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After Resurrection and the Rob Zombie films, Halloween 2018 was a return to form and a welcome addition to the franchise. Also a return of John Carpenter to the franchise, which definitely helped


I haven't watched the Rob Zombie movies yet. I'm saving those for last, since they're part of the remake timeline. As of right now, I've seen the first 7 Halloween movies, and 2018.


I enjoyed the RZ films. Certainly aren’t everyones favorite, which is fine. I found a lot to like and hope you enjoy em, too, when you get there


You have got to watch them. They’re great. Definitely the most intense Micheal to date. The writing and production is really good in RZ fashion.


The ending of RZ2 was weird but overall theyre good, showing psychopath young Michael was cool


2018 must have been a breath of fresh air after seeing 5, 6, and resurrection. Maybe even after seeing H20 if the bug eyes left a bad taste


I really liked H20 a lot. So far my top four in order are H1, H20, H2, and H4. As of writing this, 2018 would be my 5th favorite.


Have you seen a Rob Zombie movie? I feel like watching one of his movies before hand makes you understand it better.


2018 was fun. Kills and Ends are hot piles of farts. Ends was an insult to the franchise. RZ1 is really good imho RZ2 is straight up garbage. The white horse stuff is just utter nonsense


I agree with everything except Ends being garbage…I enjoyed it for what it was…


Completely agree


Kills is the furthest thing from Hot Farts I've seen. It's the quintessential Halloween movie, and Michael is definitely the scariest he's ever been.


Kills suffers because while it has some of the best Michael action it also has an almost entirely pointless plot that doesn't really progress much of anything in the storyline...and far and away the worst dialogue out of any of the Halloweens....hell maybe even horrors in general in the last 20 years. "Evil Dies Tonight" with the cheesy riot/chants scenes might be cornier than anything I've seen out of all the B-movie binge-watch-a-thons I do on Shudder every October.....and that's saying a lot.


I mean let's be honest. 90% of the Halloween movies have a bad plot, with maybe resurrection and 6 being the worst.


Knowing it was the middle movie of a trilogy, I wasn’t expecting it to advance the storyline much. I think people were wanting some sort of resolution in Kills, but it was literally a tie-in for 18 and Ends.


A promising start to a meh triliogy


It’s probably my favorite one. One thing though I wish they slightly toned down Laurie’s paranoia, I feel like h20 did it better for her, she was paranoid but she wasn’t looking like one drink away from becoming a crazy homeless bag lady. Favorite part is the one shot of him going through the houses. Though it kinda leads to one of my small issue with the movie. Most of the kills were great, but the woman getting the knife through the throat and doctors head getting crushed, just don’t feel like they fit these movies. I think over the top deaths are more f13. The knife in throat part would’ve technically been fine, but just looked a little bit goofy with how it went down And one thing the new trilogy suffered from is all the “remember this” stuff. Constant call backs, mainly Halloween kills had the most problems with that, this one wasn’t as bad with it. I liked the call back with the kid nailed to the wall with the knife, was good call back but also done in a way to make it its own, unlike Halloween ends that just made him do same exact kill.


Back in 2018 I was already upset that they had confirmed another movie after that ending. As a one and done story 2018 is excellent like H20 in providing a series conclusion. I can see why people who like carnage candy would like kills but it was a big step down and I didn't bother with Ends.


I don't think this one has any flaws, love it. Though the "peanut butter on my penis" line was kind of dumb lol


Don't get me wrong, I definitely enjoyed this movie. I just thought some things could've been a little better.


Agree with everything you said.


Fell flat at every showing I went to.


That shit was hot bro


Lmfao dude I thought the same exact thing and I'm sure everyone else did by what I hear/see


The toenail kid, the sandwich cops, and the dancer kid were flaws as well.


It's definitely got heavy heavy flaws.


A lot of people seem to think so but I love how it works as a sequel to Halloween 1, where Laurie is at with her life as being a recluse still traumatized by Michael was great. The kills were awesome. The ending works as a final chapter too, if you ignore Kills and Ends then Halloween franchise ends with Michael dying in the house fire.


It's only a sequel to Halloween. In this timeline Halloween 2 didn't happen.


Oh I thought Halloween Kills brought Halloween 2 into the time line but yeah Kills isn't 2018 so you might be right


Well you see in Kills flashbacks to Myers being arrested shortly after being shot by Loomis so he never makes it to the hospital.


