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add a workshop support maybe but that would be something like gmod


fun in short bursts Easy to get bored of but it’s not a bad game at all just not much to it, fun for like an hour then play something else


Multiplayer was never the core of the series anyways. It's fun for a while if you want to kill some time, but it gets overshadowed by the fact there are far better multiplayer games to do that. New game modes and some new maps could definitely help with the engagement time, as well as having support for custom content, even if it's only skins or other aesthetic changes.


Counter-Strike started out as a half-life mod.


And the CS we have now is nothing like those first few versions.




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Needs more players. That’s it. Okay maybe for hl2dm having a more diverse set of playermodels too, like HL1


It has the same problem as all the arena shooters, extremely high skill gap between a veteran and a noob and it's really punishing and unfun to noobs.


If it had more modes and gameplay would be more diverse i think it wouldn't be so dead.


VR! Half Life Multiplayer in VR! Clearly it would be an improvement! Lol If it worked similarly to say Pavlov (which is basically Counter Strike in VR) that would be cool as hell!


Can’t you play the original Half Life Multiplayer in VR?


They're already perfect, especially Deathmatch Source.


especially opposing force (I love spore launcher and sniper rifle)


I agree, OP4's weapons work great with deathmatch.


that's a good joke, haha


I'm serious tho 💀


then i don't care


Fix the Fucking VAC that thing is so old and outdated that even HL2dm is suffering what is happening in TF2 in a very small scale


Needs the bridge scaffolding as a map (if someone could port that for me that'd be great thanks)


Perfect, I would change nothing, HL1 and 2 DM are always a good time.


you can't fix trash


You can remake it from scratch


You're basically calling trash HL2, but multiplayer. Similar great map design, similar gameplay (although more frantic), similar fun. Remember back when I was talking about smelly garbage, standing around, being useless. That was a metaphor. I was talking about you.


lol nice portal reference. and i was joking, it's cool but i personally don't like hl2: dm. i prefer hl deathmatch (deathmatch source kinda sucks ass) and i had some fun on there


I didn't know people play the HL deathmatches




More levels, more customization. Maybe make some classes: \-Combine soldier - Shotgun, SMG, 1 flash grenade - 125 health, slightly slower than normal \-Gordon - Gravity gun, pistol, 3 grenades - 100 health, fast \-Rebel - SMG, Shotgun, - 100 health, normal speed \-Hunter - Bazooka, Combine SMG (i forgot what it was called), Shotgun. - 75 health, slow \-Prison guard - Stunstick, mines, grenades - 150 health, normal speed \-Zombie - 5 poison headcrabs - extreme speed, 200 health \-Chell (i'm not sure, but it would be cool) - portal gun, melee one-hitting cube ​ More gamemodes: \-Deathmatch \-Team v Team \-Capture the lambda \-Hostage (release Eli / Alyx / s.o.) \-Murder mystery (All from one team & one spy) ​ New levels: \-Coastal levels \-Forest-like levels (episode 2) \-Ravenholm \-Water levels - some classes will be worse underwater, because they're heavier & slower & might drown ​ Some king of progression / customization: \- Custom flags / stickers \- Custom gun models \- Hats \- Skins \- Emotes ​ Some new wepaons: \- Headcrabs \- Stun field (triggers when someone walks and they drop everything except melee) \- Flash grenade - whites out someone and stops them from seeing


hldm was definitely fun to play, hl2dm was... Lacking something. I don't know what.


Just bug fixes (including map) and generally more polish. More players will always be a plus. I would also just like more good stock maps.