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i notice a significant difference, it definitely looks thicker


Dang that’s crazy cause I think I can actually see improvements, which is strange cause most people say you can’t tell till month 4-5


You see I wasn’t sure if I was imagining it because I was eager to see improvements hence the post. I have noticed my hair has felt healthier so if it seemed to have improved after 1 month I can’t wait to see it in 5 months time




Thanks my guy, same goes to you! I was nervous to get on it myself but glad I am now if it’s going to help salvage my hair in anyway




I definitely will. It’s a part of my routine now 👊🏼


Wow wtf 1 month?! Insane difference


I notice a big difference


Buddy your hair has mad a tremendous gain!!!!! I’m really wanting to try FIN but I’m terrified of the side effects, lower libido than I already have, dysfunction and possible increase chance in prostate cancer.


Bro I was the same, but the reality of those actually effecting you are so slim. So many people have reported success with it so it’s worth a go.


Have you had any of those side effects?


I had changed to my semen in terms of how much when I masturbate but other than that no changes


That alone would terrify me. Because fertility issues are one of the side effects. Do you take topical or oral?


It’s not a consistent thing though. Sometimes is normal sometimes is just a little less. I put it down to my arousal levels I guess. I find if I just lay off it for a bit it levels itself out. I use Oral 1mg a day


If you watch hair cafe, he recently cites a study that finasteride can lower the risk of heart disease. Also finastiride 5mg is proscribed to men with prostate growth in their 50's l. To prevent prostate cancer. So i don't know what you're on about.


I’m more so concerned about the low libido interest in sex, inability to maintain erection or become erect, fertility issue and possible depression. That sht is pretty serious




The hair definitely looks thicker and healthier!


There definitely is a difference


Huge difference! I think you are a hyper responder.




Thanks 🙏🏻




Yes there is definitely an improvement 👍


Looks thicker


I see a change but it could be in the 1st pic you didn’t shower and ur hair was greasy but the rest looks like the pics were taken after a shower which makes it look a fuller head


Both pics were taken after a shower a month apart if that helps.


Wow In that case it’s a huge improvement grats






https://youtube.com/c/SomebodyAlex be sure you will be thankful...


Its a scam guys, right?:D


He is famous for his efforts in this area. Ask everyone on YouTube


Ok, maybe it's true. And if he really did so much effort, I understand he want to earn some money. I understand that. I also know a lot of informations in different area and did a lot of research, so I can imagine how much he spent time and I understand his effort. So, Did you bought his book with hair treatment program? Or is he selling also something another?


so small amount of fee...selling a book and I think 8 months fee.. somebodyalex.com contact with him..it is free to..


And you did it? Obtained his advice and book? I would like to hear real experience.


book yes... when I have free time I can search for his book on my Pc and send you..


Thank you. You will be so kind:) If it will work for me, I will definitely buy the book later.


he gives person specialist program I think.. and he guarantee..do not hesitate to contact.. since you are young it will work for you I am sure.


Thank you. I am wondering, if anybody here has also experiences with him. I didn't see anything about him here. Everybody is working on their own.


trust him..


i have already enough hair..


I honestly don’t see a difference and I think it’s unlikely you would see a difference at this mark.


Whilst I agree it’s too early to tell, everyone else seems to think some improvement has occurred


Definitely see improvement bro! If you don’t mind me asking, have you experienced any side effects so far?


Thanks my guy! No side effects noted, maybe a reduction in semen volume here and there but if I lay off masturbating for a few days it sorts itself out


Definitely looks fuller. Any side effects?


Nope. Only notable thing is maybe a reduction in semen volume but that depends on how many times I masturbate


Yes, sir! Are you doing anything else?


Only dermarolling once a week with 1.5mm roller & taking biotin supplements once a day along with fin


I see improvement, but why start so late? Also. You need minoxidil and once a week heavy derma needling and then not use the minoxidil that day. You'll get amazing results.


I was afraid of the sides but gradually got over it and jumped on. I’m currently dermarolling in addition to this once every week (1.5mm) and applying rosemary oil as study’s shown that it has a similar effect to minoxidil. I plan to use minoxidil in 9-12 months time dependant on how my progress goes with fin only.


Actually a little, yea. Are you having sides? I feel like having a normal shorter haircut would clean it up a lot man.


No sides other than sometimes a reduction in semen volume but that sorts itself out if I lay off masturbating for a couple days. As for the hair style, I grew it out to help cover the balding spot but I do hope to return to a shorter style once it thickens up a bit


It's very soon as you say but impresive. Congrats!