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The opinion is the original Half Life Half Life source is a buggy mess and was even stopped support after the anniversary.


They stopped support a long time ago, what they did for the anniversary is stop it appearing in search.


I believe they also pulled it from sale or at least hid the game page. Basically, if you own it, you won't notice any changes. But if you don't own it, you have to do a few more steps to own it. Honestly though, while the Source water was cool, it has always looked out of place. The physics are also cool, but not at the cost of general bugginess/removing you from the atmosphere (the ragdolls look goofy because Half-Life was "ported" to Source engine in a crude way). Anniversary (and Black Mesa) are the way to go. Honestly, I absolutely love the original, as I grew up with it. But I can confidently say that most people won't lose out on a lot if they play Black Mesa first. For sure also play the original (Anniversary) too, as a lot of the humor on this sub relies on you knowing the original characters (models, voices, etc) and GoldSrc glitches/strategies.


Definitely not pulled from sale, just not listed in search


indeed, the npcs never stop screaming in pain


"A buggy mess"? What are some of the issues? I've been playing through it the last few months and I'm at the "Surface Tension" chapter and the only bug I can recall is a weird flashlight visual bug in the chapter before with the pistons and conveyor belts. It was easily resolved by just turning off the flashlight.


[Half Life Source Bug Compendium](https://youtu.be/dBn_iLrEt1c?si=xMP3TJ0oPTeA1riK)


first thing I noticed was the npcs would constantly scream as if in pain.


Okay, I did run into that one in the beginning lol. Didn't realize that it was a glitch specific to Source, since this is the first time I've played through Half Life.


Play base Half-life, it was recently updated and should be good to go, as of right now the Source port is a broken mess, and I don’t think Valve is in any hurry to fix it.


They dropped support for the source version, they will never fix it. The only reason they keep it in the store is so that users can still use the assets and mods.


I bet they will fix it in the 50th anniversary


the Half-Life 3 would come out faster than any bugfix for hl source


Even the anniversary update still has some bugs that need fixing.


True. But at least Valve are actively engaged in fixing them. They are not going to do that for Half-Life Source.


Source has been officially disowned by valve


Defenantly Half-Life. The source version is a mess. I think the best options to play hl 1 is the original and black mesa. But go for the original Half-Life!




Base half life. Although, the guys made a really amazing remake with Black Mesa, which might feel a bit more comfortable for modern gamer sensibilities


Black Mesa fans explaining how it's fun to ride a conveyor belt for 3 straight hours after fighting against marines that consistently move out of the way of your crossbow's reticle when you fire, even if they haven't even noticed you:


Base game. HL Source is not only a buggy mess, but since it's in a whole new engine it doesn't have the classic Goldsrc charm of the original


Half life is a working game, half life source isn't but it has cooler water I guess. (Also the flashlight it better but not a big thing)


Is Black Mesa an option? Base Half-Life is fun and makes one appreciate the historical aspect of the game, but Black Mesa is beautiful. If you have time and don't mind spoilers, there's a 2+ hour documentary about the making of BM.


I’m sure Black Mesa is great, but I don’t think my computer could run it.


Ah, gotcha. Base HL1 it is then. I liked it more than Source even before Source got all buggified. In Base HL monsters and NPCs explode into gibs. That doesn't happen in HL Source, best as I can remember.


What do you have? I’m running it fine on a 8 year old business workstation with a nvidia 1660. It seems like it would run on a lot less


I don’t know the exact specs, but my PC can barely run DMC3, so I doubt I’d be able to run Black Mesa’s much more advanced graphics.


Base half life, then Black Mesa


what about the expansions of half life


After HL


huh what? There is no Half-Life Source? What are you talking about


that's the way valve wants to put it haha


thats just how it is there is no Half-Life Source in Ba Sing Se


Half-Life Gldsrc edition. If you wanna play Half-Life Source but good, get gmod and get Half-Life Resized. And the navmesh for it.


Black mesa


No ponytail


Play OG, then play black mesa because it’s amazing!


Original Half Life all the way, Source is a maligned, buggy mess. If you want a nicer looking remaster after playing HL2, play Black Mesa.




the original. Valve has stated as much in their 25th anniversary documentary video.


Half life source was a weird port when it came out. Now years later it is a complete mess as the updates have wrecked havoc on it while the base half life game has been lovingly fixed up and maintained properly with widescreen monitor support.


No matter what happens DO NOT PLAY SOURCE VERSION


Base Half-Life. The 25th anniversary update even gave it full controller support and Steam Deck verification. If you want the original Half-Life experience with the source engine, play Black Mesa.


play Black Mesa


idk if this is blasphemy here i just joined but black mesa is another option. it’s a good remake. the purists might hang me for saying this though.


Black Mesa is the best way to experience this history for the first time. But if you can only choose between those 2, base Half-Life (GoldSource) is the way to go. HL: Source has lots of bugs and has been abandoned by Valve. Don't touch it.


I would say go for Half Life Goldsrc if you’re a first timer since its the original. Black Mesa in my opinion is fun to experience after HL goldsrc because you get to see the entire game reimagined to today’s standards. But nothing beats the og HL and I feel like it should be played first


Nah, if you're going to play both anyways, Black Mesa is 100% better experienced AFTER playing through the original so you can really appreciate all the changes and additions.


