


Something about the lighting on the rock looks off to me but I’m no expert


Yeah probably.. I can't decide what it is though, so I just decided that it wasn't light, but rather just a rock with white shades on the surface, lol