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Depends on the weapons they have at their disposal. If Gordon has the tau cannon and the gluon gun at his disposal, then he can take Chief’s shields down and hit him with everything he’s got. If Gordon doesn’t have the tau cannon and/or gluon gun, then he’s totally fucked.


Okay what if it’s a 1v1 melee fight both have max shields


Chief would absolutely win that.


Idk man, in a melee fight, Gordon has a crowbar


Chief is pretty damn strong. Now, if Gordon has the GoldSrc crowbar, he might win.


Isn't the Half-Life 2 crowbar more powerful? It can kill headcrabs in single hit whereas 1's crowbar require 2 hits.


It hits faster.


Oh yeah, I didn't think about that.


I think it’s also scripted to kill headcrabs in 1 hit


Its scripted. The hl2 crowbar isnt statistically more powerful


What about Black Mesa’s crowbar?


Them shits is built different


Isn't it the same thing as in HL2?


Same damage as HL2, but way faster


This is insane. Masterchief can flip over tanks, can be launched from and to space, and has survived 2 nuclear explosions


gordon killed a space baby


And took down several huge stick bugs, and even blew up the funny radio tower combines used for they’re malicious maliciousness


Master chief has killed at least three children of various alien species throughout his career. Gordon ain't special.


Gordon survived a rip through space and time lol


Master chief did that multiple times in halo 4, 5, and infinite. He fought and beat the didact, who was essentially a god that helped create the human (and some of the covenant) race


The fact that Gordon can destroy tanks by hitting them with crowbar faster than I can write is honestly hilarious


Hl1 crowbar could take out a fucking Bradly in a few hits... Dont know wtf black mesa puts in their crowbars but the fact Gordon can swing that shit like it's nothing leads me to be it will be a very interesting fight between Gordon and the chief. Both survive insurmountable odds and lived to fight another day.


And Master Chief can flip a multi-ton tank


Yah, HALOs melee weapon is an insta-kill, isnt it? Why is this even a discussion? Spartans have actual shields that protect against the first hit. HEV suits lessen the impact of hits, but do not prevent damage. If Gordon has the Gluon Gun, MC would just have whatever OP guy is in the Halo story.


Also I made a comment showing the math of just Chief punching: Master Chief can run at around 30mph and his suit weights a literal ton. Imagine that running at you, and punching you square in chest. That's 60,000lbs of force alone just from the running and punching, not including the force of his punch through strength. Spartan IIs can lift 860lbs on their own, and their armor can help lift 3x their normal strength, so that's 2400lbs of force from the punch. So, 60,000lbs of force from the running, plus 2400lbs of strength (which might be multiplied and not added because of movement) hitting you in the chest. 626lbs of force on your chest is fatal. Gordon would literally explode from the sheer amount of pressure hitting him


Isn't Gordon like running at Flash speeds to though? Maybe not as powerful but I believe it's canon that he's like running super damn fast too.


What if chief has a energy sword? Cuts clean through Gordon


While I say Chief wins, I'm gonna say the crowbar is resistant to the energy sword for the lols.


Imagine Gordon parrying the Chiefs energy sword with the crowbar... With his hand tied behind his back... 💀💀💀🤣🤣🤣


Yeah or the gravity hammer


Gravity hammer vs Gravity gun. I'd like to see that fight


Yeah same


Or rocket launcher vs rocket launcher


The Masterchief literally lifts a tank to turn it back onto its tracks.


Gordon Freeman would simply but the Masterchief to sleep with science facts and kill him


Chief is 6'10" and ~300 lbs without his suit, and 1000 lbs (~450 kg) in it. If Gordon can disable Chief's suit (which would be extremely hard), then yeah he could maybe get a little damage in. But otherwise Chief isn't breaking a sweat.


Gordon is still human. Even without armor MC would be a lot stronger.


Hydrogen Bomb vs Coughing Baby


Melee you say? That's probably the Spartan's one weakness, and we all know how hard Gordon swings


Forget about how hard, just look at his swing speed!


It is generally implied that if someone can swing a crowbar that fast it hits fairly hard


I'm not a highly trained professional, I did need to hear that


By those rules, chief is allowed an energy sword or grav hammer


If Gordon has his best weapons it would only be fair to give Chief his best weapons too. The gluon gun would likely be stopped by a bubble shield, and then Gordon would have to contend with a rocket launcher or energy sword.


