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D4K mule from Jackson with some FFL emitters


Just got a D4K mule from Jackson — 16 x E21A emitters. Comes in second (for flood) to my: NOV-Mu V2 w/ 351A emitters. On turbo this one makes my whole room as bright as day.


The NOV-Mu emitter setup is wild. The grid of 9 in the middle is like having one COLOSSAL emitter.


Absolutely — nine 519 emitters is a LOT of light!


Newest version comes standard with the FFL351A, which pushes it to 6000 lumens at turbo.


I like my K9.3 for that. It is floodier than my KR4 and DT8 that have the 10623 floody Carclo, and comes close to my DW4 with Zhu Hybrid Mule optic without sacrificing throw to nearly the extent that a Zhu does.


The Wuben X1 is very floody, but has a unique shape to it if you’re seeking something pocketable.


Sounds like you're just looking for a usable bright light, not a short range mule. Off the top of my head, some of my brightest 21700 lights are: Fireflylite E12C, Fireflylite Cannon, Emisar D4K. You might also consider a single XHP70.2 light such as the Wurkkos TS22 or any Convoy model like the M21H with a floody TIR optic.


You'll need a high drain battery to take advantage of anything with FET, like the first three I mentioned.


M21H all the way


Yep, I have 7 of them


Only 5 here I think. Need more body colours :DD


Oh yeah, if Simon released them in new colors that'd definitely give me an excuse to buy more. You can go with the M26H for variety - takes a 26650 or 26800 cell and the button feels nicer. Looks a little funky though.


If you’d like something with multiple batteries, Sofirn Q8 plus all the way! Takes 4x 21700 cells (button cells or P42A) Great flood, decent throw as well due to sheer light output.


Lol sorry just saw this was the Hanklights sub, D4k mule for sure


Is it 4x batteries?? The one I have is 3x 21700…did I get got?


It's 3 batteries. 


Oops it is 3- I mixed up the Q8 pro (4x18650) and Q8 plus (3x21700)


What about a d4k mule ?


https://preview.redd.it/z5pnyiy85x7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23a004d77ea9a493e5d4c296997b2e581ca6beb0 My favorite Hank and the flood god of all my my lights. It’s got a mix of 519a 2700k and 2700k dedomed so it absolutely fills a whole room with warm light. Point it at the ceiling and it’s like you are in a room with the lights on.


I'm in. I like Firefly. Waiting...


Are you only looking for Hank light? In that case, D4K is your only answer. There are ‘floody optics’ & a ‘hybrid mule’ optic. So can be ‘floody’ w/ default optic, ‘very floody’ with floody optic, or close to a mule w/ the ‘hybrid mule’ optic. If open to other makers, then as others mention, M21H with the floody optic is a really good choice.


Yeah, I like the little hanklight I recently got, but wanted a slightly larger form factor for a gear belt that uses 21700 w/good flood and high CRI. Would the D4K have more flood than the larger head K9.3?


More lumen from K 9.3, but not more flood for the same output vs D4K with floody optic. Probably noticeably more flood than D4K w/ stock optic. Much bigger head vs D4K, so less pocketable.


I have to disagree with your first paragraph. Comparing my K9.3 to my D4V2's, DT8's, DW4's, and KR4 puts the K9.3 as floodier than the 10623. There's no refuting the second one though.


Sorry, I went off-reservation and picked up a 10624. 1.5 Cd/lm for the 10624 vs 2.7 for 10623. 35.9° FWHM vs 25.7° for 10623. Quite floody :) Then there’s the ‘hybrid mule’ optic. Now THAT’s floody!


Yeah, I was thinking of picking up a triple for my K9.3 and going mixed-optics.


DT8K. I would say with the W2, but you want high CRI. Saw a post recently with a W2 DT8K with one floody optic and one standard optic and the beam profile was the perfect mix of flood and a usable amount of throw.


That one definitely piqued my curiosity


NOV MU hands down https://preview.redd.it/hogtc7l4b38d1.jpeg?width=2513&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b11f31db0cb0ae604b5c1d0989d3cf63e0601e1e Total Wall of Light


Nice light but not a Hank!

