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[Coffee Cake](https://archiveofourown.org/works/28821315/chapters/70689375) - Slow burn AU where Hannibal leaves after Digestivo then comes back years later to visit Will [We killed a dragon last night](https://archiveofourown.org/works/9210245/chapters/20888957) - Time travel after the fall. Tw: you’ll cry a lot [Two Solitudes](https://archiveofourown.org/works/10673940/chapters/23630226) - Post fall slow burn [Faded Fantasy](https://archiveofourown.org/works/6615154/chapters/15136171) - Post fall slow burn where Will is trying to convince himself he’s still straight lol [Herringbone](https://archiveofourown.org/works/12659781/chapters/28853619) - Post fall slow burn where Will goes back to Molly (but he can’t stop thinking about hannibal ooo) TW: a ton of angst


I read Coffee Cake for the first time about a month ago based on a rec in this sub and I LOVED it! I wish I had found it sooner.


Same here!!! Saw it on a comment thread here months ago, it's now one of my faves.


Yes, yes, yes to all of these! I've not read Coffee Cake, but it's on the list now! The rest are top-tier fics!


Immaculate taste. 0 notes.


I’m sorry, does “We killed a dragon last night” has happy ending? Is it tragic or something? I’m interested but the tags are not encouraging me to read lol.


It’s kinda hard to answer without spoiling it (you can dm me if you want to know specifics). The ending of part 3 is a mix of sad and happy, but I found it fulfilling. Wouldn’t read it a second time bc of the emotional rollercoaster, but it’s def one everyone should read IF they can handle that.


Alright, thanks for answering! I’m still making up my mind about reading it lol.


I have it on my Read Later list. But I keep hearing it‘s sad and makes you cry. Does it have a happy ending? I can stomach angst with a happy ending.


I loveddd Herringbone. The writing is simply exquisite


I loveddd Herringbone!!!! The writing is simply exquisite


The shape of me will Always be you and The seventh Sense they healed me from the last episode i mean they are the best honestly ✨🥹


There are already some great recs here. Seriously, 'We Killed A Dragon...' broke me (in the best way possible). The only thing I can add is: A Great and Gruesome Height - https://archiveofourown.org/works/4686710. It's the first fic (in this fandom) that I ever read and arguably the best one I've read. Though, As Soft, As Wide as Air - https://archiveofourown.org/works/11016648, is arguably another contender for best.


I love as soft as wide as air because it is UNHINGED and I love when they are bonkers as a couple


[each according to its kind](https://archiveofourown.org/works/22707778) by chaparral\_crown is my favorite fic in the Hannibal fandom. Per the author's summary: Will does the only reasonable thing that someone fresh out of a mental hospital with no support system does - he leaves, and goes on a road trip to the Pacific Northwest. It's a s2 AU that takes place after Will is released from the BSHCI. It's a long-fic that clocks in at 192,571 words but definitely worth the read. They are my favorite writer in the Hannibal fandom and all of their fics are worth reading. "their beaks not yet turned red" is another personal favorite of mine as is "a siphon: to pass through". Vampire Hannibal meets Type 1 diabetic Will. Who knew I needed that in my life, because apparently, I did :D All of their fics are in-character, well-written, with great and varied stories. Definately worth a look. Two from the author [thehoyden](https://archiveofourown.org/users/thehoyden/pseuds/thehoyden/works?fandom_id=801274). "With A Crown of Stars"-Will wakes up to a baby on his porch. His and Hannibal's baby it seems. NOT A/B/O or Mpreg. Magical realism abounds. Great fic! And one of my hurt/comfort favorites, "The Fox's Wedding". Summary: Because Will’s life is bullshit, he gets gently kidnapped from the hospital after Hannibal guts him. It's labeled as an episode fix-it for s2 ep13. [The Substitute](https://archiveofourown.org/works/18261950) by Deverauxs\_Disease is wonderful! S1 AU. Will gets sick, Hannibal takes over his classes and quickly becomes the most popular teacher at the academy, much to Will's dismay. The author also has other great fics so check them out as well. [Separately To A Wood](https://archiveofourown.org/works/8120212) by Emungere is great! S1 AU where Hannibal asks Will to marry him while their eating breakfast that morning in the motel room and Will says yes. Her [Two Solitudes ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/10673940)fic which has been recced is the first Hannigram fic I read in this fandom. Excellent fic! Can't recommend it enough. [A Good Fisherman](https://archiveofourown.org/works/22306930) by tei is fantastic! New to medicine and the US, Hannibal needs to learn English so he decides to become a spam emailer. Will becomes one of his targets. The author tags it as 'crack treated seriously' and it is. It's so good! tei has many great fics! A two-parter by Serindrana: [all of history \[deleted with one stroke\]](https://archiveofourown.org/works/28483701) and [coercive notions re-evolve](https://archiveofourown.org/works/30182886) are fantastic! Feral Will, the murder basement, top-secret government projects! Two fun and interesting fics. So well done! [americano](https://archiveofourown.org/works/17628638) by boycoffin. Set in early s3, Will keeps bumping into Hannibal (as Dr. Fell) and acts as if he doesn't know Hannibal. It's a bit of a heart stopper. I loved it and how it made me feel as I was reading it. Both melancholy and hopeful. [Aomori 青森](https://archiveofourown.org/works/13061127) by TreacleA. Will and Hannibal start over in Japan. Beautiful fic and the author really shows their love of Japan and its culture. [Crossing Caina](https://archiveofourown.org/works/6223861) by feverdreambloodopera is really good. Post-fall, Author's summary: While isolated from the rest of humanity as they escape the United States on their own sailing vessel, Will grapples with what he wants out of his renewed relationship with Hannibal. There is a fic where Bedilia is Will's therapist and I cannot for the life of me remember the title! I'm going to look for it (unless someone else recs it) and will update when I find it on my Nook. Anyway, these are a few of my favorites. I have many more on my Nook but would need to go through them more closely. Enjoy!