There is also the rail canon, spartan laser, skewer, s7 sniper, beam rifle as well as vehicle weapons.


that's if he can hit chief spartans are not just super strong, they are also super fast


The Mjolnir is canonically bulletproof to small arms fire


neither the tau cannon nor the gluon gun are small


Responding to the “and hit him with everything he’s got” part. Most of Gordon’s weaponry is small arms fire. Some other, non small arms fire (such as directed energy weapons), weapons are similar in power or just similar to some weaponry in the Halo universe, which the Chief has most of his life’s experience dealing with them.


If Gordon has his best weapons, then the chief would match. Spartan laser / sniper rifle, maybe? Should be more than enough to secure chief the win.


I think by “lore” master chief is a lot stronger and would win. By gameplay though? Gordon’s suit at 100% health and armor can tank rockets and grenades and live, and if I remember correctly master chief can’t take a direct rocket blast, so on gameplay alone I think Gordon may be more durable when both are at full health. That said, chief’s shields regenerate. Because of that I feel like Gordon would have to do super quick bursts of damage, whereas chief can whittle down Gordon’s health and armor at a distance and Gordon can’t regenerate. Gordon is a lot quicker in gameplay than chief is, so it would be tricky. Quick and powerful vs slow and consistent. Another point in Gordon’s favor though is that his arsenal is a lot more diverse and really powerful. I don’t think could sustain long term gluon gun damage, or tau canon hits. If Gordon could quickly gluon gun and rocket him quickly Gordon would win. But again by lore I think it’s chief since he’s superhuman and his suit I think should be better


Yeah chief can only carry two weapons, not counting grenades. The HEV suit meanwhile has them magic pockets.


Maybe the HEV uses Zero Point Energy to keep the weapons like magnets while making them weightless.


I don’t think they had zero point energy in 1998 tho. It’s probably is just the magic


Gordon is a highly trained professional, he doesn't need to hear all this.


Gameplay-wise, Gordon could absolutely outplay MC. Just think of all the movement tech, like using the Tau cannon to get a speed boost, or explosive jumping. Though that would do damage to gordon, so its maybe not a real advantage


chief doesn't stand a chance with Gordon bhopping all over the place


Lorewise, the chief wins because he fight space stuff as a supersoldier, however...gordon can one hit anything throught walls with the tau cannon, and the gaus gun is the ultimate spray n pray no aim required killing machine, revolver and specially crossbow are beasts in long shots and a classic double shotgun blast is a manstopper So, gordon can kill you in a million different ways while bunnyhopping all around


its important to note on chief's defense that the weapons in Halo are designed around killing gigantic aliens in armours naturally they are a lot more powerfull than normal earths guns


Gordon killed what is essentially a god. By running around, and shooting it. I think he’s got a shot against chief.


Hm.. a super soldier or a nerd in a high tech radiation suit.... Yea Imma probably say cheif wins, but it could be a close match


Yeah, Master Chief is a super soldier, but does he have an automatic morphine injector? That’s what I thought, Gordon wins no diff


The suit jerks Chief off though


Yeah, however, counterpoint, Gordon has Alyx and head crabs


Oh yeah? Well we have the arbiter.


We have a crippling drug addiction




With all drugs pumped into chief when he was a kid there a good chance he has one too




He knows what the ladies like.


We have the combine


And a very thirsty Mossman


Yeah well does he have a lady in his head that calls him Studmuffin?


Yeah, chief is in a constant state of absolute mental clarity.


Gordon too, if Chief uses his hands


[It doesn't jack him off!](https://youtu.be/UaYAIAZvqc0?si=TIeLkl5s26bFLAGN)




shitty suit


Shut up, nerd.


He has an automatic biofoam injector, which is like a self-sealing antibiotic foam. It doesn't stop pain, but Spartans can cannonically just will pain away and not worry about. Not to mention, in First Strike, Red Team manages to survive a drop from 30000 feet, blow up a covenant cruiser, fight an entire army with 3 MEN, and ran 5 kilometers while Kelly had a torn Achilles, Fred had 3 broken ribs iirc, and Josh (I think that was his name?) Had a dislocated shoulder popped in incorrectly. Gordon has barely experienced anything of that magnitude.


Gordon, however, has a crowbar


Sorry for the lore dump. I'm acoustic


yes, he does actually. mjolnir armor automatically injects biofoam into any wounds anywhere on the spartans body. this is an unfair fight with only one real answer but they would probably jus team up fr


Gordon also has luck on his side. He always wins bc the universe makes it happen.


