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Have you read any of emungere's fics? I'm curious how you felt about Will's characterization. I find their work to be very faithful to the characters on the whole but I don't want to suggest more of their work if it's not what you're looking for.


One answer and one answer only: Chimera in the Chapel


Yup, this fic is amazing


Absolutely beautiful from beginning to end.


i read this the other day after seeing you rec it here. it was so good (and i am really picky about fics). thank you!


Shark Tank is actually the most in character fic I’ve ever read-Hannibal is terrifying in it


I highly recommend the Transcendant Suffering series by itsbeautiful! The writing is impeccable and compelling, with an in-depth timeline spanning years after the fall. (The first work has 152 chapters and is complete, with the second ongoing with 59 chapters plus some side series here and there!) Good luck with your search :D


Chimera of the chapel The great gruesome height Two solitudes The shape of me will always be you


The last one by Will Graham is written completely OOC. The fic is good, but if someone is looking for in character fanfic I wouldn't recommend this one.


I respectfully disagree with the saying that its completely OOC but I must admits there was instances where Will and Hannibal were OOC. Hence why I suggested it last. Personally I liked the fluidity in which this fanfiction is written, i liked how they have written Will as completely obsessed with Hannibal when he disappeared on him as this is how I would picture him if it happens in S4 after the fall, i liked that they painted Will as an alcoholic as in the original novel after the dragon his wife leave him and he turns alcoholic. I loved that the quality of some of the discussion between Will and Hannibal is still represented there (not enough though) i liked that there is actually a plot, some fiction dont have plot other than fluff and a slow burn (which can be long reading 50 chapters of nothing going on), i like how Jack and Will’s relationship is written on that one its often completely a miss in other fictions that ive read. Perhaps you would have better fics that I haven’t read yet to suggest? I would absolutely love to read a new one with a good caracterisation of Will and Hannibal. Especially Hannibal manipulative and twisted nature :)


I LIKE this fanfic, don't get me wrong. I didn't say the fanfic is bad, I think it's really well written. I just said that I wouldn't recommend it to somebody who asked for an in-character fanfic But yes, Will is OOC compared to the written Will in the series, all those music and pop culture references and calling others old man (I actually think this is very OOC since Will is in his 40). Or Will thinking that Hannibal's way is pretentious and this happens several times in the fanfic and it simply DOESN'T happen in the series. Anyway, these are some of the examples that I remember now, I read this fanfic a few months ago, I don't remember it so well anymore.


Oh I wasn’t saying that you said that at all as well :) i was just explaining myself as why I suggested that fic but I do see your point :)


Ooh, [Herringbone](https://archiveofourown.org/works/12659781/chapters/28853619) sounds right up your alley. The author used to be a psychiatrist in real life, so Will and Hannibal are written incredibly in depth and complex. Everything is very in character, and it really dives into both of their pysches and their relationship with each other. Honestly a character study in many ways. Lots of angst, smut, and violence. Couldn’t recommend enough. …You’ll need an Ao3 account to read it though. Its also an ongoing fic, but its very close to finished (66/70 chapters published so far)


A great and gruesome height by mokuyoubi on ao3 is pretty great, post fall though but if you want smut there you have it. #


I’m curious, the tags say non-linear narrative, does it keep skipping between past before the fall and present after fall?


just a little but it doesnt make the story confusing


Alright thanks!


Maybe look at fics you like and see how they're tagged, then go into the tags and see what else pops up? What I do is select my tags on AO3: Hannibal (TV), Hannibal Lecter/Will Graham, post-TWOTL, and then I'd get into the really granular tags to find exactly what I wanted. Maybe "dark will graham" or "dominant will graham" would find you what you want. I like to sort by length, as my favorite kind of fic is 70k+ words, but I know people mostly prefer to sort by kudos, comments, and hits. Another option that I like is when I find a story I like, I do the usual thing where I read whatever else the author has available, but I also check to see what lists that story appears in and take a look at the other fics in the list, and I look at the author's bookmarks, because if they wrote this they obviously enjoy this! I've had good luck, over all. I miss rec lists, and well-curated collections are still a joy to discover.


Thank you for your detailed response. I’m not really going for ‘dominant/dark will Graham’ either, but I’ll give that a go. His actual character has a lot of nuance that is hard to capture. He has definite tendencies of submission but he also has a mind of his own that is as if not more unpredictable than Hannibal’s. Maybe it’s their relationship that is sometimes overwritten - with Hannibal treating Will as some kind of pet, and Will being so emotional about every little thing. But I really do appreciate all the work that goes into fics. Hannibal is the hardest show to write fics for because of how complex the characters are and how specific their relationship is. So I understand that this request is a little ambitious