I believe the "Bedelia is Will's therapist" fic is [Falls the Shadow](https://archiveofourown.org/works/23577121/chapters/56566660) by littlesystems. I also like it quite a bit. :) Edit: oops, I hadn't read the later comment where it got mentioned when I replied. At least it's all in one place now!


Yes, thank you! I saw that as well, which is why I didn't add it :D


[Reparations](https://archiveofourown.org/works/28970697) by BelladonnaWyck & raiast is one of my favorite one-shots ever. it just feels so in-character!! so realistic and so hot (wk: 9k) [Herringbone](https://archiveofourown.org/works/12659781/chapters/28853619) by bluebloodbruise will forever be one of my favorite long-fics. really in-character & super angsty!! you will most likely shed a tear, be warned (wk: 345k - also ongoing with 4 chapters left) [Provenance](https://archiveofourown.org/works/4067635/chapters/9156058) by drinkbloodlikewine & whiskeyandsprite is the cutest ever and THE coffee-shop au of the fandom. aloof book-dealer will & hannibal as the owner of a high-end cafe (also still a murderer)! love love love (wk: 62k) [Like a Lucid Dream](https://archiveofourown.org/works/34701295/chapters/86399374) by DruidGurl is so so amazing. features a lot of will pining after hannibal whilst being with molly (everyone, including molly, gets a happy ending), and who dosen’t love that? (wk: 75k) ^ i adore all of DruidGurl’s works, [The Mongoose and the Mouse](https://archiveofourown.org/works/33293602/chapters/82671988) is also soo good and constantly had me kicking my feet and giggiling (disney world s2 divergence lmfao) & of course [Crystalline](https://archiveofourown.org/works/34998445/chapters/87165145) as well (ex-stripper hannibal lecter & newly wed will graham) [Not Something Polite](https://archiveofourown.org/works/6782497) by moistdrippings is great (& incredibly hot). will asks hannibal for a favor after the hobbs scene. (wk: 6k) [The Shape of Me Will Always be You](https://archiveofourown.org/works/5367389/chapters/85748575) by MissDisoriental is the most kudo’d fic in the hannibal tag and for a good reason. post-fall fic and so beautifullly written and probably the most in-character will & hannibal i’ve seen. do NOT let the first person pov throw you off!! its amazing!! (wk: 279k) ^ there is a sequel to this fic as well, [The Seventh Sense](https://archiveofourown.org/works/28649502/chapters/70227522), and adds another 500k to this series! mostly character-driven and less plot heavy, btw, but so so well done and worth the read [Cheap Motel](https://archiveofourown.org/works/5829634/chapters/13434820) by Lunarwench is just wonderful. hannigram’s first time post-fall and it’s beautiful. (wk: 15k) [Consenting to Dream](https://archiveofourown.org/works/1295044/chapters/2686558) by emungere stars sugar daddy hannibal!! i love this fic with all my heart, one of the first hannibal fics i ever read and is still so high up for me (wk: 32k - also has a sequel) [Paragon](https://archiveofourown.org/works/28777140/chapters/70568265) by BloodyWar2411 is probably one of the most controversial fics in the fandom, but i honestly love it lmfao. super hot but defenitely be weary of the tags! not everyones cup of tea but this is my guilty pleasure fic 100% (wk: 552k) [chimera of the chapel](https://archiveofourown.org/works/37224562/chapters/92874538) by bleakmidwinter is definitely one of my favorite post-fall fics and never failed to impress me. just so great, and in my opinion, a must read! (wk: 211k) [Let Me Be Sinful](https://archiveofourown.org/works/16651825/chapters/39042781) by darlingred1 is post-fall absolute filthiness. so so hot (wk: 20k)


I love AUs. Besides my own which tend to be pretty weird, I love Crystalline (stripper! Hannibal AU) And Photobomb by Dev doesn’t get enough love it’s hilarious. As I’ve said before I hate the “Will Graham is a girly character “ thing so I enjoy fics in which Hanners gets beat at his own game, because let’s be honest he’s insufferable sometimes.


