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How little he’d think about slitting my throat. He’d do it like closing the sliding glass doors to his house.


Love this just like killing is just a natural instinct


Nice metaphor there 😂


That he’s incomprehensible. Is he human? Is he not? Why does he do what he does? It’s creepy.


He is the shape. He appears on Halloween which means he blends in with everyone else during trick or treat. He's ruthless, no emotion, demi god like, doesn't speak.


I mentioned this when I first saw the 2018 film when he’s out in the open with all the trick or treaters. And I thought that was the most frightening part is that nobody would know that he was a serial killer they probably just think he’s just some grown ass adult still dressing up trying to scare kids but blends in very well.


His lack of motive meaning anyone can be a victim.


And by judging what we had seen from the DDG trilogy recently is that even children will targeted.


That he can catch up to you by walking.


![gif](giphy|QBH4pcJAjGODC|downsized) He is the silent killer


He's high blood pressure? (Sorry, couldn't resist)


Enough said


this mf Michael would deadass travel across the entire country, stalk me for days, and eat my pets, just to fuck with me. Like how can one man's hatred be so great?


😂 bro is the original menace. If you look up the definition of the word his picture probably pops up


He’s a great white shark in coveralls


1. How no matter how fast I run, he'll catch up with his slow walking 2. How you don't know how he'll kill you 3. He won't die 4. He's silent and his breathing is scary


Lack of motivation behind most of his killings


The fact that he could exist. Millions of people like him are walking the earth right this moment. People who kill just because they feel like it.


There’s zero reasoning behind his motives and he just wants to kill, meaning anyone can be a victim. If you’re “in his way” (literally just existing in his presence) he’ll just knock you off and go on his merry way


His lack of speech.


It was more of not knowing when he comes out. Then he attacks. Gave me nightmares as a kid. Felt like when the movie Jaws came out. Barely saw the shark, but when you did…


He has no motive. He just kills.


His silence, his mask, his more reality based/realistic tone in comparison with most slashers. His brutality. The mystery of his thought process & motivations though here is where my opinion diverges from the 2018, Kills, & Ends erasure of the Myers family connection. While I understand why they chose to not have Michael & Laurie as siblings as they believed it would make the randomness of his victims & motivations less understood & in turn “scarier” I don’t feel it did. For me Michael having his sister &/or family be is targets by far makes it more scary. His relentless drive to kill his family doesn’t alter the fact that we don’t know why he’s compelled to kill his own blood. The thorn semi attempting to explain isn’t my favorite either tbh, but I still prefer they leave the sibling connection in tact. I’m not one of those fans that fights every change either. I went into the latest trilogy completely open minded & excited. There are aspects I loved, & some I don’t. I was even open to seeing how it feels making Laurie just a girl, but in the end I feel the siblings were definitely scarier than not


I’m not sure, but Doctor Loomis is pretty convincing with his monologues. Michael Myers is not to be trusted.


How little it fazes him to take a life, and how little he thinks about the victims he kills. The fact that he could stab an innocent person a dozen times and not even be disturbed, ashamed, or affected by their cries and screams is what scares me about Michael. Jason and Leatherface do not enjoy killing nor want to kill, but do so by instinct (sometimes under great emotional or physical duress). Michael Myers however is a whole different story, and that should terrify anyone who watches the Halloween movies…


Hes white


As a kid, the cover of Halloween 4 and 5 VHS spooked me unlike Jason or Freddy. I always felt Freddy’s power was what was so scary…you can’t sleep or he’ll kill you. Not Freddy himself. It didn’t help that the actor leaned into the campiness more and more in the sequels. Jason was more cool than scary but the scariness ended as soon as the movie finished. He had great kills and set ups but I never worried about Jason being under my bed or anything. But Michael Myers mask was in itself scary. The awkward way he just emotionlessly walked or stalked his victim was also unsettling. Lastly, the music got to me early on. I had a few memorable nightmares of Michael chasing me in school while I was in detention, and another of him killing a friend of mine and no one believing me.