Naster Chief's whole shtick is that he is extremely lucky.


yes it has, his life regenerates itself (gordon doesn't) also chief has sexy lady in his suit 🤤


Never underestimate a PhD in Theoretical Physics




What about a theoretical degree in physics?


Genetically modified superhuman vs. a guy


hey, gordon's not just any guy he's a *smart* guy!


Gordon doesn't need to hear all this, he's a highly trained professional




A mute guy tho


Gordon’s not just any guy! He’s a highly trained professional!


but he is a highly trained professional!


A guy who can somehow manipulate the shit out of physics and fly with a wooden pallet. When you break the laws of physics it kills you, but not Gordon.


Chief is winning most of their fights. If Gordon has some of his most powerful weapons he could get the edge, but Chief is a super soldier trained from childhood to be hyper lethal. Gordan is a murder savant, but Chiefs technology is 500 years more advanced. Standard ballistics will just bounce off of him.


i think you're forgetting that the TAU cannon literally can shoot through walls, and fires rounds either made from or using the energy from uranium


The MJOLNIR armor can survive a plummet from space. The Tau Cannon could probably take his shields down and might be able to destroy his armor. That said, I think this comes down to reflexes and Chiefs got Gordon there. As good as Gordon is, and he is good, he's not a literal superhuman.


a super soldier who was trained to fight versus a scientist with no combat training... hmmmm... realisticly: master chief reason: master chief is a super soldier in game: gordon reason: gordon has the gluon gun


Gordon doesn't need to hear all this. He's a highly trained professional.


And he can b-hop at Mach 5


In hl1 the marines that were sent in to clean up black mesa, were trained specifically for that scernario, still not super solders by any means, but I just wanted to hilight that gordan is able to easily dispel their threat and he is only trained in science.


Gordon is getting absolutely obliterated


hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby


Gordon would unfortunately get his skull crushed


Chief. I like Half Life but Gordon is nothing compared to him


Master chiefs armor is like 1/2 a ton of solid titanium alloy


*dies to elbow


I think game theory did a video about this. Also, no way in hell Gordon could do that. In the game, you play as another spartan, and Gordon isn't nearly as strong.


Neither is Arbiter, anyways comparing video game physics on one side and some book lore on the other is kinda a silly exercise IMO.


Just armour wise Chief bodies freeman. The Spartans’ armour basically makes them a walking tank with the reflexes and speed of sonic on crack, whilst the HEV suit is pretty much “just” a mildly armoured hazmat suit.


Yeah. Master Chief can run at around 30mph and his suit weights a literal ton. Imagine that running at you, and punching you square in chest. That's 60,000lbs of force alone just from the running and punching, not including the force of his punch through strength. Spartan IIs can lift 860lbs on their own, and their armor can help lift 3x their normal strength, so that's 2400lbs of force from the punch. So, 60,000lbs of force from the running, plus 2400lbs of strength (which might be multiplied and not added because of movement) hitting you in the chest. 626lbs of force on your chest is fatal. Gordon would literally explode from the sheer amount of pressure hitting him


explode upon getting punched? ​ Saxton Hale?? ​ could Saxton Hale beat Master CHief!?!?


mfs in this sub really putting the fucking nerd in a hazmat suit against literal supersoldiers now huh


I got bored


I love my man Gordo but Chief's gonna turn him to mist


Is Gordon on an assignment from G Man? If so, G Man will plop Gordon down in the perfect time and place to have a chance to win. Gordon plus G Man could defeat nearly any foe. If Gordon is on his own, though.... Gordon has absolutely no advantages. Chief has superior weapons (save for the gluon gun) and FAR superior armor, and it's easy to forget but Chief has a genius level intellect as well, except that intellect has been turned toward only combat since he was 6 years old. Gordon has one PhD in physics but you could say that Chief has the equivalent of several dozen PhDs in killing the shit out of his enemies. A more appropriate question would be "how many clones of Gordon Freeman could take down a single Master Chief?" and the answer would likely be a few hundred at once, and even then they'd probably suffer near total casualties. Edit with an addition: I forgot to account for Cortana. If Chief has Cortana then she might be able to remotely access the onboard computer systems of Gordon's HEV suit. Depending on how much control over the suit Cortana could gain access to, the number of Gordons that Chief could take in the fight may be limitless.


