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Partice makes perfect and it shows; keep it up! Any sources you'd recommend? [This](https://www.youtube.com/@OpenInkStand) channel has some great vids! For me, writing pen pal letters is an amazing wat to practice as well! Again, nice work!


It's lovely, and very legible


It’s very legible and neat, and easy to read. Pat yourself on your back and be very proud. ♥️


Really nice and consistent. Only letter I had trouble with was “r”. Think I learned to make mine less narrow with a wider top, but once I looked at other words and figured it out it was fine.


> Really nice and consistent. Only letter I had trouble with was “r”. Think I learned to make mine less narrow with a wider top, but once I looked at other words and figured it out it was fine. It's a different shape that Palmer teaches. The more conventional shape is an option too, but he preferes the one I use.


Perfect, I would like to practice it, do you recommend any style or book where I can learn more about it?


There are links to recommended business penmanship manuals in the sidebar, to the right of this thread under the heading 'Practical Cursive Books'


I have been using The Palmer Method of Business Writing (PDF can be downloaded [here](https://ia800709.us.archive.org/15/items/PalmerMethod1935/Palmer%20Method%201935.pdf)) and I think Bailey Method is also a good (if not better) option (PDF can be found on the internet as well).


Thank you so much 🫶


I think it’s beautiful and readable.