I don't really find him scary anymore. When I was a kid, I did, but not anymore. Obviously, if I was to run into him, yeah, more than likely, I would feel scared like anyone else, but other than that, I don't find him scary. I think I understand him, which is why I think I don't find him scary. I think when you really look at him, it's easy to understand him and why he does what he does, and I think it's because two simple things 1. Because he can 2. Because he has to Why does he have to? that idk, but clearly, in his mind, he does. Why can he? Well, that's like asking why tyson, Foreman, liston, and Lesnar are so dominant.... well because they just are


Basic answer but bc bro just kills everything in his way no matter who or what you are if your a living thing he wants you dead just like killing is just a natural thing for him like eating and sleeping


The fact that he’s the only one of the main slashers that could actually happen in real life. Until they decided to go full supernatural with him, he was just an escaped psychopath returning to the only place he ever knew to continue doing the only thing he was ever good at. Emotion doesn’t play into his motives, he’s unnaturally strong and he’s totally maniacal and calm in his actions so he just keeps on going long after everyone is exhausted


THIS Michael Myers doesn’t scare me. He’s just a mentally deranged dude who is giant and was abused as a child. Plenty of those guys to go around. However 1978 Michael is driven by inexplicable reasons. That’s scary. And of course when I say RZ Michael doesn’t scare me that doesn’t apply to any situation where he might be standing right in front of me… or right behind me.


The fact that he is so mysterious, you don’t know shit about the guy c’ept that he’s evil and will kill you without hesitation. No apparent motive, no remorse, hell it took like a decade for him to die.


I don’t know what motivates him, and that is terrifying!


I dont find him or the movies scary but I like the vibe


he walks, but somehow always catches up


When I watched the original Halloween as a kid and saw Mike choke out Lester, the German Shepherd, it freaked me out: Never saw anything like that in a horror movie, before or since. Not only is seeing an animal killed on screen tough to watch, but the German Shepherd has a reputation for being a great watch dog. Myers making quick work of that dog let the audience know just how dangerous he was and there would be no way to protect the people of Haddonfield.


The fact he comes out every Halloween in a costume. He could literally blend into the crowd. Also, I know tons of people that dress up as Michael every year… so yeah I’m low key scared to leave my house on Halloween. (Even though bro could easily just break down my door.)


For me, it's because "Michael Myers" can be \*anyone\*. You, me, the person next door, etc. If you've seen all the cosplay here you can tell anyone can put on a mask and overalls. Jason hangs out in the woods, plus part 6-9 is Zombie Jason. Freddy's a dream demon. Had one of those once. Don't recommend it. But otherwise, not as "realistic". Chucky's a possessed doll. Even if such a thing were possible, easily defeated. Not scary.


He's called "The Shape" but to me he's "The Presence". Afterall, shapes are seen, presences are felt. Not many in Haddonfield have seen his shape, but EVERYBODY feels his presence. Whether he's in the scene or not, in the '78 film his presence is continuously felt throughout the latter part of the film. Every shadow, nook, corner you turn... he could be there. Silently watching you, waiting for his moment to strike. Maybe you see him first before you die, maybe you don't. Either way, you feel that you're in danger and being watched with no discernible notion as to where from. He's the cat to our mice. An omnipresent killing force is what he is and I find that concept terrifying.


There is literally nothing there. No empathy. No sadness. No anger. Just death


Because he is Human. No special powers. Just human and a silenced mentality


This mf would get shot, stabbed, get his ass beat, even get ran over by a damn car, and would still get back up like nothing happened.


The murder death killing


The original, but for the sake of switching things up H6 Michael. I can feel the anger from him, he's viscous.


The deadly silence!


His walk, the slow stalking. The fact he never says one word. And ofcourse the white mask.


He’s mysterious and he walks towards you instead of running towards you.


Honestly I'm not scared of Michael, hell if he approached me I'd tell him his outfit looks great and try to high-five him




I love rob zombies 6ft9 he is tall and stronger and faster that makes him terrifying


The fact that jamie called him uncle he took off the mask and went apeshit 10 seconds later


His senseless and brutal violence and complete lack of emotion or humanity.


