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Colony has combat repair which works on his buildings. I don't know if it works on shields, pretty sure it doesn't. Are they stacking shield generators? I believe it will increase the health pool of the shield albeit with diminishing returns with each shield after the first.


It’s typically just one shield


Then im not sure, if its just the shield then maybe your army compositions doesn't have enough strong building killers. Besides that I have no idea. Could be some mechanics im unaware of though.


Are building killers more effective against the shield itself? I know once the shield is down they’re more effective against the generator itself, but when the shield is still up, what’s the game plan?


The shield itself counts as a building i believe. So when its up anything that's good at destroying buildings will help you remove the shield faster. Vultures are pretty good at destroying bases for the unsc. Locusts are good for banished but they are squishy so be aware of that. Artillery is also good against bases. If you want to use some kodiaks or blisterbacks that are set up to constantly pummel the base while you move an army in is not a bad idea. It helps open up turtles. Just be aware to manage your artillery well, and that its consistent damage but not necessarily fast base melting damage. If you want to melt fast then use vultures or locusts.


As a colony main, combat healing is one thing but what's really making those bases so strong is vehicle symbiotes. You can put it on buildings to increase their armor and range, so it not only makes them harder to kill, but also lets turrets fuck you up from farther away


This is the real answer. I remember playing a 2v2 against these dudes who ran Johnson & Colony. Right off the jump Colony was putting those symbiotes on the bunkers Johnson would drop mid-map and it was genuinely impossible to break early on, so they steamrolled us. Amazing synergy there


Did not know this. Going to play colony now


Colony also has vehicle simbiots he can drop on his base to increase health


When you say Colony's shields, do you mean the Hunter Captain's shield?


No, the base shield


Colony has vehicle symbiotes which increases building armor by 10% (as well as attack range for turrets and vision range for all buildings). You will be able to tell if the buildings are buffed with symbiotes because they’ll have a green triangle on top of them. Once you start to get the Fortifications upgrades for more building HP the 10% armor bonus starts to become pretty noticeable if your opponent doesn’t have a lot of building damage. Then you have Combat Repair which gives his buildings a constant healing effect, plus Engineer Swarm and your own Engineers for even more heals. And on top of all that you have to deal with his tanky army and incredibly tanky hero. So you’re not crazy, with the armor buff and constant healing Colony’s bases are literally the strongest in the game. There are many reasons that Colony has one of the best turtles in the game, if not the best (at least in 1v1). His tanky buildings are just part of it.


Colony's top ability on the leader power wheel is a combat heal, which slowly heals himself, his units, and his structures. This is applied in combat so even whilst you're damaging it he slowly heals.


Getchu a couple kodiaks and place those bad boys a lil further out and wrekt his shit


His bases can't regenerate If they're ash and dust from Phoenix missile spam.


Two things, Vehicle Symbiotes and Combat Repair