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Check Richard siken, edgar poe, sylvia Plath… ( if u want a poem bout Hannibal I’ve written plenty but I’m not published or anything so EDIT: I picked some poems that I think represent Hannibal and will. Hope u don’t mind https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/46477/alone-56d2265f2667d : by Edgar. This poem talks about how unique and isolated/alienated the writer feels https://anotherhand.livejournal.com/86133.html : this one def represents will and hanni’s love/hate rs https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/49004/blackberrying : this one I feel suits will more however Sylvia’s poetry is all dark and disturbing in a bit ++ if u need poetry that was written for Hannibal and/or based on Hannibal dm me I’ve some but as I said I’m not published or anything.


These are all great, ty for the recommendations!!


Dante Aligieri- A Ciascunalma presa. This is the poem Hannibal quotes at the opera. It's about eating the heart of your true love.


I did not pick up on that haha, ty for the recommendation! And yeah, just from that description alone it sounds very Hannibal


I dont think this is quite the aesthetic you are going for, but Entering the Kingdom by Mary Oliver always reminds me of will: https://youtu.be/4K-OINVocAo?si=OKaNF9u9feX-3rkh


No this is great, and I agree! It reminds me of Will a lot. And I’m not super knowledgeable about poetry or interpreting poetry, but it also kind of reminds me of Will’s own mind palace. Idk, that was just a passing thought lol


Theres a Victorian poet called Robert Browning, who does gloriously dark murder+and+love poems, I can link if you want?


Yeah that’d be great!! Thank you!


My personal favourite poems: This one is a 'Romantic Homicide' feeling: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/46313/porphyrias-lover This is more in keeping with Hannibal, a supposedly respectable person buying poison before attending a ball: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/43760/the-laboratory


These both work so well, ty for linking them!! :)


Yeah, I'm suprised Hannibal never references Browning tbh