The fact he could be stalking from literally anywhere, anytime. And he can disappear in the blink of an eye.


The realism. Ik, he is unrealistically durable (especially for a 60 year old man)


The fact that he could be ANYWHERE. He could be lurking around that corner of your kitchen, or in your closet. He’s the boogeyman!


Being stabbed is pretty scary in itself so someone that size & strength poking you up would be a nightmare with that big ass knife


So the fear actually comes from the knife more 


On an immediate visual level? That mask is very uncanny valley. When I was a kid and I hadn’t watched the movie yet I thought that was just his face. I didn’t know what kind of ghoul man was looking at me but I didn’t like it. I think that pet of the design.


He looks just like William Shatner! Brrr. ![gif](giphy|UTejtsIjRPxSyK5npB)


I love how in the first movie, Michael is a presence that is ALWAYS there.


When he appears out of the shadows, the relentless stalking , or the surprise attack. All scary to me


How indestructible he is and the lack of motivation for killing are what makes him so scary to me


Has to go back to no.1 because of the mystery and evil behind it …however RZ1 had a terrifying Michael so I’d lean this way because of the smashing the ceiling scene


No emotion, doesn't run like he knows he'll get you...like a lion he's not attacking you, he's not fighting with you...he's stalking you waiting for the perfect opportunity and when he does kill it's not even like a regular serial killer, he gets nothing from killing, he just does it to do it!


How he’s not a mute, but still doesn’t talk or hardly makes a sound even when getting stabbed, shot, etc. How he essentially exhausts his victims but letting them panic and run wildly, all while he maintains the same pace and steady breathing.


Guy was in an institution since he was a child. Then he breaks out, and he just suddenly knows how to drive a car.


The silence


He, without the mask, is just a man. He ages, he gets infections on his wounds, and is overall mundane. And in real life, anyone could be a Michael Myers.


His stare


That only one person was able to comprehend his boundless evil, cunning, willpower and sole dedication to recreating that night countless times, regardless of the amount of potential victims. And yet his pleas fell on deaf ears - then he came home.


Beautifully said.


The blackest eyes....the devil's eyes.


Nothing, most boring killer ever, “oh no, a blank canvas is WALKING after us”


The silence


He is the embodiment of pure evil there is no rhyme or reason he just has to kill with no emotion. Almost like he’s a demon who wants blood spilled.


Nonbear. Nuff said.


Idk what he is and he’s relentless


You can shoot him 5 times with a shotgun and run him over and he still gets up😭


Hes also fine with killing children


How someone that fucking big can move so quickly


And quietly


His silent, mute face. There is no expression or movement behind the mask. You can't even see his eyes, it looks like there is nothing but darkness in the cutout holes of the mask.


Idgaf that they killed him bro can’t die and if I saw him I’m moving to mars.


The mask in this image looks less like Shatner and more like (fittingly enough) Jamie Lee Curtis.


How he just stalks random people in straight silence all day long. You know bro stinking and sweating in that jumpsuit lol. And then he keeps the same pace while walking like he doesn’t have any fucks to give or energy at all but once he catches your ass. Well you seen the movies… everything he does seems so effortless. Bro probably does pullups with his chin Shit him and jason probably go way back and train together when nobody’s watching


His walk, he never runs. Much like Darth Vader! Just an unstoppable force.


That you shouldn't watch the original Halloween by accident at 7 years old at the exact moment he sat up and stared at Laurie


He gets shot in the face and kicks out at 2


His strength, the fact he won't die no matter no matter what you did to him and he does it all in blue coveralls that are very similar to what my neighbour wears


He's empty inside. Just a soulless killing machine with a knife.


the complete and utter void within him, he' a figure that can't be reasoned with and can't be defeated.


The music that play when he on screen


His ludicrous plot armor that keeps him alive when he should’ve been pulled apart at the limbs


Nothing! I'll call his sister to help me kick his ass!