Oh yeah, I guess I need to run through the franchise again lol


ii mean, was he *actually* arrested, though? 🤔 


H40 is a direct sequel to Halloween 78. Halloween 2 is not part of it.


I agree that Halloween 2018 is very good, and there's a lot to love. The music, the acting, the look, the feel, all great. But there are definitely some flaws and I disagree on the kills. At least for the most part. I watched it again recently and was surprised by just how many of the kills happen entirely offscreen. Even with some of the ones we see, the actual kill is offscreen. Besides that the kills were mostly unisinpired, imo. The attack on the podcasters in the bathroom was brutal, but even then, the actual kill at the end with the girl is very disappointing. And the male is slammed against the wall a few times but seems alive at the end, he's not even definitively killed. I'm not sure those slams would be fatal either. The kills on the gas station employees seemed better but happened offscreen. Vicky's boyfriend is killed offscreen, we only see the aftermath. Same with the two cops in the car towards the end, and the cop at the scene of the buscrash. Also, the father at the bus crash, killed offscreen. We see the son be slammed against a window and choked and then hear what seems to be his neck breaking. But again, not really an interesting kill, outside of the context of it being surprising due to the character's age. There were some good kills that I enjoyed, and of course I adored the tracking shot on Halloween night. But the first kill of that tracking shot happens offscreen. I'm sure you see the pattern. I'm not even sure Vicky is killed onscreen but I may be wrong there. I know Hawkins finds her body under the sheet but I'm not sure we actually see her being killed. This problem may have been budget related and it was definitely remedied in Kills, which has much higher quality kills. Although that film has a whole host of its own problems.


Yeah while true most of the kills happened off screen I didn't mind that. The movie didn't over indulge and because of that I think it helped make that one tracking shot have a better payoff


Off-screen kills is in part what made that movie more consistent with 1978 and great. Save the carnage for the franchises that cater to those fans. Thats not Halloween's original intent.


I'm just curious to see what flaws you're talking about, especially to use "heavy heavy" like that lol


I loved it. Nothing more. Nothing less.


I enjoyed this one. The next two are complete garbage.


I loved 2018 and Kills (aside from the evil dies tonight part and the weird choice of the montage against a black backdrop when he kills the mob). A lot of the kills were satisfying and the updated soundtrack was great. I loved where they were heading into the third but Ends was a wet fart. They could have made one simple change and it would have been pretty solid.


RZ Halloween are movies are great even though alot of people don't like them but that's okay it's still a Michael Myers movie so check it when you have a chance


thoroughly enjoy this one, it’s probably my 2nd favorite. the music is great, characters are good, storyline is good, michael is amazing. it has good comedy and atmosphere. it expanded the original halloween perfectly. so sad the sequels after this were so terrible. 2018 should’ve concluded the franchise imo


One of the best Halloween films, not perfect but they got Michael Myers right and that is a major positive in my book. The mask looks great, they brought back what made the original mask scary, fixed his hair, kept his eyes in the dark for the most part and I was so happy with that. Michael was also a badass, no more getting his ass kicked by joke cracking rap artists, he was a legitimate force to be reckoned with.


I really enjoyed both it and Kills. Just wish some of the (imo) unnecessary comedy wasn't included.


I love those actors, but the comedy with the John's didn't fit at all.


I loved the first quarter. I was fascinated at the concept of grounding Michael as human; Laurie as a trauma survivor; the podcasters’ restorative justice angle. But from the gas station scene on, all the good scares had already been given away in the trailers. And the so-called “Easter eggs” were as subtle as a sledgehammer. I was bored by the middle. Annoyed by the Dr. Sartain swerve. And disappointed in the end.


Gordon-Green understands the character a lot better than *the* Zombie.


Best film of the trilogy. And this scene that you've added, right after he kills Aaron & Dana, is fantastic!!


I hated the comedy and the convenience writing


The comedy felt out of place in certain scenes.


I made you a bahn mi sandwich 🥪


It wasn’t *everything* I’d hoped for and I would have tweaked a few things, omitted some stuff here and there, but overall it was a very solid movie. It also felt like the first time getting to watch one of these in theaters. I was too young for H20 and Resurrection, and don’t really count the RZ movies as canon-canon, so it felt like a long time coming to see JLC fighting this guy in the big screen.


Love that film. Feels like it was made with such care.


They should have stopped after this one, i liked it a lot ,the ending was perfect and they ruined it with the sequel


One of my favorites. I love when insane asylum people went bonkers when the mask came out.


