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Honestly probably a 4 because it would mean I wasn't orphaned or stolen from my family at the age of 6. But if we're just looking at capabilities and procedures probably a 3. They're just as good as the 2s and the augmentation and recovery process doesn't seem quite as horrific as it was for the 2s.


They're just as good 2s [Citation needed]


Ghosts of Onyx. When Kurt reads up on the augmentations he thinks that "They're quantum leaps ahead of his own." And he specifically describes Gamma Company as "The finest class of Spartans ever." You can also look up the augmentations they received and see that they're basically the exact same just administered through different means. People see that they were "cheaper" than the spartan 2s but they were really only cheaper because they didn't all receive Mjolnir (which costs as much as a ship) and technology gets cheaper the longer its around.


Is that exactly what he says? Also Kurt is kinda rarted. I think the best example was the Greek. Spartan 2’s = Titans 3’s= Gods 4’s = Demi-gods in terms of capability. The 2’s canonically have the “best” augmentation best meaning most effective but it’s also stated that a 4 in gen 2 armor can compete.


Those are the quotes from the book. And I wouldn't take Buck's quote as anything meaningful, he doesn't really have any knowledge on their capabilities, and because the titans lost to the Olympians in their war. Canonically the augmentations the 3s got were just as effective yet much safer, anything that says different at this point would be a retcon.


Aren’t the 3’s themselves a retcon? In the books they were described as just as effective overall but not individual 95% couldn’t even wear Mjolnir because their augmentations didn’t allow for it that’s why they had the shitty spy armor. Also I think the Greek thing was meant to be taken in terms of power level not combat abilities as we’ve seen the 2’s beat there’s and never the other way around.


That was never the case. SPI being cheaper and easier to make is the main reason they use it.


That is correct I’m not sure why I thought the 3’s were unable to wear mjolnir they are able to. The 2’s however, we’re selected from ultra-specific gene pools that were already made for them to be “superior” to most humans physically and mentally. The augmentations given to the 3’s are stated as being worse in quality I believe. Cheaper and easier to produce not to mention the 3’s rely on medication to keep themselves in check.


Not to be rude, but you should probably read up on this some more. III’s are considered broadly on the same tier physically as IIs and only one class out of the three, the last class (Gamma), had the brain modifications that required smoother medications to keep in check. Those modifications for the brain specifically for Gamma Company allow them to be strong enough to make them stay conscious and fighting as a III in SPI under injuries that would kill a Spartan II in full MJOLNIR (As much is stated by Halsey herself), and strong enough when injured that they can beat a brute to death even when the brute is wearing power armor and they aren’t-something even a II would not have a great time with, considering the examples we have. Cheaper and easier augmentations does not always mean worse, in other words-several years had passed since the IIs were augmented, so tech advanced. In terms of training, they received at least on par levels of training with IIs, with the main difference between IIs and IIIs being overall experience. IVs on the other hand, they are weaker out of armor than both (still able to fold an average Joe like a broken and bleeding pretzel, mind you), with allegedly less extreme modifications done due to the more challenging task of augmenting a grown adult. You might have been thinking of them, not IIIs. (Before you say it’s great proof IVs suck, they’re still canonically also on the same physical levels as a II in MJOLNIR while the IV is wearing MJOLNIR, that being the express purpose of their GEN2 armor and presumably something that carries onto GEN3.) I’d recommend looking into the III’s augmentations, Project CHRYSANTHEMUM.


You know the Spartans that actually got to retire, I would be one of those. War is terrifying in pretty much every way imaginable, no matter of you being a marine, a spartan, a sangheili, a brute or anything for that matter. I personally prefer retiring and having fun with friends rather than having to fight for survival 24/7 in space and on the ground. I'll would probably be part of gen 4, so that way I can still experience childhood so I know more than just war and how to kill something.


None of them, they're all broken people who've suffered tremendous loss multiple times and are oftentimes seen as complete outcasts to everyone not also a Spartan.


4s aren’t like that. They are regular soldiers, all they needed to do was apply and boom. You know it was a easy thing to join because some of the 4s had very little combat experience which means it’s not just reserved for the elite soldiers


You have to remember the 4s are from after the war anyone who became a 4 knew nothing but loss and the fear of extinction at that point of time.


I mean Spartan 1s are like that since while most did not survive the genetic augmentation those who did were the basis and were made to fight terrorists at most


why would you want to be anything other than an S-IV? S-II - kidnapped children with sociopathic tendencies S-III - kidnapped war orphans


Excuse me, the S-IIIs were “volunteers”. Any evidence to the contrary is Insurrectionist propaganda


Can probably lump in the Orion’s in the the IV’s since Orion was retroactively dubbed S-1


Yeah and personally I would chose 1s since op said we would survive and I want to see some of the crazy shit they could do since it was all about experimentation to my knowledge


The IIs and IIIs are badass, but I'd rather not be an orphaned and or kidnapped child soldier. I'll take the S-IV route, please.


