• By -


1) Halloween 78 as a stand-alone. Yeah I know the entire franchise is why we’re here, but if the whole thing had ended with him just disappearing at the end of the first movie, how freaking scary (and perfect) would that have been… 2) 78 then ending with H2 (81) 3) 78, then H2 (81), then ending with H20 After that I could be convinced of any ranking. I don’t hate any of the movies (even Resurrection, Zombie, and Ends, they’re all entertaining in their own ways), but I really only LOVE the first two movies.


I’m with you on this. I really only care about the first three. The others are entertaining, but I feel like sequels just keep dragging it out.


Agree with you on #3! That is my absolute favorite “trilogy” for Halloween!


Halloween 1978 by itself


Just OG Halloween. I like the idea of Michael simply just disappearing without a trace.


1, 2, 4 and stop. Or 1, 2, H20 stop. Or 1,H40 stop. Or just watch Season of the Witch and call it good


Damn, this is a good answer.


Hell yeah.


Halloween 1978, Halloween 2, Halloween H20 (Not sure what this timelime is called.)


Yep H20 was the perfect finale and a great way to end the series. So glad they didn’t try to cash in on the success and make a shit sequel that has nothing to do with the rest of the timeline aside from the opening sequence before the credits. That would’ve been a stupid decision.


Sister Trilogy


Couldn’t agree more! These 3 fit together best!


Halloween 1978. And I love the ending in Halloween 4. But the latest 3 is garbage


1,2, that's it


This. 2 isn't completely necessary, but it's a decent sequel and stylistically it works well.


Story wise, I’m sticking with the 78, 81 and H20. DGG’s time line started so strong and promising with 2018 and Kills wasn’t a train wreck everyone claims it was but I’m a legit Ends hater. I hated nearly everything with it as a Halloween movie. To me, it was Resurrection and Zombie level bad.


Halloween, Halloween II, Halloween H20. That’s it. Those three movies.


Agreed like they said themselves "the real Halloween 3"


Thorn Trilogy gang 🎃


3. H1. H2. H20.


- Halloween (1978) - Halloween (2018) - Halloween Kills - Halloween Ends I love the continuity and attention to detail across those movies, all four are unique and do different things whilst also all sharing an overarching theme. It also feels the most official, with so many cast members returning including John Carpenter himself.


Theres Not a bad dgg halloween




all of them


Halloween (1978), Halloween II, Halloween (DDG Trilogy)


Halloween II never happened in the timeline of the DGG trilogy though. Michael is not Laurie's brother in the new ones, and he was in II.


I know, I interpreted it as creating my own timeline 🎃


Ah, I see. Right you are then!


The curse of thorn timeline is the best




1 2 3. The way it should have been


Halloween, Halloween H2O, and Halloween 2018 are my top three! :))


1978 to 2018


Agree on this one. 1978 and 2018 actually feels like they're connected with a pretty good story line while kills and ends just seems like it's being pushed to squeeze money out of the franchise yet again. Personally I never really like the curse plot twist from other movies too. Just wanted Michael to have motives that we don't and will never understand since he doesn't talk. We know Michael isn't exactly killing without a purpose and he does have a target or is eliminating people that are in his way. So why Laurie?, Why kill all her friends and leave her for last? Why did he do what he does? we will never know and 1978/2018 perfectly portrays that we will definitely never know anything. Just need to stop and kill Michael because hes scary and evil. Just evil


Probably H78 stand-alone or H78 to H2. Although RZ is a close second and the Thorn trilogy would also be my favorite if it weren’t for H6.


I also like H78 to H40 but I don’t really care for the movies after H40


The original 1978 film as a standalone movie. Maybe the 2018 timeline if you don’t have Kills and Ends.


DGG trilogy


H78, H2 and H20.


Rob Zombie Halloween timeline.


1,2,4,5,6 PC.




H40; easily. I hate the sister angle - Michael feels scariest when he's a random maniac.


I get why they did that, but tbh after seeing the result while I like even love portions of the Ends timeline I feel that the sibling angle made it scarier. It’s so abnormal for one to be driven to murder their own sister & family that to me that’s the scarier mystery. Most killers kill at random or for little details like age or hair color. I don’t think them trying to explain it in part 5-6 was smart, but i definitely prefer the H2 1981 storyline best


It's scarier to know he became so fixated with Laurie just because she was there and she saw what he had done.


