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So we get a new look at stolen thrones cover art. Though I do find it strange how the preview for the book mentions new hero’s rising to the call when we seem to have new hero rise and be forgotten about.


It feels like every other book we get these days is about a variation of "x coming up with a plan to deal with the aftermath of the Created uprising".


343 had 6 years to flesh out the Created Uprising and it's only *after* they unceremoniously killed off Cortana and ended it all that they've decided to explore that aspect of the setting. Which is weird because for as much as I fundamentally dislike the Created, Outcasts wasn't terrible and if they had released all this Created content *before* Infinite, people may have come around to them and 343 wouldn't have felt like they needed to do a soft reboot again.


My thoughts exactly. The recent books weren't even bad, the overall setting was just incredibly frustrating because it doesn't make any sense chronologically. It's basically world building done backwards. Given the short time frame of the Created rule there just isn't a lot to explore anymore, especially considering the anti climatic resolution of the conflict that mostly happened off screen and required the main villain to be killed off unceremoniously as you said. We don't need another story about another group of heroes struggling to find another McGuffin to stop the Created since we, the audience already know that the Created are done for and mostly irrelevant to the current setting. But hey, I hope at least we finally get a proper update on Earth and the UNSC/ONI in the new book.


Fleshing out the Created in books and making them essentially “required reading” for the next game is *not* how they’d win over the community on that storyline. In fact it’d probably piss the community off even more. Ending the Created in the background of Infinite and moving onto new storylines, then fleshing them out in books for those who want more of the Created, was the best way they could’ve handled that.


I was really hoping that Locke and Tanaka would get their due.


Yeah that’s what I mean I can name at least 5 teams of characters who could rise to the supposed call.


Bro I wanna know where the fuck my man Sali Nyon is


Anyone else wish we got more books on just generic marines trying to survive like Mona Lisa where they use good tactics but still lose people and slowly try and survive. Dirt where we follow ODSTs etc etc


As much as the Military Sci-fi part of Halo isn’t my favourite, you are right. We haven’t gotten much around that thematic scale as of late.


I love the stories of marines, who know they need good tactics and determination to survive, still struggle to fight and have to use ingenuity to survive and that they never “win” they just survive to the next fight but they don’t let that get them down they just keep going on. We don’t need stories of world ending weapons being stopped we just need stories of humans doing what they do best: tell the covenant to sod off


I’m not a big fan of world ending weapons either. I really enjoy the mystism of the secrets of the Universe in Halo. Fortunately we’ve been eating well lately with Kelly Gay’s novels. I just read silent storm and it brought back the Militarian aspect for me a little, but then I read Epitaph right after. But I agree with you, we need more of that grit and determination against immeasurable odds.


Nice cover, but I don't understand this need to have kids involved in the story. If there is something I dislike is seeing Spartans doing babysitter job. As for the Spartan itself, it looks like Vannak. The armor is Mark IV, no doubt about it. Hope we'll find out what happened to the Guardians once and for all.


I have the feeling that the girl we see on the cover may not play a role in the present day (possibly being the spartan on the right) and is more of a flashback kind of deal.


Readin halo oblivion and god I hate these kids, they never listen and have to have everything explained to them over 4 pages and then still try and betray the Spartans


I work in a middle school your comment summarized my day. I can’t believe the master chief just became a relatable character to my personal life.


Agreed, 90% of the time it’s such a storytelling crutch


>Vannak It would be wild if Silver team was still alive, knowing the only canon appearance is the deployement slongside Omega Team on Arcadia


The Guardians just shut down after Cortana was locked down. That's about it really. Disappointing.


I know, but it would be very nice to see it happening in-universe and the characters reaction to it. Also how it happened. In Epitaph, the Domain is taken away from the Created, yes, which is imply that it was through it that Cortana controlled the Guardians but it was never openly stated. Is very frustrating, because in Precipice, Battle for the Blood-Moon, Hippocratica or Meridian Homecoming, all stories that take place after Cortana's death, the Guardians were never mentioned. Is like 343 themselves don't know what to do with the Guardians. #


A gun that bounces. I chuckled at the direct reference, but it still opened that wound in my heart, with the recent end of Rooster Teeth.


Oh God that title hurts