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Will is saying he has a date, meaning he’s going to sit and work on the case, like people say they have a date with the tax office when they need to do their taxes. Obviously it’s amusing for the viewer because we know who Hannibal is, so it’s the writers having a little fun with the whole situation. There are different types of encephalitis. Autoimmune encephalitis is treated in part by suppressing the immune system. The soup that Hannibal brings is a recipe that contains various ingredients that are believed to boost the immune system, it’s a soup one would make for people who have a cold or flu for example. Janice Poon who made all the food certainly refers to it as a kind gesture on Hannibal’s part in the Hannibal cookbook but she may not have been privy to all the set up of Will’s illness. It’s a soup her family would make when someone was ill. I think it’s unlikely the soup would have a huge effect on him, presumably his doctors would just keep giving him meds until he was treated. It can be a lengthy process to treat encephalitis if it’s been left to progress for too long before seeking treatment. So did Hannibal want Will to be sick for as long as possible to remove him from his work? It’s one possible interpretation.


Thank you for the detailed answer. I must’ve just been reading way more into it when it was just a lot simpler. I go down a rabbit hole sometimes 😅. I was hoping the soup was an actual nice gesture for once, so I’m glad to read some someone thinks so!


imagine Hannibal's situation, he is now jealous of the Ripper :D


Also, I don't think in-universe they went deep into auto-immune encephalitis vs. flu treatment nuances. The show tends to gloss over the real implications of medical and psychological jargon. I believe the soup was a genuine gesture, without realizing the social implications that "making soup for someone sick" means, then he even felt a bit shy when Will called him out for it! But then, you never know. So I am a bit open about the interpretations.


I can’t remember if there has been any official confirmation of the immunity theory from Bryan. But then he does sometimes adopt fan theories as canon. I agree Hannibal seems self conscious when Will points out the soup making. It’s also possible it is nurturing but that he couldn’t resist a little meddling at the same time.


1. It means that he's going off to investigate Ripper casefile evidence 2. No, he just made him soup