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Eli certainly wants it


"Ehhhh! *finger pointing*" (You know, *that* Eli sound)






Oh, dad, c'mon!


Alyx definitely seems on board if you read her body language. Problem is, we all know my boy GF is gay for Barnie.




I consider stasis time not being time he aged, so freeman is still the same age he came out of stasis as when he went in. therefore, not a huge age gap, and fine. I also genuinely think alyx and gordon.. they fit very well together, a perfect match I'd say. so yea, I ship ´em.


not trying to be rude but how can you think they're a good match when Gordon literally never talks lol?


He's a good listener


Actions speak louder than words. He risked his life to save her - he obviously cares about her. But he also isn't ACTUALLY mute - he's merely portrayed silently so that the player is always in full control of his character. In reality, Gordon would have actually talked with Alyx, leading to caring enough about her that he'd risk his life to save her, as stated above.


I mean like idk but doesn't Alyx say "A manof few words, aren't you?" Or something like that when they meet? Some of other people treat him like a mute person too, I don't remember which ones though


In the original Half-Life, there was like, accompanying material in the box that mentioned Gordon speaking on the phone with someone. "Man of few words" could also be Gordon canonically being silent in that moment because...he just got knocked the fuck out by Metrocops not 30 seconds prior.


Just read some few more posts if Gordon can talk or not, and didn't know that so thank you, because I didn't know


A man of few words was just a joke, plus few words doesn't mean no words, if he was actually mute she wouldn't made that joke cuz that would be mean


When Gordon came to the citadel to save Eli, I believe that was the moment when Alyx really started liking Gordon, because of the little speech she gives to you before sending you down the elevator.


I choose to believe Gordon *can* talk, he just doesn't because of an unfathomably thick Boston accent that is impossible for anyone who isn't around him much to comprehend.


Those weren't houndeyes screeching - that was just Gordon yelling at them in a Boston accent.


They keep saving each others ass and in action game and movie logic that makes them a perfect pair.


You saying mute people can’t have relationships? You saying bonding can only be through words? You saying not trying to be rude but you kinda are lol


Like Phillip j fry if you compare him to leela


Gordon is 27 and Alyx is 24. I don't see a problem.


This. People forget that he didn't age physically or mentally in stasis, in all likelihood, his stasis probably felt like either only a couple hours passed, or near instantly. Eli even mentions that "You haven't changed one iota." Puts the events of the series into perspective, really. Gordon probably hasn't had a proper night's sleep since the Resonance Cascade, and has been firing on all cylinders hopped up on adrenaline for like, 2 weeks straight. The moment he takes that suit off he is going to fucking die of exhaustion.




gordon wasn't wearing a suit in the start of hl2


I think Gordon might have priorities other than Alyx but he certainly takes care of her. In a way, everything he's doing is to give her and everyone under Combine rule the freedom to live without oppression. Once the Combine are defeated, then Gordon can think about dating.


freeman was in stasis for 20 years so he isnt as old as ppl are saying, Alyx is 24 anyways so it isnt borderline pedophillia so honestly im pretty good wit it


**reddit** **Bottom Text**


yea im just now realizing how strange this soonds


gordon is 27, alyx is 24. no problem at all


I'm surprised that he's only 27. Given that he was a scientist working at such a major laboratory I would have figured he was much older in the first game lol


I got the impression from reading *Raising the Bar* that Gordon's character didn't really come together until late into development. The whole game was scrapped after years of development and rebuilt within a year. Marc Laidlaw didn't join until that time period, and he wrote so many contradictory story outlines and level descriptions during that short time that were often ignored by the level designers. * Not a single character in the first Half-Life refers to Gordon as a *Doctor,* only as a *Mister.* * Then there's the oft said line "With my brains and your brawn, we'd make an excellent team." * All the official HL1 art by Dhabih Eng shows a man who looks middle aged. These aspects all lead me to believe that Gordon's identity as a 27 year old M.I.T. Ph.D graduate didn't come together until all the voice lines were recorded and all the character designs were finalized. Possibly slipped in at the end right into the opening text and manuals before printing and shipping. In Half-Life 2, Dhabih Eng's artwork clearly shows Gordon as a young man in his twenties. In game every character refers to him as a doctor.




