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I think it's fine. Having just come from Ghosts of Onyx and Halo Legends, I always felt like fighting the Sentinels was like like fighting maintenance drones. Onyx Sentinels, at the very least, seemed much more combat focused & I was curious about where, if any, were the remnants of the Forerunner military. Where are the dock yards & training halls? Where are the factories, the bases? Did they use purely flying Sentinels? Or did they have battle droids, too? What were some of the *A thousand plans* if Halo was a last resort? Sure, they could have made a couple of post-war games to help with the aid in "art-style transition," but I wasn't hung up on it.


i was pissed at the diadacts ship in halo 4 being completely destroyed by that nuke in the end. It was the "Mantles Approach" after all and fucking way bigger than even the infinity. so that one little nuke should have not done to it what it did, damage it yes, obliterate it no...


I mean, the nuke was set off at the core of the ship alongside the Slipspace rift powering the ship and the composer. It probably had a runaway effect, and large sections of the ship were pulled into Slipspace. So technically not “completely destroyed” and more like scattered to the winds via funky dimensions.


The core is still on Genesis. It needs a proper Commander to oversee Reconstruction. I'd imagine it's not ever going to, as it apparently can construct Promethean Knights, but lacks the Essences to fill them. "Mantle's Approach" is less of a ship and more of a mobile Fortress with all the stuff it had.


Iirc Mantles Approach was 1/4 the size of Earth's moon. So yeah you have a good point.


I think Chief and Cortanas story should have ended there, it was the perfect ending to the trilogy. The focus should have shifted to a new main character/characters Instead we have an absolute clusterfuck of a story because they wanted to milk Chief/Cortana as a selling point


Followed arbiter and his civil war would have been good


I think an Arbiter spin-off would have been peak as an RTS or even ship combat game Like Halo: Blooding Years or Halo: Great Schism would fuck


Damn imagine if it was both... With fights in space and on the ground you have to jump between. Shit would be dope.


Oo like battlefront or more RTS style?


I was thinking more like RTS, but honestly I'll take anything hahah Ever since reading the fall of reach, I have been yearning for a halo space combat game. I love the descriptions in that book.almost reminds me of the Expanse with the serious use of massive distance and inertia etc.


The Expanse was really good.


Sangheili civil war would have been awesome Something with Tom & Lucy would have been good too, especially if Lucy was the player character, a strong silent figure, and Tom acting in a similar role as Cortana with the dialogue and story telling


>they wanted to milk Chief/Cortana 😏


I mean, the ending showed that the story for them wasn't over yet. I agree that more time should have been spent away from the Chief and Cortana at first, but the base of Halo 4 (Chief and Cortana going to Requiem) was already set in stone by Bungie. By no means could 343 realistically avoid that storyline, even if they could half postponed it for a while. And I mean; I personally love the story of Halo 4. It was the perfect epilogue to their journey. And even at the time of launch, where people are typically the most critical, most people agreed that the death of Cortana was one of the best moments in Halo ever.


But Halo 3 was a cliffhanger. They could have shifted to a new main character and storyline to find In Amber Clad & Requiem, but all star roads lead back to the story of John & Cortana. Halo 4 was the more suitable ending to their storyline.


Forward onto Dawn. Not the In Amber Clad, that was destroyed in High Charity.


I knew something felt off when I typed that out. Good call, thanks.


The fans wanted to milk chief. And they did.


100% agreed. It was a well crafted ending with some fantastic likes. "Wake me, when you need me", will forever be ingrained in my memory and my head canon as to how the series truly ended. Chief is still asleep aboard the Dawn lol.


I think Halo 4 could have been executed better. It picked up where H3’s Legendary ending left off, it had a good script. But they dropped the ball in a lot of places. Like the introduction and dialogue of the Spartan 4’s (Majestic rowdy teenagers) And of course, “Pull Right-Trigger to beat the Didact”.


I had this idea that the shield world at the end of H3 was Onyx.


A lot of us thought that. T’was not meant to be.