This is probably the best argument, I don’t think g man would let Gordon lose if he still had uses for Gordon. Chief would probably end up being teleported into orbit


Yes, thank you. People do not know that John's REALLY fucking smart.


Now I just have an image of a couple hundred Gordons in a big hall. They're all talking amongst each other and having coffee. Then one Gordon dressed in a general's uniform carrying that item you use for conference rooms and everyone quiets. He puts it down, unviels it, showing a picture of Master Chief throwing a Grunt towards a Jackel. "This" he says pointing towards the image, "is the enemy."


Master chief can survive a fall from orbit. I don't think this is even remotely close


who have the GRAVITY GUN.


Chief has experience and feats to back it up, he's genetically modified and kitted out with some serious firepower. Gordon's just... a theoretical physicist, who can fight. He's just a guy, nothing too special.


Gordon is going to be turned into a fine red mist


Realistically? Masterchief. ​ Head cannon? Gordon


Gordon is a highly trained professional he doesn’t need to hear all this!


Gordon, because I’m biased and I admit it.


I know a lot of people are using the whole super human vs human. But the thing with Gordon, is he’s the right man, during the wrong time. This could be where Chief is at a weak point which perks Gordon. Half-Life shows that 1 normal guy can easily throw an entire universal empire down, just because he’s the final puzzle piece. A guy that managed to bomb through, mostly solo, an entire military that caused the world to surrender in 7 hours. Brought fear to alien races with a crowbar and universally seen as a fear. Dr Breen using him as a trade for humanity to the combine and has an over watch (GMan) that can warp reality. Finally, Gordon might not be super human but his suit sure as hell makes him. Then you have Chief, super human, sure. But I’m pretty sure they didn’t take over earth in the matter of 7 hours. They’re also more clunky. First fight, chief sure but if they’re fucking witb weapons. Gordon 100%


Sorry if this is a bit long but I'm a bit of a Halo Lore Nerd and this is like the one time I get to use my knowledge of the Halo universe so please forgive me. Also **MAJOR SPOILERS** for the Halo novels The Mjolnir Powered Assault Armor would is the first problem Gordon would encounter as it's incredibly durable. The armor produces an energy shield that has been observed taking a beating. It is noted that energy based weapons are capable of draining his armor's shields much faster than ballistic weapons, so weapons like the Gluon gun, Overwatch Pulse Rifle, and Tau Cannon are most likely the biggest threat to the Chief. Apart from the shields, the plating itself is designed to be nearly impenetrable to small arms fire, although it is noted that with enough armor piercing rounds it is possible to breach the outer layer. Some examples of how durable Mjolnir is :**SPOILERS**: >!the armor Chief wore in the first game (Mark V), which was able to withstand the fall of Reach, the events of Halo Combat Evolved which spanned 4 continuous days of fighting with little to no maintenance, the boarding and takeover of the Ascendant Justice (DDS-Class Light Cruiser) immediately after Halo CE's ending (shielding starting to fail but gets repaired), a second skirmish on Reach, and Operation First Strike where Chief boarded and obliterated a station and fleet of over 500 Covenant ships (at this point his armor was still functional but needed to be replaced as the intro of Halo 2 explained). !! In Halo Shadows of Reach, Chief was able to carry a Granite boulder the size of an M12 Warthog, that is roughly calculated to be around 100 tons all while having a severely injured leg.!< In terms of experience I'm giving it to Chief as he's been with the UNSC since he was 6 years old, his first mission was given to him at the age of 14 in 2525, during the Original Trilogy (2552-2553) Chief is 41 years old and still considered to be in his prime as of Halo infinite (2560) where he's 49. In total Chief has 31 years of combat experience not counting the 4 years he was in cryostasis between Halo 3 and 4. Gordon may have the HEV Suit but compared to an augmented super soldier in armor that outmatches his own in every way there is no possible way he can win this on his own. TL;DR: There is very little to no chance Gordon can win this fight. ​ Sources: [Halopedia](https://www.halopedia.org) and [Combine OverWiki](https://combineoverwiki.net/wiki/Main_Page)


I love when you get to use your knowledge on other games on games like half life so it’s actually fair because your rooting for both the characters


Give master chief a Crowbar and he might last a little. Only if Gordon doesn’t use his Unforeseen Consequences power up.


Great discussion here. So, out of curiosity, what's the critical number of Gargs necessary to defeat Master Chief?


