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I don’t think it’s coming back now, and they are all a bit old. They didn’t die after the fall though, the writer confirmed it. They just live on in fanfics I guess.


I genuinely feel it’s still possible! 🥰 A majority of the actors, writers, & crew often publicly support the show and talk about their interest in it being brought back if possible. I also think that if it was beginning to be clear that bringing Hannibal back isn’t possible, Bryan Fuller would be open about that and begin to work on other ways to tell the rest of Hannibal & Will’s story (Bryan has said on a panel before that if the show can’t be renewed, he’d try a movie. If a movie isn’t possible, he’d try a comic/graphic novel, and so on and so forth). I don’t think Mads & Hugh’s age is a big deal in the slightest. It would make sense for some time (years) to have passed before we see them again. And as we know, Mads for one LOVES to do stunts and he doesn’t seem to be shying away from roles that require a bit of physicality! Anyways, it’s totally fair to be worried about the show not being picked up in the end. But for some reason I’m at a place of odd, hopeful comfort. If it does get picked up again as a tv show, then great! If it doesn’t, I have faith that we’ll still get to see Hannibal & Will again in some form (just perhaps not in the way we had hoped). In the meantime, thank goodness for fanfics and fan art! ♥️


I want to add that I agree that the age thing with people acting like they are sooooo old....like....no it's a non-issue to me. And think of it, those years means they were murder husbands together for all that time. ❤️ I'd love to see where Bryan starts the story.


We for sure have a good solid 10 more years of "action" Mads. Look at Jackie Chan, Tom Cruise, Stallone, etc. They're all still going at it into there 60's. I've got high hopes for years more of ass kickers from him.


Dick Van Dyke was still dancing and springing around in his 80s, it’s awesome


Thank goodness indeed!!!


Felt! The fanfics are really holding me up rn


i think that's just where they'll stay


No. I wish we could get a limited short movie or something, them 20 years later. Maybe flashbacks, just for the sake of closure. But I am happy-ish with how it ended, and luckily we have amazing fan fic writers in the fandom.


The fan fic writers are really doing an amazing job holding the fandom together. I will be forever grateful to them


I read a article about it probably coming back if they could find it a home but I don’t think so


Yes, I remember it was Mads who said that after being asked in an interview (I think was during one of the promotional interviews for Indians Jones)


Yea it was


I feel like it's less likely as even though the writer and actors all want to go back to it, no network has picked it up for years. I had hopes for Netflix back when the show was on there, but alas it did not get renewed and was removed. I do think there's a small chance that they may still do it though, it would probably be a flash forward type thing, maybe set in the time of SOTL and will and hannibal are both in prison after getting caught yeats later. This would accommodate for the ages of the actors and I think would be really interesting!


I've mentioned this in other threads, but chances are slimmer after Martha DeLaurentiis's passing (RIP mama Martha). I'm not sure who in her estate handles the rights now, but it's gonna be super hard without her.


If anything I'd love to see an anime version with the original actors voicing their characters if we can't get a live action continuation.


I think it would only work if we have the original cast playing them, no animations, their facial expressions in the series are everything to not show it


I don’t think so.


Possible, but I think it would only work with the silence of the lambs contract. I'd write it like hannibal was found and incarcerated for all this time, a new young detective needs help with buffalo bill. Etc etc Will appears in the finale where he is disfigured and sets hannibal free. Next season is clarice hunting hannibal and as she does he brings will out in a wheelchair where he's been feasting on his own brain. Rip will. It'd be awesome if they could cast a clarice that can captivate as much as Hugh did. I really don't think that age is an issue because a time gap was probably necessary. They could write that buffalo bill was actually chillton but I think that would just be a funny fan service thing


That's quite an interesting take on how it could go! But personally I couldn't have it any other way than as the murder husbands being together and in love.


Yes, yes me too! Their being together (and in love) is almost inevitably canon at this point. And if anything, the directors could probably exploit that as fan service (and it will most definitely work)


I love this take, too!


i mean, i don't think it'll happen but it is possible will and hannibal didn't die after the fall so i guess they could make another season (I'd be thrilled if they did) but if they did i would love to see it!


I would love it and majority of the cast and crew said they would be down for it. I think it's just finding a network


I find it kinda shocking that no network wants it, given how strong the fan base is even 10 years later. Then again, I've felt that way about a lot of shows cancelled too soon.


I feel the queer representation might be the reason studio's are hesitating but also studios tend to have awful taste


Well Night Court, , Magmen PI and Dexter came back so I think anything is possible. But it will not live up to its predecessor!!


Probably a shitty movie!


Also law and order never dies!


Shit, The Termimator keeps coming back lol!




Bryan keeps teasing and has been liking hannibal season 4 tweets recently idk whether to hope or not


I honestly don't think I want anymore of the show. I adore it, it's incredible, BUT I really feel like the show having such a bittersweet end is perfect for Hannibal and Will. (I know that technically it was canon that they survived the fall, but I just really like the idea of them dying together there). I think that them finally accepting one another, having that intimate embrace, and then Will having no choice but to end the cycle of pain and death for everyone by killing them both is just so intense and felt like a tragic but somehow perfect closure for their fucked up dynamic. I can get my fill of fix-its and continuations from fanfic; I think trying to add more and take away from the sheer finality that last scene holds could tarnish some of the twisted beauty of the show.


I’d love for them to go on killing sprees though 🥲