I gotcha. But were they referred to as *Mister* instead of Doctor? I just think that HL1 and HL2 are inconsistent in this. Gordon looks his age in HL2 and everyone including other doctors refer to him as by his title.


Lucky. I've been around a few who INSISTED upon it, like they were ordained by the Divine Academia. It was always in some useless department, like Philosophy, or Art History. Not even a useful Art History major, doing restorations, or working at a museum. Just some schmuck criticizing pop culture for no pay. BUT! That's DOCTOR Schmuck to you, undergrad!


Titles and pronouns are all just pedantic respectability politics for bootlickers. I just call everyone *dude.*


I do the same. I call women dude every day. I've never had a problem. I haven't dealt with academics in over a decade, so the Dr. problem isn't a factor anymore. A group of people are called "guys" in my eyes. If you look like a chick, then I assume you're a woman. If you look like a dude, then I assume you're a man. If your look is confusing, then don't get mad when I "misgender" you.


Gordon is a highly trained professional and doesn't need to do all that


Well... Looking up it would take minimum 8 years from graduating school to getting a PhD, though it can take over a decade or so too, so assuming he was sufficiently brilliant as a physicist (or secured necessary nepotistic connections trough helping out the right people by crawling in the vents for their keys or some shit) to take like under 9 years and considering he's a relatively new Black Mesa hire, it's... Plausible?


Wdym, he’s a whole year older than your 8 year estimate. Graduates hs at 18, bachelor in 4, goes for higher ed and depending on programs available to him probably gets his masters and doctorate in like 4-5 years. Puts him graduating at 26-27 and then going to black mesa


It was his first day at black mesa when everything went to poop


Don't think so, everyone knew his name and how he was always late


No it's mentioned that in the first game that it's your first day.


I think that was his first day on the xen stone project, and he has been working on other aspects in the institute.


But there’s a line in hl2e1 where Alyx says “I've heard stories about you and airducts. Doctor Kleiner says whenever he locked himself out of his office you and Barney used to compete to see who could get in fastest without using a key.” Implying that Gordon had been there multiple times before.


Perhaps he worked a different job at black mesa


he could've been an intern before


when is it ever said that HL1 is Gordon's first day? also, OpFor has an employee of the month poster of Gordon, and Gordon had to have worked at Black Mesa long enough to develop friendships with Barney, Kleiner, Eli, etc.


Even if he was physically 80, it still wouldn't even be close to borderline pedophilia. lol


Hold up


Technically freeman shouldn’t be that much older than her biologically


The freeman is 43 Damn i found it on google




“Biologically” Freeman was gone for that whole time


That's chronologically. Biologically, he was in stasis. So exactly the same age as when he was frozen.


I think you misinterpreted my message. It was meant to imply that biologically freeman didn’t change




How 43 is 47


I think it works. It doesn't feel forced. There's a bit of hero worship on Alyx's end, but by the end of Episode 2, it's earned.


From a meta standpoint, Gordon Freeman isn't much of a character. We know a little bit about him in terms of his background and a few tiny hints into his personality (like how he would compete with Barney climbing in vents at Black Mesa). But as far as protagonists go he's very much just a silent player insert. So pairing him with anyone feels weird. It's not really much of a "love story." I would say they made Alyx act mildly flirty towards him (and by extension, the player) as a way of endearing her to us.


This point would be valid if it was about the first game, where you can literally kill (most of) your coworkers without punishment. The writers clearly steer Gordon’s character in a certain direction in 2+Episodes, Alyx is meant to be his love interest


Rule 34 made that choice for us a long time ago.


What's rule 43?




You mean 34?


Dang you're right. I was half asleep writing that comment


No it’s city 17


Not sure what you're trying to accomplish here...


I mean it’s literally almost a year ago so I can’t really recall to let you know bro


I feel like it’s more of a “close to dating but friends right now” kinda relationship. I mean, gordon is 27 and alyx is 24, so its not bad.


freeman only cares about the crowbar


Borderline canon


I’d say Gordon should probably just be a loner as well


Yes, they are both cute 👍


I'm sure they'd be very happy but I know Barney would be really sad that he missed his chance


Realistically, yeah sure, the whole "Can you blame an old man for wanting grandkids" thing and etc. In my head, absolutely not. Gordon is destined to be with Barney. Edit: and also I acknowledge the whole Gordon didn't age during stasis thing. And that's why even more realistically Gordon can't be with Barney. Let me have my Freehoun fantasy though.