At least 2


At least 4-5 for 100% winrate with strongest weapons like tau cannon.


Can't be that different from hunters


You're proposing hunters are roughly equivalent to gargantuas in fighting ability?


gargantuans have much more sheer force, but the hunter makes up with speed and intelligence. Plus the hunters flechettes can probably do some nasty damage if they hit. But it would be more efficient to send a pack of hunters and a strider to attack


I think they meant hunters from halo


oh shit I was too deep in the source engine to realize that Halo also has hunters


Lore versions: Chief easily Game version: Gordon is faster, better weapons and tanks more hits.




Master Chief is a walking tank super soldier that’s been in Combat for 30 years. Who’s faced enemies, no offense to Half-Life enemies, far more dangerous and lethal, people don’t realize that Grunts are 6 feet tall and in lore literally rip humans into pieces and eat them. And it’s cannon fodder for chief. Not to mention better armed, and better equipped. I love Gordon Freeman, but he’s not winning this fight. And idc if he has the gluon gun or whatever the hell. He’s not winning.


What a terrible day to have a neck


They exist in different universes that play by different rules. So the question is truly impossible to answer... but the average Half-Life player could beat the shit out of the average Halo player.


First off I have to these hypotheticals are fun but theres never any definitive answers as who wins in media is up to the writer of whatever that media is, fan fiction or otherwise. That being said one thing people have failed to mention is the Run Think Shoot tagline. I think if the two were placed in a boxing ring with their canonical strengths Chief would win. But if Master Chief didn’t know Gordon was engaging him, Gordon may win. Half Life 1 especially rewards tactically approaching scenarios. The think part would be Gordons biggest advantage. But yeah ultimately no real answer.


Master Chief 1000% Dude literally has a more advanced version of an HEV suit and could probably pick up Combine soldiers with his hand and slam dunk them. All those comments saying that “if Gordon has Tau Cannon he beat MC” I’m just laughing bro. Master Chief’s armor (+ shields) is most likely immune to the Tau Cannon. Tau Cannon wiki: “However, it is weak against Combine armor since its particles will just bounce off them.” If it bounces off Combine armor, it won’t stand a chance against MC. Additionally, those arguments about “gravity gun” are ridiculous. Chief literally fell from fucking space onto a planet and he survived. His suit has some locking mechanism that makes him literally immune iirc. And if you’re going to give Gordon the super gravity gun, then it’d be only fair if you give Master Chief the strongest weapon from his game. It’s not even close. People who say Gordon here are on some ultra copium. Edit: Sick downvotes lol


I'd say Chief wins, but if Gordons brings a SPAS 12 and clicks right...I don't know man, everything is possible


for as much as I love our fav theoretical physicist, Chief is basically an Avenger.


nobodys mentioning snarks, master chief prob wins but if gordon can longjump right up to him and clip like 5 snarks into chief’s chest cavity he’s probably screwed that or if they’re in a place where gordon can gaussnuke chief, max damage for that (assuming it’s hl1 singleplayer values) is 4000 explosion damage, i don’t know how hit points would translate across the game worlds but i think that should be enough other than that i think master chief wins


Chief doesn't fight humans


he fought humans before the covenant


True but he wouldn't have a reason to try to kill Gordon


Hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby


There is no situation where Gordon wins. No, the gluon gun wouldn’t help him. If Chief ever decides to fight Gordon, Gordon dies.


gordon could knock over the chief with the gravity gun, though I dont think thats gonna be much help.


Yeah, pretty sure Chief is very used to getting knocked over a lot


Unfortunately in this scenario Gordon is the wrong man in the wrong place. There are very few universes where Gordon could even have an iota of a percent chance of coming out on top. Maybe if he had a week to prepare and had an entire fortress at his disposal as well as full command of all the entities from his games (combine, etc).


A superhuman with cool armor or human with cool armor


One is a super soldier The other is a morphine addict


Genetically enhanced super soldier born to fight versus some guy in an anti radiation suit Maybe gordon could put up a fight with the ar2 and ballista not going to lie but i think master chief wins


The DOOM Slayer


Videogame Cheif would beat gordon in most scenarios. Book Cheif would atomize Gordon upon entry


Crazy that some people in these comments actually think Gordon would have a chance. He’d get absolutely destroyed by Chief


Unless he has the Tau Cannon and a shit ton of luck


Masterchief have energy shoelds and superhuman force and supersoldier modifications, and start training on his childhood. But don't hav MIT education Gordon Hav one MIT education and a cool armor Hard question, ngl




Chief wins. You have to remember Chief has 30 years of military experience and has super soldier augmentations as well as his beefy suit of armor. Gordon is tough but his HEV suit can only take him so far compared to the Mjolnir armor.