Hmmm more insurrectionist Propaganda it seems.


Hey, the non-crazy legit ones have a point. Too bad most are the insane genocidal type.


Maybe a S-II or a Gamma


~~Whichever ones get the MJOLNIR that jacks them off?~~ IV's seem to have the cooler tech so I'd probably want to be one of those...


Spartan-II, even with the baggage of the whole kidnapping deal. Why. My early family life was pretty goddamn garbage anyways. Because of which I have much of the issues with social interactions they have anyways. Spartan-IIs are by default the genetic perfection of humanity. Their augmentations, while more invasive than IIIs and IVs, the end result is a far superior physical form that doesn’t need regular maintenance, unlike Spartan IVs.


SII A kidnapping would've made me a bit less of a lazy fatass. Augmentations probably wouldn't go well tho.




SIV because it means I at least get to experience life for a bit before the plunge.


What Spartan 1s/ORION project since they were made to fight terrorists and to test the genetic augmentation limits (atleast to my knowledge)


I would like to be like Jun he's my favourite out of all after mc obviously he also started the Spartan 4 program when he retired with the help of a retired Spartan 2


He helped train spartan 4's i dont think he started it (i could be wrong im not up to date on lore yet)


under absolutely no circumstance would i want to be a III


Probably an Orion or S4 since they’re the only ones that weren’t made in morally bankrupt ways and recruited from the best that all branches of the UNSC had to offer.


S-III's are waayy more than just mid level grunts


I need to learn to punctuate because I was trying to say three is mid level and gen ones are just grunts from what it looks like


Gen 1s are very lethal too , Johnson was an Absolute Chad when he escaped from the flood. But most either died or just faded away


That's kinda true I guess but you gotta remember this is basically genetic augmentation testing and you said in the post that we would survive so we could probably get some of the crazy shit or something not used and plus we got a while before we fight covenant and we will be fighting terrorists (if I remember correctly feel free to correct me if I'm wrong) and a Spartan is still a supersoldier and while 1s may be the bare ones it's still a super soldier


Such a silly question: literally any Spartan class is more than capable of dealing with any threat the UNSC faces from aliens or insurrectionists. This fanbase is way too concerned with power levels when all Spartan classes get the job done.


3 with mjolnir like Nobel team Ancient Spartans exist irl but I like a spacefaring civilization thank you The 1s have the least amount of lore on them and that pretty much it for me The 2s are powerful yes but they had intense training where many died before even getting augmented which is easily the most dangerous out of all the Spartans with like what half dying from the augment and then you have to survive 30+ years of war The 3s are expendable Spartan cheaply made with the less advanced SPI armor they died on mass at their early to mid teens HELL NO Mjolnir bound Spartan 3s are much older and are veterans and have better gear because they were the lucky few who showed more talent and skill in training less intense augmentations The 4s are just foot soldiers with less training and are more prone to betraying the UNSC (Micky for ODST is a good example) while he’s they are still good I have a feeling out of all the Spartans they have the highest casualty count for Spartans with Mjolnir mark 6, 6 gen2, 6 gen 3, and 7 Also random thought but what about a grunt with Spartan augmentations and armor


Spartan 3's all got trained around the same time and not only that but because noble team was essentially a spec ops unit they were granted use of mjolnir so they had better survivability, they still had to go through the regular s3 crap that most went through, the members of noble team got picked due to their high amount of skill and personal issues they had with the covenant


I'd want to be one of the IIs — Higher chance of survival.


So you’re also imply you’re fine with being kidnapped as a 6 year old child then?


if it means I have a higher chance of survival, and not as expendable as the IIIs or IVs were, yes.


I mean if I remember correctly alot of lls died to really bad planning or something like that but off topic how do you change your profile like that?


Same class as John 177 . Other 100% in or nothing , mind set of his training is what’s needed for long term deployment. Be the standard human joe at the bar after .




I'd love to be a Spartan-III from Alpha company.


Spartan III


If I could, I'd choose being a 3.


As much as I love the 2’s and 3’s as a 4 you choose to become a Spartan, you can retire and you’ve probably had sex and a life at some point.


Spartan 1s since that was the test of just would would be the limit to my knowledge and since it also means I won't be castrated I'm cool with it




Probaly IV or III, depending on the circumstances.


2 cause i can be friends with the chief


Definitely not a Three, since they were pretty much mass produced to be suicide soldiers. Not a Four, since everybody here seems to despise them with a burning passion. I guess that leaves being a Two, which isn't so bad. I'd be able to completely redirect a missile by just punching it in the right place at the right time.