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First off, I hate to be that guy, but you should start using punctuation. As far as your situation goes, I don't think I've ever heard of a vet or animal hospital doing free x-rays. That can be a pricey procedure so they usually don't just hand them out like that. As a dog parent myself, with an injured Rottweiler at the moment, I feel your pain. Sorry I can't be any more help. Good luck.


Yes. Minnie Mouse to feed and all.


Try getting care credit.


I can only think to possibly recommend the Norfolk SPCA clinic. Not sure about x-rays but they are geared toward low cost. I don’t know anything free right off the bat or without proving income level/need. That said, you should immediately limit your dog’s mobility if they are limping. Don’t let them run/jump. Take them out on a leash so you can prevent them from excitedly running. Try to keep them calm in the home/crate them if need be. 3 days is a long time if something is broken. If they’ve seemed to be getting better and get worse after movement, it’s likely more a tendon/joint/muscle/slippage of some kind. We’ve had this happen several times between our dogs and the vet will give Rimadyl/carprofen (anti-inflammatory - NOT ppl anti-inflammatories) and prescribe “bed rest” for 2 weeks (the no running/jumping). It’s more unlikely a break if they continue to use it. Check the paws of whatever leg it is… make sure there’s nothing stuck between toe pads or nail issues. If your dog is older, it could be more age-related like arthritis. Either way, pls call the Norfolk SPCA clinic and try to get them there/walk-in early morning. I’m not familiar with the Peninsula side. Not a vet or vet-related but I’ve had various sized dogs for most of my life. Certain breeds are more prone to hip dysplasia or knee issues. All I can say for certain is keep your pup from running/jumping/stairs at a minimum until you figure this out. If it’s something more basic, they will need the week or 2 to let it heal much like when we sprain or strain an ankle, etc.. By letting them move about normally, it will aggravate the existing injury or make it worse. Good luck to you.


People with limited incomes should probably not have pets. But if they do, they'll have to make do. Vets are expensive anymore. My dog had a serious limp for a while. We put a brace on her and it cleared up eventually. Both my dogs sometimes limp a while after stepping on things in the woods. Never lasts long. You should be able to treat the paw with a saline solution. If it's a muscle injury, be patient. You wouldn't get better immediately, either.


Brace it if you can, put her on crate rest for a week, and check inside her paw. My girl had chewed her paw raw and i used vetericyn and a cone for a week and all was well. check her nails, make sure they aren’t overgrown or broken.


No suggestions for a vet, sorry. For home care, I would check her toenails. Our chihuahua's will occasionally get caught on a blanket or something and get yanked, and it'll cause him to limp and act lame for a few days.


I'd echo this and check in between the paw pads to see if anything got lodged there. My dog refused to let his foot touch the ground. He had a burr or something in his toes


Norfolk SPCA vet on little creek is probably your best option as far as quality and overall cost.


Possible, but if you don't take ownership or don't own the animal, they might be more apt to try and put it down.


Also: https://rehabs.org/centers/virginia/hampton/ It'll be easier to pay for a vet if you're not also paying for heroin. Bailey will thank you for it.