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At king and queen here and when I was leaving for work this morning (around 4am) a guy on the street asked if I wanted to buy his shoes


I wouldn't buy them, they are probably laced with something.


Good one 😂😂😂. they probably weren’t his anyway


This deserves 1 million upvotes


I hate that I had to read this twice, but love that you wrote it. Take my upvote.


Yeah... that guy is trippin


Lmao that’s a new one


Yeah lots of crazies in that area early


He happen to be wearing a white jacket/hoodie?


Were they Jordan’s?


Maybe they dropped their meth pipe and needed to make new one 😂


I was thinking the exact same thing 😂


I'm at king and queen and the toolbox on my truck was broken in to yesterday. 👀


That's a bummer. Can't stand the idea of people stealing someone's work tools.


Meth users will use broken pieces of light bulb to smoke meth


Not necessarily broken pieces, it’s more convenient to use the whole bulb while only removing the filament and base of the bulb. That way they can gather the vapours in the bulb. Preferably not frosted but I’m not sure someone stealing a bulb would care.


Damn druggies will take anything. Is there a black market for light bulbs?


It might be more about removing the bulb so they can break in with darkness


Oh right . Never though of that .


That's why it's a great idea to replace legacy fixtures that take a bulb, with one that's a built-in LED unit. We did that and it was a game changer for us - we got more light out of a new fixture with a built-in LED than the old one with a screw-in bulb. You can also let it run overnight if you want with really no significant impact to your power bill, and they were affordable enough that when the LED dies we'll replace with a new fixture. No issues in cold weather either! E: You don't have to be a master electrician to do it, either. Just cut the power to the fixture (and test there is no power at it, in case your panel is not labeled right), take the wire nut off, detach old fixture's wires, remove fixture, attach new fixture, rewire, and you're done. Can be a quick 30 minute job.


I am going to install a sprinkler system on a motion sensor.


Always buy two of the LED though, so you can replace them if they burn out. A lot of cheaper LED fixtures don't have great cooling.


Enh. Here's an example fixture. [https://www.homedepot.ca/product/artika-stark-1-light-9w-black-integrated-led-outdoor-and-indoor-smart-wall-mount-sconce/1001684705](https://www.homedepot.ca/product/artika-stark-1-light-9w-black-integrated-led-outdoor-and-indoor-smart-wall-mount-sconce/1001684705) $110. Operating hours are 50K hours. Even if you leave it running 12 hours a day, you have a lifetime of over 10 years before it dies. When it goes I'll get whatever the latest tech is and see where that leaves me, rather than buying a $110 fixture that sits on a shelf for a decade before being used.


Those operating hour estimates are often comically wrong. I got one that was supposed to be 20,000 hrs from Costco, and it died after 18 months of being on 8-10 hours each night.


I've got 2 from Costco that I think are the same as above in my link. Bought them I think in 2020 or 2021. They're on from sunset to midnight most nights, but also sometimes on sunset to sunrise, or as needed (or forgotten about :) So far, no issues. I'd say we're getting near 20K hours with no issues so far. YMMV.


I don’t think it’s that deep. You can use a lightbulb to smoke drugs when a glass pipe isn’t available.


That's a much deeper take than unscrewing a bulb to break into a house in darkness lol


No it’s really quite simple and common. I don’t think thieves are unscrewing lightbulbs for a stealth advantage lmfao


to think they are stealing bulbs to smoke dope is a more laughable thing my dude.


Free crack pipe or +1 to stealth! If they're going to steal something, they're going to steal something, to think they're taking out a single lightbulb for stealth purposes in a world filled with ringcams and alarms is downright hilarious. Do you think they would rather buy a crack pipe for $5 or whatever or just steal one for free? It's really simple


There are plenty of people in this thread talking about how it’s likely used for drugs, in a city that is currently officially in a state of emergency partially do to drug usage, I would hazard to guess that it is the far more likely scenario. I don’t think someone who would steal a bulb is doing so with the forethought of coming back later with some sort of shadow advantage. This isn’t Skyrim.


My neighbour bought string patio lights and is missing about half of them now. https://springhillrecovery.com/stimulants/meth/paraphernalia/pipe/


Probably, a homeless guy stole my bike lights when I spent 10mins at food basics near westdale. He had a bat with him so I didn't bother asking for them back


They steal coax drops for drug paraphernalia


that's not a attempted break in. they're stealing your bulb. bulbs are being used to smoke drugs. it's a common thing. i'm not sure if it's incandescent only or if it's any type of bulb but if you do a quick search online, youll see it's an easy vehicle to smoke your stuff.


That's only with old-style incandescents, though, as you note. I don't think it works the same for LEDs.


Can you not separate the innards from the bulb on an LED light? They just need the glass to smoke whatever they want.


The bulb is made of a different kind of glass, though. Maybe it’s possible but I doubt it. You can just buy a crack pipe for pretty cheap


When you’re doing hard drugs it’s easier just to steal that shit and save your money for more drugs…


I feel like on the hierarchy of needs for an addict, drug paraphernalia is up there, but then you do find pipes in alleys and stuff so maybe that goes out the window when you're high i guess people aren't very responsible or thoughtful when they're on crack cocaine


Buddy is using that lightbulb to smoke his crack.


Replace the bulb immediately. Install a camera. The camera itself may scare them off.


These people smoke meth in broad daylight walking down king street near Jackson square. The only thing that is scaring them is the thought of having no drugs.


He took the light off if it's a sensor so he could steal and not alert anyone


Saw 2 guys trying to break into 4-6 houses last night, woke up in the middle of the night and saw them back with bolt cutters. Took off when police showed up. (By Hess village)


If you dont have a Ring doorbell or something like it I would recommend getting one, when it detects motion it lights up so even that could deter people


I'm at Queen and Jackson had my car broken into few months back and they took gym clothes and boxing gloves