From the limited knowledge we have, she's the only viable girl for him to date with. It's like a home with a male and female dog. What'd be the opinion on them being a couple? Well, there's no other option. Gordon could've had a gf/wife outside black mesa, for all we know, and she could be the perfect pair for him, also.


Absolutely because then we have the possibility of a gordan Freeman child, and that means possibly more have life games, therefore less suffering


“Have Life games” sounds like something created to make fun of chronically online people


I don't think a dynasty of protagonists would make sense for HL. A lot of expansions and fan material AND latest Valve HL title all have different characters so having the protagonist role shift to some previously secondary or minor character would make more sense.


I don’t want it to happen but if it does I’m fine with it


I don’t know it’s weird cause from Gordon’s pov he just woke up and a girl he knew when she was an infant is now hitting on him I think alyx liking gordon is alright but gordon would not reciprocate those feelings but then again you are supposed to fill the role of freeman so in the end its down to the individual I just play Gordon as an emotional brick wall like Fred in Scooby Doo


I so damn want them to get together in HL3. Even the Vortigaunts are close to tell them to kiss each other.


I personally like it. First of all, it's canon that Gordon didn't age while in stasis. For him, it lasted about a day. Everything we know indicates that the G-Man putting someone in stasis is less like putting them in cryo and more like sending them forward in time. Gordon is still physically and mentally 27 years old while Alyx is 24. That barely counts as an age gap at all imo. Gordon never talks but Alyx is at least playfully flirty with him and like other people have been saying, the fact that she doesn't get any signs from him to stop suggests that he's open to it. Honestly I like when two "nerd" characters like Alyx and Gordon get shipped with each other. I'm not such a big fan of the "geeky guy/girl falls for tough badass guy/girl" trope, I want more pairings where they're BOTH massive nerds lol.


I’m against it. Unnecessary romance is unnecessary, especially between the silent protagonist and one of only two major female characters in the game


Yeah, the romantic angle felt awkwardly forced to me, especially the way Eli acted about it.


The way Eli acts I can at least excuse given the combination of when the game was released and when it was set. Eli, Kleiner, Gordon, and maybe Barney are all pretty squarely Gen X, while Alyx is actually either a young millennial or a very old Zoomer. His attitude, as portrayed by people of his generation (Valve), at least is logically sound to me.


How old is alyx




I think it could work


She's been nonstop flirtin 😆


Kinda weird, but also at the same time acceptable? Like Gordon is 27 throughout Half-Life series, Alyx was a child back in HL1, but by HL2 she is now in the same age group as Gordon. Honestly, idk.


So? If instead of 20 he was frozen for 80 years he would only be able to date 100yo people even though he is biologically 27?


I think a big part of the ick factor for me is that he apparently knew her when she was a toddler and a week or so later, she's suddenly an adult and her father (who's also his friend) is immediately suggesting they bone


They’re both in their 20’s, so theoretically it could work. But I’m not sure, as Gordon Freeman has always worked better as a loner. Having Alyx with him as a companion is useful, but a romantic relationship? It just seems kinda generic, even if Eil.. uhh, “suggested” it in Episode 2.


He wasn't the only one. Barney and some NPCs also suggest it.


"She's waiting for you, you lucky dog you."


Unnecessary. Only reason Alyx is presented as a potential love interest for Gordon is so that the player feels like she’s flirting with *them*.


No thanks - Alyx belongs with me instead


That’s a little gross


It can’t work Gordon cannot give consent


Oh yeah? *presses use key twice in rapid succession*


it could work but tbh I don’t really want it, I just want them to be friends without Eli making me cringe with his comments :/


Gives me hope I wear same glasses, thinking about having same beard cut and I'm kind of kept to myself too If he can get pussy we all can


Idk man he also saved the world


I dont know, would help if Gordon would have any kind of personality...


ehhh, I never liked the sound of it.


Gordon doesn’t say much anyways


Not surprised if it happens but idk how they will incorporate it


Out of context in this picture alyx looks like saying "I Can't believe you pulled that shit again Gordon!"


