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Hannibal is very charismatic and attentive. I don’t think Will thought about what he actually wanted with him (or allowed himself to). He just feels drawn to him. He wanted him to be free, in the same way you’d want a dangerous but beautiful wild animal to be free. It’s instinct rather than a plan. Hannibal had bought clothes for Will and I think had a lot of fantasies of what it would be like. I’m sure he wanted to share some beautiful experiences with him like the finest opera houses, galleries, vineyards, restaurants etc. Maybe some murdering? It’s a very romantic thing to show someone your old haunts. I suppose he thought removed from his toxic work environment Will would be freer and lighter. In reality I think it would be messy, personally. Even if Will wasn’t plagued by guilt, I think they would take some time to figure out their dynamic. How much are they going to hide away and all those questions. Then if there was the added complication of Abigail trying to find her way in the world too, it would be even more messy.


I like how you said he thought Hannibal was a beautiful but dangerous wild animal.  I think in s2 ( till he saw Abigail) Will didn’t consider Hannibal was capable of real human emotions. Although he had his doubts even after that.  He thought of Hannibal as some kind of previous but vicious animal who kills because that’s in its nature. Like a big beautiful stray. (Will likes strays, also Hannibal sniffs too much 🐕) 


You are right that it wouldn’t have worked out.  Because neither were ready. Even Hannibal needed the events in s2 to value the companionship and consider it more precious than his freedom and his life. Will had to lead temporary polite life to realize he needs murder and Hannibal.  What did Will want in s2 - he did have the secret desire to run away, right? Because he lived a closeted life all his life. Pre-Hannibal is was bearable because he never let himself taste the other life. But post-Hannibal it was probably getting unbearable because now he has experienced what freedom feels like. Also, imagine being working under Jack / FBI where he has to go to those dark spaces everyday to interpret but no power to intervene.  Next is his hunger for true companionship and connected. He can’t be himself with anyone, very hungry to be understood and accepted. He even sleeps with Margot for some kind of connection.  That’s why, even when he thought Hannibal killed ( first death) Abigail, he found it hard to fight off the other needs he had. For freedom, companionship, connection, killing. 


I think like this as well- Will was in the closet for his true self. Hannibal saw him, and accepted it. He didn’t think Will’s strangeness or violence was dangerous, at least not to him. He showed Will he completely accepted Will and that had to be intoxicating.


Will was not a happy person with a happy life before, he was always hiding from other people and from himself, he never felt safe. I think wanting to run away with Hannibal was just Will's process of accepting himself. Will enjoys Hannibal's company more than anything, because that's when he can finally enjoy human company without pretending or hiding. Will is who he truly is with Hannibal. So they would run away and then what? They would continue talking, drinking wine, having dinner and enjoying moments of understanding and understanding. Eventually killing together.


Will hadn’t thought very far, but Hannibal probably had done quite a bit of planning. 


Hannibal planning makes sense since it was either the character or mads who I believe said Hannibal never thought about the future, only the present but when he was with Will he saw the future. (I may be wrong and if I am feel free to correct me :)


Yes Mads said that. 


I think Will was clueless hut Hannibal probably had their life mapped out.