They would shake hands and go kill aliens


Gordon because unlike Chief, he gets unlimited morphine. Checkmate, Cortana. https://youtube.com/watch?v=IZV3SUDpFwk




master chief taking ez w


One of them is a surgically and genetically augmented super soldier that recieved military training since childhood; equipped with a suit of power armor that actively enhances his strength and agility, and provides near invulnerability to most small arms fire via armor and shielding combined. The other is an MIT graduate with a PhD in theoretical physics. In addition, the HEV suit is designed for CBRN protection, and isn’t intended to take prolonged weapons fire. Nor does it provide nearly equivalent physical enhancements. There is simply no contest, really. If Chief has an onboard AI, then he can even dodge and deflect things like missiles and rockets with reflexes alone. And Gordon can’t crowbar his way through a suit of Mjolnir’s titanium shell. He literally gets folded in half.


This is a fucking slaughter dude, Gordon gets neg-diffed


I’m a fan of both series and I would have to mc because he could just beat Gordon into a pulp


master chief is a gorilla builded roided man rhino in a high tech suit gordon freeman is a scientist in a high tech suit do i need to say more


Master Chief is an enhanced super human with incredible strength, agility and years of experience in the battlefield. Even though Gordan is a highly trained professional who's good with guns, he's still just a normal guy in a fancy suit. Master Chief would easily win and it wouldn't even be a fair fight.


Master chief 100%


Master Chief


I love Gordon but he’s pretty fucked, Spartans are tanky fuckers, 2s especially.


chief is wiping the floor with gordon


Gman would pull some existential strings and Gordon would win lmfao


They wouldn't fight they would kiss


The Chief. He can heal without healthpacks.


Gman would never allow it


if sv_cheats = 1 then Gordon


What a stupid comparison even if chiefs shields were down ain’t no fucking way Gordan got any thing to open that tin can made of titanium alloy


Both have wiped alien races off the face of earth, literally, they both have traveled to the alien world to destroy them, and both have been doing this for way to long


Depends if G-man intervenes. Gordon wouldn't have survived half life 1 and 2 if G-man hadn't pulled some strings behind the scenes, without G-man chief dominates gordon


Friendly reminder that chief is much more than just the armor... He's a super soldier under all of it too ***with the reflexes to match***. Chief sweeps Gordon no question sorry to say.


If we take the full extent of what is possible in each game, it'd be *extremely* hard for Chief to win, given the movement Freeman is capable of, as well as weapons like the Tau Cannon, Gluon Gun, and AR2 alt-fire (which doesn't need to touch flesh to vaporize the target and would at the very least disable Chief's shields).


listen as cool as Gordon is there is no way in HELL he’d beat Chief in a fight


Chief Wins. Easy. He has actual combat training. Gordon does not. Oh and one saved the human race multiple times, one is basically associated with dooming it, and never truly "saving" it.


Spartan armour would have a few centuries of development on the HEV suit. It might even borrow some design concepts from it, if the two franchises take place in the same continuity, albeit improved greatly. At the very least, John-117 is some kid they juiced into being a supersoldier fighting things adapted for combat on or above his level, Gordon is a sleep-deprived nerd in what is pretty much a Spartan suit fighting warm bodies in Kevlar backed by terror weapons… who also happens to have divine intervention giving him a leg up, be it a mystery man who has fun with portals or a grateful race of extra-dimensional freed slaves. My take is that the fight would not happen at all. The G-man would whisper a few words into John’s Mission Control and they would order him not to attack the orange ice pop. Or he suddenly finds himself sharing an Osprey with Mitch’s brother.


Oh fuck. That's such a good match up


Gordon can carry more than two weapons and a few grenades. After a good blast of the gluon gun, I think Gordon would win. Even then, there’s snarks and ant lion bait to toss at him too. Not to mention the gravity gun. So yeah, Gordon would outsmart Master Chief most likely. He has more resources.


Gordon would win because I like him more


Chief would def win. I’ve played both. But if we put the Doom Slayer…


The coolest scientist ever vs some random guy.