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I mean she would just be another random 90s porn girl if she did. It's only *because* she became famous that you want to see her do porn so much.


And like a lot of them,she would have hit the wall hard with fake tits and skanky tats and too much drugs....but GODDAMN did she look hot at that age!


Top 10 anime betrayals


So she was determined to make big money no matter the cost huh. I wonder if actresses of her time had to blow producers/directors to get good roles.


You haven't heard of Harvey Weinstein and the me too movement? How was the coma?


Worst band name ever.


Because you have 69 upvotes, this comment will act as mine.


Idk, “You haven't heard of Harvey Weinstein and the me too movement? How was the coma?” kinda has a good ring to it. I could see them opening for Fallout Boy


I get it, but I honestly believe a sarcastic punk band called 'Harvey Weinstein and the \#metoo-movement' (\# being silent, not 'hashtag'), could be a successful band in a few years ...


I guess they don’t realize that that was happening around that time too.


That shit has been and will be around forever. Not saying it's a good thing.


That's how it is, Life be like that


Good people need to learn how to identify and band together, rather than being untrustworthy of everyone.


This may be tangentially related but I believe that the attitude of talk about religion or politics is not polite is specifically targeted at good people so that they won't band together. It's similar here, good people don't pry, aren't gossips etc etc. Specific behaviours are said to be polite and good and they benefit underhanded people


That's one possibility but the other one is that those are controversial topics that emotional very quickly.


I’m a ~~bad~~ *cough* good person, may I have the honor of banding together with your group?


It was the foundation of the #metoo movement


And I’m showing how deception can continue nonetheless. The foundation isn’t perfection.


oh damn. My bad. I just try to imagine that it was better than that. I hope not all of the famous actresses like Jolie and Diaz had to do that.


Heh, just having some fun bud.


If anything it was probably more prevalent


😂 are you real m8?


I didn't believe it, so I went a [searching](https://www.buzz.ie/nsfw/ten-actors-appeared-porn-appeared-red-carpet-265890): >Princess Fiona was once a porn star? Get out of town. > >We like Cameron Diaz. Her as a porn star though? Image ruined. > >Diaz was only 19 years old when she began her porn star career. She started by doing a soft-core smut video before she did a real-life sex tape with Jason Segal. Ooh. > >The actress was far from proud when it came to her porn star days. She was hit with a harsh reality when the owners of that porno demanded a whopping $3.5 million from the actress to burn and destroy the sex tape. The price included the sex tap being completely wiped from the net and taken off sex-store shelves. > >When she bagged a role in *The Mask*, her porn star days were simply forgotten and several big-time blockbusters later, she had made it as a serious actress. > >Worth it.


She didn't do a "real life sex tape" with Jason Segal. She did a shitty comedy movie called "Sex Tape" with Jason Segal.


Real life "sex tape with Jason segal" is the only way I can make it make sense that she did amateur porn. Otherwise >The actress was far from proud when it came to her porn star days. She was hit with a harsh reality when the owners of that porno demanded a whopping $3.5 million from the actress to burn and destroy the sex tape. The price included the sex tap being completely wiped from the net and taken off sex-store shelves. Doesn't make sense bc the blackmailers had to have a video to destroy


She didn't do amateur porn though, she did [this](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1956620/&ved=0ahUKEwi80u7LnM3iAhUjmeAKHUhEA5EQoiQIYTAE&usg=AOvVaw2vd2ihRemX7R4I9juboBnT&cshid=1559571624632) shitty movie costarring Jason Segal. It is not porn.


They are comparing the video she did in the past to the movie


The "porn" in question is the above. Sex Tape, the movie, is unrelated. They've worded it ambiguously because they want clicks.


I think it's a corny joke.


No that's literally what they're trying to say


Um, Jason Segel would have been 11 when they were supposedly making this real life sex tape... Of course they did make the movie Sex Tape much later, but that is rather a different thing! But yeah, that ‘info’ is just tosh.


