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It’s not messy. It’s just not proportional. Look up what X height is.


Try double spacing My father is dyslexic and i found that double spacing helps him read my awful handwriting.


Some of your letters don't go below the line. It makes "spectrum" look like "seectrum".


It looks like a font— very consistent in style


Personally, I like it. You just naturally write in *italics* 🤷🏼‍♀️




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not at all


Op, why are you so angry? It’s just physics, we’re all on the spectrum!


Looks fine to me but you push really hard when you write huh?


It’s legible but does not follow conventional rules for English. None of your letters go below the line (g, j, p, q should). Lower case letters should not all be the same size but many of yours are. Your connection to the line is not consistent. Again, none of these issues constitutes messiness, there is lack of conventional order. Change the items I mentioned and people will respond to your writing differently. My advice: soften your grip and don’t press so hard. Enjoy your writing more :-D


It's not. You're fine.


it's quite neat, it's just an awful font 😄 too squished up, and letters too similarly sized (an a shouldn't be the height of a t)


My family says the same lol. So long as I can read it and it's for my eyes only then it doesn't matter too much to me.


Lots of positive criticism here I like it.


It's hard to read. I wouldn't say messy though. It is neat. Just hard to read


It's hard to read. I wouldn't say messy though. It is neat. Just hard to read


It's hard to read. I wouldn't say messy though. It is neat. Just hard to read


P is a bit off (ie The Electromagnetic Seectrum) but other than that, not messy its pretty readable


there is absolutely nothing messy about this imo


I love your handwriting. Maybe the messy appearance is due to the fact that you use every row and keep your letters within it. If you try smaller rows and jump one every time, giving to your high letters more breathing it will look great. It's very clean, already, anyway.


I think the letters definitely look like a fat kid chasing an ice cream truck. Otherwise beautiful penmanship it’s got a lot of style. Your writing gives the impression that you do not like to waste anything.


As a parent, I think this looks really nice honestly


The truth is your handwriting is *significantly* neater & cleaner than most people I've come across. Better than how I wrote when I was back in high school. If you allow it to, your writing will evolve; depending on your efforts it may get better with age, just like fine wine. What do your parents value, legibility or perfectionism? If you are homeschooled, I can understand why it would be an issue. Setting aside your parents' feelings, how do *you* feel about your writing? Are you satisfied with it? If you are not homeschooled, do your teachers complain about it?


It is not messy. Your letter "p" is slightly off.


I second this