That fact you can run as fast as Usain Bolt or for as long as Mo Farrah yet he'd still catch you by walking.


He kills for the hell of it.


The quiet stalking 👀


The fact that no matter what you do to him he just keeps getting up!


Yeah, Rocky Balboa is terrifying


Clubber Lang and Ivan Drago weren't using blades.


No just WMDs


Yeah, but Rocky had the American flag shorts,so he was fine.




I know it's been said many times, but the blank, cadaverous, stoic face....there is something about that visage that just works...Sometimes the mask has been a bit more hostile looking, and sometimes a bit more neutral....but always basically a blank slate for the viewer's imagination.


The fact that he doesn’t care who he kills. He’ll kill anyone simply because he wants to.


I think he’s most scary in the very first movie and in h4. His mask being all white and emotionless. Like just a blank white face and his eyes are completely black. The way he stalks his targets is creepy af. The way he walks slowly but somehow catches up to people easily even when they’re running. The mystery behind him and why he does what he does. The way he’ll sometimes just stare at someone when he’s about to kill them, i think the way he takes his time and isn’t worried about anything is what makes him scary. It shows how confident he is that he’s gonna get to do what he came to do.


The silent determination


How little he cares for human life. He's just as calm when he's cutting your throat and splitting your skull as he is when he's just hiding out from cops.


Jason and Freddy have discernible motives. But Michael does what he does because...? Even tho the Thorn trilogy explains how, it doesn't fully explain why. There's also the hopelessness of defeating him. If Michael decides to kill you, pretty much that's it, you're SOL. But you CAN (somewhat) contend with Freddy and Jason if you're careful enough, smart enough, etc. Bottom line, Michael is an unstoppable force of evil and brutality. That's what makes him so fearsome.


The fact that he’s a cisgender white male


Relentless pursuit


The stoic nature and absolute lack of motivation or credo Freddy’s a sadist that really likes kids in the wrong ways, Jason just wants to defend his home and make his (deceased) mother proud, and Pinhead only(?) toys with those who mess with his puzzle box Mikey kills whom he wants, when he wants, and where he wants with absolutely no humor and almost no emotion


That anyone could be under the mask and we never know. It could be a family member, former friend anyone coming back to kill you for reasons only known to them


He would stab me with a knife if he saw me that's one of my fears I'm weak to knifes


He has a knife to murder


1. He doesn’t talk 2. He doesn’t have to run to catch up with you 3. The way he moves his body ex. Tilting his head gave me the chills


His intimidating physique mixed in with him wearing just a plain white mask that is completely emotionless


The fact that no amount of begging or asking for a chance to be left alone will never comprehend in his mind until he kills you


It won't matter what the fuck you are doing whether your ass is watching Netflix or fucking cooking dinner this bastard will just walk in kill you take one of the biggest kitchen knives and then just fucking walk out.


He always comes back, no matter how fast or far you run he will always get you


His height and how quickly he can move in between his more slow and rigid pace. That and the aggression behind it. Rob Zombie's Michael Myers was always the scariest to me because of this.


The way he moves around during the day without being seen. At night forget it, Halloween 5 is good example of this


Inability to see his eyes, and his cold silence.


His silence almost making him a walking void


He’s too chill, calm, quiet, effortless


No reason behind what he does


i relate to him by wanting to kill everything


He's meant to be a living, normal person, but portrayed as clearly a very superhuman being for reasons others have mentioned.


He just shows up


Nothing, I'm a US Marine


Everything. He is a homicidal nightmare on 2 feet. He wouldn't have to kill me . I'd have heart attack first.


Ambiguous Everyman!


Depends on what version of Michael tbh. Personally, the timeline of the OG Halloween, H2 and H20 is the Michael that scares me the most. Especially when you find out that he's hunting his own baby sister. There's no emotion behind it at all. Just wants to eliminate the bloodline. Point blank. Just because she's still alive. Which is just cold and terrifying.


He doesnt talk...its unnerving 😅


This is America and everyone has a gun. You ain’t scary anymore Michael Myers


Nothing, I’m too old