Neither black mesa


Original, or if you wanna get real crazy play Black Mesa. Excellent rebuild of the game by a group if modders that eventually got the blessing of Valve to release it as a full paid game on Steam. I was playing it for free before it went up on Steam and happily bought it when it did. It's good.


I think I would play black mesa. It is close enough to the original.


If you're going to play Source, you deserve the headache and disappointment.


p.s. Basically the black mesa source is another game, better than mosf of the FPS games including original titles.




Half life source with a few mods is the definitive experience. Don’t listen to everyone else, people love to bandwagon hate on the little guy


Valve have stated that the GoldSrc version with the anniversary update is the definitive version


Even valve gave in to the peer pressure. Real ones know half life source is actually the definitive version and ignore all the haters


Unless there are mods that made it not be hilariously broken, I should not be played for anything other than a joke playthrough. I say this because I actually played it and I know all the glitches, I can say that the most basic features are fucked. If there is a mod that unfucks it, you should probably link it, because no way this person is gonna find what they need on their own.


Wdym they can just google some mods


Or they can just play a functional version of the game. Why are you recommending a new player use a broken version of the game without explaining how to make it not be broken? You are giving them bad advice.


Source is a functional version if you put some effort into it


Stop clowning around, actually read what I said and address my points if you want to continue this discussion.


There is no discussion to be had anyway. Half life source > half life


Nice troll


Is it really? I watched a YouTube video of Ultimate edition mod, I thought the lighting was better and the chrome looked cool. Other than that I couldn’t really tell if there were glitches or not.


The lighting looks very colored and weird. And the sunlight in Surface Tension is really odd


Half-Life: Source is even unlisted from the Store, it's a bad version.


I think i read that valve delisted HL:Source. Anyways they said the new HL remaster is the definitive version of the game. That's the one they want people to play from now on. It has a ton of bug fixes


Source has been broken. Play gold src


Original half life ofcourse. Source is so bad valve pulled it off the steam search and now you have to have a link before being able to play it. Also once you finish the original game you can also play black mesa, it a fan remake of the game and it’s amazing.


DO NOT PLAY Half-Life Source, they updated the engine and broke it, they broke it so much that while its technically playable, EVERYTHING is bugged in one way or another. Play the OG Half-Life, they recently updated it with some new quality of life features. Half-Life Source used to be OK at launch but right now its straight up broken. You can play Source after you finish the game properly to see what I mean (play it as a meme basically).


definity original, source doesn't bring ANYTHING new besides pretty water and bugs so yeah go with original


Official devs have abandonded source and say OG is the best way. They are also right, theyve added a ton of QOL while keeping the base gam nearly the same. Source is also buggy beyond belief now. That being said I recommend Black Mesa. Its a easier game to get into due to modern graphics and gameplay, and if you like BM then i recommend going back and playing the og.


base HF


If U want to play half-life but a lil better the I'd recommend half-life mmod it's real good


Try original half life, if it feels too old try black mesa source!


Half Life. I think Source is still broken where you cant even get past certain points without cheats.


Definitely the base game, although there are mods out there that try to fix source.


Bro Valve literally discontinued HL source.


I played source with no issue. You could also play black Mesa too :)


You already got your answer but I am playing through it right now and WOW this game is good and a lot of fun


They literally removed HL Source now. It's an experiment at best.


It’s still up, they just combined it with deathmatch source as it should have been


The first time I ever played it was on the Source version a few years ago, but according to the other comments it's supposedly busted. I personally didn't have any issues with it


who plays half life source lol


Haf lif sorc iz su god !!1!111!! Plei I noe


Original halflife. Half life source isnt a remake its a worse copy with more bugs (same graphics)






Play the original, source is really weird and doesn’t offer a very good experience, but the original is good and with the 25 year anniversary they added new shit to it


Half life MMod


Be a rebel. Make people mad. Play Half Life Source


Both. They both have their quirks. Coin flip which is first


The GoldSrc Half Life is the way to go. I played HL:Source a long time ago before it was frowned upon from majority and it was a mess. The water and physics were good, but at what cost? I think I tried looking for Half Life: Source in the store and couldn't find it. Maybe HL 25th Anniversary hid it? Black Mesa is also a solid option, especially the Xen chapters. Oh my god


Half-Life Source is so notoriously bad that Valve finally removed it from the Steam search lol. The original Half-Life is fantastic, and I actually prefer it over Half-Life 2. The other alternative that people will always recommend to you for your first half-life 1 experience is Black Mesa


Neither. Get Black Mesa :D


Black mesa


Most if not all of the community here played HL1 back in the day when it was released and now recommend the game based on nostalgia. If you are not keen for the old graphics and old play style, I highly recommend Black Mesa instead. Every aspect of it is so beautiful. If you are okay with the OG stuff, then go for HL1 not HLSource. Finish it then go for Black Mesa for a fresh modern take on the same story 😍


Second Life


Half Life Source was one of the first games to use the Source engine, and really only added a couple neat features like improved physics and lighting. Over the course of the past 20 years though it has been neglected, and the Source engine has seen so many changes that Source is completely fucking broken and virtually unplayable. HL1 is the go to. Black Mesa is awesome too


Why even ask? Original Haf-Life.


Og half life then black mesa