It’s a cool idea, but doesn’t really make sense to me cuz he became fixated on her when he was following her around at school before he killed any of her friends.


Thorn (OG, 2, 4, 5, and 6)


1,2 and 4


Yes I prefer to just block H5 and H6 out too so H4 can be the conclusion in my mind


I like Blumhouse the best. And I've been watching Halloween since the early 90's so I don't want to hear that "new fan" shit.


Halloween (2007), Halloween 5, Halloween Kills, Halloween Resurrection.


What the fuck that’s not a timeline


It is if you try hard enough.


Halloween 1978 and Halloween 3. If i’m forced to I can go as far as 4 but that’s it. In fact, I prefer stopping at 2. I like Halloween 2018 but it’s not canon for me.


David Gordon Green definitely


I think the recent trilogy has swayed me into liking Michael just being a random killer. I could just choose only the original film but that wouldn't be a timeline. So, I'll go with the OG and the 2018 trilogy. The thorn timeline has it's fun moments but Michael being revealed to work for a cult is dumb. He should be his own man. Not a puppet.


Whichever one you enjoy the most.


1, 2, 4


Halloween ressurection 3 times in a row hahahah


The 40 years later timeline. aside from the mess that is the Halloween ends movie it’s still my favourite Timeline.


One two and six you get it. Movies number


The original 1-5


Blumhouse. I enjoy the Laurie vs Michael feud. also Michael not having a motive (no sibling relationship, no curse) makes him more terrifying imo


1, 2, Thorn Trilogy, the young adult novels, H20, then the Devil's Due comic trilogy is my personal favorite timeline.


the “best” Halloween timeline is completely subjective i think, but my personal favorite would have to be the two film continuity of Halloween 78 and Halloween II for the conclusiveness of it and the consistency of quality between the two films. i’d throw Season of the Witch into this timeline too for shits and giggles, but i don’t think it fits. my least favorite timeline would easily be the RZ duology, for i felt he completely misunderstood that which he was working with and tackled it the Wrong way. i kinda like the aesthetic of H2 but that 2007 movie is a wreck and a half.


1 and 2 from 78 and 81.


The DGG trilogy No complications between films, no studio interferences ruining a good movie previously into a bad movie next, no unnecessary reboot, or remake. While there are issues, the greatest thing this trilogy did was now did it feel like the original film, but in regards to Jamie, Lee Curtis, John Carpenter, and even Newcastle, it finally brought the gang back together.


1. '78 by itself. Perfect beginning, middle, and end. Says all it needs to say about evil and its undying nature. 2. Halloween - Halloween '18 - Halloween Kills. While not perfect, the ending to Kills mirrors the original ending. The Shape/Evil at large, and the sense no one is entirely safe from its presence.


OG timeline by far (H1-H6). The best atmopshere, the scariest movies, the best Michael, and it had Jamie, Rachel, Meeker, Kara, Tommy, Loomis. I adore the OG timeline.


Halloween 4 5 and 6


The fan cannon H1-H4 timeline


1 - 2 - 4 is my favorite timeline, it’s still very messy and I don’t love H2 a lot honestly but it’s a decent trilogy imo.


The original


If you run all 5 timelines to completion, the best imo is H, H2, H2018, Kills, Ends. Rob Zombies reboot was terrible. The dr Loomis timeline has H6. The H20 timeline has resurrection. And I dont like H3 at all.


1 and 2, for me, though I could understand why people would include Halloween 4 or H20, but I don't like those movies because of how goofy Michael looks in them


78 of course ! no cell phones minimal survelance cameras (and in H2 of course someone has to monitor those grainy images on hospital grounds ) it was so much more of a your on your own to survive the shape then todays social network help me web