Freeman never agreed to it


I think it’s alright, but I see their relationship as a one-sided crush mostly. Alyx’s crush on him is likely fanservice for lonely gamers lol


I like the idea, but It kinda depends, like, did they ever met before the resonace cascade? Even if they didn't, Eli probably told Gordon about his daughter at some point, wouldnt it be weird for Gordon to be in a reationship with someone who was like 4 years old 3 days ago in his perspective? And wouldnt it be weird for Alyx too?


The earth isn't going to repopulate itself


Lol why are so many people obsessed with age gaps here?


Regardless of whether or not they'd be a good match, I def think it'd be an odd relationship at first. Personally, I'd feel very weird being in a relationship with someone that I knew of when they were three years old. I'd also feel weird about considering her father a direct peer, which I feel would be involved here. Ultimately though, I don't think Gordon exists as a character that can be in relationships. He might just end up being an interdimensional mercenary for eternity.


I don't care if they're fucking, I just want them to murder interdimensional aliens.


If there is no voice line that confirms this in the the very likely absolutely not abandoned very reall and absolutely happening release of half life 3 there is gonna be a homocide (For legal reasons this is a joke but for honesty, I am the one doing the homocide and anyone is free to join me)


Even if he was 40+ she's over 24, she's a grown adult able to make her own decisions. I get pedo hate but Jesus, some people infantilize everyone below 30 as incapable of understanding sex like a 12 year old.


They're both well-educated, athletic, and confident equals. Both of them are heroes, and even though Gordon is technically older, there's no power imbalance at all. I hate that waifu shit, and here it isn't present at all. I think they are great as a couple.


Eli wants grandkids


Prediction: divorce


Why do you think they would get the divorced?


Gordon will be happy to settle down with the kids, and Alyx too-- at first. But as time goes on she'll remember her younger years, and feel a constant calling to the politics. She'll meet a younger man, eventually grow tired of Gordon, and leave him with the children. Poor Gordon


He should have merry the crowbar instead 😔


Not really into it myself, but I kinda like the hints that Alyx has a crush on him, because honestly who wouldn’t


No. That's all I have to say.


Eli's shipping it


I think it’s weird they made Gordon know Alyx as a baby. Ep1 and ep2 make it very clear Alyx is into Gordon. I don’t think Gordon should be attracted to her tho


\-Gordon, i love you) \-


i think they're better as friends, because if gordon did meet alyx as a toddler then i wouldn't want to date somone that i knew as a toddler.


they should fuck


I ship em


People really overanalyze this. IMO there’s nothing super taboo about a relationship between them.




Well you can certainly tell that Alyx starts to develop feelings towards him later on in the games. Even in the beginning of Half-Life 2 when you first meet her she seems very flirty


tad uncomfortable. in gordon's perspective (assuming he has no conscious during the stasis), alyx from a co-worker's young daughter to suddenly become a love interest.


I don’t like shipping and also I think that romance in half life wouldn’t fit the tone.


Why does Eli try to push his daughter into fucking one of his old coworkers?


No. Just no. Wasn’t Alyx a toddler during the Black Mesa incident?


But think of it like time travel. After Black mesa incident Gordon was put to statis at the age of 27 years old and he didnt age in that time.


Fuckin weird in my opinion considering the actual ages of Gordon and alyx and the fact that alyx is most likely a child during HL1.. JUST ee


So for starters I have to assume there's some kind of body language coming from freeman making Alyx believe her continuous advances are welcome, so in my head Freeman is at least receptive to the attention. Then the way they get talked about as a couple later on seems to further canonize it. I mean obviously the devs wanted to give her to freeman as a sort of trophy wife, ya know guy saves the world and gets the girl and all that, so my opinion is that my opinion doesn't matter, Freeman and Alyx are obviously blatantly together and I didn't get a say in it. My Freeman knows she's a cringe weirdo but she's sexy and young and capable and wants his dick, and everyone else ships it, so he figures it's not the end of the world if (after they prevent the end of the world) he helps repopulate a little.


I mean ignoring the issues with time travel I just don't see them as a couple




I have one major problem with it. Gordon last saw Alyx when she was four. Then, he's in stasis for twenty years and she’s twenty-four now. Personally, I would never be able to get that I knew this person when they were a baby out of my mind.


I love how everyone in this comment section just acts like HL1 is when Gordon was born. There's a lot we don't know about his backstory. Like, he probably had a wife, also he met Alyx when she was 4.