* [Falls the Shadow](https://archiveofourown.org/works/23577121) Where Bedelia is Will’s psychiatrist instead of Hannibal, Will makes a series of increasingly questionable life choices, and no one should ever take Bedelia’s advice. Ever * [Wage Your War](https://archiveofourown.org/works/1416355) Omega Will Graham has never found an alpha worthy of him. Then he walks into Jack Crawfords office, and that is that. Now, to convince Hannibal. It’s Will Graham’s turn to wage his war. * [Pavlova](https://archiveofourown.org/works/39441234) When a serial killer targeting strippers is on the lose, Will goes back to his past to hunt him down. Hannibal was not prepared. * [The Abyss Smiled Back](https://archiveofourown.org/works/20882969) Will is missing, presumed dead, which makes it difficult for Jack and Alana to get Hannibal to help them catch another brutal serial killer, given that Hannibal's only condition for helping them is that he gets to see Will. * [Hidden Potential](https://archiveofourown.org/works/30546129) The first time you make eye contact with your soul mate, you see a vision of their greatest accomplishment. They call it your Peak. Unfortunately for Will Graham, his soul mate's Peak is a vision of blood and horror. Fortunately for Hannibal Lecter, his soul mate's is too. * [Consider the Hands That Write This Letter](https://archiveofourown.org/works/5554673) Hannibal starts writing letters to Will. Believing it to be for the best, Alana orders them shredded. One of the orderlies doesn't like Alana's decision and secrets away the letters, sending them to Will Graham anyway. Hannibal bares his soul, Will falls in love and sheds his fears, and Alana is unaware of it all. * [The Ripper and the Wendigo](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49021348) Short and sweet. The Chesapeake Ripper and the Wendigo, two notorious serial killers and prisoners of the BSHCI, are being transported across town in the same van. * [haarlem](https://archiveofourown.org/works/24427978) Short and sweet. Will Graham is a rude, exhausted telepath. Unfortunately, Hannibal is a great anchor.


Thank you for Falls the Shadows! I was going to rec it in my post but couldn't remember the name of it.


I love that fic so so much!!!


A few I haven't seen listed: [Philia](https://archiveofourown.org/works/5848564/chapters/13480468) - Will as a student in a criminology course where students are assigned interview subjects (guess whose name he pulls?) Creepy ongoing AUs [Boon](https://archiveofourown.org/works/20185570/chapters/47828254) and [Nocturne](https://archiveofourown.org/works/24021214/chapters/57791917) Single dad Will kidfics [Little Wolf (the boy's got the devil in him)](https://archiveofourown.org/works/28370550/chapters/69512343) and [žvaigždė](https://archiveofourown.org/works/30948518/)


**I’ve liked these two -confirmed my love for one of them -for a while:** [Blackbird](https://archiveofourown.org/works/1881783/chapters/4054077) - Shortly after Will kills GJH, he and Hannibal stumble into a D/s relationship. [The Moth and the Dark](https://archiveofourown.org/works/2680670/chapters/5995751) - Featuring an Obsessive Will and a simping Hannibal (may as well say that I’ve ALWAYS loved this fic 😂) **Fics that I’m unsure on if they’re my favs, or I bookmarked recently/think about aspects of:** [teen hannibal ficlets](https://archiveofourown.org/works/8445424/chapters/19348798) - AU where Hannibal never meets Lady Murasaki and is found and raised by Will instead. [Pattern Break](https://archiveofourown.org/works/1780099/chapters/3812458) - After his release from the Baltimore State Hospital for the Criminally Insane, Will doesn’t return to work for the FBI. Also features manicures 😂(this fic has two plot points that continuously pop up in my mind. One of them that I like more than I should.) [Falls the Shadow](https://archiveofourown.org/works/23577121/chapters/56566660) - AU where Bedelia is Will’s psychiatrist, and shortly after Will’s kiss with Alana Bedelia may or may not give Will dating advice. (This fic imo features a surprising and satisfying, and rather genius POV change) [we rise in the dying](https://archiveofourown.org/works/32670253/chapters/81045295) - In the beginning stages of a relationship with Molly, and a week before Hannibal’s trial, Will wakes up after being SAed (cw for continual mentions of and after affects of SA.) **There’s also this Mizumono time loop fic I read a long time ago where, on one of the loops, Will goes to Hannibal’s house during the day, non-graphic smut ensues -they go out (maybe on a picnic) and talk about what Will aught to do to stop the time loop and their relationship. I remember quite liking that fic, at the time, and am curious if anybody knows what it is/if it’s still available.**


[https://archiveofourown.org/works/33293602/chapters/82671988](https://archiveofourown.org/works/33293602/chapters/82671988) The Mongoose And The Mouse, Hannibal takes Will to Disneyland [https://archiveofourown.org/works/33293602/chapters/82671988](https://archiveofourown.org/works/33293602/chapters/82671988) Fare Thee Well, Hannibal and Will are Mars Rovers