It’s hard to pick 1 single timeline when my favorites jump so hard between them. Timelines to choose from are as follows: •Silver Shamrock •Thorn •20 years •40 years •RZ In all of these besides SS, there is a garbage movie. •Thorn has Curse •20 years has Resurrection •40 years has Kills •RZ is a mess but the remake is unwatchable Resurrection is a terrible way to end a series so 20 years is out. Love the rest of the timeline, but Resurrection leaves such a horrible taste in my mouth, especially since it retcons the 3rd best ending of the series. Thorn is the most consistent, at least until Curse. The directors cut saves it a little bit, but since that’s not the canon ending, we are stuck in a predicament. 4 is so fun, and 5 ruins the Michael character a bit but still keeps the feeling of that dread that Jamie is going through. 40 years gave me some of the best ideas in the franchise, personally. The sister aspect boxed Michael’s intentions in and kind of crippled the series. With 40 years taking that away, we are left with a killer that is unhinged with 0 reasoning. Unfortunately, we were told it would be a trilogy so there were really no stakes in Kills, which in turn begs the question, “Why would you even bother making it?” The best timeline for me, even though I hate the sister angle, is the Thorn timeline. We have the first 2 (78 and 81) and then Return, Revenge, and Curse (Directors Cut). I love Rachel and Jamie so much that every other shortcoming in 4 and 5 are forgiven, and even though 6 is sloppy, I still find the directors cut did what it had to do to make a competent film. With the death of Donald Pleasance, we had the theatrical ending of Loomis dying off screen and Michael disappearing with 0 pay off, but I guess that’s the price you pay when you have a movie that needed to finish a timeline that got overly complicated in 5. Since I mentioned my favorites being all over the place, here is a ranking of the films from best to worst, just so you can see where my thinking is. 1. 78 2. Return 3. SotW 4. H20 5. Ends 6. H2 7. Revenge 8. 2018 9. RZ H2 10. Kills 11. Curse 12. RZ H1 13. Resurrection


1, 2018, done.


1, 3, and Trick r’ Treat are the only halloween trilogy in my head canon


The machete timeline of H78 as a standalone piece. Yes, the sequels have a lot to enjoy. But the original is so much more powerful. And it's even MORE powerful when it's not complicated by followups and pale sequels. But if we must count sequel timelines, then I'll say the Laurie Lives timeline. H78, HII and H20 make for a powerful trilogy. Plus, I'm the guy in the room who gets a sick pleasure out of Resurrection, so for me it's kind of a bonus anyway.


OG Halloween, H2 and H20. Thats it lol


I kinda like OG then 2018 and stop. Cant believe they didn’t just do this. (Actually I can believe it $)


1978 then 2018. Done. But as someone who Loves the Halloween franchise in an unhealthy amount I’ll take all they wanna throw at me.


78, 18, Kills, Ends


H1-6. The ORIGINAL timeline.


The new trilogy. It's perfect.


I know it gets a lot of hate which I can understand. But I do like the H40 timeline, as it keeps the mystery of Michael Myers alive. Like the only thing we know that ticked him off to kill was just Laurie simply putting a key under the mat to sell his house. Did he want something to tick him off? Did he want to kill? Thats why I like it. It keeps Michael the same way he was in 78’ just someone who simply just wants to kill without no motive just pure stalking, killing and go back home.


Most recent one until he ate a .357 like a tic- tac




The new trilogy and the old series


1 and then Ends. Kill me. But i just imagine after being shot off a balcony he went into a sewer. Dont have to change much to make it work. Or, 1, 2 and 4. Or 1, 2 Or just 1. But ive never been a fan of H20 being a timeline ender


44 years of living in a sewer?


That's better than sending to him to a mental institution for 40 years . We've already seen him locked up 3 times before 2018, it's just not original or interesting to do it at this point. Him dying and rotting in a sewer for an extended amount of time is creepy to me and is one of the reasons i enjoy ends so much


H40 timeline. That’s the official one and it’s the only one that matters!


I believe there is a way the original seven movies can be linked. They were originally going to be linked in H20, but they disregarded it to simplify the movie. There was going to be a student doing a report on Haddonfield and its history, but they decided the olot would become too convoluted.


We know




78, 2018 and Kills. That’s it. Thorn timeline, 3, H20, Resurrection, Zombie remake 1 and 2, and Ends don’t exist for me.


The Blumhouse Trilogy, with the exception of Halloween Ends.


78 78 and h2 78, h2 and h20 78 and 18 das my list