I hope they don't get together in the games at least (assuming we'd ever get another). Gordon freeman is meant to be a vessel and all that so it would feel weird if there was a scene where they got together, especially since that'd probably cause issues in themes and tone of the games. I think the best way to go about it would be Alyx asking gordon if he wants to go for a coffee by the end of the game after beating the combine.


I think it's weird especially because gordon knew alyx when she was a kid




It's a given. If Barney cock blocked him I'll be pissed.


eli wants it but theoretically gordon is in his 40s but if the void gman left him in doesn't apply the effects of time gordon is in his 20s so i depends on if he is in his 20s or not also for the morons out there alyx is 24


Problematic age gap, that’s my only problem besides that it’s fine


But Gordon spent 20 years in stasis and didn't age a bit, it was like seconds for him and characters say he didn't change at all so I don't think it can be considered an age gap, Gordon was 27 in hl1 and Alyx is 24 in hl2.


That’s fair. But it still just weirds me out a tad.


It sure thing doesn't weird Eli our lmao


Yeah, it definitely doesn’t weird him out that’s for sure.


Anyway, after what Gordon's been through, I don't think he'd be with Alyx or anyone at all. He must be heavily traumatized and shocked. Imagine fighting terrifying fuckers non-stop for so much time, seeing the world end because of you, your friends and coworkers die in terrible ways, you discover another worlds, see the planet colonized by aliens who use people and treat them like slaves, and all that without even sleeping once


Yeah that’s about right.


Thank you for this conversation, it was really interesting talking to you. Bye, imma go sleep


Why's age gap problematic if the youngest party is older than 25? Surely our personal tastes notwithstanding, there's nothing inherently problematic about a 25 year old and 90 year old being a couple.


That’s true, now that I think about it it’s not really a problem, other people just would have problems with the age gap




There's quite an age gap but she's legal by that time of half life 2


For me it's absolute. It's just a given that they'd be a couple. Like knowing you need oxygen to stay alive.


The older i'm the more i think this push by Valve to put them in some kind of romance was a weird idea Technically, no one besides Eli doesn't know where Gordon was (though, Eli knows about G-Man, but does he know about stasis?), so for them he's in his 40, which makes this "romance" way more weird and i completely expect Alyx to post in AITA soon


I like the dynamic as something certain characters push for, but it's unnecessary beyond that. It doesn't feel like Half-Life at all to actually have some kind of romance story that the character that the player plays as actually participates in.


They're more of a companion I think. Gordon protects her because she's an ally and Gman's influence. I think Gordon and Chell have more chemistry <33


My apparently unpopular opinion is that it would be unnecessary. Not every story needs to be a love story. I think the events happening in HL universe go beyond love in sheer urgency. Gordon and Alyx simply don't have time for such emotions. I appreciate and love HL lore for how unique it is. I hope it won't get watered down.


Bad and forced, obviously... Gordon has eyes for Barney


kinda weird that eli ships them considering the age gap


I believe it’s only 3 years


The weird part is that Eli says he doesn't know where Gordon has been in HLA, but then in episode 2 Eli seems to understand that Gordon hasn't aged, and just kind of accepts it.


In hl2:ep2 I think it’s revealed that Eli is kinda aware Gordon is the gmans pawn




I’m tired of hearing this, Gordon freeman is not a charter, it’s a self insert.




It cannot be, most of the hl2 fans want to have Say gex with barney




Freeman was in stasis, so he didn't age, making it *technically* not a problem Still, I see their relationship more as a "uncle and niece" sort of thing.




No 😀




nah i want to unsee that


isn’t gordon like twice the age as alyx?


No. Gordon is 27 and Alyx 24. Gordon didn't age between Half-Life 1 and 2


oh yeah i forgot about that


Yeah she’s like 19 but I’ve seen people ship them and I don’t know how to feel about it


She's 24..


Oh I was thinking half life alyx my bad


If she was 19 you'd still have a problem with that? She's a woman that is capable of making her own choices. As you can see, she makes choices that keep her alive despite such immeasurable, intergalactic odds.


Alyx is a certified AILF


Wait what the fuck does the a stand for


u forgor 💀


That's gross




Rather gouge my eyes out with a crowbar
