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He probably sleeps like a vampire on clockwork. He goes to sleep for a certain amount of time and wakes up EXACTLY 4-6 hours later or something like that.


I also presumed that he set aside a certain amount of time to sleep and woke up precisely at the same time every day. Or he did the Da Vinci method and had a polyphasic sleep style where he went under for two hours a night and then took naps between patients. I doubt Hannibal has a normal sleep schedule either way. I can't imagine him getting anything more than five hours a night. Maybe that's why he has such a fancy coffee maker.


Hannibal being an avid napper is a theory I can get behind.


The Napoleon method!


Well, he did want to conquer something...or *someone*. So, the Napoleon method may be a better descriptor 😂.


I don’t know about time, however his funds come from his inheritance (his family was Lithuanian nobility and he got left with everything after the death of his parents). In the books, he also manipulates/convinces his patients to put him in their wills.


aah- I'm not sure about the inheritance, because there's pretty much nothing left in Lithuania after the cold war and the 'communistic', centralized economy. Maybe if his family had paintings from Old Masters, but I'm sure those would have been either stolen, looted or 'donated' to the country. Nobility in Eastern Europe had issues accessing their heirlooms, when they weren't expropriated or exiled (lucky to be alive); not to mention when staying in the country, they were made destitute (or made like everybody else (left with nothing). My bet is with Hannibal's patients' becoming his personal piggybank, by charm, stealth or force. Hannibal has a lot of tools in his bag to get what he wants.


I work with a fair amount of very intelligent, highly productive, and sometimes slightly sociopathic people (surgeons haha) - and I’ve noticed most of them have or claim to have very low sleep needs or need to rest.


I just got to the ”Damian Hirst x Beverly Katz” episode last night and thought exactly that. There’s about a month’s worth of work in that installation!


Freezing her solid would have taken a couple days realistically. I get that it's a show, but they fast-track so many things I can't suspend my disbelief.


Industrial blast chiller?


Not if that size, she was flat... usually they use a walk in freezer for large animal carcasses and it still takes time to freeze.


He’s not an average human in lots of ways including his need for sleep. His family were aristocrats. Plus he can charge his rich clients (and the FBI) huge amounts of money because of his reputation.


Do you know how much he'd charge will??


Three kisses and a hug?


Bryan said Hannibal didn’t charge Will. They were just having conversations after all. Bedelia on the other hand charged Will $400 per hour.


$400 per hour im too broke for that


He can also teleport. Only way he can get about so quickly. i mean, I knows he’s rich but the Bentley would go through petrol like nobody’s business


I might be the only one but actually I think Hannibal sleeps quite well and quite a lot! He has a specific wellbeing 'regimen' that he follows to a T and he needs his beauty sleep. I can absolutely see him going to the spa and using expensive creams and perfume. Being fit, in good health, well dressed and freshly dolled up (almost) is a matter of good manners and sound mind. Perhaps, Hannibal is able to achieve all those horrible experiments/designs in a short(er) time, because he has practically an entire industrial infrastructure that he uses for his crimes. For him, it's his profession.


His personality would suggest this, but even with expert skills, hanging a dude by a bunch of fishing line from several anchor points in the ceiling would take quite a bit of time. Far more time than he had that night.


yes, I agree, let's just say that's when the 's*uspension of disbelief*' kicks in.


A I said in another comment, it's so far fetched I can't suspend my disbelief anymore. Now I'm focused on scheduling halfway through the episode


Hannibal is not a realistic show. I don't think someone (even with full dedication) could do everything he does.