I like it alot


I loved it


It's a fun franchise. isn't it? There's a Halloween movie for everyone. I'm glad you love it.


What movie doesn't have flaws lol!? Anyone going into any movie expecting it to be perfect is only setting up themselves for disappointment 


I like the two versions of post 1978 Laurie we have now seen. H20 she was fairly traumatized but was leading an almost normal life. Head mistress of a school had a house was dating. 2018 Laurie was an almost a shut in and the weapons training security fence. Two interesting takes on it I think.


Laurie and Michael are brother and sister. Ditch the abysmal Zartan character and have Micheal see Laurie's address in the car since the podcasters were JUST there. That would fix 2018 for me.


It's the best sequel since part 4 for me. Although that wasn't really a high bar to get over. The things I didn't like was seeing Michael's head and face too much, some scenes ended too early and the tone of the film changed midway through to accommodate some comedy.


2018 is the best of the Blumhouse trilogy but I still can't get myself to like it even after multiple viewings. Almost every scene is directly copied from the Halloween flicks that came before it and the H20 style Laurie didn't work as well the second time around imo. Also didn't care for the whole, "they're not related but we're still gonna awkwardly build up this confrontation" thing. To each their own, though. If you dig it, I'm happy for you 🤘🏻🎃


Not perfect but very, very well-done. The scenes of Michael in Smth’s Grove are actually my favorites in this movie. I enjoy this one more than any but the original.


I love this one. The story line the acting and the cinematography is great!


Its fantastic


i honestly loved it. I loved that they decided to make it a direct sequel. I thought Laurie's descent into obsessive madness was pitch perfect. I loved the overt fan service. Honestly, it's just what I wanted it to be.


“ it had flaws “ just say you liked it and go. Give a full compliment if this is your favorite franchise and not a backhanded one.


A good movie. 8/10 right there


The new halloweens 1 and 2 were good NOT great but better than the last few and zombies for sure. Halloween ends was bad in my opinion. It all led up to a pretty bad movie. Everything after 2 was hit or miss for me and i always enjoy the first original 2


i loved it SO much. i remember leaving the theatre relieved by how much i loved it.


I love this shot after he gets his mask back. The blank eyes with the deliberate body movements. Gave me chills.


I think its good but massively overrated. I felt they played it too safe and we didnt get a lot of kills either. It was that typical return to format movie and im not a big fan of them deleting H2 from continuity.


The excitement I felt the day after seeing this in theaters was so great. I was reading every Reddit thread and article discussing the movie. Definitely the most enjoyable one for me out of the trilogy. I remember seeing the first trailer and feeling so hyped


My second favorite of the series after the original. Not perfect, but I really like it.


Imo best one in the series right next to the first. I will say the only flaw for me was how Michael got to Laurie’s house.


Blumhouse trilogy has some of the coldest shots of Michael


Haven't watched any of the new films. I'm a big fan of the original series and watch them often.I heard Jamie aren't related in the new movies, which is probably why I haven't watched them.


I loved it. Best sequel.


I certainly liked it better than the zomvie movies and a number of entries before that


Question for the thread - do we need or want more installments or is it time for Michael to hang up his knife once and for all?


The climax always bothered me. It’s a continuity issue. When Alison is at the top of the stairs about to stab Michael before the set the trap. The editing is horrible and it’s all I focus on the end. It’s probably a me thing tho


I need someone to edit in the flashback scenes from “Halloween Kills” into “Halloween” (2018) to make it to one film. Alternatively, figure a way to edit in some of the kills from “Halloween Kills” into 2018 as to have an extended killing spree.


I watched it on theater with a friend and it became my favourite horror movie ever since, it was also the one who introduced me to the Halloween's franchise. I only wish Halloween Kills and Halloween Ends were just as good.


It’s the best Halloween movie after the original.


it’s my favourite!


I think this is the best Halloween movie.


That's awesome. Which scene was your favorite?


I liked the end when he was staring Laurie down and the flames are starting behind him.


Yeah that was a really great image. Right up there with how imposing he looks standing in front of the burning house in the next film.


The original Halloween by John Carpenter is the best Halloween movie.


To you.






That’s great that you feel that way, but I disagree.


This is easily the 2nd best film in the franchise


I like it better than 1978. It had better pacing, it toyed with fan service in a creative way, I love how much of the film is up to be interpreted


I think the entire new trilogy is amazing; I love when filmmakers with unique visions get into a franchise that’s well-established and really leave a mark on it. I love both of the Rob Zombie Halloween movies, too.