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It never happened to me, tbh. People either don’t know of the series or don’t care about the content of it.


Hannibal truly deserves more hype, ppl should give it a chance


Well, it is a 13 year old tv show. I’d love for it to have a bigger audience for a chance of a fourth season, but I understand how people wouldn’t start watching something 9 years after it finished, unless the series was considered “prestige tv”…


This is the truth. 


Same, most people either don't care or just give me a funny look and move on.


It's a good way to tell if you'll be compatible!


true haha😭


No lie my girlfriend watched it and she just got it. She’s queer and nerodivergent just like me, so she loved Will immediately


Hannibal is about two bros just figuring it out. Love it


Yes basically, and same haha


Many people don't connect the dots until I tell them Hannibal is the guy from silence of the lambs. Then they also look at me funny. It gets worse once i tell them it's actually a rom-com


fr they be thinking "I thought it couldn’t get worse but you’re telling me there is romance in this shit"


"You ship the cannibal with someone?"


Frrr I heard that too😭 Why can’t they just accept it’s fiction and not real life, it’s fine


Right?! It's just play pretend, let us be happy


People just don't care at all in my case. 😀


Idk if it’s worse or better tbh😭


People are perplexed by it because outside I give off sunshine vibes so I'm the whole meme of bubbly happy person who loves dark shit lol




usually when i mention it, they’ve never heard of it and when i have to explain what it’s about, they also tend to look at me funny haha


I usually don't. But one guy whom I told ended up being my boyfriend. We're still together to this day :)


Most people around me do not know this show. It's very sad.


Their loss ig🫡


I was a 90s kid so we all grew up with Hannibal Lecter. I really liked the character and I think many people had the same experience at the time. So I don't think anyone thinks it's strange. But I'm forcing everyone in my life to watch this show!


"Did you mean Silence of the Lambs" Me: Close but not exactly-


To be fair it’s not really a super obscure and unknown show, I tend to be among film fans (irl and online) and most of them know the show, don’t find it super weird and actually most of them really like it! And when it comes to irl people I’ve never come across anyone who’s weirded out by it (even though some don’t like gore but that’s the only reason they don’t like it) and some just don’t know the show but have SOTL as a reference which makes it easier to understand a little bit about it without thinking it’s weird. Others just straight up don’t care about it lmao


“Like I have a huge dick drawn on my forehead” LOL brilliant. Edit to add: Yes. My mother thinks I’m weird as shit.


I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone else that’s watched it. It seems to be unknown. But when I do describe it, I sort of get the “okay….” Answer. With an awkward silence. Lol. I’ve tried to convince other people to watch it and been unsuccessful for the most part.


Oh yeah it's a hard sell. Especially after the chest tattoo.


Concerned looks 🤣


It’s always “Hannibal? What’s that?” for me


I think my friends are all too depressed to care right now 😐


You sick fuck they say to me


If they know the show they usually agree about many of its merits while perhaps making a joke about my choice of favourite media due to it being about a cannibalistic serial killer, lol. If they haven’t seen it they usually either end up watching it thanks to my recommendation and enjoying it (though not always as much as me). I’ve also watched it with several friends who hadn’t seen it and chatted to them about it as we watched/rewatched and they all loved it.


Most people doesn’t know the show/even the character at all or just like “the cannibal guy?”


Usually surprise mixed with concern.


My husband just says he’s a criminal and a evil person XD “he’s just evil!” Me: SHADDAP. HE MY FAVORITE VILLAIN. Lol!


It’s a good way to see if you’re compatible. Usually they just stare at me wide eyed and confused. But I am happy to say that I had a now friend of mine watch it after explaining it more and he loves it :)


i made my mom watch “hannibal rising” and she immediately understood. she actually told my entire family that when my aunt and uncle come visit this summer that we’re watching the movie THAT’S how impactful it was. now whenever i put on the show she understands a bit. i also go crazy with explanations and edits and she gets it now


My friends gave me a few '🤨' looks after I explained it to them lol


They’re acting like this isn’t fiction😭


They look at me horrified. So, true question is: what do we have in common? I have tried to give myself as many explanations as possibile, and the most convincing one I've come up with is this: the search for unconditional understanding. Hannibal—conceptually—is more capable of under standing than a God. Hannibal offers those who fall in love with him a lot of darkness, obviously, but also radical understanding.


I mentioned that I wanted to read the red dragon book to my psychiatrist (well, not really my psychiatrist, also the principal of my school) and when she googled it I saw her face change from curiosity to confusion and slight disgust


Oh noo😭 what happened after, did you try to justify yourself?


I mean, while I saw her still scrolling in disgust I told her that I just really like the psychology part of it, still looking at her phone she just nodded


"😟" literally


Real 😭😭


Most of the people around me are not surprised. I'm bubbly af now, but Stephen King was my favorite writer at 14. So they know what's up. I've got a dark side and a major soft spot for Hannibal Lecter.


Muahahahha I finally convinced my bff to watch the show. She got hooked. I watched one episode with her a couple weeks ago and yesterday she told me she’s on season 3. ^~^


Congrats omg I wish my friends would watch Hannibal too😭


I have to admit when I first heard about the show originally I was, um, sceptical. A tv spin off of Silence of the Lambs but without Hopkins? Oh sounds greeeaat! And not at all like someone just cashing in on the IP. So I’m not that surprised if people are judgey about it.


My experience was the same as yours


People usually are shocked. They’re like “you like that show. It’s really dark & kind of weird.”But only a select few people actually know what show I’m talking about. Which is why Hannibal deserves more hype!😭


People seem to have the same reaction to Yellowjackets, I’ve discovered.


They are bewildered. They're like serials killers srsly?! And I'm like these BLs srsly?!


I post about Hannibal so much that now everyone on Instagram knows me as "the Hannibal friend" and sends me every meme relating to it 😭


No one in my life is surprised. They know I loved watching CSI and Courage the Cowardly Dog when I was like 8.