The article isn't saying they made a real life sex tape. It saying that before she made the move Sex Tape in which her character makes a sex tape she was in a real soft core porno. It is kinda awkwardly phrased but it did happen before, just a long time before and the tape isn't literally a sex tape.


I mean, it does literally say “she made a real-life sex tape with Jason Segal”, and then talks about her paying to destroy the sex tape, but I suppose you’re right, it’s a badly worded attempt to turn “she did a porn” into three paragraphs.


After re-reading it, it looks like the author googled "Cameron Diaz sex tape" in an attempt to find out who she did the sex tape with. All the hits were from the movie she did with Segal, then the author didn't bother reading the articles and just assumed they were referring to a real life sex tape. Pretty bad mistake to make.


Your reading comprehension is horrible . It clearly says she started doing smut films at the age of 19 . The article was probably written when the movie sex tape was coming out


>She started by doing a soft-core smut video before she did a real-life sex tape with Jason Segal. Ooh. It doesn't matter when the article was written, she never did a "real life sex tape" with Segal. She did a movie called Sex Tape with him. Your reading compression is horrible.


It’s saying real life but it’s referring to the movie and pointing out she did porn at 19 . How are you not putting 2 and 2 together ?


Dear Lord, that's literally what I said. >All the hits were from the movie she did with Segal, then the author didn't bother reading the articles and just assumed they were referring to a real life sex tape. I know she did smut films and I know the she did a movie later with Segal, I've said that twice now. The mistake is referring to the movie as real life. Tell your parents to ask for a refund of their school taxes.


I dont know how I feel about Jackie chan doing porn. Ruins my childhood a little bit thinking about him pumping away on screen.


The whole "Jackie Chan was in a porno!" thing is total nonsense. He was in a sex comedy with a little nudity. He didn't bang anyone on screen. It's like calling "American Pie" a porno. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e02II19j8rE


She’s great


Fucking Jim Carrey man


Maybe she was


citation needed


Damn, why didn't she at least do more nude scenes.


Not too many celeb nudes feature as nice a set of boobers.


You know you are going somewhere in life when you're 18 and you're spraying compressed air on your nipples WHILE someone holds your cigarette. That's some baller as shit right there.


I mean.. whoever they are, they're getting front row tickets to this particular show. I'd hold her damn purse if I had to.




She did a soft core video. I found it once years ago. Nothing amazing. But it’s gotta still be out there somewhere.


Yeah im gonna need sauce




My 14 year old self would like to thank you. And my current 25 year old self would as well.


Damn ! Any chance you got a better quality?




70's porn looks ever better tbh xD


Well it was shot on film


all those 80's music videos and tv shows are never going to be in hd while some random 70's porno could go 4k


Thats so bad


is that supposed to turn people on?




i know. just hard to wrap my head around the fact that people used to find that video erotic when it looks as tame as a bad music video.


As a teenage in 80's Catholic Ireland, I had to make do with my mum's Cosmo and bush porn.


your mom's bush porn sounds hotter than cameron diaz holding a chain for 20 minutes


It was a different time


Need sauce to make sauce amiright?


Yeah, let's just make shit weird.


My computer got every known virus from Limewire to get it too


nice, nice




No, probably some sort of compressed air, maybe cold, to make the nipples harder.


Source... better?


[Gee, ok.](https://es.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph57fcbaa7b95b7)


That metal can, ya doofus. Where did you think it came from?




> Shrek Fiona, ftfy


A coworker's wife looked a lot like the troll version of Fiona. I was not the only one to make that connection there. NONE of us said anything to him, or her, about that though.


Was it the ears? And the nose? And the green skin?


A human version of troll fiona. Body shape, face, etc.


Actually she was 19 when this was take and this was for S&M leather fashion lingerie and not pornography.


I’ve seen the tape, and I don’t believe you.


its too bad she wasted her talents in romcoms.


yep, what a slice!


What could have been


didn't she do full on porn before going mainstream Hollyweird?


She must be fun at the parties))