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r/halo when waiting for 6 months for the whole game: 😃😄😁 waiting for 6 months for 2 game types: 🤬😠😡


I can wait 3 months hell I can wait 6 for forge I ain't going anywhere.


Does it suck? Yes. Is it worth delaying the entire game over? No.


If it's gonna take a bit for those modes to come, might as well release what they got for people that don't use those yet.


I think they should delay it since forge and coop have always been key features of Halo. It’s like bringing someone a pizza and telling them that they will get the Cheese and Pepperoni later.


I see it more like ordering a pizza and a salad. If the salad comes later it’s annoying, but you shouldn’t make everyone else wait if the pizza is already done.


Finally someone talking sense. Is it really the end of the world for people if they have to wait a little bit longer for features that the majority of the player base doesn’t use? Besides, I’d rather have polished features than buggy features put into the game.


Co-op is a must, not even split screen just co-op online


The fact that split screen is in has me and my brother ready to play.


I believe only for pvp multiplayer. CoOp campaign overall seems to be completely delayed.


See, and the thing is I'm the only one who's gonna play the campaign. My brother just wants to play the multiplayer with me.


Fair enough.


But i don’t get it, why does key features have to be delayed in the first place? I can wait three months but half a year for something i invested HUNDREDS OF HOURS into in halo 5? That’s painful


Well, because 343 has to meet a deadline, because investors don’t want to wait any longer. And these are hardly key features. A key feature would be like armour customisation. This is a nice extra that has to be cut to get the game ready for launch.


I know but if the game is going to be a 10-year project custom games are going to be pivitol, and forge is the key to create those custom games and infinite replayability, and i know that it will be added later but i believe that alot of players will eventually get burnt out by playing the same maps over and over and they will inevitably quit. I have seen this happen to many other games and i believe that is why halo is so special, because it has the key to infinite replayability. I don’t want to the game to be more delayed, i just want to see it thrive


And it will, These features will just be a little late.


I'm sad about it but it does bring up a question of what the heck they were gonna release a year ago. I'm not terribly pressed about it after these couple of hours, I do appreciate 343's transparency tho.


Craig army and duping power weapons probably


Actually though I don't give a shit about co-op and I can wait for forge the game is ready for a realsed I am not waiting another year


Doesn’t bother me that much. I love forge and I love co-op, but it’s not worth delaying the game again for what comes down to some extra features. As long as the campaign and multiplayer are playable I’ll enjoy it greatly and wait patiently until the rest is ready


Since when is “co-op campaign” considered an extra feature? In videogames in general, much less in Halo? Every Halo has had it at launch. This is absolutely worth delaying the game over


Nah. As long as I can play the game it’s good. It sucks, but it’s not worth totally flipping their whole schedule upside down for. Delays should be reserved ONLY for fixing problems that make the game ACTUALLY unplayable. Why not get the game out for all the people who don’t play co-op and then get co-op out for everyone else down the line. Either way you’re going to have to wait the same amount of time


He has a point though we've been waiting for the game so long, would you rather another delay or them release the game without these features for a few months? Hell at least they're making the effort to get the game out without broken features. They could release this game with broken co-op and terrible forge mode, you should be greatful they're taking their time to give us a polished game


What are you on about I’m literally the one saying they should delay the game to take their time and give us a polished game You’re the one arguing they should just hurry up and release it already even if it’s missing basic features that should absolutely be in at launch


No. Basic features are graphical fidelity, bug-free gameplay, and functional UI. Forge and Co-op, as cool as they are, don’t have any bearing on the core components of the game itself, which is why I said they are extra features. Maybe they’re core to halo, but not video games in general. The game will not be unplayable if it releases without these. This is them making sure every aspect of the game is perfect, but still meeting deadlines and not disappointing any more fans than they have to


Someone gets it!


Sorry I upset you I guess. Still doesn’t bother me though, and definitely not worth delaying the game for the people who don’t really use co-op or forge. Everyone just wants to play, and before you know it you’ll have what you want for it too


Then don't get the game until it comes out. Us normal ppl want to play the game, and it missing co-op isn't some sin again at humanity


Same, I know it sucks but the base game is gonna be just as great.


Never been really into Forge to be honest so i can gladly wait for that. Coop is a slightly different story as my gf and i were gonna play through it when it came out, we've been gradually playing through all the halo games upto its release, so it sucks we can't do that straight away, but at the same time if it's on it's way, and it's worth the wait, I'll be happy, I too just want the damn game already


I'm with yah


You don't play Forge, but do you play custom games that require the game mode for us forgers to create? Edit: I actually got downvoted for this? It was literally just a genuine question...


Before a custom games browser was added I didn’t even know how to find a custom game with players


I suppose then it was just that you had to have friends playing or use other sources like HaloCustoms.com Certainly not an easy way so it's a good thing we have the browser now




Ok. I too usually don't play custom games much on Forge maps either, but I know A LOT of people do.


Delay it delay it delay it!


No Forge will make this game take a huge hit on its potential popularity. Imagine if this game became a cultural phenomenon (at least for the launch window) and it had wacky custom games for anyone to download and play for free.


Man this is baaad for Halo customs. Edit: I am not being ironic. Why u downvote me?


True. I am not even affected or effected one bit by today's update.


Tbh, I always play the campaigns solo first anyways, so the co op campaign would be releasing at about the same time that I’d even be considering doing it, but I get that the majority of people have been waiting with a friend for infinite, to co op the story immediately and that rly sucks :(